ref: 095224d5711f3482d6be0ffc01621143f25c7104
dir: /cmake/setup.cmake/
set(PUZZLES_ENABLE_UNFINISHED "" CACHE STRING "List of puzzles in the 'unfinished' subdirectory \ to build as if official (separated by ';')") set(build_individual_puzzles TRUE) set(build_cli_programs TRUE) set(build_gui_programs TRUE) set(build_icons FALSE) set(need_c_icons FALSE) # Don't disable assertions, even in release mode. Our assertions # generally aren't expensive and protect against more annoying crashes # and memory corruption. string(REPLACE "/DNDEBUG" "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL}") string(REPLACE "-DNDEBUG" "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL}") string(REPLACE "/DNDEBUG" "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}") string(REPLACE "-DNDEBUG" "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE}") string(REPLACE "/DNDEBUG" "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}") string(REPLACE "-DNDEBUG" "" CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}") # Include one of platforms/*.cmake to define platform-specific stuff. # Each of these is expected to: # - define get_platform_puzzle_extra_source_files(), used below # - define set_platform_puzzle_target_properties(), used below # - define build_platform_extras(), called from the top-level CMakeLists.txt # - override the above build_* settings, if necessary if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows") include(cmake/platforms/windows.cmake) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") include(cmake/platforms/osx.cmake) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "NestedVM") include(cmake/platforms/nestedvm.cmake) elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER MATCHES "emcc") include(cmake/platforms/emscripten.cmake) else() # assume Unix include(cmake/platforms/unix.cmake) endif() # Accumulate lists of the puzzles' bare names and source file # locations, for use in build_platform_extras() implementations when # they want to build things based on all the puzzles at once. set(puzzle_names) set(puzzle_sources) include(CheckIncludeFile) check_include_file(stdint.h HAVE_STDINT_H) if(NOT HAVE_STDINT_H) add_compile_definitions(NO_STDINT_H) endif() check_include_file(tgmath.h HAVE_TGMATH_H) if(NOT HAVE_TGMATH_H) add_compile_definitions(NO_TGMATH_H) endif() # Try to normalise source file pathnames as seen in __FILE__ (e.g. # assertion failure messages). Partly to avoid bloating the binaries # with file prefixes like /home/simon/stuff/things/tmp-7x6c5d54/, but # also to make the builds more deterministic - building from the same # source should give the same binary even if you do it in a # differently named temp directory. function(map_pathname src dst) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "NestedVM") # Do nothing: the NestedVM gcc is unfortunately too old to support # this option. elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" AND CMAKE_C_COMPILER_FRONTEND_VARIANT MATCHES "MSVC") # -fmacro-prefix-map isn't available as a clang-cl option, so we # prefix it with -Xclang to pass it straight through to the # underlying clang -cc1 invocation, which spells the option the # same way. set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Xclang -fmacro-prefix-map=${src}=${dst}" PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fmacro-prefix-map=${src}=${dst}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() map_pathname(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} /puzzles) map_pathname(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} /build) include(icons/icons.cmake) # The main function called from the top-level CMakeLists.txt to define # each puzzle. function(puzzle NAME) cmake_parse_arguments(OPT "" "DISPLAYNAME;DESCRIPTION;OBJECTIVE;WINDOWS_EXE_NAME" "" ${ARGN}) if(NOT DEFINED OPT_WINDOWS_EXE_NAME) set(OPT_WINDOWS_EXE_NAME ${NAME}) endif() if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows") set(EXENAME ${OPT_WINDOWS_EXE_NAME}) else() set(EXENAME ${NAME}) endif() set(exename_${NAME} ${EXENAME} PARENT_SCOPE) set(displayname_${NAME} ${OPT_DISPLAYNAME} PARENT_SCOPE) set(description_${NAME} ${OPT_DESCRIPTION} PARENT_SCOPE) set(objective_${NAME} ${OPT_OBJECTIVE} PARENT_SCOPE) set(official TRUE) if(NAME STREQUAL nullgame) # nullgame is not a playable puzzle; it has to be built (to prove # it still can build), but not installed, or included in the main # list of puzzles, or compiled into all-in-one binaries, etc. In # other words, it's not "officially" part of the puzzle # collection. set(official FALSE) endif() if(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} STREQUAL ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/unfinished) # The same goes for puzzles in the 'unfinished' subdirectory, # although we make an exception if configured to on the command # line. list(FIND PUZZLES_ENABLE_UNFINISHED ${NAME} enable_this_one) if(enable_this_one EQUAL -1) set(official FALSE) endif() endif() if (official) set(puzzle_names ${puzzle_names} ${NAME} PARENT_SCOPE) set(puzzle_sources ${puzzle_sources} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${NAME}.c PARENT_SCOPE) endif() get_platform_puzzle_extra_source_files(extra_files ${NAME}) if (build_individual_puzzles) add_executable(${EXENAME} ${NAME}.c ${extra_files}) target_link_libraries(${EXENAME} common ${platform_gui_libs} ${platform_libs}) set_property(TARGET ${EXENAME} PROPERTY exename ${EXENAME}) set_property(TARGET ${EXENAME} PROPERTY displayname ${OPT_DISPLAYNAME}) set_property(TARGET ${EXENAME} PROPERTY description ${OPT_DESCRIPTION}) set_property(TARGET ${EXENAME} PROPERTY objective ${OPT_OBJECTIVE}) set_property(TARGET ${EXENAME} PROPERTY official ${official}) set_platform_puzzle_target_properties(${NAME} ${EXENAME}) set_platform_gui_target_properties(${EXENAME}) endif() endfunction() # The main function called from the top-level CMakeLists.txt to define # a command-line helper tool. function(cliprogram NAME) cmake_parse_arguments(OPT "" "" "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS" ${ARGN}) if(build_cli_programs) add_executable(${NAME} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/nullfe.c ${OPT_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) target_link_libraries(${NAME} common ${platform_libs}) if(OPT_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) target_compile_definitions(${NAME} PRIVATE ${OPT_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}) endif() endif() endfunction() # Similar to cliprogram, but builds a GUI helper tool, linked against # the normal puzzle frontend. function(guiprogram NAME) cmake_parse_arguments(OPT "" "" "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS" ${ARGN}) if(build_gui_programs) get_platform_puzzle_extra_source_files(extra_files ${NAME}) add_executable(${NAME} ${OPT_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS} ${extra_files}) target_link_libraries(${NAME} common ${platform_gui_libs} ${platform_libs}) if(OPT_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) target_compile_definitions(${NAME} PRIVATE ${OPT_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS}) endif() set_platform_gui_target_properties(${NAME}) endif() endfunction() # A small wrapper around cliprogram, taking advantage of the common # formula that puzzle 'foo' often comes with 'foosolver'. function(solver NAME) cliprogram(${NAME}solver ${puzzle_src_prefix}${NAME}.c ${ARGN} COMPILE_DEFINITIONS STANDALONE_SOLVER) endfunction() function(write_generated_games_header) set(generated_include_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include) set(generated_include_dir ${generated_include_dir} PARENT_SCOPE) set(header_pre ${generated_include_dir}/generated-games.h.pre) set(header ${generated_include_dir}/generated-games.h) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${generated_include_dir}) file(WRITE ${header_pre} "") list(SORT puzzle_names) foreach(name ${puzzle_names}) file(APPEND ${header_pre} "GAME(${name})\n") endforeach() configure_file(${header_pre} ${header} COPYONLY) endfunction() # This has to be run from the unfinished subdirectory, so that the # updates to puzzle_names etc will be propagated to the top-level scope. macro(export_variables_to_parent_scope) set(puzzle_names ${puzzle_names} PARENT_SCOPE) set(puzzle_sources ${puzzle_sources} PARENT_SCOPE) foreach(name ${puzzle_names}) set(exename_${name} ${exename_${name}} PARENT_SCOPE) set(displayname_${name} ${displayname_${name}} PARENT_SCOPE) set(description_${name} ${description_${name}} PARENT_SCOPE) set(objective_${name} ${objective_${name}} PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endmacro() macro(build_extras) # Write out a list of the game names, for to use. file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gamelist.txt "") list(SORT puzzle_names) foreach(name ${puzzle_names}) file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gamelist.txt "${name}\n") endforeach() # Further extra stuff specific to particular platforms. build_platform_extras() endmacro()