ref: c861ff5af3ad996b9ac3b02769e21a18b4c259f9
dir: /engine/cgb_layouts.asm/
; Replaces the functionality of sgb.asm to work with CGB hardware. CheckCGB: ; 8d55 ld a, [hCGB] and a ret ; 8d59 LoadSGBLayoutCGB: ; 8d59 ld a, b cp SCGB_RAM jr nz, .not_ram ld a, [SGBPredef] .not_ram cp SCGB_PARTY_MENU_HP_PALS jp z, CGB_ApplyPartyMenuHPPals call ResetBGPals ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl ld de, .dw add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, .ReturnFromJumpTable push de jp hl ; 8d79 .ReturnFromJumpTable: ; 8d79 ret ; 8d7a .dw ; 8d7a dw _CGB_BattleGrayscale dw _CGB_BattleColors dw _CGB_PokegearPals dw _CGB_StatsScreenHPPals dw _CGB_Pokedex dw _CGB_SlotMachine dw _CGB06 dw _CGB_GSIntro dw _CGB_Diploma dw _CGB_MapPals dw _CGB_PartyMenu dw _CGB_Evolution dw _CGB_GSTitleScreen dw _CGB0d dw _CGB_MoveList dw _CGB0f dw _CGB_PokedexSearchOption dw _CGB11 dw _CGB_Pokepic dw _CGB13 dw _CGB_PackPals dw _CGB_TrainerCard dw _CGB_PokedexUnownMode dw _CGB_BillsPC dw _CGB_UnownPuzzle dw _CGB_GamefreakLogo dw _CGB_PlayerOrMonFrontpicPals dw _CGB_TradeTube dw _CGB_TrainerOrMonFrontpicPals dw _CGB_MysteryGift dw _CGB1e ; 8db8 _CGB_BattleGrayscale: ; 8db8 ld hl, PalPacket_BattleGrayscale + 1 ld de, wBGPals1 ld c, 4 call CopyPalettes ld hl, PalPacket_BattleGrayscale + 1 ld de, wBGPals1 palette PAL_BATTLE_BG_EXP ld c, 4 call CopyPalettes ld hl, PalPacket_BattleGrayscale + 1 ld de, wOBPals1 ld c, 2 call CopyPalettes jr _CGB_FinishBattleScreenLayout _CGB_BattleColors: ; 8ddb ld de, wBGPals1 call GetBattlemonBackpicPalettePointer push hl call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; PAL_BATTLE_BG_PLAYER call GetEnemyFrontpicPalettePointer push hl call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; PAL_BATTLE_BG_ENEMY ld a, [EnemyHPPal] ld l, a ld h, $0 add hl, hl add hl, hl ld bc, HPBarPals add hl, bc call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; PAL_BATTLE_BG_ENEMY_HP ld a, [PlayerHPPal] ld l, a ld h, $0 add hl, hl add hl, hl ld bc, HPBarPals add hl, bc call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; PAL_BATTLE_BG_PLAYER_HP ld hl, ExpBarPalette call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; PAL_BATTLE_BG_EXP ld de, wOBPals1 pop hl call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; PAL_BATTLE_OB_ENEMY pop hl call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; PAL_BATTLE_OB_PLAYER ld a, SCGB_BATTLE_COLORS ld [SGBPredef], a call ApplyPals _CGB_FinishBattleScreenLayout: ; 8e23 call InitPartyMenuBGPal7 hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT ld a, PAL_BATTLE_BG_ENEMY_HP call ByteFill hlcoord 0, 4, AttrMap lb bc, 8, 10 ld a, PAL_BATTLE_BG_PLAYER call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 10, 0, AttrMap lb bc, 7, 10 ld a, PAL_BATTLE_BG_ENEMY call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap lb bc, 4, 10 ld a, PAL_BATTLE_BG_ENEMY_HP call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 10, 7, AttrMap lb bc, 5, 10 ld a, PAL_BATTLE_BG_PLAYER_HP call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 10, 11, AttrMap lb bc, 1, 9 ld a, PAL_BATTLE_BG_EXP call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 0, 12, AttrMap ld bc, 6 * SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, PAL_BATTLE_BG_TEXT call ByteFill ld hl, BattleObjectPals ld de, wOBPals1 palette PAL_BATTLE_OB_GRAY ld bc, 6 palettes ld a, BANK(wOBPals1) call FarCopyWRAM call ApplyAttrMap ret ; 8e85 InitPartyMenuBGPal7: ; 8e85 farcall Function100dc0 Mobile_InitPartyMenuBGPal7: ; 8e8b ld hl, PartyMenuBGPalette jr nc, .not_mobile ld hl, PartyMenuBGMobilePalette .not_mobile ld de, wBGPals1 palette 7 ld bc, 1 palettes ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) call FarCopyWRAM ret ; 8e9f InitPartyMenuBGPal0: ; 8e9f farcall Function100dc0 ld hl, PartyMenuBGPalette jr nc, .not_mobile ld hl, PartyMenuBGMobilePalette .not_mobile ld de, wBGPals1 palette 0 ld bc, 1 palettes ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) call FarCopyWRAM ret ; 8eb9 _CGB_PokegearPals: ; 8eb9 ld a, [wPlayerGender] bit 0, a jr z, .male ld hl, FemalePokegearPals jr .got_pals .male ld hl, MalePokegearPals .got_pals ld de, wBGPals1 ld bc, 6 palettes ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) call FarCopyWRAM call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 8edb _CGB_StatsScreenHPPals: ; 8edb ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, [wCurHPPal] ld l, a ld h, $0 add hl, hl add hl, hl ld bc, HPBarPals add hl, bc call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; hp palette ld a, [CurPartySpecies] ld bc, TempMonDVs call GetPlayerOrMonPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; mon palette ld hl, ExpBarPalette call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; exp palette ld hl, StatsScreenPagePals ld de, wBGPals1 palette 3 ld bc, 3 palettes ; pink, green, and blue page palettes ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) call FarCopyWRAM call WipeAttrMap hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap lb bc, 8, SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, $1 ; mon palette call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 10, 16, AttrMap ld bc, 10 ld a, $2 ; exp palette call ByteFill hlcoord 13, 5, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 2 ld a, $3 ; pink page palette call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 15, 5, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 2 ld a, $4 ; green page palette call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 17, 5, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 2 ld a, $5 ; blue page palette call FillBoxCGB call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 8f52 StatsScreenPagePals: ; 8f52 INCLUDE "gfx/stats/pages.pal" ; 8f6a StatsScreenPals: ; 8f6a INCLUDE "gfx/stats/stats.pal" ; 8f70 _CGB_Pokedex: ; 8f70 ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_POKEDEX call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ; dex interface palette ld a, [CurPartySpecies] cp $ff jr nz, .is_pokemon ld hl, .PokedexQuestionMarkPalette call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ; green question mark palette jr .got_palette .is_pokemon call GetMonPalettePointer_ call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ; mon palette .got_palette call WipeAttrMap hlcoord 1, 1, AttrMap lb bc, 7, 7 ld a, $1 ; green question mark palette call FillBoxCGB call InitPartyMenuOBPals ld hl, .PokedexCursorPalette ld de, wOBPals1 palette 7 ; green cursor palette ld bc, 1 palettes ld a, BANK(wOBPals1) call FarCopyWRAM call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 8fba .PokedexQuestionMarkPalette: ; 8fba INCLUDE "gfx/pokedex/question_mark.pal" ; 8fc2 .PokedexCursorPalette: ; 8fc2 INCLUDE "gfx/pokedex/cursor.pal" ; 8fca _CGB_BillsPC: ; 8fca ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_POKEDEX call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ld a, [CurPartySpecies] cp $ff jr nz, .GetMonPalette ld hl, .BillsPCOrangePalette call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE jr .Resume .GetMonPalette: ld bc, TempMonDVs call GetPlayerOrMonPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black .Resume: call WipeAttrMap hlcoord 1, 4, AttrMap lb bc, 7, 7 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB call InitPartyMenuOBPals call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 9009 .Function9009: ; 9009 ld hl, .BillsPCOrangePalette call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE jr .asm_901a .unused ld bc, TempMonDVs call GetPlayerOrMonPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black .asm_901a call WipeAttrMap hlcoord 1, 1, AttrMap lb bc, 7, 7 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB call InitPartyMenuOBPals call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 9036 .BillsPCOrangePalette: ; 9036 INCLUDE "gfx/pc/orange.pal" ; 903e _CGB_PokedexUnownMode: ; 903e ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_POKEDEX call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ld a, [CurPartySpecies] call GetMonPalettePointer_ call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black call WipeAttrMap hlcoord 7, 5, AttrMap lb bc, 7, 7 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB call InitPartyMenuOBPals call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 906e _CGB_SlotMachine: ; 906e ld hl, SlotMachinePals ld de, wBGPals1 ld bc, 16 palettes ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) call FarCopyWRAM call WipeAttrMap hlcoord 0, 2, AttrMap lb bc, 10, 3 ld a, $2 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 17, 2, AttrMap lb bc, 10, 3 ld a, $2 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 0, 4, AttrMap lb bc, 6, 3 ld a, $3 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 17, 4, AttrMap lb bc, 6, 3 ld a, $3 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 0, 6, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 3 ld a, $4 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 17, 6, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 3 ld a, $4 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 4, 2, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 12 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 3, 2, AttrMap lb bc, 10, 1 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 16, 2, AttrMap lb bc, 10, 1 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 0, 12, AttrMap ld bc, $78 ld a, $7 call ByteFill call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 90f8 _CGB06: ; 90f8 ld hl, PalPacket_SCGB_06 + 1 call CopyFourPalettes call WipeAttrMap ld de, wOBPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_PACK call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE hlcoord 0, 6, AttrMap lb bc, 12, SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 9122 _CGB_GSIntro: ; 9122 ld b, 0 ld hl, .Jumptable add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl ; 912d .Jumptable: ; 912d dw .ShellderLaprasScene dw .JigglypuffPikachuScene dw .StartersCharizardScene ; 9133 .ShellderLaprasScene: ; 9133 ld hl, .ShellderLaprasBGPalette ld de, wBGPals1 call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ld hl, .ShellderLaprasOBPals ld de, wOBPals1 ld bc, 2 palettes ld a, BANK(wOBPals1) call FarCopyWRAM call WipeAttrMap ret ; 914e .ShellderLaprasBGPalette: ; 914e RGB 19, 31, 19 RGB 18, 23, 31 RGB 11, 21, 28 RGB 04, 16, 24 .ShellderLaprasOBPals: ; 9156 RGB 29, 29, 29 RGB 20, 19, 20 RGB 19, 06, 04 RGB 03, 04, 06 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 31, 31, 31 RGB 31, 00, 00 RGB 03, 04, 06 ; 9166 .JigglypuffPikachuScene: ; 9166 ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_GS_INTRO_JIGGLYPUFF_PIKACHU_BG call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ld de, wOBPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_GS_INTRO_JIGGLYPUFF_PIKACHU_OB call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE call WipeAttrMap ret ; 9180 .StartersCharizardScene: ; 9180 ld hl, PalPacket_Pack + 1 call CopyFourPalettes ld de, wOBPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_GS_INTRO_STARTERS_TRANSITION call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE call WipeAttrMap ret ; 9195 _CGB11: ; 9195 ld hl, Palettes_SCGB_11 ld de, wBGPals1 ld bc, 5 palettes ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) call FarCopyWRAM call ApplyPals call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap ret ; 91ad _CGB_Diploma: ; 91ad ld hl, DiplomaPalettes ld de, wBGPals1 ld bc, 16 palettes ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) call FarCopyWRAM ld hl, PalPacket_Diploma + 1 call CopyFourPalettes call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap ret ; 91c8 _CGB_MapPals: ; 91c8 call LoadMapPals ld a, SCGB_MAPPALS ld [SGBPredef], a ret ; 91d1 _CGB_PartyMenu: ; 91d1 ld hl, PalPacket_PartyMenu + 1 call CopyFourPalettes call InitPartyMenuBGPal0 call InitPartyMenuBGPal7 call InitPartyMenuOBPals call ApplyAttrMap ret ; 91e4 _CGB_Evolution: ; 91e4 ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, c and a jr z, .pokemon ld a, PREDEFPAL_BLACKOUT call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE jr .got_palette .pokemon ld hl, PartyMon1DVs ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH ld a, [CurPartyMon] call AddNTimes ld c, l ld b, h ld a, [PlayerHPPal] call GetPlayerOrMonPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ld hl, BattleObjectPals ld de, wOBPals1 palette PAL_BATTLE_OB_GRAY ld bc, 6 palettes ld a, BANK(wOBPals1) call FarCopyWRAM .got_palette call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 9228 _CGB_GSTitleScreen: ; 9228 ld hl, UnusedGSTitleBGPals ld de, wBGPals1 ld bc, 5 palettes ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) call FarCopyWRAM ld hl, UnusedGSTitleOBPals ld de, wOBPals1 ld bc, 2 palettes ld a, BANK(wOBPals1) call FarCopyWRAM ld a, SCGB_DIPLOMA ld [SGBPredef], a call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 9251 _CGB0d: ; 9251 ld hl, PalPacket_Diploma + 1 call CopyFourPalettes call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap ret ; 925e _CGB_UnownPuzzle: ; 925e ld hl, PalPacket_UnownPuzzle + 1 call CopyFourPalettes ld de, wOBPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_UNOWN_PUZZLE call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ld a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, BANK(wOBPals1) ld [rSVBK], a ld hl, wOBPals1 ld a, LOW(palred 31 + palgreen 0 + palblue 0) ld [hli], a ld a, HIGH(palred 31 + palgreen 0 + palblue 0) ld [hl], a pop af ld [rSVBK], a call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap ret ; 9289 _CGB_TrainerCard: ; 9289 ld de, wBGPals1 xor a ; CHRIS call GetTrainerPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ld a, FALKNER ; KRIS call GetTrainerPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ld a, BUGSY call GetTrainerPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ld a, WHITNEY call GetTrainerPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ld a, MORTY call GetTrainerPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ld a, CHUCK call GetTrainerPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ld a, JASMINE call GetTrainerPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ld a, PRYCE call GetTrainerPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black ld a, PREDEFPAL_CGB_BADGE call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ; fill screen with opposite-gender palette for the card border hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT ld a, [wPlayerGender] and a ld a, $1 ; kris jr z, .got_gender ld a, $0 ; chris .got_gender call ByteFill ; fill trainer sprite area with same-gender palette hlcoord 14, 1, AttrMap lb bc, 7, 5 ld a, [wPlayerGender] and a ld a, $0 ; chris jr z, .got_gender2 ld a, $1 ; kris .got_gender2 call FillBoxCGB ; top-right corner still uses the border's palette hlcoord 18, 1, AttrMap ld [hl], $1 hlcoord 2, 11, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 4 ld a, $1 ; falkner call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 6, 11, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 4 ld a, $2 ; bugsy call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 10, 11, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 4 ld a, $3 ; whitney call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 14, 11, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 4 ld a, $4 ; morty call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 2, 14, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 4 ld a, $5 ; chuck call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 6, 14, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 4 ld a, $6 ; jasmine call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 10, 14, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 4 ld a, $7 ; pryce call FillBoxCGB ; clair uses kris's palette ld a, [wPlayerGender] and a push af jr z, .got_gender3 hlcoord 14, 14, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 4 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB .got_gender3 pop af ld c, $0 jr nz, .got_gender4 inc c .got_gender4 ld a, c hlcoord 18, 1, AttrMap ld [hl], a call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 9373 _CGB_MoveList: ; 9373 ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_GOLDENROD call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ld a, [PlayerHPPal] ld l, a ld h, 0 add hl, hl add hl, hl ld bc, HPBarPals add hl, bc call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black call WipeAttrMap hlcoord 11, 1, AttrMap lb bc, 2, 9 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 93a6 _CGB0f: ; 93a6 ld hl, PalPacket_SCGB_0F + 1 call CopyFourPalettes call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 93ba _CGB_PokedexSearchOption: ; 93ba ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_POKEDEX call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 93d3 _CGB_PackPals: ; 93d3 ; pack pals ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL jr z, .tutorial_male ld a, [wPlayerGender] bit 0, a jr z, .tutorial_male ld hl, .KrisPackPals jr .got_gender .tutorial_male ld hl, .ChrisPackPals .got_gender ld de, wBGPals1 ld bc, 8 palettes ; 6 palettes? ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) call FarCopyWRAM call WipeAttrMap hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap lb bc, 1, 10 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 10, 0, AttrMap lb bc, 1, 10 ld a, $2 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 7, 2, AttrMap lb bc, 9, 1 ld a, $3 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 0, 7, AttrMap lb bc, 3, 5 ld a, $4 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 0, 3, AttrMap lb bc, 3, 5 ld a, $5 call FillBoxCGB call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 9439 .ChrisPackPals: ; 9439 INCLUDE "gfx/pack/pack.pal" ; 9469 .KrisPackPals: ; 9469 INCLUDE "gfx/pack/pack_f.pal" ; 9499 _CGB_Pokepic: ; 9499 call _CGB_MapPals ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap ld a, [wMenuBorderTopCoord] .loop and a jr z, .found_top dec a add hl, de jr .loop .found_top ld a, [wMenuBorderLeftCoord] ld e, a ld d, $0 add hl, de ld a, [wMenuBorderTopCoord] ld b, a ld a, [wMenuBorderBottomCoord] inc a sub b ld b, a ld a, [wMenuBorderLeftCoord] ld c, a ld a, [wMenuBorderRightCoord] sub c inc a ld c, a ld a, $0 call FillBoxCGB call ApplyAttrMap ret ; 94d0 _CGB13: ; 94d0 ld hl, PalPacket_SCGB_13 + 1 call CopyFourPalettes call WipeAttrMap hlcoord 0, 4, AttrMap lb bc, 10, SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, $2 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 0, 6, AttrMap lb bc, 6, SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ld a, $1 ld [hCGBPalUpdate], a ret ; 94fa _CGB_GamefreakLogo: ; 94fa ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, PREDEFPAL_GAMEFREAK_LOGO call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ld hl, .Palette ld de, wOBPals1 call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE ld hl, .Palette ld de, wOBPals1 palette 1 call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ret ; 9521 .Palette: ; 9521 INCLUDE "gfx/splash/logo.pal" ; 9529 _CGB_PlayerOrMonFrontpicPals: ; 9529 ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, [CurPartySpecies] ld bc, TempMonDVs call GetPlayerOrMonPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ret ; 9542 _CGB1e: ; 9542 ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, [CurPartySpecies] call GetMonPalettePointer_ call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap ret ; 9555 _CGB_TradeTube: ; 9555 ld hl, PalPacket_TradeTube + 1 call CopyFourPalettes ld hl, PartyMenuOBPals ld de, wOBPals1 ld bc, 1 palettes ld a, BANK(wOBPals1) call FarCopyWRAM ld de, wOBPals1 palette 7 ld a, PREDEFPAL_TRADE_TUBE call GetPredefPal call LoadHLPaletteIntoDE call WipeAttrMap ret ; 9578 _CGB_TrainerOrMonFrontpicPals: ; 9578 ld de, wBGPals1 ld a, [CurPartySpecies] ld bc, TempMonDVs call GetFrontpicPalettePointer call LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black call WipeAttrMap call ApplyAttrMap call ApplyPals ret ; 9591 _CGB_MysteryGift: ; 9591 ld hl, .Palettes ld de, wBGPals1 ld bc, 2 palettes ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) call FarCopyWRAM call ApplyPals call WipeAttrMap hlcoord 3, 7, AttrMap lb bc, 8, 14 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 1, 5, AttrMap lb bc, 1, 18 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 1, 16, AttrMap lb bc, 1, 18 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 0, 0, AttrMap lb bc, 17, 2 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB hlcoord 18, 5, AttrMap lb bc, 12, 1 ld a, $1 call FillBoxCGB call ApplyAttrMap ret ; 95e0 .Palettes: ; 95e0 INCLUDE "gfx/mystery_gift/mystery_gift.pal" ; 95f0