ref: 1235f05af70c3acea7eedb0cbfd726ab4ec357c4
dir: /kaios/kaiads-glue.js/
// Glue connecting Puzzles to the KaiAds API. // // The Kai Store requires that we support advertisements through // KaiAds. To avoid polluting the Puzzles core with this, the // relevant code is largely confined to this file. It can then be // included in builds that are destined for the Kai Store and left out // of others. The main puzzle code, and the KaiAds API (as supplied // by Kai Technologies) should be loaded before this file. (function() { // To run, we need to be on KaiOS with the KaiAds SDK and the // Open Web Apps API. if (!getKaiAd || !navigator.mozApps || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('kaios') == -1) return; // If those prerequisites are satisfied, install the button. var advertbutton = document.createElement("button"); advertbutton.type = "button"; advertbutton.textContent = "Display an advert..."; advertbutton.disabled = true; var advertli = document.createElement("li"); advertli.appendChild(advertbutton); var topmenu = menuform.querySelector("ul"); var before = topmenu.querySelector(":scope > li:nth-last-child(2)"); topmenu.insertBefore(advertli, before); // Now work out whether we're installed from the Store (and hence // want real adverts) or not (and hence want test ones). var selfrequest = navigator.mozApps.getSelf(); selfrequest.onerror = function() { console.log("Error getting own app record: ",; // Leave the button disabled. }; selfrequest.onsuccess = function() { var testmode = selfrequest.result.installOrigin != "app://"; advertbutton.addEventListener("click", function(e) { // The KaiAds SDK provides this function. getKaiAd({ publisher: 'dac9c115-ec42-4175-ac5e-47e118cc541b', test: testmode ? 1 : 0, timeout: 10000, onready: function(ad) { ad.on('close', function () { // KaiAds adds inline styles to the body and doesn't // remove them, so we do it ourselves. = ''; onscreen_canvas.focus(); });'display'); }, onerror: function(err) { alert(`Sorry; no advert available (KaiAds error ${err}).`); onscreen_canvas.focus(); // Close the menu. } }); }); advertbutton.disabled = false; }; })();