compile stuff
updated compressor docs to include units
Merge branch 'master' of
updated biscale/scale to use tangled sndkit files
biscale: replace division with multiply
Merge pull request #2 from grz0zrg/master
re-introduced sp_ftbl_bind, with fixes to go along with it
fft.c no longer generated. reworked to use include statements instead.
reworked phasor to use sndkit phasor
ftbl_init: only zero out N samples, not N + 1 samples.
don't re-init table in gen_vals
ftbl_init: zero out table on init
re-enabled oscmorph. untested
better memory allocation for loadwav
removed auxdata from sparec
paulstretch: removed auxdata
removed auxmem from smoothdelay
removed auxmem from reverse
removed auxmem from delay