ref: 31384ca9c04a614fc0f517a39b41c02412ef98d5
dir: /undead.c/
/* * undead: Implementation of Haunted Mirror Mazes * * * * Puzzle definition is the total number of each monster type, the * grid definition, and the list of sightings (clockwise, starting * from top left corner) * * Example: (Janko puzzle No. 1, * ) * * Ghosts: 0 Vampires: 2 Zombies: 6 * * 2 1 1 1 * 1 \ \ . / 2 * 0 \ . / . 2 * 0 / . / . 2 * 3 . . . \ 2 * 3 3 2 2 * * would be encoded into: * 4x4:0,2,6,LLaRLaRaRaRdL,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,0,0,1 * * Additionally, the game description can contain monsters fixed at a * certain grid position. The internal generator does not (yet) use * this feature, but this is needed to enter puzzles like Janko No. * 14, which is encoded as: * 8x5:12,12,0,LaRbLaRaLaRLbRaVaVaGRaRaRaLbLaRbRLb,0,2,0,2,2,1,2,1,3,1,0,1,8,4,3,0,0,2,3,2,7,2,1,6,2,1 * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #include "puzzles.h" enum { COL_BACKGROUND, COL_GRID, COL_TEXT, COL_ERROR, COL_HIGHLIGHT, COL_FLASH, COL_GHOST, COL_ZOMBIE, COL_VAMPIRE, COL_DONE, NCOLOURS }; #define DIFFLIST(A) \ A(EASY,Easy,e) \ A(NORMAL,Normal,n) \ A(TRICKY,Tricky,t) #define ENUM(upper,title,lower) DIFF_ ## upper, #define TITLE(upper,title,lower) #title, #define ENCODE(upper,title,lower) #lower #define CONFIG(upper,title,lower) ":" #title enum { DIFFLIST(ENUM) DIFFCOUNT }; static char const *const undead_diffnames[] = { DIFFLIST(TITLE) "(count)" }; static char const undead_diffchars[] = DIFFLIST(ENCODE); #define DIFFCONFIG DIFFLIST(CONFIG) struct game_params { int w; /* Grid width */ int h; /* Grid height */ int diff; /* Puzzle difficulty */ }; static const struct game_params undead_presets[] = { { 4, 4, DIFF_EASY }, { 4, 4, DIFF_NORMAL }, { 4, 4, DIFF_TRICKY }, { 5, 5, DIFF_EASY }, { 5, 5, DIFF_NORMAL }, { 5, 5, DIFF_TRICKY }, { 7, 7, DIFF_EASY }, { 7, 7, DIFF_NORMAL } }; #define DEFAULT_PRESET 1 static game_params *default_params(void) { game_params *ret = snew(game_params); *ret = undead_presets[DEFAULT_PRESET]; return ret; } static int game_fetch_preset(int i, char **name, game_params **params) { game_params *ret; char buf[64]; if (i < 0 || i >= lenof(undead_presets)) return FALSE; ret = default_params(); *ret = undead_presets[i]; /* struct copy */ *params = ret; sprintf(buf, "%dx%d %s", undead_presets[i].w, undead_presets[i].h, undead_diffnames[undead_presets[i].diff]); *name = dupstr(buf); return TRUE; } static void free_params(game_params *params) { sfree(params); } static game_params *dup_params(const game_params *params) { game_params *ret = snew(game_params); *ret = *params; /* structure copy */ return ret; } static void decode_params(game_params *params, char const *string) { params->w = params->h = atoi(string); while (*string && isdigit((unsigned char) *string)) ++string; if (*string == 'x') { string++; params->h = atoi(string); while (*string && isdigit((unsigned char)*string)) string++; } params->diff = DIFF_NORMAL; if (*string == 'd') { int i; string++; for (i = 0; i < DIFFCOUNT; i++) if (*string == undead_diffchars[i]) params->diff = i; if (*string) string++; } return; } static char *encode_params(const game_params *params, int full) { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "%dx%d", params->w, params->h); if (full) sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "d%c", undead_diffchars[params->diff]); return dupstr(buf); } static config_item *game_configure(const game_params *params) { config_item *ret; char buf[64]; ret = snewn(4, config_item); ret[0].name = "Width"; ret[0].type = C_STRING; sprintf(buf, "%d", params->w); ret[0].u.string.sval = dupstr(buf); ret[1].name = "Height"; ret[1].type = C_STRING; sprintf(buf, "%d", params->h); ret[1].u.string.sval = dupstr(buf); ret[2].name = "Difficulty"; ret[2].type = C_CHOICES; ret[2].u.choices.choicenames = DIFFCONFIG; ret[2].u.choices.selected = params->diff; ret[3].name = NULL; ret[3].type = C_END; return ret; } static game_params *custom_params(const config_item *cfg) { game_params *ret = snew(game_params); ret->w = atoi(cfg[0].u.string.sval); ret->h = atoi(cfg[1].u.string.sval); ret->diff = cfg[2].u.choices.selected; return ret; } static const char *validate_params(const game_params *params, int full) { if ((params->w * params->h ) > 54) return "Grid is too big"; if (params->w < 3) return "Width must be at least 3"; if (params->h < 3) return "Height must be at least 3"; if (params->diff >= DIFFCOUNT) return "Unknown difficulty rating"; return NULL; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Game state allocation, deallocation. */ struct path { int length; int *p; int grid_start; int grid_end; int num_monsters; int *mapping; int sightings_start; int sightings_end; int *xy; }; struct game_common { int refcount; struct game_params params; int wh; int num_ghosts,num_vampires,num_zombies,num_total; int num_paths; struct path *paths; int *grid; int *xinfo; int *fixed; int solved; }; struct game_state { struct game_common *common; int *guess; unsigned char *pencils; unsigned char *cell_errors; unsigned char *hint_errors; unsigned char *hints_done; unsigned char count_errors[3]; int solved; int cheated; }; static game_state *new_state(const game_params *params) { int i; game_state *state = snew(game_state); state->common = snew(struct game_common); state->common->refcount = 1; state->common->params.w = params->w; state->common->params.h = params->h; state->common->params.diff = params->diff; state->common->wh = (state->common->params.w +2) * (state->common->params.h +2); state->common->num_ghosts = 0; state->common->num_vampires = 0; state->common->num_zombies = 0; state->common->num_total = 0; state->common->grid = snewn(state->common->wh, int); state->common->xinfo = snewn(state->common->wh, int); state->common->fixed = NULL; state->common->solved = FALSE; state->common->num_paths = state->common->params.w + state->common->params.h; state->common->paths = snewn(state->common->num_paths, struct path); for (i=0;i<state->common->num_paths;i++) { state->common->paths[i].length = 0; state->common->paths[i].grid_start = -1; state->common->paths[i].grid_end = -1; state->common->paths[i].num_monsters = 0; state->common->paths[i].sightings_start = 0; state->common->paths[i].sightings_end = 0; state->common->paths[i].p = snewn(state->common->wh,int); state->common->paths[i].xy = snewn(state->common->wh,int); state->common->paths[i].mapping = snewn(state->common->wh,int); } state->guess = NULL; state->pencils = NULL; state->cell_errors = snewn(state->common->wh, unsigned char); for (i=0;i<state->common->wh;i++) state->cell_errors[i] = FALSE; state->hint_errors = snewn(2*state->common->num_paths, unsigned char); for (i=0;i<2*state->common->num_paths;i++) state->hint_errors[i] = FALSE; state->hints_done = snewn(2 * state->common->num_paths, unsigned char); memset(state->hints_done, 0, 2 * state->common->num_paths * sizeof(unsigned char)); for (i=0;i<3;i++) state->count_errors[i] = FALSE; state->solved = FALSE; state->cheated = FALSE; return state; } static game_state *dup_game(const game_state *state) { game_state *ret = snew(game_state); ret->common = state->common; ret->common->refcount++; if (state->guess != NULL) { ret->guess = snewn(ret->common->num_total,int); memcpy(ret->guess, state->guess, ret->common->num_total*sizeof(int)); } else ret->guess = NULL; if (state->pencils != NULL) { ret->pencils = snewn(ret->common->num_total,unsigned char); memcpy(ret->pencils, state->pencils, ret->common->num_total*sizeof(unsigned char)); } else ret->pencils = NULL; if (state->cell_errors != NULL) { ret->cell_errors = snewn(ret->common->wh,unsigned char); memcpy(ret->cell_errors, state->cell_errors, ret->common->wh*sizeof(unsigned char)); } else ret->cell_errors = NULL; if (state->hint_errors != NULL) { ret->hint_errors = snewn(2*ret->common->num_paths,unsigned char); memcpy(ret->hint_errors, state->hint_errors, 2*ret->common->num_paths*sizeof(unsigned char)); } else ret->hint_errors = NULL; if (state->hints_done != NULL) { ret->hints_done = snewn(2 * state->common->num_paths, unsigned char); memcpy(ret->hints_done, state->hints_done, 2 * state->common->num_paths * sizeof(unsigned char)); } else ret->hints_done = NULL; ret->count_errors[0] = state->count_errors[0]; ret->count_errors[1] = state->count_errors[1]; ret->count_errors[2] = state->count_errors[2]; ret->solved = state->solved; ret->cheated = state->cheated; return ret; } static void free_game(game_state *state) { int i; state->common->refcount--; if (state->common->refcount == 0) { for (i=0;i<state->common->num_paths;i++) { sfree(state->common->paths[i].mapping); sfree(state->common->paths[i].xy); sfree(state->common->paths[i].p); } sfree(state->common->paths); sfree(state->common->xinfo); sfree(state->common->grid); if (state->common->fixed != NULL) sfree(state->common->fixed); sfree(state->common); } if (state->hints_done != NULL) sfree(state->hints_done); if (state->hint_errors != NULL) sfree(state->hint_errors); if (state->cell_errors != NULL) sfree(state->cell_errors); if (state->pencils != NULL) sfree(state->pencils); if (state->guess != NULL) sfree(state->guess); sfree(state); return; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Puzzle generator */ /* cell states */ enum { CELL_EMPTY, CELL_MIRROR_L, CELL_MIRROR_R, CELL_GHOST, CELL_VAMPIRE, CELL_ZOMBIE, CELL_UNDEF }; /* grid walk directions */ enum { DIRECTION_NONE, DIRECTION_UP, DIRECTION_RIGHT, DIRECTION_LEFT, DIRECTION_DOWN }; int range2grid(int rangeno, int width, int height, int *x, int *y) { if (rangeno < 0) { *x = 0; *y = 0; return DIRECTION_NONE; } if (rangeno < width) { *x = rangeno+1; *y = 0; return DIRECTION_DOWN; } rangeno = rangeno - width; if (rangeno < height) { *x = width+1; *y = rangeno+1; return DIRECTION_LEFT; } rangeno = rangeno - height; if (rangeno < width) { *x = width-rangeno; *y = height+1; return DIRECTION_UP; } rangeno = rangeno - width; if (rangeno < height) { *x = 0; *y = height-rangeno; return DIRECTION_RIGHT; } *x = 0; *y = 0; return DIRECTION_NONE; } int grid2range(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (x>0 && x<w+1 && y>0 && y<h+1) return -1; if (x<0 || x>w+1 || y<0 || y>h+1) return -1; if ((x == 0 || x==w+1) && (y==0 || y==h+1)) return -1; if (y==0) return x-1; if (x==(w+1)) return y-1+w; if (y==(h+1)) return 2*w + h - x; return 2*(w+h) - y; } void make_paths(game_state *state) { int i; int count = 0; for (i=0;i<2*(state->common->params.w + state->common->params.h);i++) { int x,y,dir; int j,k,num_monsters; int found; int c,p; found = FALSE; /* Check whether inverse path is already in list */ for (j=0;j<count;j++) { if (i == state->common->paths[j].grid_end) { found = TRUE; break; } } if (found) continue; /* We found a new path through the mirror maze */ state->common->paths[count].grid_start = i; dir = range2grid(i, state->common->params.w, state->common->params.h,&x,&y); state->common->paths[count].sightings_start = state->common->grid[x+y*(state->common->params.w +2)]; while (TRUE) { int c,r; if (dir == DIRECTION_DOWN) y++; else if (dir == DIRECTION_LEFT) x--; else if (dir == DIRECTION_UP) y--; else if (dir == DIRECTION_RIGHT) x++; r = grid2range(x, y, state->common->params.w, state->common->params.h); if (r != -1) { state->common->paths[count].grid_end = r; state->common->paths[count].sightings_end = state->common->grid[x+y*(state->common->params.w +2)]; break; } c = state->common->grid[x+y*(state->common->params.w+2)]; state->common->paths[count].xy[state->common->paths[count].length] = x+y*(state->common->params.w+2); if (c == CELL_MIRROR_L) { state->common->paths[count].p[state->common->paths[count].length] = -1; if (dir == DIRECTION_DOWN) dir = DIRECTION_RIGHT; else if (dir == DIRECTION_LEFT) dir = DIRECTION_UP; else if (dir == DIRECTION_UP) dir = DIRECTION_LEFT; else if (dir == DIRECTION_RIGHT) dir = DIRECTION_DOWN; } else if (c == CELL_MIRROR_R) { state->common->paths[count].p[state->common->paths[count].length] = -1; if (dir == DIRECTION_DOWN) dir = DIRECTION_LEFT; else if (dir == DIRECTION_LEFT) dir = DIRECTION_DOWN; else if (dir == DIRECTION_UP) dir = DIRECTION_RIGHT; else if (dir == DIRECTION_RIGHT) dir = DIRECTION_UP; } else { state->common->paths[count].p[state->common->paths[count].length] = state->common->xinfo[x+y*(state->common->params.w+2)]; } state->common->paths[count].length++; } /* Count unique monster entries in each path */ state->common->paths[count].num_monsters = 0; for (j=0;j<state->common->num_total;j++) { num_monsters = 0; for (k=0;k<state->common->paths[count].length;k++) if (state->common->paths[count].p[k] == j) num_monsters++; if (num_monsters > 0) state->common->paths[count].num_monsters++; } /* Generate mapping vector */ c = 0; for (p=0;p<state->common->paths[count].length;p++) { int m; m = state->common->paths[count].p[p]; if (m == -1) continue; found = FALSE; for (j=0; j<c; j++) if (state->common->paths[count].mapping[j] == m) found = TRUE; if (!found) state->common->paths[count].mapping[c++] = m; } count++; } return; } struct guess { int length; int *guess; int *possible; }; int next_list(struct guess *g, int pos) { if (pos == 0) { if ((g->guess[pos] == 1 && g->possible[pos] == 1) || (g->guess[pos] == 2 && (g->possible[pos] == 3 || g->possible[pos] == 2)) || g->guess[pos] == 4) return FALSE; if (g->guess[pos] == 1 && (g->possible[pos] == 3 || g->possible[pos] == 7)) { g->guess[pos] = 2; return TRUE; } if (g->guess[pos] == 1 && g->possible[pos] == 5) { g->guess[pos] = 4; return TRUE; } if (g->guess[pos] == 2 && (g->possible[pos] == 6 || g->possible[pos] == 7)) { g->guess[pos] = 4; return TRUE; } } if (g->guess[pos] == 1) { if (g->possible[pos] == 1) { return next_list(g,pos-1); } if (g->possible[pos] == 3 || g->possible[pos] == 7) { g->guess[pos] = 2; return TRUE; } if (g->possible[pos] == 5) { g->guess[pos] = 4; return TRUE; } } if (g->guess[pos] == 2) { if (g->possible[pos] == 2) { return next_list(g,pos-1); } if (g->possible[pos] == 3) { g->guess[pos] = 1; return next_list(g,pos-1); } if (g->possible[pos] == 6 || g->possible[pos] == 7) { g->guess[pos] = 4; return TRUE; } } if (g->guess[pos] == 4) { if (g->possible[pos] == 5 || g->possible[pos] == 7) { g->guess[pos] = 1; return next_list(g,pos-1); } if (g->possible[pos] == 6) { g->guess[pos] = 2; return next_list(g,pos-1); } if (g->possible[pos] == 4) { return next_list(g,pos-1); } } return FALSE; } void get_unique(game_state *state, int counter, random_state *rs) { int p,i,c,pathlimit,count_uniques; struct guess path_guess; int *view_count; struct entry { struct entry *link; int *guess; int start_view; int end_view; }; struct { struct entry *head; struct entry *node; } views, single_views, test_views; struct entry test_entry; path_guess.length = state->common->paths[counter].num_monsters; path_guess.guess = snewn(path_guess.length,int); path_guess.possible = snewn(path_guess.length,int); for (i=0;i<path_guess.length;i++) path_guess.guess[i] = path_guess.possible[i] = 0; for (p=0;p<path_guess.length;p++) { path_guess.possible[p] = state->guess[state->common->paths[counter].mapping[p]]; switch (path_guess.possible[p]) { case 1: path_guess.guess[p] = 1; break; case 2: path_guess.guess[p] = 2; break; case 3: path_guess.guess[p] = 1; break; case 4: path_guess.guess[p] = 4; break; case 5: path_guess.guess[p] = 1; break; case 6: path_guess.guess[p] = 2; break; case 7: path_guess.guess[p] = 1; break; } } views.head = NULL; views.node = NULL; pathlimit = state->common->paths[counter].length + 1; view_count = snewn(pathlimit*pathlimit, int); for (i = 0; i < pathlimit*pathlimit; i++) view_count[i] = 0; do { int mirror, start_view, end_view; mirror = FALSE; start_view = 0; for (p=0;p<state->common->paths[counter].length;p++) { if (state->common->paths[counter].p[p] == -1) mirror = TRUE; else { for (i=0;i<path_guess.length;i++) { if (state->common->paths[counter].p[p] == state->common->paths[counter].mapping[i]) { if (path_guess.guess[i] == 1 && mirror == TRUE) start_view++; if (path_guess.guess[i] == 2 && mirror == FALSE) start_view++; if (path_guess.guess[i] == 4) start_view++; break; } } } } mirror = FALSE; end_view = 0; for (p=state->common->paths[counter].length-1;p>=0;p--) { if (state->common->paths[counter].p[p] == -1) mirror = TRUE; else { for (i=0;i<path_guess.length;i++) { if (state->common->paths[counter].p[p] == state->common->paths[counter].mapping[i]) { if (path_guess.guess[i] == 1 && mirror == TRUE) end_view++; if (path_guess.guess[i] == 2 && mirror == FALSE) end_view++; if (path_guess.guess[i] == 4) end_view++; break; } } } } assert(start_view >= 0 && start_view < pathlimit); assert(end_view >= 0 && end_view < pathlimit); i = start_view * pathlimit + end_view; view_count[i]++; if (view_count[i] == 1) { views.node = snewn(1,struct entry); views.node->link = views.head; views.node->guess = snewn(path_guess.length,int); views.head = views.node; views.node->start_view = start_view; views.node->end_view = end_view; memcpy(views.node->guess, path_guess.guess, path_guess.length*sizeof(int)); } } while (next_list(&path_guess, path_guess.length-1)); /* extract single entries from view list */ test_views.head = views.head; test_views.node = views.node; test_entry.guess = snewn(path_guess.length,int); single_views.head = NULL; single_views.node = NULL; count_uniques = 0; while (test_views.head != NULL) { test_views.node = test_views.head; test_views.head = test_views.head->link; i = test_views.node->start_view * pathlimit + test_views.node->end_view; if (view_count[i] == 1) { single_views.node = snewn(1,struct entry); single_views.node->link = single_views.head; single_views.node->guess = snewn(path_guess.length,int); single_views.head = single_views.node; single_views.node->start_view = test_views.node->start_view; single_views.node->end_view = test_views.node->end_view; memcpy(single_views.node->guess, test_views.node->guess, path_guess.length*sizeof(int)); count_uniques++; } } sfree(view_count); if (count_uniques > 0) { test_entry.start_view = 0; test_entry.end_view = 0; /* Choose one unique guess per random */ /* While we are busy with looping through single_views, we * conveniently free the linked list single_view */ c = random_upto(rs,count_uniques); while(single_views.head != NULL) { single_views.node = single_views.head; single_views.head = single_views.head->link; if (c-- == 0) { memcpy(test_entry.guess, single_views.node->guess, path_guess.length*sizeof(int)); test_entry.start_view = single_views.node->start_view; test_entry.end_view = single_views.node->end_view; } sfree(single_views.node->guess); sfree(single_views.node); } /* Modify state_guess according to path_guess.mapping */ for (i=0;i<path_guess.length;i++) state->guess[state->common->paths[counter].mapping[i]] = test_entry.guess[i]; } sfree(test_entry.guess); while (views.head != NULL) { views.node = views.head; views.head = views.head->link; sfree(views.node->guess); sfree(views.node); } sfree(path_guess.possible); sfree(path_guess.guess); return; } int count_monsters(game_state *state, int *cGhost, int *cVampire, int *cZombie) { int cNone; int i; *cGhost = *cVampire = *cZombie = cNone = 0; for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) { if (state->guess[i] == 1) (*cGhost)++; else if (state->guess[i] == 2) (*cVampire)++; else if (state->guess[i] == 4) (*cZombie)++; else cNone++; } return cNone; } int check_numbers(game_state *state, int *guess) { int valid; int i; int count_ghosts, count_vampires, count_zombies; count_ghosts = count_vampires = count_zombies = 0; for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) { if (guess[i] == 1) count_ghosts++; if (guess[i] == 2) count_vampires++; if (guess[i] == 4) count_zombies++; } valid = TRUE; if (count_ghosts > state->common->num_ghosts) valid = FALSE; if (count_vampires > state->common->num_vampires) valid = FALSE; if (count_zombies > state->common->num_zombies) valid = FALSE; return valid; } int check_solution(int *g, struct path path) { int i; int mirror; int count; count = 0; mirror = FALSE; for (i=0;i<path.length;i++) { if (path.p[i] == -1) mirror = TRUE; else { if (g[path.p[i]] == 1 && mirror) count++; else if (g[path.p[i]] == 2 && !mirror) count++; else if (g[path.p[i]] == 4) count++; } } if (count != path.sightings_start) return FALSE; count = 0; mirror = FALSE; for (i=path.length-1;i>=0;i--) { if (path.p[i] == -1) mirror = TRUE; else { if (g[path.p[i]] == 1 && mirror) count++; else if (g[path.p[i]] == 2 && !mirror) count++; else if (g[path.p[i]] == 4) count++; } } if (count != path.sightings_end) return FALSE; return TRUE; } int solve_iterative(game_state *state, struct path *paths) { int solved; int p,i,j,count; int *guess; int *possible; struct guess loop; solved = TRUE; loop.length = state->common->num_total; guess = snewn(state->common->num_total,int); possible = snewn(state->common->num_total,int); for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) { guess[i] = state->guess[i]; possible[i] = 0; } for (p=0;p<state->common->num_paths;p++) { if (paths[p].num_monsters > 0) { loop.length = paths[p].num_monsters; loop.guess = snewn(paths[p].num_monsters,int); loop.possible = snewn(paths[p].num_monsters,int); for (i=0;i<paths[p].num_monsters;i++) { switch (state->guess[paths[p].mapping[i]]) { case 1: loop.guess[i] = 1; break; case 2: loop.guess[i] = 2; break; case 3: loop.guess[i] = 1; break; case 4: loop.guess[i] = 4; break; case 5: loop.guess[i] = 1; break; case 6: loop.guess[i] = 2; break; case 7: loop.guess[i] = 1; break; } loop.possible[i] = state->guess[paths[p].mapping[i]]; possible[paths[p].mapping[i]] = 0; } while(TRUE) { for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) { guess[i] = state->guess[i]; } count = 0; for (i=0;i<paths[p].num_monsters;i++) guess[paths[p].mapping[i]] = loop.guess[count++]; if (check_numbers(state,guess) && check_solution(guess,paths[p])) for (j=0;j<paths[p].num_monsters;j++) possible[paths[p].mapping[j]] |= loop.guess[j]; if (!next_list(&loop,loop.length-1)) break; } for (i=0;i<paths[p].num_monsters;i++) state->guess[paths[p].mapping[i]] &= possible[paths[p].mapping[i]]; sfree(loop.possible); sfree(loop.guess); } } for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) { if (state->guess[i] == 3 || state->guess[i] == 5 || state->guess[i] == 6 || state->guess[i] == 7) { solved = FALSE; break; } } sfree(possible); sfree(guess); return solved; } int solve_bruteforce(game_state *state, struct path *paths) { int solved, correct; int number_solutions; int p,i; struct guess loop; loop.guess = snewn(state->common->num_total,int); loop.possible = snewn(state->common->num_total,int); for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) { loop.possible[i] = state->guess[i]; switch (state->guess[i]) { case 1: loop.guess[i] = 1; break; case 2: loop.guess[i] = 2; break; case 3: loop.guess[i] = 1; break; case 4: loop.guess[i] = 4; break; case 5: loop.guess[i] = 1; break; case 6: loop.guess[i] = 2; break; case 7: loop.guess[i] = 1; break; } } solved = FALSE; number_solutions = 0; while (TRUE) { correct = TRUE; if (!check_numbers(state,loop.guess)) correct = FALSE; else for (p=0;p<state->common->num_paths;p++) if (!check_solution(loop.guess,paths[p])) { correct = FALSE; break; } if (correct) { number_solutions++; solved = TRUE; if(number_solutions > 1) { solved = FALSE; break; } for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) state->guess[i] = loop.guess[i]; } if (!next_list(&loop,state->common->num_total -1)) { break; } } sfree(loop.possible); sfree(loop.guess); return solved; } int path_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct path *pa = (const struct path *)a; const struct path *pb = (const struct path *)b; return pa->num_monsters - pb->num_monsters; } static char *new_game_desc(const game_params *params, random_state *rs, char **aux, int interactive) { int i,count,c,w,h,r,p,g; game_state *new; /* Variables for puzzle generation algorithm */ int filling; int max_length; int count_ghosts, count_vampires, count_zombies; int abort; float ratio; /* Variables for solver algorithm */ int solved_iterative, solved_bruteforce, contains_inconsistency, count_ambiguous; int iterative_depth; int *old_guess; /* Variables for game description generation */ int x,y; char *e; char *desc; i = 0; while (TRUE) { new = new_state(params); abort = FALSE; /* Fill grid with random mirrors and (later to be populated) * empty monster cells */ count = 0; for (h=1;h<new->common->params.h+1;h++) for (w=1;w<new->common->params.w+1;w++) { c = random_upto(rs,5); if (c >= 2) { new->common->grid[w+h*(new->common->params.w+2)] = CELL_EMPTY; new->common->xinfo[w+h*(new->common->params.w+2)] = count++; } else if (c == 0) { new->common->grid[w+h*(new->common->params.w+2)] = CELL_MIRROR_L; new->common->xinfo[w+h*(new->common->params.w+2)] = -1; } else { new->common->grid[w+h*(new->common->params.w+2)] = CELL_MIRROR_R; new->common->xinfo[w+h*(new->common->params.w+2)] = -1; } } new->common->num_total = count; /* Total number of monsters in maze */ /* Puzzle is boring if it has too few monster cells. Discard * grid, make new grid */ if (new->common->num_total <= 4) { free_game(new); continue; } /* Monsters / Mirrors ratio should be balanced */ ratio = (float)new->common->num_total / (float)(new->common->params.w * new->common->params.h); if (ratio < 0.48 || ratio > 0.78) { free_game(new); continue; } /* Assign clue identifiers */ for (r=0;r<2*(new->common->params.w+new->common->params.h);r++) { int x,y,gridno; gridno = range2grid(r,new->common->params.w,new->common->params.h, &x,&y); new->common->grid[x+y*(new->common->params.w +2)] = gridno; new->common->xinfo[x+y*(new->common->params.w +2)] = 0; } /* The four corners don't matter at all for the game. Set them * all to zero, just to have a nice data structure */ new->common->grid[0] = 0; new->common->xinfo[0] = 0; new->common->grid[new->common->params.w+1] = 0; new->common->xinfo[new->common->params.w+1] = 0; new->common->grid[new->common->params.w+1 + (new->common->params.h+1)*(new->common->params.w+2)] = 0; new->common->xinfo[new->common->params.w+1 + (new->common->params.h+1)*(new->common->params.w+2)] = 0; new->common->grid[(new->common->params.h+1)*(new->common->params.w+2)] = 0; new->common->xinfo[(new->common->params.h+1)*(new->common->params.w+2)] = 0; /* Initialize solution vector */ new->guess = snewn(new->common->num_total,int); for (g=0;g<new->common->num_total;g++) new->guess[g] = 7; /* Initialize fixed flag from common. Not needed for the * puzzle generator; initialize it for having clean code */ new->common->fixed = snewn(new->common->num_total,int); for (g=0;g<new->common->num_total;g++) new->common->fixed[g] = FALSE; /* paths generation */ make_paths(new); /* Grid is invalid if max. path length > threshold. Discard * grid, make new one */ switch (new->common->params.diff) { case DIFF_EASY: max_length = min(new->common->params.w,new->common->params.h) + 1; break; case DIFF_NORMAL: max_length = (max(new->common->params.w,new->common->params.h) * 3) / 2; break; case DIFF_TRICKY: max_length = 9; break; default: max_length = 9; break; } for (p=0;p<new->common->num_paths;p++) { if (new->common->paths[p].num_monsters > max_length) { abort = TRUE; } } if (abort) { free_game(new); continue; } qsort(new->common->paths, new->common->num_paths, sizeof(struct path), path_cmp); /* Grid monster initialization */ /* For easy puzzles, we try to fill nearly the whole grid with unique solution paths (up to 2) For more difficult puzzles, we fill only roughly half the grid, and choose random monsters for the rest For hard puzzles, we fill even less paths with unique solutions */ switch (new->common->params.diff) { case DIFF_EASY: filling = 2; break; case DIFF_NORMAL: filling = min( (new->common->params.w+new->common->params.h) , (new->common->num_total)/2 ); break; case DIFF_TRICKY: filling = max( (new->common->params.w+new->common->params.h) , (new->common->num_total)/2 ); break; default: filling = 0; break; } count = 0; while ( (count_monsters(new, &count_ghosts, &count_vampires, &count_zombies)) > filling) { if ((count) >= new->common->num_paths) break; if (new->common->paths[count].num_monsters == 0) { count++; continue; } get_unique(new,count,rs); count++; } /* Fill any remaining ambiguous entries with random monsters */ for(g=0;g<new->common->num_total;g++) { if (new->guess[g] == 7) { r = random_upto(rs,3); new->guess[g] = (r == 0) ? 1 : ( (r == 1) ? 2 : 4 ); } } /* Determine all hints */ count_monsters(new, &new->common->num_ghosts, &new->common->num_vampires, &new->common->num_zombies); /* Puzzle is trivial if it has only one type of monster. Discard. */ if ((new->common->num_ghosts == 0 && new->common->num_vampires == 0) || (new->common->num_ghosts == 0 && new->common->num_zombies == 0) || (new->common->num_vampires == 0 && new->common->num_zombies == 0)) { free_game(new); continue; } /* Discard puzzle if difficulty Tricky, and it has only 1 * member of any monster type */ if (new->common->params.diff == DIFF_TRICKY && (new->common->num_ghosts <= 1 || new->common->num_vampires <= 1 || new->common->num_zombies <= 1)) { free_game(new); continue; } for (w=1;w<new->common->params.w+1;w++) for (h=1;h<new->common->params.h+1;h++) { c = new->common->xinfo[w+h*(new->common->params.w+2)]; if (c >= 0) { if (new->guess[c] == 1) new->common->grid[w+h*(new->common->params.w+2)] = CELL_GHOST; if (new->guess[c] == 2) new->common->grid[w+h*(new->common->params.w+2)] = CELL_VAMPIRE; if (new->guess[c] == 4) new->common->grid[w+h*(new->common->params.w+2)] = CELL_ZOMBIE; } } /* Prepare path information needed by the solver (containing all hints) */ for (p=0;p<new->common->num_paths;p++) { int mirror,x,y; new->common->paths[p].sightings_start = 0; new->common->paths[p].sightings_end = 0; mirror = FALSE; for (g=0;g<new->common->paths[p].length;g++) { if (new->common->paths[p].p[g] == -1) mirror = TRUE; else { if (new->guess[new->common->paths[p].p[g]] == 1 && mirror == TRUE) (new->common->paths[p].sightings_start)++; else if (new->guess[new->common->paths[p].p[g]] == 2 && mirror == FALSE) (new->common->paths[p].sightings_start)++; else if (new->guess[new->common->paths[p].p[g]] == 4) (new->common->paths[p].sightings_start)++; } } mirror = FALSE; for (g=new->common->paths[p].length-1;g>=0;g--) { if (new->common->paths[p].p[g] == -1) mirror = TRUE; else { if (new->guess[new->common->paths[p].p[g]] == 1 && mirror == TRUE) (new->common->paths[p].sightings_end)++; else if (new->guess[new->common->paths[p].p[g]] == 2 && mirror == FALSE) (new->common->paths[p].sightings_end)++; else if (new->guess[new->common->paths[p].p[g]] == 4) (new->common->paths[p].sightings_end)++; } } range2grid(new->common->paths[p].grid_start, new->common->params.w,new->common->params.h,&x,&y); new->common->grid[x+y*(new->common->params.w +2)] = new->common->paths[p].sightings_start; range2grid(new->common->paths[p].grid_end, new->common->params.w,new->common->params.h,&x,&y); new->common->grid[x+y*(new->common->params.w +2)] = new->common->paths[p].sightings_end; } /* Try to solve the puzzle with the iterative solver */ old_guess = snewn(new->common->num_total,int); for (p=0;p<new->common->num_total;p++) { new->guess[p] = 7; old_guess[p] = 7; } iterative_depth = 0; solved_iterative = FALSE; contains_inconsistency = FALSE; count_ambiguous = 0; while (TRUE) { int no_change; no_change = TRUE; solved_iterative = solve_iterative(new,new->common->paths); iterative_depth++; for (p=0;p<new->common->num_total;p++) { if (new->guess[p] != old_guess[p]) no_change = FALSE; old_guess[p] = new->guess[p]; if (new->guess[p] == 0) contains_inconsistency = TRUE; } if (solved_iterative || no_change) break; } /* If necessary, try to solve the puzzle with the brute-force solver */ solved_bruteforce = FALSE; if (new->common->params.diff != DIFF_EASY && !solved_iterative && !contains_inconsistency) { for (p=0;p<new->common->num_total;p++) if (new->guess[p] != 1 && new->guess[p] != 2 && new->guess[p] != 4) count_ambiguous++; solved_bruteforce = solve_bruteforce(new, new->common->paths); } /* Determine puzzle difficulty level */ if (new->common->params.diff == DIFF_EASY && solved_iterative && iterative_depth <= 3 && !contains_inconsistency) { /* printf("Puzzle level: EASY Level %d Ratio %f Ambiguous %d (Found after %i tries)\n",iterative_depth, ratio, count_ambiguous, i); */ break; } if (new->common->params.diff == DIFF_NORMAL && ((solved_iterative && iterative_depth > 3) || (solved_bruteforce && count_ambiguous < 4)) && !contains_inconsistency) { /* printf("Puzzle level: NORMAL Level %d Ratio %f Ambiguous %d (Found after %d tries)\n", iterative_depth, ratio, count_ambiguous, i); */ break; } if (new->common->params.diff == DIFF_TRICKY && solved_bruteforce && iterative_depth > 0 && count_ambiguous >= 4 && !contains_inconsistency) { /* printf("Puzzle level: TRICKY Level %d Ratio %f Ambiguous %d (Found after %d tries)\n", iterative_depth, ratio, count_ambiguous, i); */ break; } /* If puzzle is not solvable or does not satisfy the desired * difficulty level, free memory and start from scratch */ sfree(old_guess); free_game(new); i++; } /* We have a valid puzzle! */ desc = snewn(10 + new->common->wh + 6*(new->common->params.w + new->common->params.h), char); e = desc; /* Encode monster counts */ e += sprintf(e, "%d,", new->common->num_ghosts); e += sprintf(e, "%d,", new->common->num_vampires); e += sprintf(e, "%d,", new->common->num_zombies); /* Encode grid */ count = 0; for (y=1;y<new->common->params.h+1;y++) for (x=1;x<new->common->params.w+1;x++) { c = new->common->grid[x+y*(new->common->params.w+2)]; if (count > 25) { *e++ = 'z'; count -= 26; } if (c != CELL_MIRROR_L && c != CELL_MIRROR_R) { count++; } else if (c == CELL_MIRROR_L) { if (count > 0) *e++ = (count-1 + 'a'); *e++ = 'L'; count = 0; } else { if (count > 0) *e++ = (count-1 + 'a'); *e++ = 'R'; count = 0; } } if (count > 0) *e++ = (count-1 + 'a'); /* Encode hints */ for (p=0;p<2*(new->common->params.w + new->common->params.h);p++) { range2grid(p,new->common->params.w,new->common->params.h,&x,&y); e += sprintf(e, ",%d", new->common->grid[x+y*(new->common->params.w+2)]); } *e++ = '\0'; desc = sresize(desc, e - desc, char); sfree(old_guess); free_game(new); return desc; } void num2grid(int num, int width, int height, int *x, int *y) { *x = 1+(num%width); *y = 1+(num/width); return; } static key_label *game_request_keys(const game_params *params, int *nkeys) { key_label *keys = snewn(4, key_label); *nkeys = 4; keys[0].button = 'G'; keys[0].label = dupstr("Ghost"); keys[1].button = 'V'; keys[1].label = dupstr("Vampire"); keys[2].button = 'Z'; keys[2].label = dupstr("Zombie"); keys[3].button = '\b'; keys[3].label = NULL; return keys; } static game_state *new_game(midend *me, const game_params *params, const char *desc) { int i; int n; int count; game_state *state = new_state(params); state->common->num_ghosts = atoi(desc); while (*desc && isdigit((unsigned char)*desc)) desc++; desc++; state->common->num_vampires = atoi(desc); while (*desc && isdigit((unsigned char)*desc)) desc++; desc++; state->common->num_zombies = atoi(desc); while (*desc && isdigit((unsigned char)*desc)) desc++; desc++; state->common->num_total = state->common->num_ghosts + state->common->num_vampires + state->common->num_zombies; state->guess = snewn(state->common->num_total,int); state->pencils = snewn(state->common->num_total,unsigned char); state->common->fixed = snewn(state->common->num_total,int); for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) { state->guess[i] = 7; state->pencils[i] = 0; state->common->fixed[i] = FALSE; } for (i=0;i<state->common->wh;i++) state->cell_errors[i] = FALSE; for (i=0;i<2*state->common->num_paths;i++) state->hint_errors[i] = FALSE; for (i=0;i<3;i++) state->count_errors[i] = FALSE; count = 0; n = 0; while (*desc != ',') { int c; int x,y; if (*desc == 'L') { num2grid(n,state->common->params.w,state->common->params.h,&x,&y); state->common->grid[x+y*(state->common->params.w +2)] = CELL_MIRROR_L; state->common->xinfo[x+y*(state->common->params.w+2)] = -1; n++; } else if (*desc == 'R') { num2grid(n,state->common->params.w,state->common->params.h,&x,&y); state->common->grid[x+y*(state->common->params.w +2)] = CELL_MIRROR_R; state->common->xinfo[x+y*(state->common->params.w+2)] = -1; n++; } else if (*desc == 'G') { num2grid(n,state->common->params.w,state->common->params.h,&x,&y); state->common->grid[x+y*(state->common->params.w +2)] = CELL_GHOST; state->common->xinfo[x+y*(state->common->params.w+2)] = count; state->guess[count] = 1; state->common->fixed[count++] = TRUE; n++; } else if (*desc == 'V') { num2grid(n,state->common->params.w,state->common->params.h,&x,&y); state->common->grid[x+y*(state->common->params.w +2)] = CELL_VAMPIRE; state->common->xinfo[x+y*(state->common->params.w+2)] = count; state->guess[count] = 2; state->common->fixed[count++] = TRUE; n++; } else if (*desc == 'Z') { num2grid(n,state->common->params.w,state->common->params.h,&x,&y); state->common->grid[x+y*(state->common->params.w +2)] = CELL_ZOMBIE; state->common->xinfo[x+y*(state->common->params.w+2)] = count; state->guess[count] = 4; state->common->fixed[count++] = TRUE; n++; } else { c = *desc - ('a' -1); while (c-- > 0) { num2grid(n,state->common->params.w,state->common->params.h,&x,&y); state->common->grid[x+y*(state->common->params.w +2)] = CELL_EMPTY; state->common->xinfo[x+y*(state->common->params.w+2)] = count; state->guess[count] = 7; state->common->fixed[count++] = FALSE; n++; } } desc++; } desc++; for (i=0;i<2*(state->common->params.w + state->common->params.h);i++) { int x,y; int sights; sights = atoi(desc); while (*desc && isdigit((unsigned char)*desc)) desc++; desc++; range2grid(i,state->common->params.w,state->common->params.h,&x,&y); state->common->grid[x+y*(state->common->params.w +2)] = sights; state->common->xinfo[x+y*(state->common->params.w +2)] = -2; } state->common->grid[0] = 0; state->common->xinfo[0] = -2; state->common->grid[state->common->params.w+1] = 0; state->common->xinfo[state->common->params.w+1] = -2; state->common->grid[state->common->params.w+1 + (state->common->params.h+1)*(state->common->params.w+2)] = 0; state->common->xinfo[state->common->params.w+1 + (state->common->params.h+1)*(state->common->params.w+2)] = -2; state->common->grid[(state->common->params.h+1)*(state->common->params.w+2)] = 0; state->common->xinfo[(state->common->params.h+1)*(state->common->params.w+2)] = -2; make_paths(state); qsort(state->common->paths, state->common->num_paths, sizeof(struct path), path_cmp); return state; } static const char *validate_desc(const game_params *params, const char *desc) { int i; int w = params->w, h = params->h; int wh = w*h; int area; int monsters; int monster_count; const char *desc_s = desc; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { if (!*desc) return "Faulty game description"; while (*desc && isdigit((unsigned char)*desc)) { desc++; } if (*desc != ',') return "Invalid character in number list"; desc++; } desc = desc_s; area = monsters = monster_count = 0; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { monster_count += atoi(desc); while (*desc && isdigit((unsigned char)*desc)) desc++; desc++; } while (*desc && *desc != ',') { if (*desc >= 'a' && *desc <= 'z') { area += *desc - 'a' +1; monsters += *desc - 'a' +1; } else if (*desc == 'G' || *desc == 'V' || *desc == 'Z') { area++; monsters++; } else if (*desc == 'L' || *desc == 'R') { area++; } else return "Invalid character in grid specification"; desc++; } if (area < wh) return "Not enough data to fill grid"; else if (area > wh) return "Too much data to fill grid"; if (monsters != monster_count) return "Monster numbers do not match grid spaces"; for (i = 0; i < 2*(w+h); i++) { if (!*desc) return "Not enough numbers given after grid specification"; else if (*desc != ',') return "Invalid character in number list"; desc++; while (*desc && isdigit((unsigned char)*desc)) { desc++; } } if (*desc) return "Unexpected additional data at end of game description"; return NULL; } static char *solve_game(const game_state *state_start, const game_state *currstate, const char *aux, const char **error) { int p; int *old_guess; int iterative_depth; int solved_iterative, solved_bruteforce, contains_inconsistency, count_ambiguous; int i; char *move, *c; game_state *solve_state = dup_game(currstate); old_guess = snewn(solve_state->common->num_total,int); for (p=0;p<solve_state->common->num_total;p++) { if (solve_state->common->fixed[p]) { old_guess[p] = solve_state->guess[p] = state_start->guess[p]; } else { old_guess[p] = solve_state->guess[p] = 7; } } iterative_depth = 0; solved_iterative = FALSE; contains_inconsistency = FALSE; count_ambiguous = 0; /* Try to solve the puzzle with the iterative solver */ while (TRUE) { int no_change; no_change = TRUE; solved_iterative = solve_iterative(solve_state,solve_state->common->paths); iterative_depth++; for (p=0;p<solve_state->common->num_total;p++) { if (solve_state->guess[p] != old_guess[p]) no_change = FALSE; old_guess[p] = solve_state->guess[p]; if (solve_state->guess[p] == 0) contains_inconsistency = TRUE; } if (solved_iterative || no_change || contains_inconsistency) break; } if (contains_inconsistency) { *error = "Puzzle is inconsistent"; sfree(old_guess); free_game(solve_state); return NULL; } /* If necessary, try to solve the puzzle with the brute-force solver */ solved_bruteforce = FALSE; if (!solved_iterative) { for (p=0;p<solve_state->common->num_total;p++) if (solve_state->guess[p] != 1 && solve_state->guess[p] != 2 && solve_state->guess[p] != 4) count_ambiguous++; solved_bruteforce = solve_bruteforce(solve_state, solve_state->common->paths); } if (!solved_iterative && !solved_bruteforce) { *error = "Puzzle is unsolvable"; sfree(old_guess); free_game(solve_state); return NULL; } /* printf("Puzzle solved at level %s, iterations %d, ambiguous %d\n", (solved_bruteforce ? "TRICKY" : "NORMAL"), iterative_depth, count_ambiguous); */ move = snewn(solve_state->common->num_total * 4 +2, char); c = move; *c++='S'; for (i = 0; i < solve_state->common->num_total; i++) { if (solve_state->guess[i] == 1) c += sprintf(c, ";G%d", i); if (solve_state->guess[i] == 2) c += sprintf(c, ";V%d", i); if (solve_state->guess[i] == 4) c += sprintf(c, ";Z%d", i); } *c++ = '\0'; move = sresize(move, c - move, char); sfree(old_guess); free_game(solve_state); return move; } static int game_can_format_as_text_now(const game_params *params) { return TRUE; } static char *game_text_format(const game_state *state) { int w,h,c,r,xi,g; char *ret; char buf[120]; ret = snewn(50 + 6*(state->common->params.w +2) + 6*(state->common->params.h+2) + 3*(state->common->params.w * state->common->params.h), char); sprintf(ret,"G: %d V: %d Z: %d\n\n",state->common->num_ghosts, state->common->num_vampires, state->common->num_zombies); for (h=0;h<state->common->params.h+2;h++) { for (w=0;w<state->common->params.w+2;w++) { c = state->common->grid[w+h*(state->common->params.w+2)]; xi = state->common->xinfo[w+h*(state->common->params.w+2)]; r = grid2range(w,h,state->common->params.w,state->common->params.h); if (r != -1) { sprintf(buf,"%2d", c); strcat(ret,buf); } else if (c == CELL_MIRROR_L) { sprintf(buf," \\"); strcat(ret,buf); } else if (c == CELL_MIRROR_R) { sprintf(buf," /"); strcat(ret,buf); } else if (xi >= 0) { g = state->guess[xi]; if (g == 1) { sprintf(buf," G"); strcat(ret,buf); } else if (g == 2) { sprintf(buf," V"); strcat(ret,buf); } else if (g == 4) { sprintf(buf," Z"); strcat(ret,buf); } else { sprintf(buf," ."); strcat(ret,buf); } } else { sprintf(buf," "); strcat(ret,buf); } } sprintf(buf,"\n"); strcat(ret,buf); } return ret; } struct game_ui { int hx, hy; /* as for solo.c, highlight pos */ int hshow, hpencil, hcursor; /* show state, type, and ?cursor. */ int ascii; }; static game_ui *new_ui(const game_state *state) { game_ui *ui = snew(game_ui); ui->hx = ui->hy = 0; ui->hpencil = ui->hshow = ui->hcursor = 0; ui->ascii = FALSE; return ui; } static void free_ui(game_ui *ui) { sfree(ui); return; } static char *encode_ui(const game_ui *ui) { return NULL; } static void decode_ui(game_ui *ui, const char *encoding) { return; } static void game_changed_state(game_ui *ui, const game_state *oldstate, const game_state *newstate) { /* See solo.c; if we were pencil-mode highlighting and * somehow a square has just been properly filled, cancel * pencil mode. */ if (ui->hshow && ui->hpencil && !ui->hcursor) { int g = newstate->guess[newstate->common->xinfo[ui->hx + ui->hy*(newstate->common->params.w+2)]]; if (g == 1 || g == 2 || g == 4) ui->hshow = 0; } } struct game_drawstate { int tilesize, started, solved; int w, h; int *monsters; unsigned char *pencils; unsigned char count_errors[3]; unsigned char *cell_errors; unsigned char *hint_errors; unsigned char *hints_done; int hx, hy, hshow, hpencil; /* as for game_ui. */ int hflash; int ascii; }; static int is_clue(const game_state *state, int x, int y) { int h = state->common->params.h, w = state->common->params.w; if (((x == 0 || x == w + 1) && y > 0 && y <= h) || ((y == 0 || y == h + 1) && x > 0 && x <= w)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static int clue_index(const game_state *state, int x, int y) { int h = state->common->params.h, w = state->common->params.w; if (y == 0) return x - 1; else if (x == w + 1) return w + y - 1; else if (y == h + 1) return 2 * w + h - x; else if (x == 0) return 2 * (w + h) - y; return -1; } #define TILESIZE (ds->tilesize) #define BORDER (TILESIZE/4) static char *interpret_move(const game_state *state, game_ui *ui, const game_drawstate *ds, int x, int y, int button) { int gx,gy; int g,xi; char buf[80]; gx = ((x-BORDER-1) / TILESIZE ); gy = ((y-BORDER-2) / TILESIZE ) - 1; if (button == 'a' || button == 'A') { ui->ascii = !ui->ascii; return UI_UPDATE; } if (button == 'm' || button == 'M') { return dupstr("M"); } if (ui->hshow == 1 && ui->hpencil == 0) { xi = state->common->xinfo[ui->hx + ui->hy*(state->common->params.w+2)]; if (xi >= 0 && !state->common->fixed[xi]) { if (button == 'g' || button == 'G' || button == '1') { if (!ui->hcursor) ui->hshow = 0; sprintf(buf,"G%d",xi); return dupstr(buf); } if (button == 'v' || button == 'V' || button == '2') { if (!ui->hcursor) ui->hshow = 0; sprintf(buf,"V%d",xi); return dupstr(buf); } if (button == 'z' || button == 'Z' || button == '3') { if (!ui->hcursor) ui->hshow = 0; sprintf(buf,"Z%d",xi); return dupstr(buf); } if (button == 'e' || button == 'E' || button == CURSOR_SELECT2 || button == '0' || button == '\b' ) { if (!ui->hcursor) ui->hshow = 0; sprintf(buf,"E%d",xi); return dupstr(buf); } } } if (IS_CURSOR_MOVE(button)) { if (ui->hx == 0 && ui->hy == 0) { ui->hx = 1; ui->hy = 1; } else switch (button) { case CURSOR_UP: ui->hy -= (ui->hy > 1) ? 1 : 0; break; case CURSOR_DOWN: ui->hy += (ui->hy < ds->h) ? 1 : 0; break; case CURSOR_RIGHT: ui->hx += (ui->hx < ds->w) ? 1 : 0; break; case CURSOR_LEFT: ui->hx -= (ui->hx > 1) ? 1 : 0; break; } ui->hshow = ui->hcursor = 1; return UI_UPDATE; } if (ui->hshow && button == CURSOR_SELECT) { ui->hpencil = 1 - ui->hpencil; ui->hcursor = 1; return UI_UPDATE; } if (ui->hshow == 1 && ui->hpencil == 1) { xi = state->common->xinfo[ui->hx + ui->hy*(state->common->params.w+2)]; if (xi >= 0 && !state->common->fixed[xi]) { if (button == 'g' || button == 'G' || button == '1') { sprintf(buf,"g%d",xi); if (!ui->hcursor) ui->hpencil = ui->hshow = 0; return dupstr(buf); } if (button == 'v' || button == 'V' || button == '2') { sprintf(buf,"v%d",xi); if (!ui->hcursor) ui->hpencil = ui->hshow = 0; return dupstr(buf); } if (button == 'z' || button == 'Z' || button == '3') { sprintf(buf,"z%d",xi); if (!ui->hcursor) ui->hpencil = ui->hshow = 0; return dupstr(buf); } if (button == 'e' || button == 'E' || button == CURSOR_SELECT2 || button == '0' || button == '\b') { sprintf(buf,"E%d",xi); if (!ui->hcursor) ui->hpencil = ui->hshow = 0; return dupstr(buf); } } } if (gx > 0 && gx < ds->w+1 && gy > 0 && gy < ds->h+1) { xi = state->common->xinfo[gx+gy*(state->common->params.w+2)]; if (xi >= 0 && !state->common->fixed[xi]) { g = state->guess[xi]; if (ui->hshow == 0) { if (button == LEFT_BUTTON) { ui->hshow = 1; ui->hpencil = 0; ui->hcursor = 0; ui->hx = gx; ui->hy = gy; return UI_UPDATE; } else if (button == RIGHT_BUTTON && g == 7) { ui->hshow = 1; ui->hpencil = 1; ui->hcursor = 0; ui->hx = gx; ui->hy = gy; return UI_UPDATE; } } else if (ui->hshow == 1) { if (button == LEFT_BUTTON) { if (ui->hpencil == 0) { if (gx == ui->hx && gy == ui->hy) { ui->hshow = 0; ui->hpencil = 0; ui->hcursor = 0; ui->hx = 0; ui->hy = 0; return UI_UPDATE; } else { ui->hshow = 1; ui->hpencil = 0; ui->hcursor = 0; ui->hx = gx; ui->hy = gy; return UI_UPDATE; } } else { ui->hshow = 1; ui->hpencil = 0; ui->hcursor = 0; ui->hx = gx; ui->hy = gy; return UI_UPDATE; } } else if (button == RIGHT_BUTTON) { if (ui->hpencil == 0 && g == 7) { ui->hshow = 1; ui->hpencil = 1; ui->hcursor = 0; ui->hx = gx; ui->hy = gy; return UI_UPDATE; } else { if (gx == ui->hx && gy == ui->hy) { ui->hshow = 0; ui->hpencil = 0; ui->hcursor = 0; ui->hx = 0; ui->hy = 0; return UI_UPDATE; } else if (g == 7) { ui->hshow = 1; ui->hpencil = 1; ui->hcursor = 0; ui->hx = gx; ui->hy = gy; return UI_UPDATE; } } } } } } else if (button == LEFT_BUTTON) { if (is_clue(state, gx, gy)) { sprintf(buf, "D%d,%d", gx, gy); return dupstr(buf); } } return NULL; } int check_numbers_draw(game_state *state, int *guess) { int valid, filled; int i,x,y,xy; int count_ghosts, count_vampires, count_zombies; count_ghosts = count_vampires = count_zombies = 0; for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) { if (guess[i] == 1) count_ghosts++; if (guess[i] == 2) count_vampires++; if (guess[i] == 4) count_zombies++; } valid = TRUE; filled = (count_ghosts + count_vampires + count_zombies >= state->common->num_total); if (count_ghosts > state->common->num_ghosts || (filled && count_ghosts != state->common->num_ghosts) ) { valid = FALSE; state->count_errors[0] = TRUE; for (x=1;x<state->common->params.w+1;x++) for (y=1;y<state->common->params.h+1;y++) { xy = x+y*(state->common->params.w+2); if (state->common->xinfo[xy] >= 0 && guess[state->common->xinfo[xy]] == 1) state->cell_errors[xy] = TRUE; } } if (count_vampires > state->common->num_vampires || (filled && count_vampires != state->common->num_vampires) ) { valid = FALSE; state->count_errors[1] = TRUE; for (x=1;x<state->common->params.w+1;x++) for (y=1;y<state->common->params.h+1;y++) { xy = x+y*(state->common->params.w+2); if (state->common->xinfo[xy] >= 0 && guess[state->common->xinfo[xy]] == 2) state->cell_errors[xy] = TRUE; } } if (count_zombies > state->common->num_zombies || (filled && count_zombies != state->common->num_zombies) ) { valid = FALSE; state->count_errors[2] = TRUE; for (x=1;x<state->common->params.w+1;x++) for (y=1;y<state->common->params.h+1;y++) { xy = x+y*(state->common->params.w+2); if (state->common->xinfo[xy] >= 0 && guess[state->common->xinfo[xy]] == 4) state->cell_errors[xy] = TRUE; } } return valid; } int check_path_solution(game_state *state, int p) { int i; int mirror; int count; int correct; int unfilled; count = 0; mirror = FALSE; correct = TRUE; unfilled = 0; for (i=0;i<state->common->paths[p].length;i++) { if (state->common->paths[p].p[i] == -1) mirror = TRUE; else { if (state->guess[state->common->paths[p].p[i]] == 1 && mirror) count++; else if (state->guess[state->common->paths[p].p[i]] == 2 && !mirror) count++; else if (state->guess[state->common->paths[p].p[i]] == 4) count++; else if (state->guess[state->common->paths[p].p[i]] == 7) unfilled++; } } if (count > state->common->paths[p].sightings_start || count + unfilled < state->common->paths[p].sightings_start) { correct = FALSE; state->hint_errors[state->common->paths[p].grid_start] = TRUE; } count = 0; mirror = FALSE; unfilled = 0; for (i=state->common->paths[p].length-1;i>=0;i--) { if (state->common->paths[p].p[i] == -1) mirror = TRUE; else { if (state->guess[state->common->paths[p].p[i]] == 1 && mirror) count++; else if (state->guess[state->common->paths[p].p[i]] == 2 && !mirror) count++; else if (state->guess[state->common->paths[p].p[i]] == 4) count++; else if (state->guess[state->common->paths[p].p[i]] == 7) unfilled++; } } if (count > state->common->paths[p].sightings_end || count + unfilled < state->common->paths[p].sightings_end) { correct = FALSE; state->hint_errors[state->common->paths[p].grid_end] = TRUE; } if (!correct) { for (i=0;i<state->common->paths[p].length;i++) state->cell_errors[state->common->paths[p].xy[i]] = TRUE; } return correct; } static game_state *execute_move(const game_state *state, const char *move) { int x,y,n,p,i; char c; int correct; int solver; game_state *ret = dup_game(state); solver = FALSE; while (*move) { c = *move; if (c == 'S') { move++; solver = TRUE; } if (c == 'G' || c == 'V' || c == 'Z' || c == 'E' || c == 'g' || c == 'v' || c == 'z') { move++; sscanf(move, "%d%n", &x, &n); if (c == 'G') ret->guess[x] = 1; if (c == 'V') ret->guess[x] = 2; if (c == 'Z') ret->guess[x] = 4; if (c == 'E') { ret->guess[x] = 7; ret->pencils[x] = 0; } if (c == 'g') ret->pencils[x] ^= 1; if (c == 'v') ret->pencils[x] ^= 2; if (c == 'z') ret->pencils[x] ^= 4; move += n; } if (c == 'D' && sscanf(move + 1, "%d,%d%n", &x, &y, &n) == 2 && is_clue(ret, x, y)) { ret->hints_done[clue_index(ret, x, y)] ^= 1; move += n + 1; } if (c == 'M') { /* * Fill in absolutely all pencil marks in unfilled * squares, for those who like to play by the rigorous * approach of starting off in that state and eliminating * things. */ for (i = 0; i < ret->common->wh; i++) if (ret->guess[i] == 7) ret->pencils[i] = 7; move++; } if (*move == ';') move++; } correct = TRUE; for (i=0;i<ret->common->wh;i++) ret->cell_errors[i] = FALSE; for (i=0;i<2*ret->common->num_paths;i++) ret->hint_errors[i] = FALSE; for (i=0;i<3;i++) ret->count_errors[i] = FALSE; if (!check_numbers_draw(ret,ret->guess)) correct = FALSE; for (p=0;p<state->common->num_paths;p++) if (!check_path_solution(ret,p)) correct = FALSE; for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) if (!(ret->guess[i] == 1 || ret->guess[i] == 2 || ret->guess[i] == 4)) correct = FALSE; if (correct && !solver) ret->solved = TRUE; if (solver) ret->cheated = TRUE; return ret; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Drawing routines. */ #define PREFERRED_TILE_SIZE 64 static void game_compute_size(const game_params *params, int tilesize, int *x, int *y) { /* Ick: fake up `ds->tilesize' for macro expansion purposes */ struct { int tilesize; } ads, *ds = &ads; ads.tilesize = tilesize; *x = 2*BORDER+(params->w+2)*TILESIZE; *y = 2*BORDER+(params->h+3)*TILESIZE; return; } static void game_set_size(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, const game_params *params, int tilesize) { ds->tilesize = tilesize; return; } #define COLOUR(ret, i, r, g, b) ((ret[3*(i)+0] = (r)), (ret[3*(i)+1] = (g)), (ret[3*(i)+2] = (b))) static float *game_colours(frontend *fe, int *ncolours) { float *ret = snewn(3 * NCOLOURS, float); frontend_default_colour(fe, &ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3]); ret[COL_GRID * 3 + 0] = 0.0F; ret[COL_GRID * 3 + 1] = 0.0F; ret[COL_GRID * 3 + 2] = 0.0F; ret[COL_TEXT * 3 + 0] = 0.0F; ret[COL_TEXT * 3 + 1] = 0.0F; ret[COL_TEXT * 3 + 2] = 0.0F; ret[COL_ERROR * 3 + 0] = 1.0F; ret[COL_ERROR * 3 + 1] = 0.0F; ret[COL_ERROR * 3 + 2] = 0.0F; ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 0] = 0.78F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0]; ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 1] = 0.78F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 1]; ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 2] = 0.78F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 2]; ret[COL_FLASH * 3 + 0] = 1.0F; ret[COL_FLASH * 3 + 1] = 1.0F; ret[COL_FLASH * 3 + 2] = 1.0F; ret[COL_GHOST * 3 + 0] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0] * 0.5F; ret[COL_GHOST * 3 + 1] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0]; ret[COL_GHOST * 3 + 2] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0]; ret[COL_ZOMBIE * 3 + 0] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0] * 0.5F; ret[COL_ZOMBIE * 3 + 1] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0]; ret[COL_ZOMBIE * 3 + 2] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0] * 0.5F; ret[COL_VAMPIRE * 3 + 0] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0]; ret[COL_VAMPIRE * 3 + 1] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0] * 0.9F; ret[COL_VAMPIRE * 3 + 2] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0] * 0.9F; ret[COL_DONE * 3 + 0] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0] / 1.5F; ret[COL_DONE * 3 + 1] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 1] / 1.5F; ret[COL_DONE * 3 + 2] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 2] / 1.5F; *ncolours = NCOLOURS; return ret; } static game_drawstate *game_new_drawstate(drawing *dr, const game_state *state) { int i; struct game_drawstate *ds = snew(struct game_drawstate); ds->tilesize = 0; ds->started = ds->solved = FALSE; ds->w = state->common->params.w; ds->h = state->common->params.h; ds->ascii = FALSE; ds->count_errors[0] = FALSE; ds->count_errors[1] = FALSE; ds->count_errors[2] = FALSE; ds->monsters = snewn(state->common->num_total,int); for (i=0;i<(state->common->num_total);i++) ds->monsters[i] = 7; ds->pencils = snewn(state->common->num_total,unsigned char); for (i=0;i<state->common->num_total;i++) ds->pencils[i] = 0; ds->cell_errors = snewn(state->common->wh,unsigned char); for (i=0;i<state->common->wh;i++) ds->cell_errors[i] = FALSE; ds->hint_errors = snewn(2*state->common->num_paths,unsigned char); for (i=0;i<2*state->common->num_paths;i++) ds->hint_errors[i] = FALSE; ds->hints_done = snewn(2 * state->common->num_paths, unsigned char); memset(ds->hints_done, 0, 2 * state->common->num_paths * sizeof(unsigned char)); ds->hshow = ds->hpencil = ds->hflash = 0; ds->hx = ds->hy = 0; return ds; } static void game_free_drawstate(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds) { sfree(ds->hints_done); sfree(ds->hint_errors); sfree(ds->cell_errors); sfree(ds->pencils); sfree(ds->monsters); sfree(ds); return; } static void draw_cell_background(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, const game_state *state, const game_ui *ui, int x, int y) { int hon; int dx,dy; dx = BORDER+(x* ds->tilesize)+(TILESIZE/2); dy = BORDER+(y* ds->tilesize)+(TILESIZE/2)+TILESIZE; hon = (ui->hshow && x == ui->hx && y == ui->hy); draw_rect(dr,dx-(TILESIZE/2)+1,dy-(TILESIZE/2)+1,TILESIZE-1,TILESIZE-1,(hon && !ui->hpencil) ? COL_HIGHLIGHT : COL_BACKGROUND); if (hon && ui->hpencil) { int coords[6]; coords[0] = dx-(TILESIZE/2)+1; coords[1] = dy-(TILESIZE/2)+1; coords[2] = coords[0] + TILESIZE/2; coords[3] = coords[1]; coords[4] = coords[0]; coords[5] = coords[1] + TILESIZE/2; draw_polygon(dr, coords, 3, COL_HIGHLIGHT, COL_HIGHLIGHT); } draw_update(dr,dx-(TILESIZE/2)+1,dy-(TILESIZE/2)+1,TILESIZE-1,TILESIZE-1); return; } static void draw_circle_or_point(drawing *dr, int cx, int cy, int radius, int colour) { if (radius > 0) draw_circle(dr, cx, cy, radius, colour, colour); else draw_rect(dr, cx, cy, 1, 1, colour); } static void draw_monster(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, int x, int y, int tilesize, int hflash, int monster) { int black = (hflash ? COL_FLASH : COL_TEXT); if (monster == 1) { /* ghost */ int poly[80], i, j; clip(dr,x-(tilesize/2)+2,y-(tilesize/2)+2,tilesize-3,tilesize/2+1); draw_circle(dr,x,y,2*tilesize/5, COL_GHOST,black); unclip(dr); i = 0; poly[i++] = x - 2*tilesize/5; poly[i++] = y-2; poly[i++] = x - 2*tilesize/5; poly[i++] = y + 2*tilesize/5; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int total = (2*tilesize/5) * 2; int before = total * j / 3; int after = total * (j+1) / 3; int mid = (before + after) / 2; poly[i++] = x - 2*tilesize/5 + mid; poly[i++] = y + 2*tilesize/5 - (total / 6); poly[i++] = x - 2*tilesize/5 + after; poly[i++] = y + 2*tilesize/5; } poly[i++] = x + 2*tilesize/5; poly[i++] = y-2; clip(dr,x-(tilesize/2)+2,y,tilesize-3,tilesize-(tilesize/2)-1); draw_polygon(dr, poly, i/2, COL_GHOST, black); unclip(dr); draw_circle(dr,x-tilesize/6,y-tilesize/12,tilesize/10, COL_BACKGROUND,black); draw_circle(dr,x+tilesize/6,y-tilesize/12,tilesize/10, COL_BACKGROUND,black); draw_circle_or_point(dr,x-tilesize/6+1+tilesize/48,y-tilesize/12, tilesize/48,black); draw_circle_or_point(dr,x+tilesize/6+1+tilesize/48,y-tilesize/12, tilesize/48,black); } else if (monster == 2) { /* vampire */ int poly[80], i; clip(dr,x-(tilesize/2)+2,y-(tilesize/2)+2,tilesize-3,tilesize/2); draw_circle(dr,x,y,2*tilesize/5,black,black); unclip(dr); clip(dr,x-(tilesize/2)+2,y-(tilesize/2)+2,tilesize/2+1,tilesize/2); draw_circle(dr,x-tilesize/7,y,2*tilesize/5-tilesize/7, COL_VAMPIRE,black); unclip(dr); clip(dr,x,y-(tilesize/2)+2,tilesize/2+1,tilesize/2); draw_circle(dr,x+tilesize/7,y,2*tilesize/5-tilesize/7, COL_VAMPIRE,black); unclip(dr); clip(dr,x-(tilesize/2)+2,y,tilesize-3,tilesize/2); draw_circle(dr,x,y,2*tilesize/5, COL_VAMPIRE,black); unclip(dr); draw_circle(dr, x-tilesize/7, y-tilesize/16, tilesize/16, COL_BACKGROUND, black); draw_circle(dr, x+tilesize/7, y-tilesize/16, tilesize/16, COL_BACKGROUND, black); draw_circle_or_point(dr, x-tilesize/7, y-tilesize/16, tilesize/48, black); draw_circle_or_point(dr, x+tilesize/7, y-tilesize/16, tilesize/48, black); clip(dr, x-(tilesize/2)+2, y+tilesize/8, tilesize-3, tilesize/4); i = 0; poly[i++] = x-3*tilesize/16; poly[i++] = y+1*tilesize/8; poly[i++] = x-2*tilesize/16; poly[i++] = y+7*tilesize/24; poly[i++] = x-1*tilesize/16; poly[i++] = y+1*tilesize/8; draw_polygon(dr, poly, i/2, COL_BACKGROUND, black); i = 0; poly[i++] = x+3*tilesize/16; poly[i++] = y+1*tilesize/8; poly[i++] = x+2*tilesize/16; poly[i++] = y+7*tilesize/24; poly[i++] = x+1*tilesize/16; poly[i++] = y+1*tilesize/8; draw_polygon(dr, poly, i/2, COL_BACKGROUND, black); draw_circle(dr, x, y-tilesize/5, 2*tilesize/5, COL_VAMPIRE, black); unclip(dr); } else if (monster == 4) { /* zombie */ draw_circle(dr,x,y,2*tilesize/5, COL_ZOMBIE,black); draw_line(dr, x-tilesize/7-tilesize/16, y-tilesize/12-tilesize/16, x-tilesize/7+tilesize/16, y-tilesize/12+tilesize/16, black); draw_line(dr, x-tilesize/7+tilesize/16, y-tilesize/12-tilesize/16, x-tilesize/7-tilesize/16, y-tilesize/12+tilesize/16, black); draw_line(dr, x+tilesize/7-tilesize/16, y-tilesize/12-tilesize/16, x+tilesize/7+tilesize/16, y-tilesize/12+tilesize/16, black); draw_line(dr, x+tilesize/7+tilesize/16, y-tilesize/12-tilesize/16, x+tilesize/7-tilesize/16, y-tilesize/12+tilesize/16, black); clip(dr, x-tilesize/5, y+tilesize/6, 2*tilesize/5+1, tilesize/2); draw_circle(dr, x-tilesize/15, y+tilesize/6, tilesize/12, COL_BACKGROUND, black); unclip(dr); draw_line(dr, x-tilesize/5, y+tilesize/6, x+tilesize/5, y+tilesize/6, black); } draw_update(dr,x-(tilesize/2)+2,y-(tilesize/2)+2,tilesize-3,tilesize-3); } static void draw_monster_count(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, const game_state *state, int c, int hflash) { int dx,dy; char buf[8]; char bufm[8]; dy = TILESIZE/4; dx = BORDER+(ds->w+2)*TILESIZE/2+TILESIZE/4; switch (c) { case 0: sprintf(buf,"%d",state->common->num_ghosts); sprintf(bufm,"G"); dx -= 3*TILESIZE/2; break; case 1: sprintf(buf,"%d",state->common->num_vampires); sprintf(bufm,"V"); break; case 2: sprintf(buf,"%d",state->common->num_zombies); sprintf(bufm,"Z"); dx += 3*TILESIZE/2; break; } draw_rect(dr, dx-2*TILESIZE/3, dy, 3*TILESIZE/2, TILESIZE, COL_BACKGROUND); if (!ds->ascii) { draw_monster(dr, ds, dx-TILESIZE/3, dy+TILESIZE/2, 2*TILESIZE/3, hflash, 1<<c); } else { draw_text(dr, dx-TILESIZE/3,dy+TILESIZE/2,FONT_VARIABLE,TILESIZE/2, ALIGN_HCENTRE|ALIGN_VCENTRE, hflash ? COL_FLASH : COL_TEXT, bufm); } draw_text(dr, dx, dy+TILESIZE/2, FONT_VARIABLE, TILESIZE/2, ALIGN_HLEFT|ALIGN_VCENTRE, (state->count_errors[c] ? COL_ERROR : hflash ? COL_FLASH : COL_TEXT), buf); draw_update(dr, dx-2*TILESIZE/3, dy, 3*TILESIZE/2, TILESIZE); return; } static void draw_path_hint(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, const struct game_params *params, int hint_index, int hflash, int hint) { int x, y, color, dx, dy, text_dx, text_dy, text_size; char buf[4]; if (ds->hint_errors[hint_index]) color = COL_ERROR; else if (hflash) color = COL_FLASH; else if (ds->hints_done[hint_index]) color = COL_DONE; else color = COL_TEXT; range2grid(hint_index, params->w, params->h, &x, &y); /* Upper-left corner of the "tile" */ dx = BORDER + x * TILESIZE; dy = BORDER + y * TILESIZE + TILESIZE; /* Center of the "tile" */ text_dx = dx + TILESIZE / 2; text_dy = dy + TILESIZE / 2; /* Avoid wiping out the borders of the puzzle */ dx += 2; dy += 2; text_size = TILESIZE - 3; sprintf(buf,"%d", hint); draw_rect(dr, dx, dy, text_size, text_size, COL_BACKGROUND); draw_text(dr, text_dx, text_dy, FONT_FIXED, TILESIZE / 2, ALIGN_HCENTRE | ALIGN_VCENTRE, color, buf); draw_update(dr, dx, dy, text_size, text_size); return; } static void draw_mirror(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, const game_state *state, int x, int y, int hflash, int mirror) { int dx,dy,mx1,my1,mx2,my2; dx = BORDER+(x* ds->tilesize)+(TILESIZE/2); dy = BORDER+(y* ds->tilesize)+(TILESIZE/2)+TILESIZE; if (mirror == CELL_MIRROR_L) { mx1 = dx-(TILESIZE/4); my1 = dy-(TILESIZE/4); mx2 = dx+(TILESIZE/4); my2 = dy+(TILESIZE/4); } else { mx1 = dx-(TILESIZE/4); my1 = dy+(TILESIZE/4); mx2 = dx+(TILESIZE/4); my2 = dy-(TILESIZE/4); } draw_thick_line(dr,(float)(TILESIZE/16),mx1,my1,mx2,my2, hflash ? COL_FLASH : COL_TEXT); draw_update(dr,dx-(TILESIZE/2)+1,dy-(TILESIZE/2)+1,TILESIZE-1,TILESIZE-1); return; } static void draw_big_monster(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, const game_state *state, int x, int y, int hflash, int monster) { int dx,dy; char buf[10]; dx = BORDER+(x* ds->tilesize)+(TILESIZE/2); dy = BORDER+(y* ds->tilesize)+(TILESIZE/2)+TILESIZE; if (ds->ascii) { if (monster == 1) sprintf(buf,"G"); else if (monster == 2) sprintf(buf,"V"); else if (monster == 4) sprintf(buf,"Z"); else sprintf(buf," "); draw_text(dr,dx,dy,FONT_FIXED,TILESIZE/2,ALIGN_HCENTRE|ALIGN_VCENTRE, hflash ? COL_FLASH : COL_TEXT,buf); draw_update(dr,dx-(TILESIZE/2)+2,dy-(TILESIZE/2)+2,TILESIZE-3, TILESIZE-3); } else { draw_monster(dr, ds, dx, dy, 3*TILESIZE/4, hflash, monster); } return; } static void draw_pencils(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, const game_state *state, int x, int y, int pencil) { int dx, dy; int monsters[4]; int i, j, px, py; char buf[10]; dx = BORDER+(x* ds->tilesize)+(TILESIZE/4); dy = BORDER+(y* ds->tilesize)+(TILESIZE/4)+TILESIZE; for (i = 0, j = 1; j < 8; j *= 2) if (pencil & j) monsters[i++] = j; while (i < 4) monsters[i++] = 0; for (py = 0; py < 2; py++) for (px = 0; px < 2; px++) if (monsters[py*2+px]) { if (!ds->ascii) { draw_monster(dr, ds, dx + TILESIZE/2 * px, dy + TILESIZE/2 * py, TILESIZE/2, 0, monsters[py*2+px]); } else { switch (monsters[py*2+px]) { case 1: sprintf(buf,"G"); break; case 2: sprintf(buf,"V"); break; case 4: sprintf(buf,"Z"); break; } draw_text(dr,dx + TILESIZE/2 * px,dy + TILESIZE/2 * py, FONT_FIXED,TILESIZE/4,ALIGN_HCENTRE|ALIGN_VCENTRE, COL_TEXT,buf); } } draw_update(dr,dx-(TILESIZE/4)+2,dy-(TILESIZE/4)+2, (TILESIZE/2)-3,(TILESIZE/2)-3); return; } #define FLASH_TIME 0.7F static int is_hint_stale(const game_drawstate *ds, int hflash, const game_state *state, int index) { int ret = FALSE; if (!ds->started) ret = TRUE; if (ds->hflash != hflash) ret = TRUE; if (ds->hint_errors[index] != state->hint_errors[index]) { ds->hint_errors[index] = state->hint_errors[index]; ret = TRUE; } if (ds->hints_done[index] != state->hints_done[index]) { ds->hints_done[index] = state->hints_done[index]; ret = TRUE; } return ret; } static void game_redraw(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, const game_state *oldstate, const game_state *state, int dir, const game_ui *ui, float animtime, float flashtime) { int i,j,x,y,xy; int stale, xi, c, hflash, hchanged, changed_ascii; hflash = (int)(flashtime * 5 / FLASH_TIME) % 2; /* Draw static grid components at startup */ if (!ds->started) { draw_rect(dr, 0, 0, 2*BORDER+(ds->w+2)*TILESIZE, 2*BORDER+(ds->h+3)*TILESIZE, COL_BACKGROUND); draw_rect(dr, BORDER+TILESIZE-1, BORDER+2*TILESIZE-1, (ds->w)*TILESIZE +3, (ds->h)*TILESIZE +3, COL_GRID); for (i=0;i<ds->w;i++) for (j=0;j<ds->h;j++) draw_rect(dr, BORDER+(ds->tilesize*(i+1))+1, BORDER+(ds->tilesize*(j+2))+1, ds->tilesize-1, ds->tilesize-1, COL_BACKGROUND); draw_update(dr, 0, 0, 2*BORDER+(ds->w+2)*TILESIZE, 2*BORDER+(ds->h+3)*TILESIZE); } hchanged = FALSE; if (ds->hx != ui->hx || ds->hy != ui->hy || ds->hshow != ui->hshow || ds->hpencil != ui->hpencil) hchanged = TRUE; if (ds->ascii != ui->ascii) { ds->ascii = ui->ascii; changed_ascii = TRUE; } else changed_ascii = FALSE; /* Draw monster count hints */ for (i=0;i<3;i++) { stale = FALSE; if (!ds->started) stale = TRUE; if (ds->hflash != hflash) stale = TRUE; if (changed_ascii) stale = TRUE; if (ds->count_errors[i] != state->count_errors[i]) { stale = TRUE; ds->count_errors[i] = state->count_errors[i]; } if (stale) { draw_monster_count(dr, ds, state, i, hflash); } } /* Draw path count hints */ for (i=0;i<state->common->num_paths;i++) { struct path *path = &state->common->paths[i]; if (is_hint_stale(ds, hflash, state, path->grid_start)) { draw_path_hint(dr, ds, &state->common->params, path->grid_start, hflash, path->sightings_start); } if (is_hint_stale(ds, hflash, state, path->grid_end)) { draw_path_hint(dr, ds, &state->common->params, path->grid_end, hflash, path->sightings_end); } } /* Draw puzzle grid contents */ for (x = 1; x < ds->w+1; x++) for (y = 1; y < ds->h+1; y++) { stale = FALSE; xy = x+y*(state->common->params.w+2); xi = state->common->xinfo[xy]; c = state->common->grid[xy]; if (!ds->started) stale = TRUE; if (ds->hflash != hflash) stale = TRUE; if (changed_ascii) stale = TRUE; if (hchanged) { if ((x == ui->hx && y == ui->hy) || (x == ds->hx && y == ds->hy)) stale = TRUE; } if (xi >= 0 && (state->guess[xi] != ds->monsters[xi]) ) { stale = TRUE; ds->monsters[xi] = state->guess[xi]; } if (xi >= 0 && (state->pencils[xi] != ds->pencils[xi]) ) { stale = TRUE; ds->pencils[xi] = state->pencils[xi]; } if (state->cell_errors[xy] != ds->cell_errors[xy]) { stale = TRUE; ds->cell_errors[xy] = state->cell_errors[xy]; } if (stale) { draw_cell_background(dr, ds, state, ui, x, y); if (xi < 0) draw_mirror(dr, ds, state, x, y, hflash, c); else if (state->guess[xi] == 1 || state->guess[xi] == 2 || state->guess[xi] == 4) draw_big_monster(dr, ds, state, x, y, hflash, state->guess[xi]); else draw_pencils(dr, ds, state, x, y, state->pencils[xi]); } } ds->hx = ui->hx; ds->hy = ui->hy; ds->hshow = ui->hshow; ds->hpencil = ui->hpencil; ds->hflash = hflash; ds->started = TRUE; return; } static float game_anim_length(const game_state *oldstate, const game_state *newstate, int dir, game_ui *ui) { return 0.0F; } static float game_flash_length(const game_state *oldstate, const game_state *newstate, int dir, game_ui *ui) { return (!oldstate->solved && newstate->solved && !oldstate->cheated && !newstate->cheated) ? FLASH_TIME : 0.0F; } static int game_status(const game_state *state) { return state->solved; } static int game_timing_state(const game_state *state, game_ui *ui) { return TRUE; } static void game_print_size(const game_params *params, float *x, float *y) { } static void game_print(drawing *dr, const game_state *state, int tilesize) { } #ifdef COMBINED #define thegame undead #endif const struct game thegame = { "Undead", "games.undead", "undead", default_params, game_fetch_preset, NULL, decode_params, encode_params, free_params, dup_params, TRUE, game_configure, custom_params, validate_params, new_game_desc, validate_desc, new_game, dup_game, free_game, TRUE, solve_game, TRUE, game_can_format_as_text_now, game_text_format, new_ui, free_ui, encode_ui, decode_ui, game_request_keys, game_changed_state, interpret_move, execute_move, PREFERRED_TILE_SIZE, game_compute_size, game_set_size, game_colours, game_new_drawstate, game_free_drawstate, game_redraw, game_anim_length, game_flash_length, game_status, FALSE, FALSE, game_print_size, game_print, FALSE, /* wants_statusbar */ FALSE, game_timing_state, 0, /* flags */ };