Remember to free the game name in fuzzpuzz
Don't leak midends in fuzzpuzz
Merge the two versions of fuzzpuzz back together
AFL-specific shared-memory fuzzing mode
Add a fuzzing harness for Puzzles
Remove some midend functions from nullfe.c
Add more functions to nullfe.c
Fix Pattern row clues when a row has no black in
Correct credits information
Use a dynamically-sized buffer for Pattern row clues
Add a macro of an upper bound on the formatted length of an integer
Adjust font size of Pattern clues based on the numbers
Pattern: Pack clues for each row more closely together
Pattern: Clip clues to their proper rectangles
Create an icon for the Null Game
Support the generation of icons from uniformly-coloured screenshots
Don't use Null Game's extra source files for all GUI programs
devel.but: fix markup error causing build failure.
Slightly better macro usage for Tracks completion flash
Clear any existing Tracks flash data when generating it
Tracks: Set the grid colour based on others
Expose colour_mix() to backends (and others)
Fancier completion flash for Tracks
Tracks: Highlight more counting errors if track looks good
When filling in or blanking a square, don't generate null moves
Guess: Make 'H' key work properly with "Allow duplicates" off
Solo: Set max difficulty for small jigsaw puzzles
Prevent starting in a solved state in Fifteen & Flood
Remove _() introduced from Android port.
lightup: Ban 2x2 with either 4-way type
guess: Remove an obsolete workaround
magnetssolver: Add a missing newline to a message
magnets: Area constraints; fix message.
Tweak Filling greys to better distinguish selected and completed
Update developer docs for mkhighlight changes
Rewrite mkhighlight to handle a wider range of colours
Don't request a highlight colour in games that don't need one
Add an assertion that all colours are within range
mkhighlight: Don't darken the base colour if we don't need a highlight
Pearl: make PEARL_GUI_LOOPY affect printed output.
js: When opening a dialogue box, try to focus it
js: Don't treat SoftRight as CURSOR_SELECT2
js: Add a mode where the puzzle tries to fill the viewport
js: Add a new function whereby C can ask JS for a preferred board size
js: Set the default colour from the CSS background of the canvas
js: Allow CSS to set the font used by the puzzle
New backend function: current_key_label()
tracks: Allow a smaller or non-existent border at small tile sizes
tracks: Make the keyboard cursor more visible
galaxies: Use the same code for handling all dropped arrows
guess: Much more efficient keyboard interface
guess: Move the cursor to the first peg position after a guess
guess: Correct documentation to not say Space places a peg
js: Explicitly set the height of the status bar
Assert that the back-end has provided a background colour
Devel docs: explain the specialness of colour 0
Devel docs: Mention mid-end background clearing
guess: Fix keyboard access to hold function
js: Put the puzzle background colour in a CSS variable
mosaic: Don't bother initialising fields in decode_ui()
Devel docs: make it clear that decode_ui() gets a new game_ui
lightup: Remove tests for keystrokes canonicalised by mid-end
js: Bypass our own dialogue box when loading
js: Remove align=center from main <div> and make it a <main>
js: Remove a layer of <div> from the HTML page
js: Specify a font for the puzzle canvas in CSS
js: Correct a comment describing timer_callback
js: Simplify drawing context management
js: Switch to using the resize handle in the HTML
js: Don't bother resizing offscreen canvas at startup
js: Improve comment explaining same-origin policy for file:
js: Add an SVG resize handle to the HTML
js: Remove a JavaScript construct that confused emcc -O3
Document how Enter and Space are handled in the mid-end
js: Allow for putting a resize handle in HTML
Developer doc correction: list.c is not generated by Perl any more
js: Remove support for creating the status bar in JavaScript
js: Don't word-wrap the status bar
Update current-as-of commit ID in developer docs
js: Remove "width" and "height" attributes from HTML <canvas>
js: Hide menus and resize handle when printing
js: Remove alpha channel from almost all our canvases
js: Correct co-ordinate-mapping function for what CSS actually does
flip: Set a lower bound on the size of little diagrams
mines: Ensure highlights don't vanish at small tile sizes
js: Subtle extra padding for menus
js: If the HTML contains a dialogue-box form, delete it
js: Disable menu keyboard controls when dialogue box is active
js: More conventional marking of menu item types
js: Replace status-bar holder in HTML with status bar itself
js: Add actions for more keys in menus
js: Move global keyboard handler to capturing phase
js: Move focus-tracking to entirely "focus" events
js: Replace :focus-within with JS-maintained .focus-within
js: Add keyboard navigation for menus
Add missing dependency of screenshots on their save files
nullgame: Don't bother blanking the puzzle window