Also limit Pegs to at least 1x1 even when not doing full validation
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Pegs
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Pearl
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Palisade
Integer overflow protection in Pattern
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Netslide
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Net
Avoid integer overflow in Mosaic maximum-size check
Also check for tiny grids in Mines
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Mines
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Map
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Magnets
Limit maximum grid size in Loopy
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Light Up
Last-ditch grid-size limit for Inertia
Insist that Flood grids must have non-zero size
Last-ditch grid-size limit for Flood
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Flip
Last-ditch grid-size limit for Fifteen
Last-ditch grid-size limit for Galaxies
Last-ditch grid-size limit for Dominosa
Last-ditch maximum size limit for Bridges
Palisade: forbid moves that remove grid edges
Don't load too many states just because there's no STATEPOS
Range-check record lengths when deserialising games
Range-check normal moves in Undead
Correct RANGECHECK macro in Black Box
Undead: fix buffer overrun in "M" command
Undead: check for valid commands in execute_move()
Sixteen: limit length of moves
Netslide: Reject moves wider than the grid
Mosaic: reject game descriptions containing bad characters
Guess: validate peg colours in decode_ui()
Guess: Don't allow any moves once the game is solved
Fix Emscripten cmake setup after fuzzpuzz was added.
Remember to free the game name in fuzzpuzz
Don't leak midends in fuzzpuzz
Merge the two versions of fuzzpuzz back together
AFL-specific shared-memory fuzzing mode
Add a fuzzing harness for Puzzles
Remove some midend functions from nullfe.c
Add more functions to nullfe.c
Fix Pattern row clues when a row has no black in
Correct credits information
Use a dynamically-sized buffer for Pattern row clues
Add a macro of an upper bound on the formatted length of an integer
Adjust font size of Pattern clues based on the numbers
Pattern: Pack clues for each row more closely together
Pattern: Clip clues to their proper rectangles
Create an icon for the Null Game
Support the generation of icons from uniformly-coloured screenshots
Don't use Null Game's extra source files for all GUI programs
devel.but: fix markup error causing build failure.
Slightly better macro usage for Tracks completion flash
Clear any existing Tracks flash data when generating it
Tracks: Set the grid colour based on others
Expose colour_mix() to backends (and others)
Fancier completion flash for Tracks
Tracks: Highlight more counting errors if track looks good
When filling in or blanking a square, don't generate null moves
Guess: Make 'H' key work properly with "Allow duplicates" off
Solo: Set max difficulty for small jigsaw puzzles
Prevent starting in a solved state in Fifteen & Flood
Remove _() introduced from Android port.
lightup: Ban 2x2 with either 4-way type
guess: Remove an obsolete workaround
magnetssolver: Add a missing newline to a message
magnets: Area constraints; fix message.
Tweak Filling greys to better distinguish selected and completed
Update developer docs for mkhighlight changes
Rewrite mkhighlight to handle a wider range of colours
Don't request a highlight colour in games that don't need one
Add an assertion that all colours are within range
mkhighlight: Don't darken the base colour if we don't need a highlight
Pearl: make PEARL_GUI_LOOPY affect printed output.
js: When opening a dialogue box, try to focus it
js: Don't treat SoftRight as CURSOR_SELECT2
js: Add a mode where the puzzle tries to fill the viewport
js: Add a new function whereby C can ask JS for a preferred board size
js: Set the default colour from the CSS background of the canvas
js: Allow CSS to set the font used by the puzzle
New backend function: current_key_label()
tracks: Allow a smaller or non-existent border at small tile sizes
tracks: Make the keyboard cursor more visible
galaxies: Use the same code for handling all dropped arrows
guess: Much more efficient keyboard interface
guess: Move the cursor to the first peg position after a guess
guess: Correct documentation to not say Space places a peg
js: Explicitly set the height of the status bar
Assert that the back-end has provided a background colour
Devel docs: explain the specialness of colour 0
Devel docs: Mention mid-end background clearing
guess: Fix keyboard access to hold function
js: Put the puzzle background colour in a CSS variable
mosaic: Don't bother initialising fields in decode_ui()
Devel docs: make it clear that decode_ui() gets a new game_ui
lightup: Remove tests for keystrokes canonicalised by mid-end
js: Bypass our own dialogue box when loading