Fix read prefs from old version
Tweak sound: Louder music, interpolated SFX
Toggle fullscreen mode from pause menu
Fix escape key behavior in pause/continue menus
IBXM: Add stereo separation param for mod music
Put source port info in credits
Access shareware credits screen from title
Use integer scaling if bilinear filtering is turned off
Better widescreen crop on gameover screen
Replace SDL2_image with stb_image
Prevent unnecessary resource load loop in title card
Enable fade in/out in fullscreen mode
Fix tutorial text not drawing characters >= 0x80
Implement mod playback speed multiplier
Pause: remove "Hide Game" (only works on mac)
soundfx.cpp implementation with cmixer
V-Sync to avoid cooking graphics card with 3000+ FPS
Make 1-bit masks 8-bit for nvidia compat on linux
CMakeLists.txt - project compiles and runs
Give music files appropriate .mod/.s3m extensions
Candy Crisis 1.4 for Windows source code release on SourceForge
Candy Crisis 1.0 for Windows source code release on SourceForge
Candy Crisis 1.0 for Windows source code