ref: 995bcef981c0495df3e43d1025339dc5991f92d9
dir: /auxiliary/spectre-help.c/
/* * Common code between spectre-test and spectre-gen, since both of * them want to output SVG graphics. */ #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "puzzles.h" #include "tree234.h" #include "spectre-internal.h" #include "spectre-tables-extra.h" #include "spectre-help.h" struct HexData { const int *edges; }; static const struct HexData hexdata[] = { #define HEXDATA_ENTRY(x) { edges_##x }, HEX_LETTERS(HEXDATA_ENTRY) #undef HEXDATA_ENTRY }; const char *hex_names[10] = { "G", "D", "J", "L", "X", "P", "S", "F", "Y", "" /* NO_HEX */ }; Graphics *gr_new(const char *filename, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double scale) { Graphics *gr = snew(Graphics); if (!strcmp(filename, "-")) { gr->fp = stdout; gr->close_file = false; } else { gr->fp = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!gr->fp) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: open: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } gr->close_file = true; } fprintf(gr->fp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" " "standalone=\"no\"?>\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, "<svg xmlns=\"\" " "version=\"1.1\" width=\"%f\" height=\"%f\">\n", (xmax - xmin) * scale, (ymax - ymin) * scale); gr->absscale = fabs(scale); gr->xoff = -xmin * scale; gr->xscale = scale; /* invert y axis for SVG top-down coordinate system */ gr->yoff = ymax * scale; gr->yscale = -scale; /* Defaults, which can be overridden by the caller immediately * after this constructor returns */ gr->jigsaw_mode = false; gr->vertex_blobs = true; gr->number_cells = true; gr->four_colour = false; gr->arcs = false; gr->linewidth = 1.5; gr->started = false; return gr; } void gr_free(Graphics *gr) { if (!gr) return; fprintf(gr->fp, "</svg>\n"); if (gr->close_file) fclose(gr->fp); sfree(gr); } static void gr_ensure_started(Graphics *gr) { if (gr->started) return; fprintf(gr->fp, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, "path { fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: %f; " "stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; }\n", gr->linewidth); fprintf(gr->fp, "text { fill: black; font-family: Sans; " "text-anchor: middle; text-align: center; }\n"); if (gr->four_colour) { fprintf(gr->fp, ".c0 { fill: rgb(255, 178, 178); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".c1 { fill: rgb(255, 255, 178); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".c2 { fill: rgb(178, 255, 178); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".c3 { fill: rgb(153, 153, 255); }\n"); } else { fprintf(gr->fp, ".G { fill: rgb(255, 128, 128); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".G1 { fill: rgb(255, 64, 64); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".F { fill: rgb(255, 192, 128); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".Y { fill: rgb(255, 255, 128); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".S { fill: rgb(128, 255, 128); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".D { fill: rgb(128, 255, 255); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".P { fill: rgb(128, 128, 255); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".X { fill: rgb(192, 128, 255); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".J { fill: rgb(255, 128, 255); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".L { fill: rgb(128, 128, 128); }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".optional { stroke-dasharray: 5; }\n"); fprintf(gr->fp, ".arrow { fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); " "stroke: none; }\n"); } fprintf(gr->fp, "</style>\n"); gr->started = true; } /* Logical coordinates in our mathematical space */ GrCoords gr_logcoords(Point p) { double rt3o2 = sqrt(3) / 2; GrCoords r = { p.coeffs[0] + rt3o2 * p.coeffs[1] + 0.5 * p.coeffs[2], p.coeffs[3] + rt3o2 * p.coeffs[2] + 0.5 * p.coeffs[1], }; return r; } /* Physical coordinates in the output image */ GrCoords gr_log2phys(Graphics *gr, GrCoords c) { c.x = gr->xoff + gr->xscale * c.x; c.y = gr->yoff + gr->yscale * c.y; return c; } GrCoords gr_physcoords(Graphics *gr, Point p) { return gr_log2phys(gr, gr_logcoords(p)); } void gr_draw_text(Graphics *gr, GrCoords logpos, double logheight, const char *text) { GrCoords pos; double height; if (!gr) return; gr_ensure_started(gr); pos = gr_log2phys(gr, logpos); height = gr->absscale * logheight; fprintf(gr->fp, "<text style=\"font-size: %fpx\" x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\">" "%s</text>\n", height, pos.x, pos.y + 0.35 * height, text); } void gr_draw_path(Graphics *gr, const char *classes, const GrCoords *phys, size_t n, bool closed) { size_t i; if (!gr) return; gr_ensure_started(gr); fprintf(gr->fp, "<path class=\"%s\" d=\"", classes); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { GrCoords c = phys[i]; if (i == 0) fprintf(gr->fp, "M %f %f", c.x, c.y); else if (gr->arcs) fprintf(gr->fp, "A %f %f 10 0 %zu %f %f", gr->absscale, gr->absscale, i&1, c.x, c.y); else fprintf(gr->fp, "L %f %f", c.x, c.y); } if (gr->arcs) { /* Explicitly return to the starting point so as to curve the * final edge */ fprintf(gr->fp, "A %f %f 10 0 0 %f %f", gr->absscale, gr->absscale, phys[0].x, phys[0].y); } if (closed) fprintf(gr->fp, " z"); fprintf(gr->fp, "\"/>\n"); } void gr_draw_blob(Graphics *gr, const char *classes, GrCoords log, double logradius) { GrCoords centre; if (!gr) return; gr_ensure_started(gr); centre = gr_log2phys(gr, log); fprintf(gr->fp, "<circle class=\"%s\" cx=\"%f\" cy=\"%f\" r=\"%f\"/>\n", classes, centre.x, centre.y, gr->absscale * logradius); } void gr_draw_hex(Graphics *gr, unsigned index, Hex htype, const Point *vertices) { size_t i; Point centre; if (!gr) return; gr_ensure_started(gr); /* Draw the actual hexagon, in its own colour */ if (!gr->jigsaw_mode) { GrCoords phys[6]; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) phys[i] = gr_physcoords(gr, vertices[i]); gr_draw_path(gr, (index == 7 && htype == NO_HEX ? "optional" : hex_names[htype]), phys, 6, true); } else { GrCoords phys[66]; size_t pos = 0; const struct HexData *hd = &hexdata[htype]; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int edge_type = hd->edges[i]; int sign = edge_type < 0 ? -1 : +1; int edge_abs = abs(edge_type); int left_sign = (edge_abs & 4) ? sign : edge_type == 0 ? +1 : 0; int mid_sign = (edge_abs & 2) ? sign : 0; int right_sign = (edge_abs & 1) ? sign : edge_type == 0 ? -1 : 0; GrCoords start = gr_physcoords(gr, vertices[i]); GrCoords end = gr_physcoords(gr, vertices[(i+1) % 6]); GrCoords x = { (end.x - start.x) / 7, (end.y - start.y) / 7 }; GrCoords y = { -x.y, +x.x }; #define addpoint(X, Y) do { \ GrCoords p = { \ start.x + (X) * x.x + (Y) * y.x, \ start.y + (X) * x.y + (Y) * y.y, \ }; \ phys[pos++] = p; \ } while (0) if (sign < 0) { int tmp = right_sign; right_sign = left_sign; left_sign = tmp; } addpoint(0, 0); if (left_sign) { addpoint(1, 0); addpoint(2, left_sign); addpoint(2, 0); } if (mid_sign) { addpoint(3, 0); addpoint(3, mid_sign); addpoint(4, mid_sign); addpoint(4, 0); } if (right_sign) { addpoint(5, 0); addpoint(5, right_sign); addpoint(6, 0); } #undef addpoint } gr_draw_path(gr, hex_names[htype], phys, pos, true); } /* Find the centre of the hex */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) centre.coeffs[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) centre = point_add(centre, vertices[i]); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) centre.coeffs[i] /= 6; /* Draw an arrow towards vertex 0 of the hex */ if (gr->hex_arrows) { double ext = 0.6; double headlen = 0.3, thick = 0.08, headwid = 0.25; GrCoords top = gr_physcoords(gr, vertices[0]); GrCoords bot = gr_physcoords(gr, vertices[3]); GrCoords mid = gr_physcoords(gr, centre); GrCoords base = { mid.x + ext * (bot.x - mid.x), mid.y + ext * (bot.y - mid.y) }; GrCoords tip = { mid.x + ext * (top.x - mid.x), mid.y + ext * (top.y - mid.y) }; GrCoords len = { tip.x - base.x, tip.y - base.y }; GrCoords perp = { -len.y, +len.x }; GrCoords basep = { base.x+perp.x*thick, base.y+perp.y*thick }; GrCoords basen = { base.x-perp.x*thick, base.y-perp.y*thick }; GrCoords hbase = { tip.x-len.x*headlen, tip.y-len.y*headlen }; GrCoords headp = { hbase.x+perp.x*thick, hbase.y+perp.y*thick }; GrCoords headn = { hbase.x-perp.x*thick, hbase.y-perp.y*thick }; GrCoords headP = { hbase.x+perp.x*headwid, hbase.y+perp.y*headwid }; GrCoords headN = { hbase.x-perp.x*headwid, hbase.y-perp.y*headwid }; GrCoords phys[] = { basep, headp, headP, tip, headN, headn, basen }; gr_draw_path(gr, "arrow", phys, lenof(phys), true); } /* * Label the hex with its index and type. */ if (gr->number_cells) { char buf[64]; if (index == (unsigned)-1) { if (htype == NO_HEX) buf[0] = '\0'; else strcpy(buf, hex_names[htype]); } else { if (htype == NO_HEX) sprintf(buf, "%u", index); else sprintf(buf, "%u (%s)", index, hex_names[htype]); } if (buf[0]) gr_draw_text(gr, gr_logcoords(centre), 1.2, buf); } } void gr_draw_spectre(Graphics *gr, Hex container, unsigned index, const Point *vertices) { size_t i; GrCoords log[14]; GrCoords centre; if (!gr) return; gr_ensure_started(gr); for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) log[i] = gr_logcoords(vertices[i]); /* Draw the actual Spectre */ { GrCoords phys[14]; char class[16]; for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) phys[i] = gr_log2phys(gr, log[i]); if (gr->four_colour) { sprintf(class, "c%u", index); } else if (index == 1 && container == NO_HEX) { sprintf(class, "optional"); } else { sprintf(class, "%s%.0u", hex_names[container], index); } gr_draw_path(gr, class, phys, 14, true); } /* Pick a point to use as the centre of the Spectre for labelling */ centre.x = (log[5].x + log[6].x + log[11].x + log[12].x) / 4; centre.y = (log[5].y + log[6].y + log[11].y + log[12].y) / 4; /* * Label the hex with its index and type. */ if (gr->number_cells && index != (unsigned)-1) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%u", index); gr_draw_text(gr, centre, 1.2, buf); } } void gr_draw_spectre_from_coords(Graphics *gr, SpectreCoords *sc, const Point *vertices) { Hex h; unsigned index; if (!gr) return; gr_ensure_started(gr); if (gr->four_colour) { h = NO_HEX; if (sc->index == 1) index = 3; /* special colour for odd G1 Spectres */ else index = sc->hex_colour; } else if (sc) { h = sc->c[0].type; index = sc->index; } else { h = NO_HEX; index = -1; } gr_draw_spectre(gr, h, index, vertices); } void gr_draw_extra_edge(Graphics *gr, Point a, Point b) { GrCoords phys[2]; if (!gr) return; gr_ensure_started(gr); phys[0] = gr_physcoords(gr, a); phys[1] = gr_physcoords(gr, b); gr_draw_path(gr, "extraedge", phys, 2, false); }