shithub: epublish

RSS feed

b6e0c25f – sirjofri <[email protected]> authored on 2021/09/09 07:05
fixes prefix

9b5b3b2c – sirjofri <[email protected]> authored on 2021/09/09 02:39
adds proper sample, mkfile. needs more fine tuning.

069cd7b7 – sirjofri <[email protected]> authored on 2021/09/08 11:57
adds output-specific comments with [[[ms [[[ebook and ]]] (and commenting feature)

e59909df – sirjofri <[email protected]> authored on 2021/09/08 02:09
adds txt2ebook (basic functionality), txt2ms (original version as reference, still needs adjustment), and sample test.txt