* src/Makefile.am: bumped libtool version information.
* debian/*: updated Debian packaging information.
* src/css.c: grmbl, compile fix.
* Bumped up version number to 1.2.9.
* src/css.c: reworked my verbosity patch to fix a compilation issue.
* src/ioctl.c: under Solaris, use libsmedia for ioctls when available. Code
* src/bsdi_ioctl.c: use memset instead of bzero.
* src/device.c src/ioctl.h: cosmetic fix that uses real Win32 types for
* src/css.c: be slightly more verbose in which keys we manipulate.
* bootstrap: allow to bootstrap with aclocal/automake version 1.9.
* src/common.h: use lseeki64 for file seeking on win32 (works above the 2.1G boundary).
* Don't put autotools/ under revision control.
* Don't put autotools/ under revision control.
* libdvdcss.spec: updated Red Hat rules for RH9.
* bootstrap: fixed a syntax error.
* Added proper SVN keywords to files and directories (for $Id and ignores).
* doc/doxygen.cfg: Updated doxygen configuration.
* libdvdcss.spec: Fixed a syntax error (#1488).
* bootstrap: remove autom4te.cache before running autoconf
* libdvdcss.c: Added more debug messages.
* src/css.c, src/device.c: more meaningful error messages.
* configure.ac: check for doxygen and latex to build documentation.
* Changed _dvdcss_error and _dvdcss_debug to print_error and print_debug
* NEWS: forgot to update this one for the release.
* libdvdcss.spec: fixed typo.
* ALL: bumped version number to 1.2.8
* src/device.c: grmblgrmbl!! Fixed a bug that prevented encrypted dvds from working under win32.
* Updated library version.
* ./src/libdvdcss.c: if DVDCSS_VERBOSE is greater than 2, do as if it was 2.
* Everything is ready for a 1.2.7 release.
* ./src/libdvdcss.c: if DVDCSS_CACHE is not set, we force a default value.
* ./Makefile.am: put autotools/ in DIST_SUBDIRS instead of SUBDIRS.
* ./configure.ac: make use of the autotools/ directory.
* ./debian/control: removed libc6-dev from libdvdcss2-dev's dependencies
* ./src/css.c: typos in comments.
* configure.ac, src/common.h: fixes for the cygwin build using the mno-cygwin flag.
better RH part
* src/libdvdcss.c: CSS key cache collisions
* src/libdvdcss.c: fix for NetBSD's mkdir that doesn't like trailing "/" on its argument.
* ./debian/changelog: updated Debian changelog.
- preparing the 1.2.6 release...
* src/common.h, src/error.c: fixed the PATH_MAX breakage on win32.
Fixed compilation problems with PATH_MAX.
Fixed MAX_PATH on Darwin.
- release number is 1. do not forget to update it too, aka sam sux.
* ./test/csstest.c: we align our read buffer in case of raw device access.
* ./src/libdvdcss.c: disabled key cache when reading VOBs.
* ./src/ioctl.c, ./src/ioctl.h: removed minor gcc-isms.
* macros to fix build on redhat system. put %define redhat80 to 1.
* ./src/device.c: seek() calls don't do anything if we're already at the
* ./configure.ac: added warning flags whenever possible.
* ./src/device.c: dvdcss->i_pos now gets updated on each seek and each
* ./src/bsdi_ioctl.c, ./src/bsdi_dvd.h: updated the bsdi libdvd with
* Ported the library build to Cygwin.
* ./msvc/*: grmbl, for some reason the project files were empty.
* ./msvc/*: MS VC++ project files.
- Early versions of Mingw32 (at least until 1.2) do not include
* ./src/libdvdcss.c: fixed Win32 mkdir() call.
* ./bootstrap: we also look for glibtoolize (Closes: #37).
./src/device.h: Applied FreeBSD compile fix
* ./src/ioctl.[ch]: Implemented ioctl_SendRPC.
* ./src/css.c, ./src/libdvdcss.c: applied a
* ./debian/control: set the package sections to libs and devel instead of
Changes in order to support RedHat and RPM 4.1
* ./src/ioctl.[ch]: ReportRPC win32 changes. Needs testing.
* updated the changelogs for the 1.2.4 release.
* ./configure.ac: explicitly set AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(.) so that people who
* src/css.c src/ioctl.c, src/libdvdcss.c: changed the work-around to detect
* ./src/ioctl.c: Broke OpenBSD port with my previous commit. Fixed.
Added ./bootstrap for the build target
* ./src/ioctl.c: cosmetic fixes.
Update version number to 1.2.4
Update for 1.2.4 release.
Updated Debian changelog (though there are no changes in this version
* ChangeLog: updated changelog.
* src/ioctl.c: fixed typo that prevented unencrypted DVDs to work in
* src/device.c, src/ioctl.h: on win9x, when using ASPI, make sure the drive
* ./src/device.c: split the open, read and seek functions so that we can
Updated changelog and release tag.
* src/ioctl.c, src/ioctl.h: fix in ioctl_ReadCopyright to try to work around
* Updated changelog and package files.
* ./configure.ac, ./bootstrap: used libdvbpsi's bootstrap, moved config.h
Exit cleanly in case of error.
* Bumped up version number to 1.2.3 (soleil !).
* src/css.c, src/device.c, src/ioctl.[ch]: We don't need to be in administrator mode
* ./src/Makefile.am: -no-undefined is now only used under BeOS because it
* Bumped the revision number... thanks Håkan :-)