ref: e53c097fb742ac1ec61c70e64380190c067b59d9
dir: /
#!/usr/bin/perl # Perl script to generate an Inno Setup installer script for # Puzzles. This has to be scripted so that it can read gamedesc.txt # and automatically adjust to the current available set of puzzles. # Usage: # # $ ./ 20140922.sdfsdf gamedesc.txt > puzzles.iss # # where the first argument is the version number which will be encoded # in the installer's version indicators. The first component of that # version number will be expected to be a YYYYMMDD-format date. use warnings; use Time::Local; $ver = shift @ARGV; # Parse the date out of $ver, and convert it into an integer number of # days since an arbitrary epoch. This number is used for the Windows # version resource (which wants a monotonic 16-bit integer). The epoch # is chosen so that the first build using this date-based mechanism # has a higher number than the last build in which that number was # derived from a Subversion revision. die "bad date format" if $ver !~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/; $date = timegm(0,0,0,$3,$2-1,$1); $integer_date = int($date / 86400) - 6000; $desc = shift @ARGV; open DESC, "<", $desc; while (<DESC>) { chomp; @_ = split /:/; push @exes, $_[1]; $names{$_[1]} = $_[2]; } close DESC; print '; -*- no -*-'."\n"; print ';'."\n"; print '; -- Inno Setup installer script for Puzzles.'."\n"; print ''."\n"; print '[Setup]'."\n"; print 'AppName=Simon Tatham\'s Portable Puzzle Collection'."\n"; print 'AppVerName=Puzzles version '.$ver."\n"; print 'VersionInfoTextVersion=Version '.$ver."\n"; print 'AppVersion=r'.$ver."\n"; print 'VersionInfoVersion=0.0.'.$integer_date.'.0'."\n"; print 'AppPublisher=Simon Tatham'."\n"; print 'AppPublisherURL='."\n"; print 'DefaultDirName={pf}\Simon Tatham\'s Portable Puzzle Collection'."\n"; print 'DefaultGroupName=Simon Tatham\'s Puzzles'."\n"; # print 'SetupIconFile=fixmethinkoneup.ico'."\n"; # print 'UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\fixmethinkoneup.exe'."\n"; print 'ChangesAssociations=no'."\n"; print 'Compression=zip/9'."\n"; print 'AllowNoIcons=yes'."\n"; print 'OutputBaseFilename=installer'."\n"; print ''."\n"; print '[Files]'."\n"; for $exe (@exes) { print 'Source: "'.$exe.'"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: promptifolder replacesameversion uninsrestartdelete'."\n"; } print 'Source: "website.url"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsrestartdelete'."\n"; print 'Source: "puzzles.chm"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsrestartdelete'."\n"; print 'Source: "puzzles.hlp"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsrestartdelete'."\n"; print 'Source: "puzzles.cnt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsrestartdelete'."\n"; print 'Source: "LICENCE"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsrestartdelete'."\n"; print ''."\n"; print '[Icons]'."\n"; for $exe (@exes) { print 'Name: "{group}\\'.$names{$exe}.'"; Filename: "{app}\\'.$exe.'"'."\n"; } print '; We have to fall back from the .chm to the older .hlp file on some Windows'."\n"; print '; versions.'."\n"; print 'Name: "{group}\Puzzles Manual"; Filename: "{app}\puzzles.chm"; MinVersion: 4.1,5.0'."\n"; print 'Name: "{group}\Puzzles Manual"; Filename: "{app}\puzzles.hlp"; OnlyBelowVersion: 4.1,5.0'."\n"; print 'Name: "{group}\Puzzles Web Site"; Filename: "{app}\website.url"'."\n";