ref: c80178b650a5f9ca007be40cf007b2a8696331df
dir: /
AC_INIT(libdvdcss, 1.3.0) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/libdvdcss.c]) AC_PREREQ(2.50) AC_CANONICAL_HOST AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign dist-bzip2 no-dist-gzip subdir-objects]) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE([enable]) dnl Enable silent rules only when available (automake 1.11 or later). m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES], [AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])]) LT_INIT([win32-dll]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) dnl The libtool version numbers (DVDCSS_LT_*); Don't even think about faking this! dnl dnl immediately before every release do: dnl =================================== dnl if (the interface is totally unchanged from previous release) dnl DVDCSS_LT_REVISION ++; dnl else { /* interfaces have been added, removed or changed */ dnl DVDCSS_LT_REVISION = 0; dnl DVDCSS_LT_CURRENT ++; dnl if (any interfaces have been _added_ since last release) dnl AGE ++; dnl if (any interfaces have been _removed_ or _incompatibly changed_) dnl AGE = 0; dnl } dnl dnl If you want to know more about what you are doing, here are some details: dnl * DVDCSS_LT_CURRENT is the current API version dnl * DVDCSS_LT_REVISION is an internal revision number which is increased when the API dnl itself did not change dnl * DVDCSS_LT_AGE is the number of previous API versions still supported by this library dnl * libtool has its own numbering scheme, because local library numbering schemes dnl are platform dependent dnl * in Linux, the library will be named dnl - DVDCSS_LT_AGE).DVDCSS_LT_AGE.DVDCSS_LT_REVISION DVDCSS_LT_CURRENT=3 DVDCSS_LT_AGE=0 DVDCSS_LT_REVISION=1 AC_SUBST([DVDCSS_LTVERSION], [$DVDCSS_LT_CURRENT:$DVDCSS_LT_AGE:$DVDCSS_LT_REVISION]) AC_PROG_CC AC_HEADER_STDC AC_C_CONST AC_C_INLINE AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_CHECK_HEADERS([unistd.h sys/param.h sys/uio.h limits.h pwd.h]dnl [errno.h sys/types.h sys/stat.h fcntl.h io.h]) AC_CHECK_DECL([O_BINARY], [], [AC_DEFINE([O_BINARY], [0], [Define O_BINARY if missing])], [ #if HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include <sys/types.h> #endif #if HAVE_SYS_STAT_H # include <sys/stat.h> #endif #if HAVE_FCNTL_H # include <fcntl.h> #endif ]) AC_SYS_LARGEFILE AC_CACHE_CHECK( [for posix mkdir()], [css_cv_mkdir_posix], [ AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([ #ifdef HAVE_IO_H # include <io.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H # include <sys/stat.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include <sys/types.h> #endif int mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode); ]) ], [css_cv_mkdir_posix=yes], [css_cv_mkdir_posix=no]) ]) AS_IF([test "$css_cv_mkdir_posix" = "no"], [ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_BROKEN_MKDIR], 1, [Define if you have a broken mkdir]) ]) dnl dnl Check the operating system dnl case x"${host_os}" in xdarwin*) CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -no-cpp-precomp" ;; x*cygwin*) CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -mwin32" AC_DEFINE([_WIN32_IE], 0x0500, [Define to '0x0500' for IE 5.0 (and shell) APIs.]) ;; xos2*) LDFLAGS="-Zbin-files" ;; x*msvc*) SYS_MSVC=1 AC_DEFINE([_WIN32_IE], 0x0500, [Define to '0x0500' for IE 5.0 (and shell) APIs.]) ;; x*mingw* | *wince* | *mingwce*) AC_DEFINE([_WIN32_IE], 0x0500, [Define to '0x0500' for IE 5.0 (and shell) APIs.]) ;; x*) ;; esac dnl dnl libdvdcss: check for DVD ioctls dnl dnl default is no CAN_BUILD_LIBDVDCSS=0 dnl for windoze AC_CHECK_HEADERS(windows.h,[ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(winioctl.h,[ CAN_BUILD_LIBDVDCSS=1 ],,[ #include <windows.h> ]) ]) dnl for Un*x and BeOS AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/ioctl.h,[ CAN_BUILD_LIBDVDCSS=1 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/cdio.h sys/dvdio.h linux/cdrom.h dvd.h) BSD_DVD_STRUCT=0 LINUX_DVD_STRUCT=0 OPENBSD_DVD_STRUCT=0 dnl dnl Old FreeBSD: sys/cdio.h dnl AC_EGREP_HEADER(dvd_struct,sys/cdio.h,[ AC_DEFINE(DVD_STRUCT_IN_SYS_CDIO_H, 1, Define if <sys/cdio.h> defines dvd_struct.) AC_EGREP_HEADER(struct dvd_struct,sys/cdio.h,[ BSD_DVD_STRUCT=1],[LINUX_DVD_STRUCT=1; OPENBSD_DVD_STRUCT=1]) ]) dnl dnl Newer FreeBSD: sys/dvdio.h dnl AC_EGREP_HEADER(dvd_struct,sys/dvdio.h,[ AC_DEFINE(DVD_STRUCT_IN_SYS_DVDIO_H, 1, Define if <sys/dvdio.h> defines dvd_struct.) AC_EGREP_HEADER(struct dvd_struct,sys/dvdio.h,[ BSD_DVD_STRUCT=1],[LINUX_DVD_STRUCT=1]) ]) dnl dnl Linux: linux/cdrom.h dnl AC_EGREP_HEADER(dvd_struct,linux/cdrom.h,[ AC_DEFINE(DVD_STRUCT_IN_LINUX_CDROM_H, 1, Define if <linux/cdrom.h> defines DVD_STRUCT.) LINUX_DVD_STRUCT=1 ]) dnl dnl Solaris: sys/scsi/scsi_types.h, sys/scsi/impl/uscsi.h dnl solaris_uscsi=yes AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/scsi/scsi_types.h sys/scsi/impl/uscsi.h], [], [solaris_uscsi=no; break;]) AS_IF([test "$solaris_uscsi" = "yes"], [ AC_DEFINE(SOLARIS_USCSI, 1, Have userspace SCSI headers.) ]) dnl dnl HP-UX: sys/scsi.h dnl AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/scsi.h,[ AC_EGREP_HEADER(sctl_io,sys/scsi.h,[ AC_DEFINE(HPUX_SCTL_IO, 1, Define if <sys/scsi.h> defines sctl_io.) ]) ]) dnl dnl Darwin dnl AC_CHECK_HEADER(IOKit/storage/IODVDMediaBSDClient.h,[ AC_DEFINE(DARWIN_DVD_IOCTL, 1, Have IOKit DVD IOCTL headers) DVDCSS_LDFLAGS="-Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation -Wl,-framework -Wl,IOKit" ]) dnl dnl Final tests to check what was detected dnl if test x$LINUX_DVD_STRUCT = x1; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LINUX_DVD_STRUCT, 1, Define if Linux-like dvd_struct is defined.) if test x$OPENBSD_DVD_STRUCT = x1; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_OPENBSD_DVD_STRUCT, 1, Define if OpenBSD-like dvd_struct is defined.) fi else if test x$BSD_DVD_STRUCT = x1; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BSD_DVD_STRUCT, 1, Define if FreeBSD-like dvd_struct is defined.) fi fi ]) CC_CHECK_CFLAGS_APPEND([-Wall -Wsign-compare -Wextra]) CC_FLAG_VISIBILITY([ CC_ATTRIBUTE_VISIBILITY([default], [ CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fvisibility=hidden" ]) ]) AM_CONDITIONAL(SYS_MSVC, test "${SYS_MSVC}" = "1") AC_ARG_ENABLE([doc], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-doc], [Disable building (with Doxygen) and intalling API documentation @<:@default=auto@:@>])) AS_IF([test "x$enable_doc" != "xno"], [ AC_PATH_PROG([DOXYGEN], [doxygen]) ]) AS_IF([test "x$DOXYGEN" = "x"], [ AS_IF([test "x$enable_doc" = "xyes"], [ AC_MSG_ERROR([You need Doxygen to build API documentation]) ]) ]) AM_CONDITIONAL([APIDOC], [test "x$DOXYGEN" != "x"]) AC_SUBST(DVDCSS_LDFLAGS) AC_OUTPUT([ Makefile doc/doxygen.cfg src/libdvdcss.pc ])