removes I am.. line, fixes li point
adjusts build script to work without preexisting .ht/.ms files
removes old .ms files. They are now generated on demand
adjusts mkfile to run txt2* scripts from this directory
removes "files" -> moved to /usr/public
removes build results (I'm 9front hosted so I don't care)
updates script to match new date version
adds note about fully hosted on 9front
adds deploy mechanism, ready for deployment
new blog post, adds missing changes from before
adds new blog post, fixes older posts
finally fixes changeblog plain text (hopefully)
changes plain text atom feed format
adds bunch of 9front script files
new blog post: restricted cpu access
updates replica guide post, adds mail server post
moves griddy to subdirectory 9gridchan, commits mkfile changes
changes listing charset to utf-8
adds files listing header/footer
adds blog post (guided replica)
recompiles blog output, adjusts pdf output
removes old files, adjusts compilation and feed
adds basic atom feed. needs other date algos
switches blogging system to troff ms
recompiles stuff, makes mkfile more usable
fixes: bold/headered changeblog entry
fixes: link description and blog header
adjusts mkfile with diagnose output
moves compilation target directory
adjusts page ending, adds devrant link
adds first bunch of files. basic riff