ref: 237566f18f86de303fbf0640f2262e4beb967ef5
dir: /src/hiscore.cpp/
// hiscore.c #include "SDLU.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <algorithm> #include "main.h" #include "gworld.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "score.h" #include "hiscore.h" #include "keyselect.h" #include "font.h" #include "blitter.h" #include "random.h" #include "pause.h" #include "level.h" #include "tutorial.h" #include "graymonitor.h" #include "players.h" #include "gameticks.h" #include "music.h" #include "soundfx.h" using std::min; Combo defaultBest = { /*bestGrid[kGridAcross][kGridDown] = */ { { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty }, { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty }, { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 }, { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, 1, 1 }, { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty }, { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty } }, /*bestA = */ 2, /*bestB = */ 2, /*bestM = */ false, /*bestG = */ false, /*bestLv = */ kTutorialLevel, /*bestX = */ 1, /*bestR = */ upRotate, /*bestPlayer = */ 0, /*bestValue = */ (40*1) + (50*9), /*bestName = */ "Tutorial" }; Combo best = { /*bestGrid[kGridAcross][kGridDown] = */ { { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty }, { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty }, { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 }, { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, 1, 1 }, { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty }, { kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty } }, /*bestA = */ 2, /*bestB = */ 2, /*bestM = */ false, /*bestG = */ false, /*bestLv = */ kTutorialLevel, /*bestX = */ 1, /*bestR = */ upRotate, /*bestPlayer = */ 0, /*bestValue = */ (40*1) + (50*9), /*bestName = */ "Tutorial" }; Combo evenBetter = {0}; Combo potentialCombo[2]; AutoPattern hiScorePattern[] = { { kIdleTicks, 60, 0, NULL }, { kBlockUntilDrop, 0, 0, NULL }, { kBlockUntilComplete, 0, 0, NULL }, { kIdleTicks, 60, 0, NULL }, { kComplete, 0, 0, NULL } }; HighScore scores[10] = { {"Leviathan", 40000}, {"Dr. Crisis", 36000}, {"Angel", 32000}, {"Spike", 28000}, {"Fox", 24000}, {"Raguel", 20000}, {"Kumo", 16000}, {"Patty", 12000}, {"Yuurei", 8000}, {"Glurp", 4000} }; HighScore defaultScores[10] = { {"Leviathan", 40000}, {"Dr. Crisis", 36000}, {"Angel", 32000}, {"Spike", 28000}, {"Fox", 24000}, {"Raguel", 20000}, {"Kumo", 16000}, {"Patty", 12000}, {"Yuurei", 8000}, {"Glurp", 4000} }; char highScoreName[256]; const char *highScoreText; const char *highScoreRank; static void FadeScreen( SDL_Surface* hiScoreSurface, SDL_Surface* fadeSurface, int start, int end ) { MTicks timer; int skip, frame, fade, color, direction, fadeStart, fadeEnd; SDL_Rect destSDLRect; SDL_Rect fullSDLRect = { 0, 0, 640, 480 }; int black; black = SDL_MapRGB( fadeSurface->format, 0, 0, 0 ); if( start < end ) { direction = 1; fadeStart = 0; fadeEnd = 32; } else { direction = -1; fadeStart = 32; fadeEnd = 0; } skip = 1; timer = MTickCount( ) + 1; while( timer > MTickCount() ) { } for( frame = start; (direction>0)? (frame <= end): (frame >= end); frame += direction ) { MRect drawRect = {0, 0, 15, 640}; timer += skip; for( fade = fadeStart; fade != fadeEnd; fade += direction ) { color = frame + fade; if( color < 0 ) color = 0; if( color > 31 ) color = 31; SDLU_MRectToSDLRect( &drawRect, &destSDLRect ); switch( color ) { case 0: SDLU_BlitSurface( hiScoreSurface, &destSDLRect, fadeSurface, &destSDLRect ); break; case 31: SDL_FillRect( fadeSurface, &destSDLRect, black ); break; default: SurfaceBlitColorOver( hiScoreSurface, fadeSurface, &drawRect, &drawRect, 0, 0, 0, _5TO8(color) ); break; } OffsetMRect( &drawRect, 0, 15 ); } SDLU_BlitFrontSurface( fadeSurface, &fullSDLRect, &fullSDLRect ); SDLU_Present(); if( timer <= MTickCount( ) ) { skip = 2; } else { skip = 1; while( timer > MTickCount( ) ) { SDLU_Yield(); } } } } void ShowHiscore( void ) { short count, length; char myString[256]; int stringLength; SDL_Surface* hiScoreSurface; SDL_Surface* fadeSurface; SDL_Rect fullSDLRect = { 0, 0, 640, 480 }; SkittlesFontPtr font; SDL_Color anyColor; MPoint dPoint; const char* highScores = "HIGH SCORES"; int r, g, b; if (DeleteKeyIsPressed()) { // If the user holds delete while opening the high scores, // clear the high score table. memcpy( &scores, &defaultScores, sizeof( scores ) ); memcpy( &best, &defaultBest, sizeof( best ) ); } hiScoreSurface = LoadPICTAsSurface( picBackdrop + (100 * RandomBefore(kLevels)), 32 ); fadeSurface = SDLU_InitSurface( &fullSDLRect, 32 ); SDLU_AcquireSurface( hiScoreSurface ); SDLU_GetPixel( hiScoreSurface, RandomBefore( fullSDLRect.w ), RandomBefore( fullSDLRect.h ), &anyColor ); anyColor.r = min( 255, anyColor.r + 112 ); anyColor.g = min( 255, anyColor.g + 112 ); anyColor.b = min( 255, anyColor.b + 112 ); dPoint.v = widescreen? 100: 20; dPoint.h = 225; font = GetFont( picHiScoreFont ); for( count=0; highScores[count]; count++ ) { SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, highScores[count], &dPoint, 255, 255, 255, 1 ); } font = GetFont(widescreen ? picFont : picHiScoreFont); for( count=0; count<=9; count++ ) { r = ((255 * (10-count)) + (anyColor.r * count)) / 10; g = ((255 * (10-count)) + (anyColor.g * count)) / 10; b = ((255 * (10-count)) + (anyColor.b * count)) / 10; if (widescreen) dPoint.v = 150 + count * 24; else dPoint.v = 75 + count * 38; dPoint.h = 85; if( count<9 ) { SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, count + '1', &dPoint, r, g, b, 1 ); } else { SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, '1', &dPoint, r, g, b, 1 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, '0', &dPoint, r, g, b, 1 ); } SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, '.', &dPoint, r, g, b, 1 ); SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, ' ', &dPoint, r, g, b, 1 ); length = 0; while( scores[count].name[length] && dPoint.h < 430 ) { SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, scores[count].name[length++], &dPoint, r, g, b, 1 ); } while( dPoint.h < 450 ) { SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, '.', &dPoint, r, g, b, 1 ); } dPoint.h = 470; stringLength = sprintf( myString, "%d", scores[count].score ); for( length=0; length < stringLength; length++ ) { SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, myString[length], &dPoint, r, g, b, 1 ); } } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( hiScoreSurface ); SDL_FillRect( g_frontSurface, &g_frontSurface->clip_rect, SDL_MapRGB( g_frontSurface->format, 0, 0, 0 )); SDLU_Present(); SDLU_SetBrightness( 1.0f ); FadeScreen( hiScoreSurface, fadeSurface, 31, -32 ); do { } while( !AnyKeyIsPressed( ) && !SDLU_Button() ); FadeScreen( hiScoreSurface, fadeSurface, -31, 32 ); SDLU_SetBrightness( 0.0f ); SDL_FreeSurface( hiScoreSurface ); SDL_FreeSurface( fadeSurface ); } void InitPotentialCombos( void ) { memset( &potentialCombo[0], 0, sizeof(Combo) ); memset( &potentialCombo[1], 0, sizeof(Combo) ); potentialCombo[0].player = 0; potentialCombo[1].player = 1; } void SubmitCombo( Combo *in ) { if( in->value > best.value && in->value > evenBetter.value ) { PlayMono( kContinueSnd ); memcpy( &evenBetter, in, sizeof( Combo ) ); } } // Please note: This function may well be the biggest kludge in Candy Crisis. // It relies on tons of insider knowledge. But it works. void ShowBestCombo( void ) { SkittlesFontPtr font; const char *bestCombo = "BEST COMBO"; const char *scan; char bestInfo[256]; MPoint dPoint; int levelCap; StopBalloon( ); InitGame( kAutoControl, kNobodyControl ); scoreWindowVisible[0] = false; grayMonitorVisible[0] = false; level =; levelCap = kLevels; if( (level < 1 || level > levelCap) && level != kTutorialLevel ) { memcpy( &best, &defaultBest, sizeof(best) ); showStartMenu = true; return; } BeginRound( false ); character[0].dropSpeed = 12; SDLU_AcquireSurface( backdropSurface ); font = GetFont(picHiScoreFont); dPoint.v = widescreen? 70: 40; dPoint.h = 225; for( scan = bestCombo; *scan; scan++ ) { SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, *scan, &dPoint, 255, 255, 255, 1 ); } sprintf( bestInfo, "%s (%d points)",, best.value ); font = GetFont(widescreen ? picFont : picHiScoreFont); dPoint.v = widescreen? 388: 410; dPoint.h = 320 - (GetTextWidth( font, bestInfo ) / 2); for( scan = bestInfo; *scan; scan++ ) { SurfaceBlitCharacter( font, *scan, &dPoint, 255, 255, 255, 1 ); } SDLU_ReleaseSurface( backdropSurface ); memcpy( grid[0], best.grid, kGridAcross * kGridDown ); ResolveSuction( 0 ); RedrawBoardContents( 0 ); RefreshAll( ); nextA[0] = best.a; nextB[0] = best.b; nextG[0] = best.g; nextM[0] = best.m; RetrieveBlobs( 0 ); EraseSpriteBlobs( 0 ); blobX[0] = best.x; blobR[0] = best.r; DrawSpriteBlobs( 0, kNoSuction ); QuickFadeIn( NULL ); blobTime[0] = animTime[0] = GameTickCount( ); autoPattern = hiScorePattern; tutorialTime = 0; } void AddHiscore( int score ) { short count, item; char rank[50]; char text[256]; const char *playerName = "You"; const char *twoPlayerNames[] = { "Player 1", "Player 2" }; int highScoreLevel = -1; // Check for high score // (only do high scores if it's player vs CPU) if( players == 1 && control[0] == kPlayerControl && control[1] == kAIControl ) { for( count=0; count<=9; count++ ) { if( score >= scores[count].score ) { sprintf( rank, "%d points", score ); highScoreLevel = count; break; } } } // Determine player's name for best combo if( players == 2 ) playerName = twoPlayerNames[evenBetter.player]; // See if both best combo AND high score if( evenBetter.value > best.value && highScoreLevel != -1 ) { sprintf( text, "You got a high score and the best combo!" ); highScoreText = text; highScoreRank = rank; HandleDialog( kHiScoreDialog ); if( !finished ) { highScoreName[kNameLength] = '\0'; memcpy( &best, &evenBetter, sizeof(Combo) ); strcpy(, highScoreName ); for( item=8; item>=highScoreLevel; item-- ) { memmove( &scores[item+1], &scores[item], sizeof( HighScore ) ); } scores[highScoreLevel].score = score; strcpy( scores[highScoreLevel].name, highScoreName ); } } // See if best combo has been won else if( evenBetter.value > best.value ) { sprintf( text, "Congratulations! %s got best combo!", playerName ); highScoreText = text; highScoreRank = ""; HandleDialog( kHiScoreDialog ); if( !finished ) { highScoreName[kNameLength] = '\0'; memcpy( &best, &evenBetter, sizeof(Combo) ); strcpy(, highScoreName ); } } // See if high score has been won else if( highScoreLevel != -1 ) { highScoreText = "Congratulations! You got a high score!"; highScoreRank = rank; HandleDialog( kHiScoreDialog ); if( !finished ) { highScoreName[kNameLength] = '\0'; for( item=8; item>=highScoreLevel; item-- ) { memmove( &scores[item+1], &scores[item], sizeof( HighScore ) ); } scores[highScoreLevel].score = score; strcpy( scores[highScoreLevel].name, highScoreName ); } } }