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module rec Types : sig type 'a with_meta = { value : 'a ; meta : t } and t = | List of t list with_meta | Vector of t list with_meta | Map of t M9map.t with_meta | Bool of bool | Char of char | Nil | Unspecified | Eof_object (* | Pair of t with_meta * t list *) | Proc of (t list -> t) with_meta | Symbol of string with_meta | Macro of t with_meta | Bytevector of t list | Number of float with_meta | Port of bool (* not sure how to represent this *) | String of string | Record of t with_meta end = Types and Value : sig type t = Types.t val compare : t -> t -> int end = struct type t = Types.t let compare = end and M9map : (Map.S with type key = Value.t) = Map.Make (Value) let to_bool x = match x with | Types.Nil | Types.Bool false -> false | _ -> true ;; type m9type = Value.t let macro_literals = Types.String "literals" let macro_transformers = Types.String "transformers" let macro_variants = Types.String "variants" exception M9exn of Types.t let to_bool x = match x with | Types.Nil | Types.Bool false -> false | _ -> true ;; let is_float v = let c = classify_float (fst (Float.modf v)) in c != FP_zero ;; let list x = Types.List { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil } let map x = Types.Map { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil } (* let pair x xs = Types.Pair ({ Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil }, Types.List { Types.value = xs; meta = Types.Nil }) *) let proc x = Types.Proc { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil } let symbol x = Types.Symbol { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil } let vector x = Types.Vector { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil } let record x = Types.Record { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil } let number x = Types.Number { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Bool (is_float x) } let macro sym literals transformers variants = let meta = ref M9map.empty in meta := M9map.add macro_literals literals !meta |> M9map.add macro_transformers transformers |> M9map.add macro_variants (map variants); Types.Macro { Types.value = sym; meta = map !meta } ;;