ref: 50243ce8b8f884879d506c0900da0591ce4b4603
dir: /modules/data/saturator.lua/
sptbl["saturator"] = { files = { module = "saturator.c", header = "saturator.h", example = "ex_saturator.c", }, func = { create = "sp_saturator_create", destroy = "sp_saturator_destroy", init = "sp_saturator_init", compute = "sp_saturator_compute", }, params = { optional = { { name = "drive", type = "SPFLOAT", description ="Input gain into the distortion section, in decibels. Controls overall amount of distortion.", default = 1.0 }, { name = "dcoffset", type = "SPFLOAT", description = "Constant linear offset applied to the signal. A small offset will introduce odd harmonics into the distoration spectrum, whereas a zero offset will have only even harmonics.", default = 0.0 }, } }, modtype = "module", description = [[Soft clip saturating distortion, based on examples from Abel/Berners' Music 424 course at Stanford.]], ninputs = 1, noutputs = 1, inputs = { { name = "in", description = "input." }, }, outputs = { { name = "out", description = "output." }, } }