shithub: puzzles

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 * emcc.c: the C component of an Emscripten-based web/Javascript front
 * end for Puzzles.
 * The Javascript parts of this system live in emcclib.js and
 * emccpre.js. It also depends on being run in the context of a web
 * page containing an appropriate collection of bits and pieces (a
 * canvas, some buttons and links etc), which is generated for each
 * puzzle by the script html/

 * Further thoughts on possible enhancements:
 *  - I should think about whether these webified puzzles can support
 *    touchscreen-based tablet browsers.
 *  - think about making use of localStorage. It might be useful to
 *    let the user save games into there as an alternative to disk
 *    files - disk files are all very well for getting the save right
 *    out of your browser to (e.g.) email to me as a bug report, but
 *    for just resuming a game you were in the middle of, you'd
 *    probably rather have a nice simple 'quick save' and 'quick load'
 *    button pair. Also, that might be a useful place to store
 *    preferences, if I ever get round to writing a preferences UI.
 *  - this is a downright silly idea, but it does occur to me that if
 *    I were to write a PDF output driver for the Puzzles printing
 *    API, then I might be able to implement a sort of 'printing'
 *    feature in this front end, using data: URIs again. (Ask the user
 *    exactly what they want printed, then construct an appropriate
 *    PDF and embed it in a gigantic data: URI. Then they can print
 *    that using whatever they normally use to print PDFs!)

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#include "puzzles.h"

 * Extern references to Javascript functions provided in emcclib.js.
extern void js_debug(const char *);
extern void js_error_box(const char *message);
extern void js_remove_type_dropdown(void);
extern void js_remove_solve_button(void);
extern void js_add_preset(int menuid, const char *name, int value);
extern int js_add_preset_submenu(int menuid, const char *name);
extern int js_get_selected_preset(void);
extern void js_select_preset(int n);
extern void js_default_colour(float *output);
extern void js_set_background_colour(const char *bg);
extern void js_get_date_64(unsigned *p);
extern void js_update_permalinks(const char *desc, const char *seed);
extern void js_enable_undo_redo(bool undo, bool redo);
extern void js_activate_timer();
extern void js_deactivate_timer();
extern void js_canvas_start_draw(void);
extern void js_canvas_draw_update(int x, int y, int w, int h);
extern void js_canvas_end_draw(void);
extern void js_canvas_draw_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h,
                                const char *colour);
extern void js_canvas_clip_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h);
extern void js_canvas_unclip(void);
extern void js_canvas_draw_line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
                                int width, const char *colour);
extern void js_canvas_draw_poly(const int *points, int npoints,
                                const char *fillcolour,
                                const char *outlinecolour);
extern void js_canvas_draw_circle(int x, int y, int r,
                                  const char *fillcolour,
                                  const char *outlinecolour);
extern int js_canvas_find_font_midpoint(int height, bool monospaced);
extern void js_canvas_draw_text(int x, int y, int halign,
                                const char *colptr, int height,
                                bool monospaced, const char *text);
extern int js_canvas_new_blitter(int w, int h);
extern void js_canvas_free_blitter(int id);
extern void js_canvas_copy_to_blitter(int id, int x, int y, int w, int h);
extern void js_canvas_copy_from_blitter(int id, int x, int y, int w, int h);
extern void js_canvas_remove_statusbar(void);
extern void js_canvas_set_statusbar(const char *text);
extern bool js_canvas_get_preferred_size(int *wp, int *hp);
extern void js_canvas_set_size(int w, int h);
extern double js_get_device_pixel_ratio();

extern void js_dialog_init(const char *title);
extern void js_dialog_string(int i, const char *title, const char *initvalue);
extern void js_dialog_choices(int i, const char *title, const char *choicelist,
                              int initvalue);
extern void js_dialog_boolean(int i, const char *title, bool initvalue);
extern void js_dialog_launch(void);
extern void js_dialog_cleanup(void);
extern void js_focus_canvas(void);

 * Call JS to get the date, and use that to initialise our random
 * number generator to invent the first game seed.
void get_random_seed(void **randseed, int *randseedsize)
    unsigned *ret = snewn(2, unsigned);
    *randseed = ret;
    *randseedsize = 2*sizeof(unsigned);

 * Fatal error, called in cases of complete despair such as when
 * malloc() has returned NULL.
void fatal(const char *fmt, ...)
    char buf[512];
    va_list ap;

    strcpy(buf, "puzzle fatal error: ");

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    vsnprintf(buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf), fmt, ap);


void debug_printf(const char *fmt, ...)
    char buf[512];
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);

 * Helper function that makes it easy to test strings that might be
 * NULL.
int strnullcmp(const char *a, const char *b)
    if (a == NULL || b == NULL)
        return a != NULL ? +1 : b != NULL ? -1 : 0;
    return strcmp(a, b);

 * HTMLish names for the colours allocated by the puzzle.
char **colour_strings;
int ncolours;

 * The global midend object.
midend *me;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Timing functions.
bool timer_active = false;
void deactivate_timer(frontend *fe)
    timer_active = false;
void activate_timer(frontend *fe)
    if (!timer_active) {
        timer_active = true;
void timer_callback(double tplus)
    if (timer_active)
        midend_timer(me, tplus);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Helper functions to resize the canvas, and variables to remember
 * its size for other functions (e.g. trimming blitter rectangles).
static int canvas_w, canvas_h;

 * Called when we resize as a result of changing puzzle settings
 * or device pixel ratio.
static void resize()
    int w, h;
    bool user;
    w = h = INT_MAX;
    user = js_canvas_get_preferred_size(&w, &h);
    midend_size(me, &w, &h, user, js_get_device_pixel_ratio());
    js_canvas_set_size(w, h);
    canvas_w = w;
    canvas_h = h;

/* Called from JS when the device pixel ratio changes */
void rescale_puzzle()

/* Called from JS when the user uses the resize handle */
void resize_puzzle(int w, int h)
    midend_size(me, &w, &h, true, js_get_device_pixel_ratio());
    if (canvas_w != w || canvas_h != h) { 
        js_canvas_set_size(w, h);
        canvas_w = w;
        canvas_h = h;

/* Called from JS when the user uses the restore button */
void restore_puzzle_size(int w, int h)

 * Try to extract a background colour from the canvas's CSS.  In case
 * it doesn't have a usable one, make up a lightish grey ourselves.
void frontend_default_colour(frontend *fe, float *output)
    output[0] = output[1] = output[2] = 0.9F;

 * Helper function called from all over the place to ensure the undo
 * and redo buttons get properly enabled and disabled after every move
 * or undo or new-game event.
static void update_undo_redo(void)
    js_enable_undo_redo(midend_can_undo(me), midend_can_redo(me));

 * Mouse event handlers called from JS.
bool mousedown(int x, int y, int button)
    bool handled;

    button = (button == 0 ? LEFT_BUTTON :
              button == 1 ? MIDDLE_BUTTON : RIGHT_BUTTON);
    midend_process_key(me, x, y, button, &handled);
    return handled;

bool mouseup(int x, int y, int button)
    bool handled;

    button = (button == 0 ? LEFT_RELEASE :
              button == 1 ? MIDDLE_RELEASE : RIGHT_RELEASE);
    midend_process_key(me, x, y, button, &handled);
    return handled;

bool mousemove(int x, int y, int buttons)
    int button = (buttons & 2 ? MIDDLE_DRAG :
                  buttons & 4 ? RIGHT_DRAG : LEFT_DRAG);
    bool handled;

    midend_process_key(me, x, y, button, &handled);
    return handled;

 * Keyboard handler called from JS.  Returns true if the key was
 * handled and hence the keydown event should be cancelled.
bool key(int keycode, const char *key, const char *chr, int location,
         bool shift, bool ctrl)
    /* Key location constants from JavaScript. */
    #define DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT     1
    #define DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT    2
    int keyevent = -1;
    bool handled;

    if (!strnullcmp(key, "Backspace") || !strnullcmp(key, "Delete") ||
        !strnullcmp(key, "Del"))
        keyevent = 127;                /* Backspace / Delete */
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "Enter"))
        keyevent = 13;             /* return */
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "Spacebar"))
        keyevent = ' ';
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "Escape"))
        keyevent = 27;
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "ArrowLeft") || !strnullcmp(key, "Left"))
        keyevent = CURSOR_LEFT;
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "ArrowUp") || !strnullcmp(key, "Up"))
        keyevent = CURSOR_UP;
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "ArrowRight") || !strnullcmp(key, "Right"))
        keyevent = CURSOR_RIGHT;
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "ArrowDown") || !strnullcmp(key, "Down"))
        keyevent = CURSOR_DOWN;
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "SoftLeft"))
        /* Left soft key on KaiOS. */
        keyevent = CURSOR_SELECT2;
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "End"))
         * We interpret Home, End, PgUp and PgDn as numeric keypad
         * controls regardless of whether they're the ones on the
         * numeric keypad (since we can't tell). The effect of
         * this should only be that the non-numeric-pad versions
         * of those keys generate directions in 8-way movement
         * puzzles like Cube and Inertia.
        keyevent = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '1';
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "PageDown"))
        keyevent = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '3';
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "Home"))
        keyevent = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '7';
    else if (!strnullcmp(key, "PageUp"))
        keyevent = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '9';
    else if (shift && ctrl && (!strnullcmp(key, "Z") || !strnullcmp(key, "z")))
        keyevent = UI_REDO;
    else if (key && (unsigned char)key[0] < 0x80 && key[1] == '\0')
        /* Key generating a single ASCII character. */
        keyevent = key[0];
     * In modern browsers (since about 2017), all keys that Puzzles
     * cares about should be matched by one of the clauses above.  The
     * code below that checks keycode and chr should be relavent only
     * in older browsers.
    else if (keycode == 8 || keycode == 46)
        keyevent = 127;                /* Backspace / Delete */
    else if (keycode == 13)
        keyevent = 13;             /* return */
    else if (keycode == 37)
        keyevent = CURSOR_LEFT;
    else if (keycode == 38)
        keyevent = CURSOR_UP;
    else if (keycode == 39)
        keyevent = CURSOR_RIGHT;
    else if (keycode == 40)
        keyevent = CURSOR_DOWN;
    else if (keycode == 35)
        keyevent = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '1';
    else if (keycode == 34)
        keyevent = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '3';
    else if (keycode == 36)
        keyevent = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '7';
    else if (keycode == 33)
        keyevent = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | '9';
    else if (shift && ctrl && (keycode & 0x1F) == 26)
        keyevent = UI_REDO;
    else if (chr && chr[0] && !chr[1])
        keyevent = chr[0] & 0xFF;
    else if (keycode >= 96 && keycode < 106)
        keyevent = MOD_NUM_KEYPAD | ('0' + keycode - 96);
    else if (keycode >= 65 && keycode <= 90)
        keyevent = keycode + (shift ? 0 : 32);
    else if (keycode >= 48 && keycode <= 57)
        keyevent = keycode;
    else if (keycode == 32)        /* space / CURSOR_SELECT2 */
        keyevent = keycode;

    if (keyevent >= 0) {
        if (shift && (keyevent >= 0x100 && !IS_UI_FAKE_KEY(keyevent)))
            keyevent |= MOD_SHFT;

        if (ctrl && !IS_UI_FAKE_KEY(keyevent)) {
            if (keyevent >= 0x100)
                keyevent |= MOD_CTRL;
                keyevent &= 0x1F;

        if ('0' <= keyevent && keyevent <= '9' &&
            location == DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD)
            keyevent |= MOD_NUM_KEYPAD;

        midend_process_key(me, 0, 0, keyevent, &handled);
        return handled;
    return false; /* Event not handled, because we don't even recognise it. */

 * Helper function called from several places to update the permalinks
 * whenever a new game is created.
static void update_permalinks(void)
    char *desc, *seed;
    desc = midend_get_game_id(me);
    seed = midend_get_random_seed(me);
    js_update_permalinks(desc, seed);

 * Callback from the midend when the game ids change, so we can update
 * the permalinks.
static void ids_changed(void *ignored)

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Implementation of the drawing API by calling Javascript canvas
 * drawing functions. (Well, half of it; the other half is on the JS
 * side.)
static void js_start_draw(void *handle)

static void js_clip(void *handle, int x, int y, int w, int h)
    js_canvas_clip_rect(x, y, w, h);

static void js_unclip(void *handle)

static void js_draw_text(void *handle, int x, int y, int fonttype,
                         int fontsize, int align, int colour,
                         const char *text)
    int halign;

    if (align & ALIGN_VCENTRE)
	y += js_canvas_find_font_midpoint(fontsize, fonttype == FONT_FIXED);

    if (align & ALIGN_HCENTRE)
	halign = 1;
    else if (align & ALIGN_HRIGHT)
        halign = 2;
        halign = 0;

    js_canvas_draw_text(x, y, halign, colour_strings[colour],
                        fontsize, fonttype == FONT_FIXED, text);

static void js_draw_rect(void *handle, int x, int y, int w, int h, int colour)
    js_canvas_draw_rect(x, y, w, h, colour_strings[colour]);

static void js_draw_line(void *handle, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                         int colour)
    js_canvas_draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1, colour_strings[colour]);

static void js_draw_thick_line(void *handle, float thickness,
                               float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
                               int colour)
    js_canvas_draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness, colour_strings[colour]);

static void js_draw_poly(void *handle, const int *coords, int npoints,
                         int fillcolour, int outlinecolour)
    js_canvas_draw_poly(coords, npoints,
                        fillcolour >= 0 ? colour_strings[fillcolour] : NULL,

static void js_draw_circle(void *handle, int cx, int cy, int radius,
                           int fillcolour, int outlinecolour)
    js_canvas_draw_circle(cx, cy, radius,
                          fillcolour >= 0 ? colour_strings[fillcolour] : NULL,

struct blitter {
    int id;                            /* allocated on the js side */
    int w, h;                          /* easier to retain here */

static blitter *js_blitter_new(void *handle, int w, int h)
    blitter *bl = snew(blitter);
    bl->w = w;
    bl->h = h;
    bl->id = js_canvas_new_blitter(w, h);
    return bl;

static void js_blitter_free(void *handle, blitter *bl)

static void trim_rect(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
    int x0, x1, y0, y1;

     * Reduce the size of the copied rectangle to stop it going
     * outside the bounds of the canvas.

    /* Transform from x,y,w,h form into coordinates of all edges */
    x0 = *x;
    y0 = *y;
    x1 = *x + *w;
    y1 = *y + *h;

    /* Clip each coordinate at both extremes of the canvas */
    x0 = (x0 < 0 ? 0 : x0 > canvas_w ? canvas_w : x0);
    x1 = (x1 < 0 ? 0 : x1 > canvas_w ? canvas_w : x1);
    y0 = (y0 < 0 ? 0 : y0 > canvas_h ? canvas_h : y0);
    y1 = (y1 < 0 ? 0 : y1 > canvas_h ? canvas_h : y1); 

    /* Transform back into x,y,w,h to return */
    *x = x0;
    *y = y0;
    *w = x1 - x0;
    *h = y1 - y0;

static void js_blitter_save(void *handle, blitter *bl, int x, int y)
    int w = bl->w, h = bl->h;
    trim_rect(&x, &y, &w, &h);
    if (w > 0 && h > 0)
        js_canvas_copy_to_blitter(bl->id, x, y, w, h);

static void js_blitter_load(void *handle, blitter *bl, int x, int y)
    int w = bl->w, h = bl->h;
    trim_rect(&x, &y, &w, &h);
    if (w > 0 && h > 0)
        js_canvas_copy_from_blitter(bl->id, x, y, w, h);

static void js_draw_update(void *handle, int x, int y, int w, int h)
    trim_rect(&x, &y, &w, &h);
    if (w > 0 && h > 0)
        js_canvas_draw_update(x, y, w, h);

static void js_end_draw(void *handle)

static void js_status_bar(void *handle, const char *text)

static char *js_text_fallback(void *handle, const char *const *strings,
                              int nstrings)
    return dupstr(strings[0]); /* Emscripten has no trouble with UTF-8 */

const struct drawing_api js_drawing = {
    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* {begin,end}_{doc,page,puzzle} */
    NULL, NULL,			       /* line_width, line_dotted */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Presets and game-configuration dialog support.
static game_params **presets;
static int npresets;
bool have_presets_dropdown;

void populate_js_preset_menu(int menuid, struct preset_menu *menu)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < menu->n_entries; i++) {
        struct preset_menu_entry *entry = &menu->entries[i];
        if (entry->params) {
            presets[entry->id] = entry->params;
            js_add_preset(menuid, entry->title, entry->id);
        } else {
            int js_submenu = js_add_preset_submenu(menuid, entry->title);
            populate_js_preset_menu(js_submenu, entry->submenu);

void select_appropriate_preset(void)
    if (have_presets_dropdown) {
        int preset = midend_which_preset(me);
        js_select_preset(preset < 0 ? -1 : preset);

static config_item *cfg = NULL;
static int cfg_which;

 * Set up a dialog box. This is pretty easy on the C side; most of the
 * work is done in JS.
static void cfg_start(int which)
    char *title;
    int i;

    cfg = midend_get_config(me, which, &title);
    cfg_which = which;


    for (i = 0; cfg[i].type != C_END; i++) {
	switch (cfg[i].type) {
	  case C_STRING:
            js_dialog_string(i, cfg[i].name, cfg[i].u.string.sval);
	  case C_BOOLEAN:
            js_dialog_boolean(i, cfg[i].name, cfg[i].u.boolean.bval);
	  case C_CHOICES:
            js_dialog_choices(i, cfg[i].name, cfg[i].u.choices.choicenames,


 * Callbacks from JS when the OK button is clicked, to return the
 * final state of each control.
void dlg_return_sval(int index, const char *val)
    config_item *i = cfg + index;
    switch (i->type) {
      case C_STRING:
        i->u.string.sval = dupstr(val);
        assert(0 && "Bad type for return_sval");
void dlg_return_ival(int index, int val)
    config_item *i = cfg + index;
    switch (i->type) {
      case C_BOOLEAN:
        i->u.boolean.bval = val;
      case C_CHOICES:
        i->u.choices.selected = val;
        assert(0 && "Bad type for return_ival");

 * Called when the user clicks OK or Cancel. use_results will be true
 * or false respectively, in those cases. We terminate the dialog box,
 * unless the user selected an invalid combination of parameters.
static void cfg_end(bool use_results)
    if (use_results) {
         * User hit OK.
        const char *err = midend_set_config(me, cfg_which, cfg);

        if (err) {
             * The settings were unacceptable, so leave the config box
             * open for the user to adjust them and try again.
        } else {
             * New settings are fine; start a new game and close the
             * dialog.
    } else {
         * User hit Cancel. Close the dialog, but also we must still
         * reselect the right element of the dropdown list.
         * (Because: imagine you have a preset selected, and then you
         * select Custom from the list, but change your mind and hit
         * Esc. The Custom option will now still be selected in the
         * list, whereas obviously it should show the preset you still
         * _actually_ have selected. Worse still, it'll be the visible
         * rather than invisible Custom option - see the comment in
         * js_add_preset in emcclib.js - so you won't even be able to
         * select Custom without a faffy workaround.)


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Called from JS when a command is given to the puzzle by clicking a
 * button or control of some sort.
void command(int n)
    switch (n) {
      case 0:                          /* specific game ID */
      case 1:                          /* random game seed */
      case 2:                          /* game parameter dropdown changed */
            int i = js_get_selected_preset();
            if (i < 0) {
                 * The user selected 'Custom', so launch the config
                 * box.
                if (thegame.can_configure) /* (double-check just in case) */
            } else {
                 * The user selected a preset, so just switch straight
                 * to that.
                assert(i < npresets);
                midend_set_params(me, presets[i]);
      case 3:                          /* OK clicked in a config box */
      case 4:                          /* Cancel clicked in a config box */
      case 5:                          /* New Game */
        midend_process_key(me, 0, 0, UI_NEWGAME, NULL);
      case 6:                          /* Restart */
      case 7:                          /* Undo */
        midend_process_key(me, 0, 0, UI_UNDO, NULL);
      case 8:                          /* Redo */
        midend_process_key(me, 0, 0, UI_REDO, NULL);
      case 9:                          /* Solve */
        if (thegame.can_solve) {
            const char *msg = midend_solve(me);
            if (msg)

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Called from JS to prepare a save-game file, and free one after it's
 * been used.

struct savefile_write_ctx {
    char *buffer;
    size_t pos;

static void savefile_write(void *vctx, const void *buf, int len)
    struct savefile_write_ctx *ctx = (struct savefile_write_ctx *)vctx;
    if (ctx->buffer)
        memcpy(ctx->buffer + ctx->pos, buf, len);
    ctx->pos += len;

char *get_save_file(void)
    struct savefile_write_ctx ctx;
    size_t size;

    /* First pass, to count up the size */
    ctx.buffer = NULL;
    ctx.pos = 0;
    midend_serialise(me, savefile_write, &ctx);
    size = ctx.pos;

    /* Second pass, to actually write out the data. We have to put a
     * terminating \0 on the end (which we expect never to show up in
     * the actual serialisation format - it's text, not binary) so
     * that the Javascript side can easily find out the length. */
    ctx.buffer = snewn(size+1, char);
    ctx.pos = 0;
    midend_serialise(me, savefile_write, &ctx);
    assert(ctx.pos == size);
    ctx.buffer[ctx.pos] = '\0';

    return ctx.buffer;

void free_save_file(char *buffer)

struct savefile_read_ctx {
    const char *buffer;
    int len_remaining;

static bool savefile_read(void *vctx, void *buf, int len)
    struct savefile_read_ctx *ctx = (struct savefile_read_ctx *)vctx;
    if (ctx->len_remaining < len)
        return false;
    memcpy(buf, ctx->buffer, len);
    ctx->len_remaining -= len;
    ctx->buffer += len;
    return true;

void load_game(const char *buffer, int len)
    struct savefile_read_ctx ctx;
    const char *err;

    ctx.buffer = buffer;
    ctx.len_remaining = len;
    err = midend_deserialise(me, savefile_read, &ctx);

    if (err) {
    } else {

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Setup function called at page load time. It's called main() because
 * that's the most convenient thing in Emscripten, but it's not main()
 * in the usual sense of bounding the program's entire execution.
 * Instead, this function returns once the initial puzzle is set up
 * and working, and everything thereafter happens by means of JS event
 * handlers sending us callbacks.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *param_err;
    float *colours;
    int i;

     * Instantiate a midend.
    me = midend_new(NULL, &thegame, &js_drawing, NULL);

     * Chuck in the HTML fragment ID if we have one (trimming the
     * leading # off the front first). If that's invalid, we retain
     * the error message and will display it at the end, after setting
     * up a random puzzle as usual.
    if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '#' && argv[1][1] != '\0')
        param_err = midend_game_id(me, argv[1] + 1);
        param_err = NULL;

     * Create either a random game or the specified one, and set the
     * canvas size appropriately.

     * Remove the status bar, if not needed.
    if (!midend_wants_statusbar(me))

     * Set up the game-type dropdown with presets and/or the Custom
     * option.
        struct preset_menu *menu = midend_get_presets(me, &npresets);
        presets = snewn(npresets, game_params *);
        for (i = 0; i < npresets; i++)
            presets[i] = NULL;

        populate_js_preset_menu(0, menu);

        if (thegame.can_configure)
            js_add_preset(0, "Custom...", -1);

        have_presets_dropdown = npresets > 0 || thegame.can_configure;

        if (have_presets_dropdown)
             * Now ensure the appropriate element of the presets menu
             * starts off selected, in case it isn't the first one in the
             * list (e.g. Slant).

     * Remove the Solve button if the game doesn't support it.
    if (!thegame.can_solve)

     * Retrieve the game's colours, and convert them into #abcdef type
     * hex ID strings.
    colours = midend_colours(me, &ncolours);
    colour_strings = snewn(ncolours, char *);
    for (i = 0; i < ncolours; i++) {
        char col[40];
        sprintf(col, "#%02x%02x%02x",
                (unsigned)(0.5 + 255 * colours[i*3+0]),
                (unsigned)(0.5 + 255 * colours[i*3+1]),
                (unsigned)(0.5 + 255 * colours[i*3+2]));
        colour_strings[i] = dupstr(col);
    /* Put the background colour in a CSS variable. */

     * Request notification when the game ids change (e.g. if the user
     * presses 'n', and also when Mines supersedes its game
     * description), so that we can proactively update the permalink.
    midend_request_id_changes(me, ids_changed, NULL);

     * Draw the puzzle's initial state, and set up the permalinks and
     * undo/redo greying out.

     * If we were given an erroneous game ID in argv[1], now's the
     * time to put up the error box about it, after we've fully set up
     * a random puzzle. Then when the user clicks 'ok', we have a
     * puzzle for them.
    if (param_err)

     * Done. Return to JS, and await callbacks!
    return 0;