Cosmetic fixes for Windows.
Don't rush move animation to a conclusion on a subsequent keypress
We should turn off the dragging variables in the UI _whenever_
Rectangles is now actually playable, since I've used the new UI
Oops - missed a bit in the GTK front end :-)
Framework alteration: we now support a `game_ui' structure in
Added a new game, `Rectangles', taken from
Forgot to initialise the font variables in the Windows frontend structure.
Forgot to set up the initial value of checkboxes.
dupstr() should take a const char *. In particular, this allows
Net puzzles more than 32 tiles wide weren't working properly due to
Peter Maydell points out that the README misspells `Makefile' as
Uninitialised variable caused ultra-wide windows. Silly.
Shell script to prepare a source distribution archive.
Redraws during undo in Sixteen had been broken by my faffing about
GTK and Windows appear to handle timers very differently:
Make Return and Escape work reliably in GTK dialog boxes.
The Windows RNG turns out to only give about 16 bits at a time. This
Implement selection of game seeds, by reusing the config box
`Fifteen' was getting the parity wrong on any size of board where
Game configuration box for Windows, by constructing the dialog box
`BOOLEAN' is a term already used by Win32. Bah. Change terminology.
Configuration dialog box, on the GTK front end only as yet.
Remove arbitrary restriction on Net minimum game size. (Awww, cute
Wrap the status bar in a viewport, to avoid it expanding if the text
The cube was being drawn slightly differently on the top and left
Keep the status bar in better sync with the game display.
We were forgetting to count the final move.
Incorrect placing of the polyhedron sometimes left it on a blue
Implemented text and clipping primitives in the frontend, and added
`There's always one'. Add nullgame to .cvsignore.
Add a template file defining the null game.
Add a new game concept called a `flash'. This is a graphical effect
Have each game declare a name which is used for window titles etc.
Shift-click is equivalent to middle-click. This is mostly for
Fix zillions of MSVC compiler warnings. Sigh.
Introduce diagonal movement keys on the numeric keypad, and use them
Add .map and .rsp files to .cvsignore.
More robust timer handling in GTK: never create a new timer when one
Add a menu bar, in both Windows and GTK. In particular, game modules
A-_ha_! The Windows Rectangle() call appears to get uppity if asked
Most of a Windows front end. Something's not _quite_ right in the
Stop the user being able to resize the window.
Implemented Cube, in a sufficiently general way that it also handles
Further general development. Net is now playable, though
General further development. Sketched out the mid-end, added more
Beginnings of a GTK framework. (And I do mean _beginnings_; it opens
Initial checkin of a portable framework for writing small GUI puzzle