ref: 493bf16ddbe2185664d6c3053f7891a9f232c75c
dir: /cmake/platforms/unix.cmake/
set(PUZZLES_GTK_VERSION "ANY" CACHE STRING "Which major version of GTK to build with") set_property(CACHE PUZZLES_GTK_VERSION PROPERTY STRINGS ANY 3 2) set(STRICT OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable extra compiler warnings and make them errors") set(NAME_PREFIX "" CACHE STRING "Prefix to prepend to puzzle binary names to avoid clashes \ in a crowded bin directory, e.g. \"sgt-\"") find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) find_program(HALIBUT halibut) if(NOT HALIBUT) message(WARNING "HTML documentation cannot be built (did not find halibut)") endif() set(PUZZLES_GTK_FOUND FALSE) macro(try_gtk_package VER PACKAGENAME) if(NOT PUZZLES_GTK_FOUND AND (PUZZLES_GTK_VERSION STREQUAL ANY OR PUZZLES_GTK_VERSION STREQUAL ${VER})) pkg_check_modules(GTK ${PACKAGENAME}) if(GTK_FOUND) set(PUZZLES_GTK_FOUND TRUE) endif() endif() endmacro() try_gtk_package(3 gtk+-3.0) try_gtk_package(2 gtk+-2.0) if(NOT PUZZLES_GTK_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find any usable version of GTK.") endif() include_directories(${GTK_INCLUDE_DIRS}) link_directories(${GTK_LIBRARY_DIRS}) set(platform_common_sources gtk.c printing.c) set(platform_gui_libs ${GTK_LIBRARIES}) set(platform_libs -lm) set(build_icons TRUE) if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) # The puzzle icons are built by compiling and running a preliminary # set of puzzle binaries. We can't do that if the binaries won't run # on the build host. set(build_icons FALSE) endif() if(STRICT AND (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang")) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Wwrite-strings -std=c99 -pedantic -Werror") endif() add_compile_definitions(HELP_DIR="${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/sgt-puzzles/help") function(get_platform_puzzle_extra_source_files OUTVAR NAME) if(build_icons AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/icons/${NAME}.sav) # If we have the equipment to rebuild the puzzles' icon images # from scratch, do so. Then changes in the puzzle display code # will cause the icon to auto-update. build_icon(${NAME}) set(c_icon_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/icons/${NAME}-icon.c) elseif(EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/icons/${NAME}-icon.c) # Failing that, use a pre-built icon file in the 'icons' # subdirectory, if there is one. (They don't exist in git, but the # distribution tarball will have pre-built them and put them in # there, so that users building from that can still have icons # even if they don't have the wherewithal to rebuild them.) set(c_icon_file ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/icons/${NAME}-icon.c) else() # Failing even that, include no-icon.c to satisfy the link-time # dependencies. The puzzles will build without nice icons. set(c_icon_file ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/no-icon.c) endif() set(${OUTVAR} ${c_icon_file} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(set_platform_gui_target_properties TARGET) endfunction() function(set_platform_puzzle_target_properties NAME TARGET) get_target_property(official ${TARGET} official) get_target_property(exename ${TARGET} exename) get_target_property(displayname ${TARGET} displayname) get_target_property(description ${TARGET} description) set(binary_name ${NAME_PREFIX}${NAME}) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${binary_name}) if(${official}) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.14) # CMake 3.13 and earlier required an explicit install destination. install(TARGETS ${TARGET} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) else() # 3.14 and above selects a sensible default, which we should avoid # overriding here so that end users can override it using # CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR. install(TARGETS ${TARGET}) endif() configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${binary_name}.desktop) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/icons/${NAME}-48d24.png DESTINATION share/pixmaps OPTIONAL RENAME ${binary_name}-48d24.png) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${binary_name}.desktop DESTINATION share/applications) endif() endfunction() function(build_platform_extras) if(HALIBUT) set(help_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/help) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${help_dir}/en COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${help_dir}/en) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${help_dir}/en/index.html COMMAND ${HALIBUT} --html ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/puzzles.but DEPENDS ${help_dir}/en ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/puzzles.but WORKING_DIRECTORY ${help_dir}/en) add_custom_target(unix_help ALL DEPENDS ${help_dir}/en/index.html) install(DIRECTORY ${help_dir} DESTINATION share/sgt-puzzles) endif() endfunction()