ref: e26bf9e3ac9cd57902b158feaef9234e2901ce9c
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module T = Types.Types let gen_sym root = let gen () = match (26 + 26 + 10) with | n when n < 26 -> int_of_char 'a' + n | n when n < 26 + 26 -> int_of_char 'A' + n - 26 | n -> int_of_char '0' + n - 26 - 26 in let gen _ = String.make 1 (char_of_int (gen ())) in root ^ String.concat "" (Array.to_list (Array.init 5 gen)) ;; let rec is_matching_pattern sym pattern args matched = match pattern, args with (* literals and ellipses not handled, yet *) | ph :: pt, ah :: at -> (* print_endline " LIST <-> LIST"; *) if ph = "_" || (ph = Printer.print sym true && sym = ah) then is_matching_pattern sym pt at matched && true else (* print_endline (" ------> " ^ ph ^ " vs " ^ Printer.print ah true); *) is_matching_pattern sym pt at matched | ph :: pt, [] -> (* print_endline " LIST <-> []"; * print_endline (" ph: " ^ ph); * print_endline (" pt: " ^ String.concat "|" pt); *) if ph = "_" || ph = Printer.print sym true then is_matching_pattern sym pt [] matched && true else ph = "..." || List.hd pt = "..." | [], ah :: at -> (* print_endline " [] <-> LIST"; *) false | _, _ -> matched ;; let rec ellipsis pattern template args = let has_ellipsis = try ignore (Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "...") (Printer.stringify pattern true) 0); true with | Not_found -> false in let ellipsis_substitutions = ref [] in let missing = List.length args - List.length pattern + if has_ellipsis then 1 else 0 in print_endline ("missing: " ^ string_of_int missing); (* print_endline (" NEED TO ADD " ^ string_of_int missing ^ " PLACEHOLDERS"); *) match missing with | _ when missing = 0 || missing > 0 -> (* add arguments *) print_endline ("ADD " ^ string_of_int missing ^ " arguments"); for i = 1 to missing do ellipsis_substitutions := !ellipsis_substitutions @ [ gen_sym "x" ] done; let pattern_str = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\.\\.\\.") (String.concat " " !ellipsis_substitutions) (Printer.stringify pattern true) in let template_str = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\.\\.\\.") (String.concat " " !ellipsis_substitutions) (Printer.print template true) in (* let args_str = Printer.stringify args true in *) (* print_endline ("ellipsis: template: " ^ template_str ^ " args: " ^ args_str); *) "(" ^ pattern_str ^ ") " ^ template_str ^ ")" | _ when missing < 0 -> (* remove ellipsis and arg *) print_endline "REMOVE arguments"; (* let rgx = Str.regexp "[a-zA-Z0-9]+ \\.\\.\\." in *) let rgx = Str.regexp "[a-zA-Z0-9]+ \\.\\.\\." in let pattern_str = Str.global_replace rgx "" (Printer.stringify pattern true) in let template_str = Str.global_replace rgx "" (Printer.stringify pattern true) in print_endline (" pattern: " ^ Printer.dump pattern); print_endline (" pattern_str: " ^ pattern_str); print_endline (" template: " ^ Printer.print template true); print_endline (" template_str: " ^ template_str); print_endline ("(" ^ pattern_str ^ ") " ^ template_str ^ ")"); "(" ^ pattern_str ^ ") " ^ template_str ^ ")" | _ -> "(" ^ Printer.dump pattern ^ ") " ^ Printer.print template true ^ ")" ;; let lambdaize pattern template args = match pattern, args with | ph :: pt, ah :: at :: rest -> let expr = "((lambda " ^ ellipsis pt template args ^ Printer.stringify args false ^ ")" in print_endline (" lambdaize list list: " ^ expr); expr | ph :: pt, ah :: at -> let expr = "((lambda (" ^ Printer.stringify pt true ^ ")" ^ Printer.print template true ^ ")" ^ Printer.stringify args true ^ ")" in print_endline (" lambdaize short list: " ^ expr); expr | ph :: pt, [] -> let expr = "((lambda (" ^ Printer.stringify pt false ^ ") " ^ Printer.print template true ^ "))" in print_endline (" lambdaize empty list: " ^ expr); expr | _ -> print_endline "lambdaize: empty"; ("((lambda () " ^ Printer.print template true ^ "))") ;; let rec expand ast env args sym meta = print_endline ("\n\nTHIS IS A MACRO: " ^ Printer.print sym true); print_endline (" META: " ^ Printer.print meta true); print_endline (" ARGS: " ^ Printer.dump args); print_endline (" AST: " ^ Printer.print ast true); match meta with | T.Map { T.value = m } -> ((* let literals = Types.M9map.find Types.macro_literals m in *) try let transformers = Types.M9map.find Types.macro_transformers m in print_endline (" -- EVAL_MACRO: " (* ^ " literals: " * ^ Printer.print literals true *) ^ " transformers: " ^ Printer.print transformers true); let rec match_transform transforms = match transforms with | hd :: tl -> (* print_endline (" transform: " ^ Printer.print hd true); *) (match hd with | T.List { T.value = [ T.List { T.value = pattern }; T.List { T.value = template } ] } -> (* print_endline " MULTI"; * print_endline (" - template: " ^ Printer.dump template); *) print_endline (" matched (m)?: " ^ (if is_matching_pattern sym ( (fun x -> Printer.print x true) pattern) (Core.seq ast) true then "yes" else "no") ^ " ::> " ^ Printer.dump pattern); if is_matching_pattern sym ( (fun x -> Printer.print x true) pattern) (Core.seq ast) true then lambdaize pattern (Types.list template) args else match_transform tl | T.List { T.value = [ T.List { T.value = pattern }; atom ] } -> (* print_endline " SINGLE"; *) print_endline (" matched (s)?: " ^ (if is_matching_pattern sym ( (fun x -> Printer.print x true) pattern) (Core.seq ast) true then "yes" else "no") ^ " ::> " ^ Printer.dump pattern); if is_matching_pattern sym ( (fun x -> Printer.print x true) pattern) (Core.seq ast) true then lambdaize pattern atom args else match_transform tl | _ -> raise (Reader.Syntax_error "Unknown")) (* errors? *) | [] -> raise (Reader.Syntax_error ("No matching transform for macro: '" ^ Printer.print sym true)) in match_transform (Core.seq transformers) with | Not_found -> raise (Reader.Syntax_error ("'" ^ Printer.print sym true ^ "' is not a known macro"))) | _ -> raise (Reader.Syntax_error "syntax error with defined macro") ;;