This table entry has the address of MoveDescriptions in GSC ($4000 in G/S, $4b52 in Crystal)
clean up GetName/NamesPointers
Disambiguate "%" and "<NO>"
Use Japanese charmap definitions in strings
More charmap and home/text.asm documentation for JP chars
More constants, related to map objects
More accurate constant/label names
Identify leftover SGB palettes from R/B
Only graphics data goes in gfx/
Heal machine jumptable index constants
Partially document SGB data from pokered
Rename some tilesets (close #467)
Allow italics/bold within inline code
Wild data entries are 2 bytes wide
No redundant filename prefixes
Comments help find map_data.asm
"CryHeader" → "Cry"; "Cry" → "MonCry"
map_header → map_def; map_header_2 → map_data
0/1 → FALSE/TRUE, with correct comment
Move map-related "metadata" files into data/maps/
Avoid "+- 1" at every maskbits
Remove Predef_ prefix from routines listed in PredefPointers
Phone data 0/7 are time masks
Long lists of db/dw series with struct-defining macros belong in data/
Move code out of gfx/ (close #474)
_Special_BugContestJudging → _BugContestJudging; HOF_Predef_AnimateFrontpic → Predef_HOF_AnimateFrontpic (close #473)
Document PredefPals still used by CGB layouts
G/S does use this OAM data:
Merge branch 'sort-symfile' of
Merge branch 'master' of (resolve PR #452)
Merge branch 'dev' of (resolve PR #460)
Merge branch 'master' of (resolve PR #459)
More Battle Tower map script constants, fewer raw hex values
menu_coords macro for (x1, y1, x2, y2) order (see issue #440)
Don't split stats gfx in three
Consistent stonetable cmdqueues
Introduce callback, hiddenitem, conditional_event, and cmdqueue macros for map scripts
Merge branch 'patch' of
Mystery Gift graphics match
Egg palette works like other Pokémon
Separate more palettes into gfx/**/*.pal files
Label more ANIM_OBJ_* constants
Easier to find palette data
npc_sprites.pal matches PAL_NPC constants
Use more constants in scripts
Break up engine/events_3.asm
Local UI tiles don't belong in charmap
Use charmap frame characters
Disambiguate some uses of wcf64/5/6
Trainer card has state constants and WRAM labels
Move party menu qualities to data/
Event script–related constants go in constants/script_constants.asm