ref: 10a9adc7d9a6caa80c7bce6fb6df64ddd79bf8dc
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module T = Types.Types let meta obj = match obj with | T.List { T.meta } -> meta | T.Proc { T.meta } -> meta | T.Symbol { T.meta } -> meta | T.Vector { T.meta } -> meta | T.Record { T.meta } -> meta | _ -> T.Nil ;; let rec print obj readable = let r = readable in match obj with | T.Bool true -> "#t" | T.Bool false -> "#f" | T.Char c -> "#\\" ^ Char.escaped c | T.Nil -> "nil" | T.Comment -> "" (* TODO: this leaves a space in the output for block comments *) (* | T.Pair ({ T.value = one }, { T.value = two }) -> "(" ^ (print one readable) ^ " . " ^ (print two readable) ^ ")" *) | T.Proc p -> "#<proc>" | T.Symbol { T.value = s } -> s | T.Bytevector bv -> "<bytevector unsupported>" | T.Eof_object -> "<eof>" | T.Number n -> if Types.is_float n.value then string_of_float n.value else string_of_int (int_of_float n.value) | T.Port p -> "<port unsupported>" | T.String s -> if r then "\"" ^ Reader.gsub (Str.regexp "\\([\"\\\n]\\)") (function | "\n" -> "\\n" | x -> "\\" ^ x) s ^ "\"" else s | T.List { T.value = xs } -> "(" ^ String.concat " " ( (fun s -> print s r) xs) ^ ")" | T.Vector { T.value = v } -> "#(" ^ String.concat " " ( (fun s -> print s r) v) ^ ")" | T.Record r -> "<record supported>" ;;