ref: cd6d48a15938374d6ed4685139568f3b856b40df
dir: /spectre.c/
/* * Code to generate patches of the aperiodic 'spectre' tiling * discovered in 2023. * * Resources about the tiling from its discoverers: * * * * Writeup of the generation algorithm: * */ #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include "puzzles.h" #include "tree234.h" #include "spectre-internal.h" #include "spectre-tables-manual.h" #include "spectre-tables-auto.h" static const char *const letters = #define STRINGIFY(x) #x HEX_LETTERS(STRINGIFY) #undef STRINGIFY ; bool spectre_valid_hex_letter(char letter) { return strchr(letters, letter) != NULL; } static Hex hex_from_letter(char letter) { char buf[2]; buf[0] = letter; buf[1] = '\0'; return strcspn(letters, buf); } static Hex hex_to_letter(unsigned char letter) { return letters[letter]; } struct HexData { const struct MapEntry *hexmap, *hexin, *specmap, *specin; const struct MapEdge *hexedges, *specedges; const Hex *subhexes; const struct Possibility *poss; size_t nposs; }; static const struct HexData hexdata[] = { #define HEXDATA_ENTRY(x) { hexmap_##x, hexin_##x, specmap_##x, \ specin_##x, hexedges_##x, specedges_##x, subhexes_##x, \ poss_##x, lenof(poss_##x) }, HEX_LETTERS(HEXDATA_ENTRY) #undef HEXDATA_ENTRY }; static const struct Possibility *choose_poss( random_state *rs, const struct Possibility *poss, size_t nposs) { /* * If we needed to do this _efficiently_, we'd rewrite all those * tables above as cumulative frequency tables and use binary * search. But this happens about log n times in a grid of area n, * so it hardly matters, and it's easier to keep the tables * legible. */ unsigned long limit = 0, value; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < nposs; i++) limit += poss[i].prob; value = random_upto(rs, limit); for (i = 0; i+1 < nposs; i++) { if (value < poss[i].prob) return &poss[i]; value -= poss[i].prob; } assert(i == nposs - 1); assert(value < poss[i].prob); return &poss[i]; } SpectreCoords *spectre_coords_new(void) { SpectreCoords *sc = snew(SpectreCoords); sc->nc = sc->csize = 0; sc->c = NULL; return sc; } void spectre_coords_free(SpectreCoords *sc) { if (sc) { sfree(sc->c); sfree(sc); } } void spectre_coords_make_space(SpectreCoords *sc, size_t size) { if (sc->csize < size) { sc->csize = sc->csize * 5 / 4 + 16; if (sc->csize < size) sc->csize = size; sc->c = sresize(sc->c, sc->csize, HexCoord); } } SpectreCoords *spectre_coords_copy(SpectreCoords *sc_in) { SpectreCoords *sc_out = spectre_coords_new(); spectre_coords_make_space(sc_out, sc_in->nc); memcpy(sc_out->c, sc_in->c, sc_in->nc * sizeof(*sc_out->c)); sc_out->nc = sc_in->nc; sc_out->index = sc_in->index; sc_out->hex_colour = sc_in->hex_colour; sc_out->prev_hex_colour = sc_in->prev_hex_colour; sc_out->incoming_hex_edge = sc_in->incoming_hex_edge; return sc_out; } void spectre_place(Spectre *spec, Point u, Point v, int index_of_u) { size_t i; Point disp; /* Vector from u to v */ disp = point_sub(v, u); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { spec->vertices[(i + index_of_u) % 14] = u; u = point_add(u, disp); disp = point_mul(disp, point_rot( spectre_angles[(i + 1 + index_of_u) % 14])); } } Spectre *spectre_initial(SpectreContext *ctx) { Spectre *spec = snew(Spectre); spectre_place(spec, ctx->start_vertices[0], ctx->start_vertices[1], 0); spec->sc = spectre_coords_copy(ctx->prototype); return spec; } Spectre *spectre_adjacent(SpectreContext *ctx, const Spectre *src_spec, unsigned src_edge, unsigned *dst_edge_out) { unsigned dst_edge; Spectre *dst_spec = snew(Spectre); dst_spec->sc = spectre_coords_copy(src_spec->sc); spectrectx_step(ctx, dst_spec->sc, src_edge, &dst_edge); spectre_place(dst_spec, src_spec->vertices[(src_edge+1) % 14], src_spec->vertices[src_edge], dst_edge); if (dst_edge_out) *dst_edge_out = dst_edge; return dst_spec; } static int spectre_cmp(void *av, void *bv) { Spectre *a = (Spectre *)av, *b = (Spectre *)bv; size_t i, j; /* We should only ever need to compare the first two vertices of * any Spectre, because those force the rest */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { int ac = a->vertices[i].coeffs[j], bc = b->vertices[i].coeffs[j]; if (ac < bc) return -1; if (ac > bc) return +1; } } return 0; } void spectre_free(Spectre *spec) { spectre_coords_free(spec->sc); sfree(spec); } static void spectrectx_start_vertices(SpectreContext *ctx, int orientation) { Point minus_sqrt3 = point_add(point_rot(5), point_rot(-5)); Point basicedge = point_mul(point_add(point_rot(0), point_rot(-3)), point_rot(orientation)); Point diagonal = point_add(basicedge, point_mul(basicedge, point_rot(-3))); ctx->start_vertices[0] = point_mul(diagonal, minus_sqrt3); ctx->start_vertices[1] = point_add(ctx->start_vertices[0], basicedge); ctx->orientation = orientation; } void spectrectx_init_random(SpectreContext *ctx, random_state *rs) { const struct Possibility *poss; ctx->rs = rs; ctx->must_free_rs = false; ctx->prototype = spectre_coords_new(); spectre_coords_make_space(ctx->prototype, 1); poss = choose_poss(rs, poss_spectre, lenof(poss_spectre)); ctx->prototype->index = poss->lo; ctx->prototype->c[0].type = poss->hi; ctx->prototype->c[0].index = -1; ctx->prototype->nc = 1; /* * Choose a random orientation for the starting Spectre. * * The obvious thing is to choose the orientation out of all 12 * possibilities. But we do it a more complicated way. * * The Spectres in a tiling can be partitioned into two * equivalence classes under the relation 'orientation differs by * a multiple of 1/6 turn'. One class is much more common than the * other class: the 'odd'-orientation Spectres occur rarely (very * like the rare reflected hats in the hats tiling). * * I think it's nicer to arrange that there's a consistent * orientation for the _common_ class of Spectres, so that there * will always be plenty of them in the 'canonical' orientation * with the head upwards. So if the starting Spectre is in the * even class, we pick an even orientation for it, and if it's in * the odd class, we pick an odd orientation. * * An odd-class Spectre is easy to identify from SpectreCoords. * They're precisely the ones expanded from a G hex with index 1, * which means they're the ones that have index 1 _at all_. */ spectrectx_start_vertices(ctx, random_upto(rs, 6) * 2 + ctx->prototype->index); /* Initialiise the colouring fields deterministically but unhelpfully. * spectre-test will set these up properly if it wants to */ ctx->prototype->hex_colour = 0; ctx->prototype->prev_hex_colour = 0; ctx->prototype->incoming_hex_edge = 0; } void spectrectx_init_from_params( SpectreContext *ctx, const struct SpectrePatchParams *ps) { size_t i; ctx->rs = NULL; ctx->must_free_rs = false; ctx->prototype = spectre_coords_new(); spectre_coords_make_space(ctx->prototype, ps->ncoords); ctx->prototype->index = ps->coords[0]; for (i = 1; i < ps->ncoords; i++) ctx->prototype->c[i-1].index = ps->coords[i]; ctx->prototype->c[ps->ncoords-1].index = -1; ctx->prototype->nc = ps->ncoords; ctx->prototype->c[ps->ncoords-1].type = hex_from_letter(ps->final_hex); for (i = ps->ncoords - 1; i-- > 0 ;) { const struct HexData *h = &hexdata[ctx->prototype->c[i+1].type]; ctx->prototype->c[i].type = h->subhexes[ctx->prototype->c[i].index]; } spectrectx_start_vertices(ctx, ps->orientation); ctx->prototype->hex_colour = 0; ctx->prototype->prev_hex_colour = 0; ctx->prototype->incoming_hex_edge = 0; } void spectrectx_cleanup(SpectreContext *ctx) { if (ctx->must_free_rs) random_free(ctx->rs); spectre_coords_free(ctx->prototype); } SpectreCoords *spectrectx_initial_coords(SpectreContext *ctx) { return spectre_coords_copy(ctx->prototype); } /* * Extend sc until it has at least n coordinates in, by copying from * ctx->prototype if needed, and extending ctx->prototype if needed in * order to do that. */ void spectrectx_extend_coords(SpectreContext *ctx, SpectreCoords *sc, size_t n) { if (ctx->prototype->nc < n) { spectre_coords_make_space(ctx->prototype, n); while (ctx->prototype->nc < n) { const struct HexData *h = &hexdata[ ctx->prototype->c[ctx->prototype->nc-1].type]; const struct Possibility *poss; if (!ctx->rs) { /* * If there's no random_state available, it must be * because we were given an explicit coordinate string * and ran off the end of it. * * The obvious thing to do here would be to make up an * answer non-randomly. But in fact there's a danger * that this leads to endless recursion within a * single coordinate step, if the hex edge we were * trying to traverse turns into another copy of * itself at the higher level. That happened in early * testing before I put the random_state in at all. * * To avoid that risk, in this situation - which * _shouldn't_ come up at all in sensibly play - we * make up a random_state, and free it when the * context goes away. */ ctx->rs = random_new("dummy", 5); ctx->must_free_rs = true; } poss = choose_poss(ctx->rs, h->poss, h->nposs); ctx->prototype->c[ctx->prototype->nc-1].index = poss->lo; ctx->prototype->c[ctx->prototype->nc].type = poss->hi; ctx->prototype->c[ctx->prototype->nc].index = -1; ctx->prototype->nc++; } } spectre_coords_make_space(sc, n); while (sc->nc < n) { assert(sc->c[sc->nc - 1].index == -1); assert(sc->c[sc->nc - 1].type == ctx->prototype->c[sc->nc - 1].type); sc->c[sc->nc - 1].index = ctx->prototype->c[sc->nc - 1].index; sc->c[sc->nc].index = -1; sc->c[sc->nc].type = ctx->prototype->c[sc->nc].type; sc->nc++; } } void spectrectx_step_hex(SpectreContext *ctx, SpectreCoords *sc, size_t depth, unsigned edge, unsigned *outedge) { const struct HexData *h; const struct MapEntry *m; spectrectx_extend_coords(ctx, sc, depth+2); assert(0 <= sc->c[depth].index); assert(sc->c[depth].index < num_subhexes(sc->c[depth].type)); assert(0 <= edge); assert(edge < 6); h = &hexdata[sc->c[depth+1].type]; m = &h->hexmap[6 * sc->c[depth].index + edge]; if (!m->internal) { unsigned recedge; const struct MapEdge *me; spectrectx_step_hex(ctx, sc, depth+1, m->hi, &recedge); assert(recedge < 6); h = &hexdata[sc->c[depth+1].type]; me = &h->hexedges[recedge]; assert(m->lo < me->len); m = &h->hexin[me->startindex + me->len - 1 - m->lo]; assert(m->internal); } sc->c[depth].index = m->hi; sc->c[depth].type = h->subhexes[sc->c[depth].index]; *outedge = m->lo; if (depth == 0) { /* * Update the colouring fields to track the colour of the new * hexagon. */ unsigned char new_hex_colour; if (!((edge ^ sc->incoming_hex_edge) & 1)) { /* We're going out via the same parity of edge we came in * on, so the new hex colour is the same as the previous * one. */ new_hex_colour = sc->prev_hex_colour; } else { /* We're going out via the opposite parity of edge, so the * new colour is the one of {0,1,2} that is neither this * _nor_ the previous colour. */ new_hex_colour = 0+1+2 - sc->hex_colour - sc->prev_hex_colour; } sc->prev_hex_colour = sc->hex_colour; sc->hex_colour = new_hex_colour; sc->incoming_hex_edge = m->lo; } } void spectrectx_step(SpectreContext *ctx, SpectreCoords *sc, unsigned edge, unsigned *outedge) { const struct HexData *h; const struct MapEntry *m; assert(0 <= sc->index); assert(sc->index < num_spectres(sc->c[0].type)); assert(0 <= edge); assert(edge < 14); h = &hexdata[sc->c[0].type]; m = &h->specmap[14 * sc->index + edge]; while (!m->internal) { unsigned recedge; const struct MapEdge *me; spectrectx_step_hex(ctx, sc, 0, m->hi, &recedge); assert(recedge < 6); h = &hexdata[sc->c[0].type]; me = &h->specedges[recedge]; assert(m->lo < me->len); m = &h->specin[me->startindex + me->len - 1 - m->lo]; } sc->index = m->hi; *outedge = m->lo; } void spectrectx_generate(SpectreContext *ctx, bool (*callback)(void *cbctx, const Spectre *spec), void *cbctx) { tree234 *placed = newtree234(spectre_cmp); Spectre *qhead = NULL, *qtail = NULL; { Spectre *spec = spectre_initial(ctx); add234(placed, spec); spec->next = NULL; if (callback(cbctx, spec)) qhead = qtail = spec; } while (qhead) { unsigned edge; Spectre *spec = qhead; for (edge = 0; edge < 14; edge++) { Spectre *new_spec; new_spec = spectre_adjacent(ctx, spec, edge, NULL); if (find234(placed, new_spec, NULL)) { spectre_free(new_spec); continue; } if (!callback(cbctx, new_spec)) { spectre_free(new_spec); continue; } add234(placed, new_spec); qtail->next = new_spec; qtail = new_spec; new_spec->next = NULL; } qhead = qhead->next; } { Spectre *spec; while ((spec = delpos234(placed, 0)) != NULL) spectre_free(spec); freetree234(placed); } } const char *spectre_tiling_params_invalid( const struct SpectrePatchParams *params) { size_t i; Hex h; if (params->ncoords == 0) return "expected at least one numeric coordinate"; if (!spectre_valid_hex_letter(params->final_hex)) return "invalid final hexagon type"; h = hex_from_letter(params->final_hex); for (i = params->ncoords; i-- > 0 ;) { unsigned limit = (i == 0) ? num_spectres(h) : num_subhexes(h); if (params->coords[i] >= limit) return "coordinate out of range"; if (i > 0) h = hexdata[h].subhexes[params->coords[i]]; } return NULL; } struct SpectreCallbackContext { int xoff, yoff; Coord xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; spectre_tile_callback_fn external_cb; void *external_cbctx; }; static bool spectre_internal_callback(void *vctx, const Spectre *spec) { struct SpectreCallbackContext *ctx = (struct SpectreCallbackContext *)vctx; size_t i; int output_coords[4*14]; for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { Point p = spec->vertices[i]; Coord x = point_x(p), y = point_y(p); if (coord_cmp(x, ctx->xmin) < 0 || coord_cmp(x, ctx->xmax) > 0 || coord_cmp(y, ctx->ymin) < 0 || coord_cmp(y, ctx->ymax) > 0) return false; output_coords[4*i + 0] = ctx->xoff + x.c1; output_coords[4*i + 1] = x.cr3; output_coords[4*i + 2] = ctx->yoff - y.c1; output_coords[4*i + 3] = -y.cr3; } if (ctx->external_cb) ctx->external_cb(ctx->external_cbctx, output_coords); return true; } static void spectre_set_bounds(struct SpectreCallbackContext *cbctx, int w, int h) { cbctx->xoff = w/2; cbctx->yoff = h/2; cbctx->xmin.c1 = -cbctx->xoff; cbctx->xmax.c1 = -cbctx->xoff + w; cbctx->ymin.c1 = cbctx->yoff - h; cbctx->ymax.c1 = cbctx->yoff; cbctx->xmin.cr3 = 0; cbctx->xmax.cr3 = 0; cbctx->ymin.cr3 = 0; cbctx->ymax.cr3 = 0; } void spectre_tiling_randomise(struct SpectrePatchParams *ps, int w, int h, random_state *rs) { SpectreContext ctx[1]; struct SpectreCallbackContext cbctx[1]; size_t i; spectre_set_bounds(cbctx, w, h); cbctx->external_cb = NULL; cbctx->external_cbctx = NULL; spectrectx_init_random(ctx, rs); spectrectx_generate(ctx, spectre_internal_callback, cbctx); ps->orientation = ctx->orientation; ps->ncoords = ctx->prototype->nc; ps->coords = snewn(ps->ncoords, unsigned char); ps->coords[0] = ctx->prototype->index; for (i = 1; i < ps->ncoords; i++) ps->coords[i] = ctx->prototype->c[i-1].index; ps->final_hex = hex_to_letter(ctx->prototype->c[ps->ncoords-1].type); spectrectx_cleanup(ctx); } void spectre_tiling_generate( const struct SpectrePatchParams *params, int w, int h, spectre_tile_callback_fn external_cb, void *external_cbctx) { SpectreContext ctx[1]; struct SpectreCallbackContext cbctx[1]; spectre_set_bounds(cbctx, w, h); cbctx->external_cb = external_cb; cbctx->external_cbctx = external_cbctx; spectrectx_init_from_params(ctx, params); spectrectx_generate(ctx, spectre_internal_callback, cbctx); spectrectx_cleanup(ctx); }