guess: Move the cursor to the first peg position after a guess
guess: Correct documentation to not say Space places a peg
js: Explicitly set the height of the status bar
Assert that the back-end has provided a background colour
Devel docs: explain the specialness of colour 0
Devel docs: Mention mid-end background clearing
guess: Fix keyboard access to hold function
js: Put the puzzle background colour in a CSS variable
mosaic: Don't bother initialising fields in decode_ui()
Devel docs: make it clear that decode_ui() gets a new game_ui
lightup: Remove tests for keystrokes canonicalised by mid-end
js: Bypass our own dialogue box when loading
js: Remove align=center from main <div> and make it a <main>
js: Remove a layer of <div> from the HTML page
js: Specify a font for the puzzle canvas in CSS
js: Correct a comment describing timer_callback
js: Simplify drawing context management
js: Switch to using the resize handle in the HTML
js: Don't bother resizing offscreen canvas at startup
js: Improve comment explaining same-origin policy for file:
js: Add an SVG resize handle to the HTML
js: Remove a JavaScript construct that confused emcc -O3
Document how Enter and Space are handled in the mid-end
js: Allow for putting a resize handle in HTML
Developer doc correction: list.c is not generated by Perl any more
js: Remove support for creating the status bar in JavaScript
js: Don't word-wrap the status bar
Update current-as-of commit ID in developer docs
js: Remove "width" and "height" attributes from HTML <canvas>
js: Hide menus and resize handle when printing
js: Remove alpha channel from almost all our canvases
js: Correct co-ordinate-mapping function for what CSS actually does
flip: Set a lower bound on the size of little diagrams
mines: Ensure highlights don't vanish at small tile sizes
js: Subtle extra padding for menus
js: If the HTML contains a dialogue-box form, delete it
js: Disable menu keyboard controls when dialogue box is active
js: More conventional marking of menu item types
js: Replace status-bar holder in HTML with status bar itself
js: Add actions for more keys in menus
js: Move global keyboard handler to capturing phase
js: Move focus-tracking to entirely "focus" events
js: Replace :focus-within with JS-maintained .focus-within
js: Add keyboard navigation for menus
Add missing dependency of screenshots on their save files
nullgame: Don't bother blanking the puzzle window
gtk: Fix a missing "const" qualifier when building with GTK 2
js: When removing the status bar, null out its variable
js: Allow status bar to be present in the HTML
Palisade: scale line thickness unboundedly with tile size.
pearl: Return NULL when Backspace or Escape does nothing
mines: Grammar fix in instructions
Document new new undo/redo keys
Extra key mappings: '*' to undo and '#' to redo
js: Create the puzzle resize handle only if the puzzle is resizable
js: Insert a space in game-type submenu headings as well
js: Convert space after tick in menus to a space character
js: Use -moz-appearance and -webkit-appearance
js: Better handling of games without presets and/or solve
js: Substantially simplify timer code
js: Give keyboard focus to the puzzle canvas at startup again
js: Remove class="text/css" from <style> element
js: Add a way to have environment variables
js: Use <li role="separator"> in place of <li class="separator">
js: Label all form controls and put controls inside labels
js: Simplify menu CSS a little
js: Convert menus to use semantically appropriate HTML elements
Correct a comment: draw_rect_outline() uses draw_polygon()
Remove setting of indent-tabs-mode from filling.c
Remove a couple of unused variables.
js: Enable STRICT_JS in Emscripten
js: Add various missing variable declarations
js: Reinstate a missing variable declaration
js: Switch to window.requestAnimationFrame() for timing
js: Cancel UI events when the mid end says they've been handled
Add a way for midend_process_key() to report whether it handled a keypress
js: Make SoftRight act as CURSOR_SELECT2 as well
js: Map the "SoftLeft" key to CURSOR_SELECT2
js: Move much of the handling of device pixel ratios to the mid-end
Teach the mid-end about device pixel ratios
js: Make update_pixel_ratio() more robust
js: Adjust z-indices of sub-menus and resize handle
js: Tolerate the non-existence of some HTML elements
Loopy: adjust clip rectangle for new line thickness.
Loopy: make line thicknesses scale with the canvas.
js: Take device pixel ratio into account when setting default size
js: Distinguish manual resizes from device pixel ratio changes
js: Split setting nominal and actual canvas size
js: Very bad attempt at making puzzles change size when zooming
js: Add a CMake variable to control whether Emscripten emits WASM
js: Make update_pixel_ratio more backward-compatible
js: Use String.replace() in place of .replaceAll()
js: Be more subtle about cancelling keydown events
js: Add a comment explaining the two halves of the key-matching code
js: Handle KeyboardEvent.key == "Spacebar"