ref: 9e2e0692ed087dbe0d5f4abbddf3aebd6a11b30e
dir: /CMakeLists.txt/
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(puzzles LANGUAGES C) include(cmake/setup.cmake) add_library(common combi.c divvy.c drawing.c dsf.c findloop.c grid.c latin.c laydomino.c loopgen.c malloc.c matching.c midend.c misc.c penrose.c ps.c random.c sort.c tdq.c tree234.c version.c ${platform_common_sources}) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) puzzle(blackbox DISPLAYNAME "Black Box" DESCRIPTION "Ball-finding puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Find the hidden balls in the box by bouncing laser beams \ off them.") puzzle(bridges DISPLAYNAME "Bridges" DESCRIPTION "Bridge-placing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Connect all the islands with a network of bridges.") puzzle(cube DISPLAYNAME "Cube" DESCRIPTION "Rolling cube puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Pick up all the blue squares by rolling the cube over them.") puzzle(dominosa DISPLAYNAME "Dominosa" DESCRIPTION "Domino tiling puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Tile the rectangle with a full set of dominoes.") solver(dominosa) puzzle(fifteen DISPLAYNAME "Fifteen" DESCRIPTION "Sliding block puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Slide the tiles around to arrange them into order.") solver(fifteen) puzzle(filling DISPLAYNAME "Filling" DESCRIPTION "Polyomino puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Mark every square with the area of its containing region.") solver(filling) puzzle(flip DISPLAYNAME "Flip" DESCRIPTION "Tile inversion puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Flip groups of squares to light them all up at once.") puzzle(flood DISPLAYNAME "Flood" DESCRIPTION "Flood-filling puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Turn the grid the same colour in as few flood fills as possible.") puzzle(galaxies DISPLAYNAME "Galaxies" DESCRIPTION "Symmetric polyomino puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Divide the grid into rotationally symmetric regions each \ centred on a dot.") solver(galaxies) cliprogram(galaxiespicture galaxies.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS STANDALONE_PICTURE_GENERATOR) guiprogram(galaxieseditor galaxies.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS EDITOR) puzzle(guess DISPLAYNAME "Guess" DESCRIPTION "Combination-guessing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Guess the hidden combination of colours.") puzzle(inertia DISPLAYNAME "Inertia" DESCRIPTION "Gem-collecting puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Collect all the gems without running into any of the mines.") puzzle(keen DISPLAYNAME "Keen" DESCRIPTION "Arithmetic Latin square puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Complete the latin square in accordance with the \ arithmetic clues.") solver(keen latin.c) puzzle(lightup DISPLAYNAME "Light Up" DESCRIPTION "Light-bulb placing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Place bulbs to light up all the squares.") solver(lightup) puzzle(loopy DISPLAYNAME "Loopy" DESCRIPTION "Loop-drawing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Draw a single closed loop, given clues about number of \ adjacent edges.") solver(loopy) puzzle(magnets DISPLAYNAME "Magnets" DESCRIPTION "Magnet-placing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Place magnets to satisfy the clues and avoid like poles \ touching.") solver(magnets) puzzle(map DISPLAYNAME "Map" DESCRIPTION "Map-colouring puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Colour the map so that adjacent regions are never the \ same colour.") solver(map) puzzle(mines DISPLAYNAME "Mines" DESCRIPTION "Mine-finding puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Find all the mines without treading on any of them.") cliprogram(mineobfusc mines.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS STANDALONE_OBFUSCATOR) puzzle(mosaic DISPLAYNAME "Mosaic" DESCRIPTION "Grid-filling puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Fill in the grid given clues about number of \ nearby black squares.") puzzle(net # The Windows Net shouldn't be called 'net.exe', since Windows # already has a reasonably important utility program by that name! WINDOWS_EXE_NAME netgame DISPLAYNAME "Net" DESCRIPTION "Network jigsaw puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Rotate each tile to reassemble the network.") puzzle(netslide DISPLAYNAME "Netslide" DESCRIPTION "Toroidal sliding network puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Slide a row at a time to reassemble the network.") puzzle(nullgame) puzzle(palisade DISPLAYNAME "Palisade" DESCRIPTION "Grid-division puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Divide the grid into equal-sized areas in accordance with\ the clues.") puzzle(pattern DISPLAYNAME "Pattern" DESCRIPTION "Pattern puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Fill in the pattern in the grid, given only the lengths \ of runs of black squares.") solver(pattern) cliprogram(patternpicture pattern.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS STANDALONE_PICTURE_GENERATOR) puzzle(pearl DISPLAYNAME "Pearl" DESCRIPTION "Loop-drawing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Draw a single closed loop, given clues about corner and \ straight squares.") solver(pearl) cliprogram(pearlbench pearl.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS STANDALONE_SOLVER) puzzle(pegs DISPLAYNAME "Pegs" DESCRIPTION "Peg solitaire puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Jump pegs over each other to remove all but one.") puzzle(range DISPLAYNAME "Range" DESCRIPTION "Visible-distance puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Place black squares to limit the visible distance from \ each numbered cell.") puzzle(rect DISPLAYNAME "Rectangles" DESCRIPTION "Rectangles puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Divide the grid into rectangles with areas equal to the \ numbers.") puzzle(samegame DISPLAYNAME "Same Game" DESCRIPTION "Block-clearing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Clear the grid by removing touching groups of the same \ colour squares.") puzzle(signpost DISPLAYNAME "Signpost" DESCRIPTION "Square-connecting puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Connect the squares into a path following the arrows.") solver(signpost) puzzle(singles DISPLAYNAME "Singles" DESCRIPTION "Number-removing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Black out the right set of duplicate numbers.") solver(singles) puzzle(sixteen DISPLAYNAME "Sixteen" DESCRIPTION "Toroidal sliding block puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Slide a row at a time to arrange the tiles into order.") puzzle(slant DISPLAYNAME "Slant" DESCRIPTION "Maze-drawing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Draw a maze of slanting lines that matches the clues.") solver(slant) puzzle(solo DISPLAYNAME "Solo" DESCRIPTION "Number placement puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Fill in the grid so that each row, column and square \ block contains one of every digit.") solver(solo) puzzle(tents DISPLAYNAME "Tents" DESCRIPTION "Tent-placing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Place a tent next to each tree.") solver(tents) puzzle(towers DISPLAYNAME "Towers" DESCRIPTION "Tower-placing Latin square puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Complete the latin square of towers in accordance with \ the clues.") solver(towers latin.c) puzzle(tracks DISPLAYNAME "Tracks" DESCRIPTION "Path-finding railway track puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Fill in the railway track according to the clues.") solver(tracks) puzzle(twiddle DISPLAYNAME "Twiddle" DESCRIPTION "Rotational sliding block puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Rotate the tiles around themselves to arrange them into order.") puzzle(undead DISPLAYNAME "Undead" DESCRIPTION "Monster-placing puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Place ghosts, vampires and zombies so that the right \ numbers of them can be seen in mirrors.") puzzle(unequal DISPLAYNAME "Unequal" DESCRIPTION "Latin square puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Complete the latin square in accordance with the > signs.") solver(unequal latin.c) puzzle(unruly DISPLAYNAME "Unruly" DESCRIPTION "Black and white grid puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Fill in the black and white grid to avoid runs of three.") solver(unruly) puzzle(untangle DISPLAYNAME "Untangle" DESCRIPTION "Planar graph layout puzzle" OBJECTIVE "Reposition the points so that the lines do not cross.") add_subdirectory(unfinished) cliprogram(obfusc obfusc.c) cliprogram(latincheck latin.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS STANDALONE_LATIN_TEST) cliprogram(matching matching.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS STANDALONE_MATCHING_TEST) cliprogram(combi combi.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS STANDALONE_COMBI_TEST) cliprogram(divvy divvy.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TESTMODE) cliprogram(penrose-test penrose.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TEST_PENROSE) cliprogram(penrose-vector-test penrose.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TEST_VECTORS) cliprogram(sort-test sort.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS SORT_TEST) cliprogram(tree234-test tree234.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TEST) write_generated_games_header() cliprogram(fuzzpuzz fuzzpuzz.c list.c ${puzzle_sources} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS COMBINED) if(build_cli_programs) target_include_directories(fuzzpuzz PRIVATE ${generated_include_dir}) endif() build_extras()