ref: 02e52de48838943242250b85d2bf23c97755111f
dir: /
module T = Types.Types exception Syntax_error of string let token_re = Str.regexp "~@\\|[][{}()'`~^@]\\|\"\\(\\\\.\\|[^\"]\\)*\"?\\|;.*\\|[^][ \n{}('\"`,;)]*" ;; let string_re = Str.regexp "\"\\(\\\\.\\|[^\\\\\"]\\)*\"" type reader = { form : Types.m9type ; tokens : string list } type list_reader = { list_form : Types.m9type list ; tokens : string list } let tokenize str = (function | Str.Delim x -> String.trim x (* move trim to regex for speed? *) | Str.Text x -> "tokenize botch") (List.filter (function | Str.Delim x -> true | Str.Text x -> false) (Str.full_split token_re str)) ;; (* copied verbatim - must needs grok *) let gsub re f str = String.concat "" ( (function | Str.Delim x -> f x | Str.Text x -> x) (Str.full_split re str)) ;; let unescape_string token = if Str.string_match string_re token 0 then ( let without_quotes = String.sub token 1 (String.length token - 2) in gsub (Str.regexp "\\\\.") (function | "\\n" -> "\n" | x -> String.sub x 1 1) without_quotes) else ( output_string stderr "expected '\"', got EOF\n"; flush stderr; raise End_of_file) ;; let read_atom token = match token with | "null" -> T.Nil | "#t" | "#true" -> T.Bool true | "#f" | "#false" -> T.Bool false | _ -> (match token.[0] with | '0' .. '9' -> Types.number (float_of_string token) | '#' -> (match token.[1], token.[2] with | '\\', '0' .. '9' | '\\', 'a' .. 'z' | '\\', 'A' .. 'Z' -> T.Char token.[2] | _ -> Types.symbol token) | '-' -> (match String.length token with | 1 -> Types.symbol token | _ -> (match token.[1] with | '0' .. '9' -> Types.number (float_of_string token) | _ -> Types.symbol token)) | '"' -> T.String (unescape_string token) | _ -> Types.symbol token) ;; let rec read_list eol list_reader = match list_reader.tokens with | [] -> raise (Syntax_error ("unterminated '" ^ eol ^ "'")) | token :: tokens -> if Str.string_match (Str.regexp eol) token 0 then { list_form = list_reader.list_form; tokens } else ( let reader = read_form list_reader.tokens in read_list eol { list_form = list_reader.list_form @ [ reader.form ]; tokens = reader.tokens }) and read_quote sym tokens = let reader = read_form tokens in { form = Types.list [ Types.symbol sym; reader.form ]; tokens = reader.tokens } and read_vector all_tokens = match all_tokens with | [] -> raise End_of_file | token :: tokens -> (match token with | "(" -> let list_reader = read_list ")" { list_form = []; tokens } in { form = Types.vector list_reader.list_form; tokens = list_reader.tokens } | _ -> read_form tokens) and read_form all_tokens = match all_tokens with | [] -> raise End_of_file | token :: tokens -> (match token with | "'" -> read_quote "quote" tokens | "`" -> read_quote "quasiquote" tokens | "#" -> read_vector tokens | "#|" -> let list_reader = read_list "|#" { list_form = []; tokens } in { form = T.Unspecified; tokens = list_reader.tokens } | "(" -> let list_reader = read_list ")" { list_form = []; tokens } in { form = Types.list list_reader.list_form; tokens = list_reader.tokens } | "" | "\t" | "\n" -> read_form tokens | _ -> if token.[0] = ';' then read_form tokens else { form = read_atom token; tokens }) ;; let slurp filename = let chan = open_in filename in let b = Buffer.create 27 in Buffer.add_channel b chan (in_channel_length chan); close_in chan; Buffer.contents b ;; let read str = (read_form (tokenize str)).form