Patch idea from Debian, but modified considerably in implementation:
Patch from Debian, to bring the use of the X selection/clipboard in
Wording tweaks inspired by (but not the same as) some in a Debian
Patch from Ben Hutchings: explicitly initialise something which some
Fix incorrect uses of ctype.h (passing it uncast chars, or other
Fix from James H for an assertion failure during Signpost
Add '-v' option to patternsolver, to make it show its working.
Dylan O'Donnell reports that Signpost hangs on trying to generate a
Chris Boyle reports an off-by-two error ('a Qui-Gon Jinx' :-) in
Error highlighting bug in Bridges: when counting the number of extra
Another w/h transposition typo.
Typo affecting gameplay on grids wider than they are tall. (Clicking
Fixes from James H to the numbering of squares, in particular:
Fix build failure on MacOS by initialising a variable which was
A proper fix from James H for the negative number issue: the
'Fix' an assertion failure during play: accidentally connecting a
Docs and comments fixes from James H.
Updates to the new-puzzle checklist, since the world has moved on.
New puzzle! Setting what might be a record for how long we've sat on
Patch inspired by one from James H: remove spurious references to
Fix from James H: the shared code between drawing and printing
Fix from James H: in printing mode, the shared code between drawing
Memory leak fix from James H.
Patch from James H to fix a bug in which ambiguous puzzles would
Typo/formatting fixes for Magnets documentation.
Highlight the sides as well as the top of a tower when it's
Don't use payload strings directly as the format for printf.
New puzzle from James H: 'Magnets'.
Couple of small changes to Singles from James H which missed my main
Patch from James H: make the Windows debugging output conditional on
Add a couple more checks to the 3d collision detection, without
Corrections to Singles documentation, plus index terms.
New puzzle from James Harvey: 'Singles', an implementation of
Retire the YTRANS and YUNTRANS macros in latin.[ch]. They were
The 3-D graphics in Towers need a corresponding change on the input
Oops! Remove evidence of blatant clone-and-hack from Keen. :-)
Oops. Uncomment the difficulty exceptions! (Also add another
Crop the Towers icon more sensibly (i.e. at all).
Upgrade the graphics in Towers to include a thematically appropriate
New puzzle, again using the revised latin.c: 'Towers', a clone of a
Memory leak fix from James H.
Proof that check_errors() is sufficient.
Refer to group elements by letters instead of numbers, in keeping
Add a facility in the latin.c solver diagnostics to allow a puzzle
Add an even more evil (!) game mode, in which it's not made
Yikes! Fix a misaimed 'sizeof' which I only got away with because
A user asked for the < signs in Unequal to be bolder.
Missing piece of code I should have cribbed from Solo: we have to
Another 16-bit-cleanliness fix (and for once I spotted it before James!)
Memory leak fix from Tiago Dionizio: whenever we free the midend's
16-bit cleanliness patch from James H.
For my own use in local Windows builds of the 'unfinished' puzzles,
Couple of missing 'static's.
New puzzle in 'unfinished'. Essentially, Sudoku for group theorists:
Fix bug causing array overrun. Only seemed to be showing a symptom
New puzzle! 'Keen', a clone of KenKen.
Normalise Unequal (and latin.c) so that solver diagnostics start
I've never trusted common variables. Take those bare ints out of
Introduce, and implement as usefully as I can in all front ends, a
Tweak the semantics of dsf_merge() so that the canonical element of
Refactor latin.c to make it easier to reuse. Instead of client
New mode for Unequal, from James H. In this mode, called 'Adjacent',
latin_generate_quick is long gone, so remove it from the header file.
Keyboard control for Dominosa (patch largely due to James H, though
Jonas Koelker points out that the backspace key didn't work in GTK
Minor bug fixes from James Harvey.
Patches from Frode Austvik to modify the effects of the mouse
Patch from Frode Austvik to tinker with the GTK interface if
Patch from Frode Austvik to permit passing CFLAGS in to the Unix
Another wording tweak from Helge Kreutzmann.
Fix for the grid generation in the presence of particularly strange
Add a precautionary pair of initialisations to placate optimisers,
Remove ASCII-art arrows. Missing \dash (Debian bug #522439).
Beat up on Black Box docs, after Debian bug #548472.
Typo fixes from Debian bug#554341.
Single mouse clicks to toggle individual grid edges stopped working
Add a couple of missing checks in validate_desc(), without which
Minor rewording and typo-correction.
Aha, I've managed to prove that my inadequate error highlighting is
Error-highlighted trees look nicer with a different-coloured trunk.
Redo Mines and Inertia's mine graphics using an actual circle rather
Tweak to the promptness of error highlighting display.
About time I got round to this: error highlighting for Tents.
Fix width/height braino introduced in r5844.
Add execute permission to the .exe files inside the zip file.
More defensive-coding fixes from James H.
Patch from Mark Wooding: when I did r7980 I had completely failed to
Patch from Mark Wooding: use gdk_event_request_motions() where
Patch from Mark Wooding: stop setting GTK_EXPAND for the x-direction
Patch from Mark Wooding: one-pixel fix to the alignment of the
Patch from Mark Wooding (though somewhat tampered with by me): have
Memory management and other fixes from James H.
Fix a misdesign I must have missed when I reviewed the Killer patch:
check_valid() wasn't checking that Killer cages contain at most one