Support user-specified extra link flags (XLFLAGS) in the Unix
Fix mismatch between printf format strings and arguments in some
Fix an amusing cut-and-paste error in the Java drawing code which was
Adjust the yellow used for LINE_UNKNOWN so that it's always a bit
Add a new deduction to Easy level, which is as small as I can make it
Move up midend_is_solved() in the developer docs from subheading to
Add a function to every game backend which indicates whether a game
Add functions provided by the midend to tell a front end whether GUI
Rework the Loopy grid drawing algorithm so that it doesn't assume when
Improve the algorithm for figuring out where the number should be
When a lot of edges meet the same point - and, in particular, when
Another patch from Chris Moore implementing two more grid types, both
Retire the 'middle_face' field in 'struct grid', together with the
Patch from Chris Moore to implement an extra grid type, the 'floret'
Patch from Chris Moore to improve the generality of
Another UI feature for Group: now you can click between two legend
The printing function in Bridges was unable to cope with more than two
Fix error highlighting after table rearrangement.
Add the ability to reorder the rows and columns in Group. It becomes
Introduce a mechanism in Buildscr for optionally building some of the
Also, it's ugly to blank out pieces of the applet window in black.
In the Java front end, don't try to guess the puzzle rectangle's
Fixes to r8997: firstly, move the fix out of #ifdef CAIRO so that it
Liam Clarke points out that the use of the word 'radius' to describe
Memory leak fixes from Jonas Koelker.
Jonas Koelker reports that using the version of GTK currently in
New puzzle from Jonas Koelker: 'Range', an implementation of the
Patch from Jonas Koelker to fix a double free in magnetssolver.
Some minor fixes to the unfinished Pearl solver:
Some kernels don't like my #! line. Move the -w into a 'use
Patch from Mark Wooding to add documentation of the new
Patch from Mark Wooding to add antialiasing-safety in repeated
Patch from Mark Wooding to reorganise Loopy's redraw function to be
Patch from Mark Wooding to introduce a draw_thick_line() function in
Patch from Mark Wooding to (optionally at compile time) use the
Patch from Mark Wooding to disable GTK's internal double buffering,
Patch from Mark Wooding to use GTK stock items for standard 'OK',
Make clean under 'perl -w'. Fixes one minor bug in the
Patch from Ben Hutchings to fix an error-checking goof: Keen
A user points out that Signpost doesn't in fact use the numeric
Fix a build-breaking bug I introduced to the OS X makefile in r8931.
Modification of a patch from Debian: eliminate the endless rebuilds
Patch idea from Debian, but modified considerably in implementation:
Patch from Debian, to bring the use of the X selection/clipboard in
Wording tweaks inspired by (but not the same as) some in a Debian
Patch from Ben Hutchings: explicitly initialise something which some
Fix incorrect uses of ctype.h (passing it uncast chars, or other
Fix from James H for an assertion failure during Signpost
Add '-v' option to patternsolver, to make it show its working.
Dylan O'Donnell reports that Signpost hangs on trying to generate a
Chris Boyle reports an off-by-two error ('a Qui-Gon Jinx' :-) in
Error highlighting bug in Bridges: when counting the number of extra
Another w/h transposition typo.
Typo affecting gameplay on grids wider than they are tall. (Clicking
Fixes from James H to the numbering of squares, in particular:
Fix build failure on MacOS by initialising a variable which was
A proper fix from James H for the negative number issue: the
'Fix' an assertion failure during play: accidentally connecting a
Docs and comments fixes from James H.
Updates to the new-puzzle checklist, since the world has moved on.
New puzzle! Setting what might be a record for how long we've sat on
Patch inspired by one from James H: remove spurious references to
Fix from James H: the shared code between drawing and printing
Fix from James H: in printing mode, the shared code between drawing
Memory leak fix from James H.
Patch from James H to fix a bug in which ambiguous puzzles would
Typo/formatting fixes for Magnets documentation.
Highlight the sides as well as the top of a tower when it's
Don't use payload strings directly as the format for printf.
New puzzle from James H: 'Magnets'.
Couple of small changes to Singles from James H which missed my main
Patch from James H: make the Windows debugging output conditional on
Add a couple more checks to the 3d collision detection, without
Corrections to Singles documentation, plus index terms.
New puzzle from James Harvey: 'Singles', an implementation of
Retire the YTRANS and YUNTRANS macros in latin.[ch]. They were
The 3-D graphics in Towers need a corresponding change on the input
Oops! Remove evidence of blatant clone-and-hack from Keen. :-)
Oops. Uncomment the difficulty exceptions! (Also add another
Crop the Towers icon more sensibly (i.e. at all).
Upgrade the graphics in Towers to include a thematically appropriate
New puzzle, again using the revised latin.c: 'Towers', a clone of a
Memory leak fix from James H.
Proof that check_errors() is sufficient.
Refer to group elements by letters instead of numbers, in keeping
Add a facility in the latin.c solver diagnostics to allow a puzzle
Add an even more evil (!) game mode, in which it's not made
Yikes! Fix a misaimed 'sizeof' which I only got away with because
A user asked for the < signs in Unequal to be bolder.
Missing piece of code I should have cribbed from Solo: we have to
Another 16-bit-cleanliness fix (and for once I spotted it before James!)
Memory leak fix from Tiago Dionizio: whenever we free the midend's