Use system DPI setting on Windows to determine whether to use the large
Determine which textscreen font to use by looking at the current desktop
Fix backwards logic for -novert handling.
Fix file select widget to emit "changed" signal properly. Reset variable
- Update codeblocks projects
Fix OPL MIDI playback on big endian systems (thanks GhostlyDeath).
Refactor handling of novert to take place at the lower layers rather
Remove use of WINAPI macro to fix compile under MSVC.
Correct incorrect doc comment.
Add back call to TXT_Delay to fix OS X freeze.
Allow backspace or delete to clear the contents of an input box.
Don't hog the CPU while waiting for the file selector.
Change WAD selectors in setup tool to file selection widgets.
Fix file selector issues with Windows build.
Add file selector widget to textscreen library.
Fix compiler warnings caused by unused variables.
Fix up weird looking '9' character in large font.
Add some extra zero-fill to the end of .DS_store.
Rename function, as ShowCursor is a Windows function and this conflicts
Add high-resolution font for textscreen.
Fix registry handles not being closed (thanks Quasar).
Add note about BFG Edition IWADs to NOT-BUGS.
Refactor AES code to resolve compiler aliasing warnings.
Add functions for network signature requests. These request the signed
Define PRNG seed as a type.
Add pseudorandom number generator for secure demos.
Add small workaround to deal with the fact that the BFG Edition's
Switch from MD5 to SHA-1 for network digests.
Add Steam path for Doom 3: BFG Edition IWAD path (thanks Gez for the
Add bound check for scrolling walls limit and exit with an error if it
Update NEWS and ChangeLog, bump version number.
Remove some calls to TXT_FGColor by using the new TXT_SaveColors system
Rework the way that window background colors are set, and change the
On Windows, convert the USER and USERNAME environment variables from OEM
Fix crash when typing lots of Unicode characters into a number input
Fix chat macros when vanilla_keyboard_mapping is turned off.
Fix CP437-Unicode mapping of cedilla character.
Upgrade the input box and label widgets to use UTF-8 strings.
Support Unicode input by mapping typed Unicode characters >= 128 up into
Split off UTF-8 code into separate file and add extra functions.
Beginnings of limited textscreen UTF-8 support.
Re-resolve the address of the master server every eight hours, to adapt
Fix scroll bar behavior (thanks Alexandre Xavier).
Only use the SDL mouse lag workaround on Windows - not all systems allow
Add hack command-line option for on-screen OPL status output - useful
Fix weapon cycling keys when using IDKFA in Shareware Doom (thanks
Remove use of $< in Makefiles, for compatibility with OpenBSD's make.
Fix chat macro defaults in setup tool.
Fix numeric keypad when entering values in text boxes (thanks Twelve).
Fix crash when closing a window.
Don't save value when destructor is called.
Rework textscreen focus handling so that input boxes will stop editing
Fix teleport behavior when emulating the alternate Final Doom
Zero out bottom two bits of palette data, to more accurately emulate the
Change query loop to sleep for 1ms rather than 50ms intervals, so that
Refactor query code so that it is possible to query by polling, rather
Fix ping calculation with LAN search.
Don't show error dialog if running from the console on OS X.
Fix bug with detection of IWAD type by filename (thanks mether).
Add clarification note about icon copyright status (thanks to Chris
Update COPYING to latest version of GPL2 with new address of FSF (thanks
Fix gnome-screensaver .desktop file (thanks Rahul Sundaram).
Fix default mouse buttons in setup tool (Thanks Alexandre Xavier).
Don't use $^ in Makefiles, as it s a GNU make extension (thanks Jakub
Add AM_SILENT_RULES macro for terser build output.
Update NEWS and ChangeLog, bump version number.
Add dependency for INSTALL generation.
Detect chex.deh if it is in the same directory as the IWAD file.
Fix display of ENDOOM screen.
Fix install of screensaver desktop file.
Add desktop files for chocolate-doom, chocolate-setup
Convert build system to using the PROGRAM_PREFIX system used on
Allow IWAD files to be double-clicked in the finder to set the IWAD
Rework OS X launcher package. Include documentation files within the
Support for Win32 native OPL output when compiled with Microsoft Visual
Infer -server when -privateserver is specified (thanks Porsche Monty).
Add test button to joystick menu in setup tool (thanks Alexandre
Add test hack for simulating Porsche Monty's scanline emulation (see
Fix libtextscreen window hotkeys to work when shift is held down /
Make Final Doom IWAD labels shorter, so they don't make the launch
Allow the shift key to be held down when changing key/mouse/joystick
Fix action area minimum width calculation.
Close dropdown list popup windows when clicking outside the window.
Change the background color when hovering over widgets.
Change setup tool default sampling rate to 44100Hz to match the game
Add a symlink hack to work around the fact that OS X doesn't like paths
On OS X, display a dialog box when exiting with I_Error, like on
Remove the BUGS file as it doesn't really contain any useful
Add vim modeline for text wrapping to documentation text files.
Emulate bug with IDMUS cheat when emulating v1.9 (thanks Alexandre
Fix OPL MIDI playback when using an empty .mus / .mid file (thanks
Allow .lmp files to be loaded (and demo files to be played back) that
Fix weapon cycling from the shotgun to the chaingun in Doom 1 (thanks