ref: ec732a4f4e3944071c8a0119f351464c702c48a1
dir: /guess.c/
/* * guess.c: Mastermind clone. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #include "puzzles.h" #define FLASH_FRAME 0.5F enum { COL_BACKGROUND, COL_FRAME, COL_CURSOR, COL_FLASH, COL_HOLD, COL_EMPTY, /* must be COL_1 - 1 */ COL_1, COL_2, COL_3, COL_4, COL_5, COL_6, COL_7, COL_8, COL_9, COL_10, COL_CORRECTPLACE, COL_CORRECTCOLOUR, NCOLOURS }; struct game_params { int ncolours, npegs, nguesses; int allow_blank, allow_multiple; }; #define FEEDBACK_CORRECTPLACE 1 #define FEEDBACK_CORRECTCOLOUR 2 typedef struct pegrow { int npegs; int *pegs; /* 0 is 'empty' */ int *feedback; /* may well be unused */ } *pegrow; struct game_state { game_params params; pegrow *guesses; /* length params->nguesses */ int *holds; pegrow solution; int next_go; /* from 0 to nguesses-1; if next_go == nguesses then they've lost. */ int solved; /* +1 = win, -1 = lose, 0 = still playing */ }; static game_params *default_params(void) { game_params *ret = snew(game_params); /* AFAIK this is the canonical Mastermind ruleset. */ ret->ncolours = 6; ret->npegs = 4; ret->nguesses = 10; ret->allow_blank = 0; ret->allow_multiple = 1; return ret; } static void free_params(game_params *params) { sfree(params); } static game_params *dup_params(game_params *params) { game_params *ret = snew(game_params); *ret = *params; /* structure copy */ return ret; } static const struct { char *name; game_params params; } guess_presets[] = { {"Standard", {6, 4, 10, FALSE, TRUE}}, {"Super", {8, 5, 12, FALSE, TRUE}}, }; static int game_fetch_preset(int i, char **name, game_params **params) { if (i < 0 || i >= lenof(guess_presets)) return FALSE; *name = dupstr(guess_presets[i].name); /* * get round annoying const issues */ { game_params tmp = guess_presets[i].params; *params = dup_params(&tmp); } return TRUE; } static void decode_params(game_params *params, char const *string) { char const *p = string; game_params *defs = default_params(); *params = *defs; free_params(defs); while (*p) { switch (*p++) { case 'c': params->ncolours = atoi(p); while (*p && isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) p++; break; case 'p': params->npegs = atoi(p); while (*p && isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) p++; break; case 'g': params->nguesses = atoi(p); while (*p && isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) p++; break; case 'b': params->allow_blank = 1; break; case 'B': params->allow_blank = 0; break; case 'm': params->allow_multiple = 1; break; case 'M': params->allow_multiple = 0; break; default: ; } } } static char *encode_params(game_params *params, int full) { char data[256]; sprintf(data, "c%dp%dg%d%s%s", params->ncolours, params->npegs, params->nguesses, params->allow_blank ? "b" : "B", params->allow_multiple ? "m" : "M"); return dupstr(data); } static config_item *game_configure(game_params *params) { config_item *ret; char buf[80]; ret = snewn(6, config_item); ret[0].name = "Colours"; ret[0].type = C_STRING; sprintf(buf, "%d", params->ncolours); ret[0].sval = dupstr(buf); ret[0].ival = 0; ret[1].name = "Pegs per guess"; ret[1].type = C_STRING; sprintf(buf, "%d", params->npegs); ret[1].sval = dupstr(buf); ret[1].ival = 0; ret[2].name = "Guesses"; ret[2].type = C_STRING; sprintf(buf, "%d", params->nguesses); ret[2].sval = dupstr(buf); ret[2].ival = 0; ret[3].name = "Allow blanks"; ret[3].type = C_BOOLEAN; ret[3].sval = NULL; ret[3].ival = params->allow_blank; ret[4].name = "Allow duplicates"; ret[4].type = C_BOOLEAN; ret[4].sval = NULL; ret[4].ival = params->allow_multiple; ret[5].name = NULL; ret[5].type = C_END; ret[5].sval = NULL; ret[5].ival = 0; return ret; } static game_params *custom_params(config_item *cfg) { game_params *ret = snew(game_params); ret->ncolours = atoi(cfg[0].sval); ret->npegs = atoi(cfg[1].sval); ret->nguesses = atoi(cfg[2].sval); ret->allow_blank = cfg[3].ival; ret->allow_multiple = cfg[4].ival; return ret; } static char *validate_params(game_params *params, int full) { if (params->ncolours < 2 || params->npegs < 2) return "Trivial solutions are uninteresting"; /* NB as well as the no. of colours we define, max(ncolours) must * also fit in an unsigned char; see new_game_desc. */ if (params->ncolours > 10) return "Too many colours"; if (params->nguesses < 1) return "Must have at least one guess"; if (!params->allow_multiple && params->ncolours < params->npegs) return "Disallowing multiple colours requires at least as many colours as pegs"; return NULL; } static pegrow new_pegrow(int npegs) { pegrow pegs = snew(struct pegrow); pegs->npegs = npegs; pegs->pegs = snewn(pegs->npegs, int); memset(pegs->pegs, 0, pegs->npegs * sizeof(int)); pegs->feedback = snewn(pegs->npegs, int); memset(pegs->feedback, 0, pegs->npegs * sizeof(int)); return pegs; } static pegrow dup_pegrow(pegrow pegs) { pegrow newpegs = new_pegrow(pegs->npegs); memcpy(newpegs->pegs, pegs->pegs, newpegs->npegs * sizeof(int)); memcpy(newpegs->feedback, pegs->feedback, newpegs->npegs * sizeof(int)); return newpegs; } static void invalidate_pegrow(pegrow pegs) { memset(pegs->pegs, -1, pegs->npegs * sizeof(int)); memset(pegs->feedback, -1, pegs->npegs * sizeof(int)); } static void free_pegrow(pegrow pegs) { sfree(pegs->pegs); sfree(pegs->feedback); sfree(pegs); } static char *new_game_desc(game_params *params, random_state *rs, char **aux, int interactive) { unsigned char *bmp = snewn(params->npegs, unsigned char); char *ret; int i, c; pegrow colcount = new_pegrow(params->ncolours); for (i = 0; i < params->npegs; i++) { newcol: c = random_upto(rs, params->ncolours); if (!params->allow_multiple && colcount->pegs[c]) goto newcol; colcount->pegs[c]++; bmp[i] = (unsigned char)(c+1); } obfuscate_bitmap(bmp, params->npegs*8, FALSE); ret = bin2hex(bmp, params->npegs); sfree(bmp); free_pegrow(colcount); return ret; } static char *validate_desc(game_params *params, char *desc) { unsigned char *bmp; int i; /* desc is just an (obfuscated) bitmap of the solution; check that * it's the correct length and (when unobfuscated) contains only * sensible colours. */ if (strlen(desc) != params->npegs * 2) return "Game description is wrong length"; bmp = hex2bin(desc, params->npegs); obfuscate_bitmap(bmp, params->npegs*8, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < params->npegs; i++) { if (bmp[i] < 1 || bmp[i] > params->ncolours) { sfree(bmp); return "Game description is corrupted"; } } sfree(bmp); return NULL; } static game_state *new_game(midend *me, game_params *params, char *desc) { game_state *state = snew(game_state); unsigned char *bmp; int i; state->params = *params; state->guesses = snewn(params->nguesses, pegrow); for (i = 0; i < params->nguesses; i++) state->guesses[i] = new_pegrow(params->npegs); state->holds = snewn(params->npegs, int); state->solution = new_pegrow(params->npegs); bmp = hex2bin(desc, params->npegs); obfuscate_bitmap(bmp, params->npegs*8, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < params->npegs; i++) state->solution->pegs[i] = (int)bmp[i]; sfree(bmp); memset(state->holds, 0, sizeof(int) * params->npegs); state->next_go = state->solved = 0; return state; } static game_state *dup_game(game_state *state) { game_state *ret = snew(game_state); int i; *ret = *state; ret->guesses = snewn(state->params.nguesses, pegrow); for (i = 0; i < state->params.nguesses; i++) ret->guesses[i] = dup_pegrow(state->guesses[i]); ret->holds = snewn(state->params.npegs, int); memcpy(ret->holds, state->holds, sizeof(int) * state->params.npegs); ret->solution = dup_pegrow(state->solution); return ret; } static void free_game(game_state *state) { int i; free_pegrow(state->solution); for (i = 0; i < state->params.nguesses; i++) free_pegrow(state->guesses[i]); sfree(state->holds); sfree(state->guesses); sfree(state); } static char *solve_game(game_state *state, game_state *currstate, char *aux, char **error) { return dupstr("S"); } static int game_can_format_as_text_now(game_params *params) { return TRUE; } static char *game_text_format(game_state *state) { return NULL; } static int is_markable(game_params *params, pegrow pegs) { int i, nset = 0, nrequired, ret = 0; pegrow colcount = new_pegrow(params->ncolours); nrequired = params->allow_blank ? 1 : params->npegs; for (i = 0; i < params->npegs; i++) { int c = pegs->pegs[i]; if (c > 0) { colcount->pegs[c-1]++; nset++; } } if (nset < nrequired) goto done; if (!params->allow_multiple) { for (i = 0; i < params->ncolours; i++) { if (colcount->pegs[i] > 1) goto done; } } ret = 1; done: free_pegrow(colcount); return ret; } struct game_ui { game_params params; pegrow curr_pegs; /* half-finished current move */ int *holds; int colour_cur; /* position of up-down colour picker cursor */ int peg_cur; /* position of left-right peg picker cursor */ int display_cur, markable; int drag_col, drag_x, drag_y; /* x and y are *center* of peg! */ int drag_opeg; /* peg index, if dragged from a peg (from current guess), otherwise -1 */ int show_labels; /* label the colours with letters */ }; static game_ui *new_ui(game_state *state) { game_ui *ui = snew(game_ui); memset(ui, 0, sizeof(game_ui)); ui->params = state->params; /* structure copy */ ui->curr_pegs = new_pegrow(state->params.npegs); ui->holds = snewn(state->params.npegs, int); memset(ui->holds, 0, sizeof(int)*state->params.npegs); ui->drag_opeg = -1; return ui; } static void free_ui(game_ui *ui) { free_pegrow(ui->curr_pegs); sfree(ui->holds); sfree(ui); } static char *encode_ui(game_ui *ui) { char *ret, *p, *sep; int i; /* * For this game it's worth storing the contents of the current * guess, and the current set of holds. */ ret = snewn(40 * ui->curr_pegs->npegs, char); p = ret; sep = ""; for (i = 0; i < ui->curr_pegs->npegs; i++) { p += sprintf(p, "%s%d%s", sep, ui->curr_pegs->pegs[i], ui->holds[i] ? "_" : ""); sep = ","; } *p++ = '\0'; assert(p - ret < 40 * ui->curr_pegs->npegs); return sresize(ret, p - ret, char); } static void decode_ui(game_ui *ui, char *encoding) { int i; char *p = encoding; for (i = 0; i < ui->curr_pegs->npegs; i++) { ui->curr_pegs->pegs[i] = atoi(p); while (*p && isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) p++; if (*p == '_') { /* NB: old versions didn't store holds */ ui->holds[i] = 1; p++; } else ui->holds[i] = 0; if (*p == ',') p++; } ui->markable = is_markable(&ui->params, ui->curr_pegs); } static void game_changed_state(game_ui *ui, game_state *oldstate, game_state *newstate) { int i; /* Implement holds, clear other pegs. * This does something that is arguably the Right Thing even * for undo. */ for (i = 0; i < newstate->solution->npegs; i++) { if (newstate->solved) ui->holds[i] = 0; else ui->holds[i] = newstate->holds[i]; if (newstate->solved || (newstate->next_go == 0) || !ui->holds[i]) { ui->curr_pegs->pegs[i] = 0; } else ui->curr_pegs->pegs[i] = newstate->guesses[newstate->next_go-1]->pegs[i]; } ui->markable = is_markable(&newstate->params, ui->curr_pegs); /* Clean up cursor position */ if (!ui->markable && ui->peg_cur == newstate->solution->npegs) ui->peg_cur--; } #define PEGSZ (ds->pegsz) #define PEGOFF (ds->pegsz + ds->gapsz) #define HINTSZ (ds->hintsz) #define HINTOFF (ds->hintsz + ds->gapsz) #define GAP (ds->gapsz) #define CGAP (ds->gapsz / 2) #define PEGRAD (ds->pegrad) #define HINTRAD (ds->hintrad) #define COL_OX (ds->colx) #define COL_OY (ds->coly) #define COL_X(c) (COL_OX) #define COL_Y(c) (COL_OY + (c)*PEGOFF) #define COL_W PEGOFF #define COL_H (ds->colours->npegs*PEGOFF) #define GUESS_OX (ds->guessx) #define GUESS_OY (ds->guessy) #define GUESS_X(g,p) (GUESS_OX + (p)*PEGOFF) #define GUESS_Y(g,p) (GUESS_OY + (g)*PEGOFF) #define GUESS_W (ds->solution->npegs*PEGOFF) #define GUESS_H (ds->nguesses*PEGOFF) #define HINT_OX (GUESS_OX + GUESS_W + ds->gapsz) #define HINT_OY (GUESS_OY + (PEGSZ - HINTOFF - HINTSZ) / 2) #define HINT_X(g) HINT_OX #define HINT_Y(g) (HINT_OY + (g)*PEGOFF) #define HINT_W ((ds->hintw*HINTOFF) - GAP) #define HINT_H GUESS_H #define SOLN_OX GUESS_OX #define SOLN_OY (GUESS_OY + GUESS_H + ds->gapsz + 2) #define SOLN_W GUESS_W #define SOLN_H PEGOFF struct game_drawstate { int nguesses; pegrow *guesses; /* same size as state->guesses */ pegrow solution; /* only displayed if state->solved */ pegrow colours; /* length ncolours, not npegs */ int pegsz, hintsz, gapsz; /* peg size (diameter), etc. */ int pegrad, hintrad; /* radius of peg, hint */ int border; int colx, coly; /* origin of colours vertical bar */ int guessx, guessy; /* origin of guesses */ int solnx, solny; /* origin of solution */ int hintw; /* no. of hint tiles we're wide per row */ int w, h, started, solved; int next_go; blitter *blit_peg; int drag_col, blit_ox, blit_oy; }; static void set_peg(game_params *params, game_ui *ui, int peg, int col) { ui->curr_pegs->pegs[peg] = col; ui->markable = is_markable(params, ui->curr_pegs); } static int mark_pegs(pegrow guess, pegrow solution, int ncols) { int nc_place = 0, nc_colour = 0, i, j; assert(guess && solution && (guess->npegs == solution->npegs)); for (i = 0; i < guess->npegs; i++) { if (guess->pegs[i] == solution->pegs[i]) nc_place++; } /* slight bit of cleverness: we have the following formula, from * that gives: * * nc_colour = sum(colours, min(#solution, #guess)) - nc_place * * I think this is due to Knuth. */ for (i = 1; i <= ncols; i++) { int n_guess = 0, n_solution = 0; for (j = 0; j < guess->npegs; j++) { if (guess->pegs[j] == i) n_guess++; if (solution->pegs[j] == i) n_solution++; } nc_colour += min(n_guess, n_solution); } nc_colour -= nc_place; debug(("mark_pegs, %d pegs, %d right place, %d right colour", guess->npegs, nc_place, nc_colour)); assert((nc_colour + nc_place) <= guess->npegs); memset(guess->feedback, 0, guess->npegs*sizeof(int)); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nc_place; i++) guess->feedback[j++] = FEEDBACK_CORRECTPLACE; for (i = 0; i < nc_colour; i++) guess->feedback[j++] = FEEDBACK_CORRECTCOLOUR; return nc_place; } static char *encode_move(game_state *from, game_ui *ui) { char *buf, *p, *sep; int len, i; len = ui->curr_pegs->npegs * 20 + 2; buf = snewn(len, char); p = buf; *p++ = 'G'; sep = ""; for (i = 0; i < ui->curr_pegs->npegs; i++) { p += sprintf(p, "%s%d%s", sep, ui->curr_pegs->pegs[i], ui->holds[i] ? "_" : ""); sep = ","; } *p++ = '\0'; assert(p - buf <= len); buf = sresize(buf, len, char); return buf; } static char *interpret_move(game_state *from, game_ui *ui, game_drawstate *ds, int x, int y, int button) { int over_col = 0; /* one-indexed */ int over_guess = -1; /* zero-indexed */ int over_past_guess_y = -1; /* zero-indexed */ int over_past_guess_x = -1; /* zero-indexed */ int over_hint = 0; /* zero or one */ char *ret = NULL; int guess_ox = GUESS_X(from->next_go, 0); int guess_oy = GUESS_Y(from->next_go, 0); /* * Enable or disable labels on colours. */ if (button == 'l' || button == 'L') { ui->show_labels = !ui->show_labels; return ""; } if (from->solved) return NULL; if (x >= COL_OX && x < (COL_OX + COL_W) && y >= COL_OY && y < (COL_OY + COL_H)) { over_col = ((y - COL_OY) / PEGOFF) + 1; assert(over_col >= 1 && over_col <= ds->colours->npegs); } else if (x >= guess_ox && y >= guess_oy && y < (guess_oy + GUESS_H)) { if (x < (guess_ox + GUESS_W)) { over_guess = (x - guess_ox) / PEGOFF; assert(over_guess >= 0 && over_guess < ds->solution->npegs); } else { over_hint = 1; } } else if (x >= guess_ox && x < (guess_ox + GUESS_W) && y >= GUESS_OY && y < guess_oy) { over_past_guess_y = (y - GUESS_OY) / PEGOFF; over_past_guess_x = (x - guess_ox) / PEGOFF; assert(over_past_guess_y >= 0 && over_past_guess_y < from->next_go); assert(over_past_guess_x >= 0 && over_past_guess_x < ds->solution->npegs); } debug(("make_move: over_col %d, over_guess %d, over_hint %d," " over_past_guess (%d,%d)", over_col, over_guess, over_hint, over_past_guess_x, over_past_guess_y)); assert(ds->blit_peg); /* mouse input */ if (button == LEFT_BUTTON) { if (over_col > 0) { ui->drag_col = over_col; ui->drag_opeg = -1; debug(("Start dragging from colours")); } else if (over_guess > -1) { int col = ui->curr_pegs->pegs[over_guess]; if (col) { ui->drag_col = col; ui->drag_opeg = over_guess; debug(("Start dragging from a guess")); } } else if (over_past_guess_y > -1) { int col = from->guesses[over_past_guess_y]->pegs[over_past_guess_x]; if (col) { ui->drag_col = col; ui->drag_opeg = -1; debug(("Start dragging from a past guess")); } } if (ui->drag_col) { ui->drag_x = x; ui->drag_y = y; debug(("Start dragging, col = %d, (%d,%d)", ui->drag_col, ui->drag_x, ui->drag_y)); ret = ""; } } else if (button == LEFT_DRAG && ui->drag_col) { ui->drag_x = x; ui->drag_y = y; debug(("Keep dragging, (%d,%d)", ui->drag_x, ui->drag_y)); ret = ""; } else if (button == LEFT_RELEASE && ui->drag_col) { if (over_guess > -1) { debug(("Dropping colour %d onto guess peg %d", ui->drag_col, over_guess)); set_peg(&from->params, ui, over_guess, ui->drag_col); } else { if (ui->drag_opeg > -1) { debug(("Removing colour %d from peg %d", ui->drag_col, ui->drag_opeg)); set_peg(&from->params, ui, ui->drag_opeg, 0); } } ui->drag_col = 0; ui->drag_opeg = -1; ui->display_cur = 0; debug(("Stop dragging.")); ret = ""; } else if (button == RIGHT_BUTTON) { if (over_guess > -1) { /* we use ths feedback in the game_ui to signify * 'carry this peg to the next guess as well'. */ ui->holds[over_guess] = 1 - ui->holds[over_guess]; ret = ""; } } else if (button == LEFT_RELEASE && over_hint && ui->markable) { /* NB this won't trigger if on the end of a drag; that's on * purpose, in case you drop by mistake... */ ret = encode_move(from, ui); } /* keyboard input */ if (button == CURSOR_UP || button == CURSOR_DOWN) { ui->display_cur = 1; if (button == CURSOR_DOWN && (ui->colour_cur+1) < from->params.ncolours) ui->colour_cur++; if (button == CURSOR_UP && ui->colour_cur > 0) ui->colour_cur--; ret = ""; } else if (button == CURSOR_LEFT || button == CURSOR_RIGHT) { int maxcur = from->params.npegs; if (ui->markable) maxcur++; ui->display_cur = 1; if (button == CURSOR_RIGHT && (ui->peg_cur+1) < maxcur) ui->peg_cur++; if (button == CURSOR_LEFT && ui->peg_cur > 0) ui->peg_cur--; ret = ""; } else if (IS_CURSOR_SELECT(button)) { ui->display_cur = 1; if (ui->peg_cur == from->params.npegs) { ret = encode_move(from, ui); } else { set_peg(&from->params, ui, ui->peg_cur, ui->colour_cur+1); ret = ""; } } else if (button == 'D' || button == 'd' || button == '\b') { ui->display_cur = 1; set_peg(&from->params, ui, ui->peg_cur, 0); ret = ""; } else if (button == 'H' || button == 'h') { ui->display_cur = 1; ui->holds[ui->peg_cur] = 1 - ui->holds[ui->peg_cur]; ret = ""; } return ret; } static game_state *execute_move(game_state *from, char *move) { int i, nc_place; game_state *ret; char *p; if (!strcmp(move, "S")) { ret = dup_game(from); ret->solved = -1; return ret; } else if (move[0] == 'G') { p = move+1; ret = dup_game(from); for (i = 0; i < from->solution->npegs; i++) { int val = atoi(p); int min_colour = from->params.allow_blank? 0 : 1; if (val < min_colour || val > from->params.ncolours) { free_game(ret); return NULL; } ret->guesses[from->next_go]->pegs[i] = atoi(p); while (*p && isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) p++; if (*p == '_') { ret->holds[i] = 1; p++; } else ret->holds[i] = 0; if (*p == ',') p++; } nc_place = mark_pegs(ret->guesses[from->next_go], ret->solution, ret->params.ncolours); if (nc_place == ret->solution->npegs) { ret->solved = +1; /* win! */ } else { ret->next_go = from->next_go + 1; if (ret->next_go >= ret->params.nguesses) ret->solved = -1; /* lose, meaning we show the pegs. */ } return ret; } else return NULL; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Drawing routines. */ #define PEG_PREFER_SZ 32 /* next three are multipliers for pegsz. It will look much nicer if * (2*PEG_HINT) + PEG_GAP = 1.0 as the hints are formatted like that. */ #define PEG_GAP 0.10 #define PEG_HINT 0.35 #define BORDER 0.5 static void game_compute_size(game_params *params, int tilesize, int *x, int *y) { double hmul, vmul_c, vmul_g, vmul; int hintw = (params->npegs+1)/2; hmul = BORDER * 2.0 + /* border */ 1.0 * 2.0 + /* vertical colour bar */ 1.0 * params->npegs + /* guess pegs */ PEG_GAP * params->npegs + /* guess gaps */ PEG_HINT * hintw + /* hint pegs */ PEG_GAP * (hintw - 1); /* hint gaps */ vmul_c = BORDER * 2.0 + /* border */ 1.0 * params->ncolours + /* colour pegs */ PEG_GAP * (params->ncolours - 1); /* colour gaps */ vmul_g = BORDER * 2.0 + /* border */ 1.0 * (params->nguesses + 1) + /* guesses plus solution */ PEG_GAP * (params->nguesses + 1); /* gaps plus gap above soln */ vmul = max(vmul_c, vmul_g); *x = (int)ceil((double)tilesize * hmul); *y = (int)ceil((double)tilesize * vmul); } static void game_set_size(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, game_params *params, int tilesize) { int colh, guessh; ds->pegsz = tilesize; ds->hintsz = (int)((double)ds->pegsz * PEG_HINT); ds->gapsz = (int)((double)ds->pegsz * PEG_GAP); ds->border = (int)((double)ds->pegsz * BORDER); ds->pegrad = (ds->pegsz -1)/2; /* radius of peg to fit in pegsz (which is 2r+1) */ ds->hintrad = (ds->hintsz-1)/2; colh = ((ds->pegsz + ds->gapsz) * params->ncolours) - ds->gapsz; guessh = ((ds->pegsz + ds->gapsz) * params->nguesses); /* guesses */ guessh += ds->gapsz + ds->pegsz; /* solution */ game_compute_size(params, tilesize, &ds->w, &ds->h); ds->colx = ds->border; ds->coly = (ds->h - colh) / 2; ds->guessx = ds->solnx = ds->border + ds->pegsz * 2; /* border + colours */ ds->guessy = (ds->h - guessh) / 2; ds->solny = ds->guessy + ((ds->pegsz + ds->gapsz) * params->nguesses) + ds->gapsz; assert(ds->pegsz > 0); assert(!ds->blit_peg); /* set_size is never called twice */ ds->blit_peg = blitter_new(dr, ds->pegsz+2, ds->pegsz+2); } static float *game_colours(frontend *fe, int *ncolours) { float *ret = snewn(3 * NCOLOURS, float), max; int i; frontend_default_colour(fe, &ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3]); /* red */ ret[COL_1 * 3 + 0] = 1.0F; ret[COL_1 * 3 + 1] = 0.0F; ret[COL_1 * 3 + 2] = 0.0F; /* yellow */ ret[COL_2 * 3 + 0] = 1.0F; ret[COL_2 * 3 + 1] = 1.0F; ret[COL_2 * 3 + 2] = 0.0F; /* green */ ret[COL_3 * 3 + 0] = 0.0F; ret[COL_3 * 3 + 1] = 1.0F; ret[COL_3 * 3 + 2] = 0.0F; /* blue */ ret[COL_4 * 3 + 0] = 0.2F; ret[COL_4 * 3 + 1] = 0.3F; ret[COL_4 * 3 + 2] = 1.0F; /* orange */ ret[COL_5 * 3 + 0] = 1.0F; ret[COL_5 * 3 + 1] = 0.5F; ret[COL_5 * 3 + 2] = 0.0F; /* purple */ ret[COL_6 * 3 + 0] = 0.5F; ret[COL_6 * 3 + 1] = 0.0F; ret[COL_6 * 3 + 2] = 0.7F; /* brown */ ret[COL_7 * 3 + 0] = 0.5F; ret[COL_7 * 3 + 1] = 0.3F; ret[COL_7 * 3 + 2] = 0.3F; /* light blue */ ret[COL_8 * 3 + 0] = 0.4F; ret[COL_8 * 3 + 1] = 0.8F; ret[COL_8 * 3 + 2] = 1.0F; /* light green */ ret[COL_9 * 3 + 0] = 0.7F; ret[COL_9 * 3 + 1] = 1.0F; ret[COL_9 * 3 + 2] = 0.7F; /* pink */ ret[COL_10 * 3 + 0] = 1.0F; ret[COL_10 * 3 + 1] = 0.6F; ret[COL_10 * 3 + 2] = 1.0F; ret[COL_FRAME * 3 + 0] = 0.0F; ret[COL_FRAME * 3 + 1] = 0.0F; ret[COL_FRAME * 3 + 2] = 0.0F; ret[COL_CURSOR * 3 + 0] = 0.0F; ret[COL_CURSOR * 3 + 1] = 0.0F; ret[COL_CURSOR * 3 + 2] = 0.0F; ret[COL_FLASH * 3 + 0] = 0.5F; ret[COL_FLASH * 3 + 1] = 1.0F; ret[COL_FLASH * 3 + 2] = 1.0F; ret[COL_HOLD * 3 + 0] = 1.0F; ret[COL_HOLD * 3 + 1] = 0.5F; ret[COL_HOLD * 3 + 2] = 0.5F; ret[COL_CORRECTPLACE*3 + 0] = 0.0F; ret[COL_CORRECTPLACE*3 + 1] = 0.0F; ret[COL_CORRECTPLACE*3 + 2] = 0.0F; ret[COL_CORRECTCOLOUR*3 + 0] = 1.0F; ret[COL_CORRECTCOLOUR*3 + 1] = 1.0F; ret[COL_CORRECTCOLOUR*3 + 2] = 1.0F; /* We want to make sure we can distinguish COL_CORRECTCOLOUR * (which we hard-code as white) from COL_BACKGROUND (which * could default to white on some platforms). * Code borrowed from fifteen.c. */ max = ret[COL_BACKGROUND*3]; for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) if (ret[COL_BACKGROUND*3+i] > max) max = ret[COL_BACKGROUND*3+i]; if (max * 1.2F > 1.0F) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) ret[COL_BACKGROUND*3+i] /= (max * 1.2F); } /* We also want to be able to tell the difference between BACKGROUND * and EMPTY, for similar distinguishing-hint reasons. */ ret[COL_EMPTY * 3 + 0] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0] * 2.0F / 3.0F; ret[COL_EMPTY * 3 + 1] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 1] * 2.0F / 3.0F; ret[COL_EMPTY * 3 + 2] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 2] * 2.0F / 3.0F; *ncolours = NCOLOURS; return ret; } static game_drawstate *game_new_drawstate(drawing *dr, game_state *state) { struct game_drawstate *ds = snew(struct game_drawstate); int i; memset(ds, 0, sizeof(struct game_drawstate)); ds->guesses = snewn(state->params.nguesses, pegrow); ds->nguesses = state->params.nguesses; for (i = 0; i < state->params.nguesses; i++) { ds->guesses[i] = new_pegrow(state->params.npegs); invalidate_pegrow(ds->guesses[i]); } ds->solution = new_pegrow(state->params.npegs); invalidate_pegrow(ds->solution); ds->colours = new_pegrow(state->params.ncolours); invalidate_pegrow(ds->colours); ds->hintw = (state->params.npegs+1)/2; /* must round up */ ds->blit_peg = NULL; return ds; } static void game_free_drawstate(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds) { int i; if (ds->blit_peg) blitter_free(dr, ds->blit_peg); free_pegrow(ds->colours); free_pegrow(ds->solution); for (i = 0; i < ds->nguesses; i++) free_pegrow(ds->guesses[i]); sfree(ds->guesses); sfree(ds); } static void draw_peg(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, int cx, int cy, int moving, int labelled, int col) { /* * Some platforms antialias circles, which means we shouldn't * overwrite a circle of one colour with a circle of another * colour without erasing the background first. However, if the * peg is the one being dragged, we don't erase the background * because we _want_ it to alpha-blend nicely into whatever's * behind it. */ if (!moving) draw_rect(dr, cx-CGAP, cy-CGAP, PEGSZ+CGAP*2, PEGSZ+CGAP*2, COL_BACKGROUND); if (PEGRAD > 0) { draw_circle(dr, cx+PEGRAD, cy+PEGRAD, PEGRAD, COL_EMPTY + col, (col ? COL_FRAME : COL_EMPTY)); } else draw_rect(dr, cx, cy, PEGSZ, PEGSZ, COL_EMPTY + col); if (labelled && col) { char buf[2]; buf[0] = 'a'-1 + col; buf[1] = '\0'; draw_text(dr, cx+PEGRAD, cy+PEGRAD, FONT_VARIABLE, PEGRAD, ALIGN_HCENTRE|ALIGN_VCENTRE, COL_FRAME, buf); } draw_update(dr, cx-CGAP, cy-CGAP, PEGSZ+CGAP*2, PEGSZ+CGAP*2); } static void draw_cursor(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, int x, int y) { draw_circle(dr, x+PEGRAD, y+PEGRAD, PEGRAD+CGAP, -1, COL_CURSOR); draw_update(dr, x-CGAP, y-CGAP, PEGSZ+CGAP*2, PEGSZ+CGAP*2); } static void guess_redraw(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, int guess, pegrow src, int *holds, int cur_col, int force, int labelled) { pegrow dest; int rowx, rowy, i, scol; if (guess == -1) { dest = ds->solution; rowx = SOLN_OX; rowy = SOLN_OY; } else { dest = ds->guesses[guess]; rowx = GUESS_X(guess,0); rowy = GUESS_Y(guess,0); } if (src) assert(src->npegs == dest->npegs); for (i = 0; i < dest->npegs; i++) { scol = src ? src->pegs[i] : 0; if (i == cur_col) scol |= 0x1000; if (holds && holds[i]) scol |= 0x2000; if (labelled) scol |= 0x4000; if ((dest->pegs[i] != scol) || force) { draw_peg(dr, ds, rowx + PEGOFF * i, rowy, FALSE, labelled, scol &~ 0x7000); /* * Hold marker. */ draw_rect(dr, rowx + PEGOFF * i, rowy + PEGSZ + ds->gapsz/2, PEGSZ, 2, (scol & 0x2000 ? COL_HOLD : COL_BACKGROUND)); draw_update(dr, rowx + PEGOFF * i, rowy + PEGSZ + ds->gapsz/2, PEGSZ, 2); if (scol & 0x1000) draw_cursor(dr, ds, rowx + PEGOFF * i, rowy); } dest->pegs[i] = scol; } } static void hint_redraw(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, int guess, pegrow src, int force, int cursor, int markable) { pegrow dest = ds->guesses[guess]; int rowx, rowy, i, scol, col, hintlen; int need_redraw; int emptycol = (markable ? COL_FLASH : COL_EMPTY); if (src) assert(src->npegs == dest->npegs); hintlen = (dest->npegs + 1)/2; /* * Because of the possible presence of the cursor around this * entire section, we redraw all or none of it but never part. */ need_redraw = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < dest->npegs; i++) { scol = src ? src->feedback[i] : 0; if (i == 0 && cursor) scol |= 0x1000; if (i == 0 && markable) scol |= 0x2000; if ((scol != dest->feedback[i]) || force) { need_redraw = TRUE; } dest->feedback[i] = scol; } if (need_redraw) { int hinth = HINTSZ + GAP + HINTSZ; int hx,hy,hw,hh; hx = HINT_X(guess)-GAP; hy = HINT_Y(guess)-GAP; hw = HINT_W+GAP*2; hh = hinth+GAP*2; /* erase a large background rectangle */ draw_rect(dr, hx, hy, hw, hh, COL_BACKGROUND); for (i = 0; i < dest->npegs; i++) { scol = src ? src->feedback[i] : 0; col = ((scol == FEEDBACK_CORRECTPLACE) ? COL_CORRECTPLACE : (scol == FEEDBACK_CORRECTCOLOUR) ? COL_CORRECTCOLOUR : emptycol); rowx = HINT_X(guess); rowy = HINT_Y(guess); if (i < hintlen) { rowx += HINTOFF * i; } else { rowx += HINTOFF * (i - hintlen); rowy += HINTOFF; } if (HINTRAD > 0) { draw_circle(dr, rowx+HINTRAD, rowy+HINTRAD, HINTRAD, col, (col == emptycol ? emptycol : COL_FRAME)); } else { draw_rect(dr, rowx, rowy, HINTSZ, HINTSZ, col); } } if (cursor) { int x1,y1,x2,y2; x1 = hx + CGAP; y1 = hy + CGAP; x2 = hx + hw - CGAP; y2 = hy + hh - CGAP; draw_line(dr, x1, y1, x2, y1, COL_CURSOR); draw_line(dr, x2, y1, x2, y2, COL_CURSOR); draw_line(dr, x2, y2, x1, y2, COL_CURSOR); draw_line(dr, x1, y2, x1, y1, COL_CURSOR); } draw_update(dr, hx, hy, hw, hh); } } static void currmove_redraw(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, int guess, int col) { int ox = GUESS_X(guess, 0), oy = GUESS_Y(guess, 0), off = PEGSZ/4; draw_rect(dr, ox-off-1, oy, 2, PEGSZ, col); draw_update(dr, ox-off-1, oy, 2, PEGSZ); } static void game_redraw(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, game_state *oldstate, game_state *state, int dir, game_ui *ui, float animtime, float flashtime) { int i, new_move; new_move = (state->next_go != ds->next_go) || !ds->started; if (!ds->started) { draw_rect(dr, 0, 0, ds->w, ds->h, COL_BACKGROUND); draw_rect(dr, SOLN_OX, SOLN_OY - ds->gapsz - 1, SOLN_W, 2, COL_FRAME); draw_update(dr, 0, 0, ds->w, ds->h); } if (ds->drag_col != 0) { debug(("Loading from blitter.")); blitter_load(dr, ds->blit_peg, ds->blit_ox, ds->blit_oy); draw_update(dr, ds->blit_ox, ds->blit_oy, PEGSZ, PEGSZ); } /* draw the colours */ for (i = 0; i < state->params.ncolours; i++) { int val = i+1; if (ui->display_cur && ui->colour_cur == i) val |= 0x1000; if (ui->show_labels) val |= 0x2000; if (ds->colours->pegs[i] != val) { draw_peg(dr, ds, COL_X(i), COL_Y(i), FALSE, ui->show_labels, i+1); if (val & 0x1000) draw_cursor(dr, ds, COL_X(i), COL_Y(i)); ds->colours->pegs[i] = val; } } /* draw the guesses (so far) and the hints * (in reverse order to avoid trampling holds) */ for (i = state->params.nguesses - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (state->next_go > i || state->solved) { /* this info is stored in the game_state already */ guess_redraw(dr, ds, i, state->guesses[i], NULL, -1, 0, ui->show_labels); hint_redraw(dr, ds, i, state->guesses[i], i == (state->next_go-1) ? 1 : 0, FALSE, FALSE); } else if (state->next_go == i) { /* this is the one we're on; the (incomplete) guess is * stored in the game_ui. */ guess_redraw(dr, ds, i, ui->curr_pegs, ui->holds, ui->display_cur ? ui->peg_cur : -1, 0, ui->show_labels); hint_redraw(dr, ds, i, NULL, 1, ui->display_cur && ui->peg_cur == state->params.npegs, ui->markable); } else { /* we've not got here yet; it's blank. */ guess_redraw(dr, ds, i, NULL, NULL, -1, 0, ui->show_labels); hint_redraw(dr, ds, i, NULL, 0, FALSE, FALSE); } } /* draw the 'current move' and 'able to mark' sign. */ if (new_move) currmove_redraw(dr, ds, ds->next_go, COL_BACKGROUND); if (!state->solved) currmove_redraw(dr, ds, state->next_go, COL_HOLD); /* draw the solution (or the big rectangle) */ if ((!state->solved ^ !ds->solved) || !ds->started) { draw_rect(dr, SOLN_OX, SOLN_OY, SOLN_W, SOLN_H, state->solved ? COL_BACKGROUND : COL_EMPTY); draw_update(dr, SOLN_OX, SOLN_OY, SOLN_W, SOLN_H); } if (state->solved) guess_redraw(dr, ds, -1, state->solution, NULL, -1, !ds->solved, ui->show_labels); ds->solved = state->solved; ds->next_go = state->next_go; /* if ui->drag_col != 0, save the screen to the blitter, * draw the peg where we saved, and set ds->drag_* == ui->drag_*. */ if (ui->drag_col != 0) { int ox = ui->drag_x - (PEGSZ/2); int oy = ui->drag_y - (PEGSZ/2); ds->blit_ox = ox - 1; ds->blit_oy = oy - 1; debug(("Saving to blitter at (%d,%d)", ds->blit_ox, ds->blit_oy)); blitter_save(dr, ds->blit_peg, ds->blit_ox, ds->blit_oy); draw_peg(dr, ds, ox, oy, TRUE, ui->show_labels, ui->drag_col); } ds->drag_col = ui->drag_col; ds->started = 1; } static float game_anim_length(game_state *oldstate, game_state *newstate, int dir, game_ui *ui) { return 0.0F; } static float game_flash_length(game_state *oldstate, game_state *newstate, int dir, game_ui *ui) { return 0.0F; } static int game_status(game_state *state) { /* * We return nonzero whenever the solution has been revealed, even * (on spoiler grounds) if it wasn't guessed correctly. The * correct return value from this function is already in * state->solved. */ return state->solved; } static int game_timing_state(game_state *state, game_ui *ui) { return TRUE; } static void game_print_size(game_params *params, float *x, float *y) { } static void game_print(drawing *dr, game_state *state, int tilesize) { } #ifdef COMBINED #define thegame guess #endif const struct game thegame = { "Guess", "games.guess", "guess", default_params, game_fetch_preset, decode_params, encode_params, free_params, dup_params, TRUE, game_configure, custom_params, validate_params, new_game_desc, validate_desc, new_game, dup_game, free_game, TRUE, solve_game, FALSE, game_can_format_as_text_now, game_text_format, new_ui, free_ui, encode_ui, decode_ui, game_changed_state, interpret_move, execute_move, PEG_PREFER_SZ, game_compute_size, game_set_size, game_colours, game_new_drawstate, game_free_drawstate, game_redraw, game_anim_length, game_flash_length, game_status, FALSE, FALSE, game_print_size, game_print, FALSE, /* wants_statusbar */ FALSE, game_timing_state, 0, /* flags */ }; /* vim: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8: */