shithub: sox

ref: 94d88fc3653246d4680a73de95e331faa161fec3
dir: /src/stretch.c/

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 * (c) march/april 2000 Fabien COELHO <[email protected]> for sox.
 * Basic time stretcher.
 * cross fade samples so as to go slower of faster.
 * The automaton is based on 6 parameters:
 * - stretch factor f
 * - window size w
 * - input step i
 *   output step o=f*i
 * - steady state of window s, ss = s*w
 * - type of cross fading
 * I decided of the default values of these parameters based
 * on some small non extensive tests. maybe better defaults
 * can be suggested.
 * It cannot handle different number of channels.
 * It cannot handle rate change.
#include "st_i.h"

#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc and free */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy() */

#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(s1,s2) ((s1)<(s2)?(s1):(s2))

#define STRETCH_FLOAT float

    "Usage: stretch factor [window fade shift fading]\n" \
    "\t(expansion, frame in ms, lin/..., unit<1.0, unit<0.5)\n" \
    "\t(defaults: 1.0 20 lin ...)"

/* ok, it looks stupid to have such constant.
   this is because of the cast, if floats are switched to doubles.
#define ZERO                   		((STRETCH_FLOAT)(0.0e0))
#define HALF                   		((STRETCH_FLOAT)(0.5e0))
#define ONE                    		((STRETCH_FLOAT)(1.0e0))
#define MONE                   		((STRETCH_FLOAT)(-1.0e0))
#define ONETHOUSANDS           		((STRETCH_FLOAT)(0.001e0))


#define DEFAULT_STRETCH_WINDOW 		((STRETCH_FLOAT)(20.0e0))  /* ms */

/* I'm planing to put some common fading stuff outside. 
   It's also used in pitch.c
typedef enum { st_linear_fading } st_fading_t;

#define DEFAULT_FADING st_linear_fading

typedef enum { input_state, output_state } stretch_status_t;

typedef struct 
    /* options
     * Q: maybe shift could be allowed > 1.0 with factor < 1.0 ???
    STRETCH_FLOAT factor;   /* strech factor. 1.0 means copy. */
    STRETCH_FLOAT window;   /* window in ms */
    st_fading_t fade;       /* type of fading */
    STRETCH_FLOAT shift;    /* shift ratio wrt window. <1.0 */
    STRETCH_FLOAT fading;   /* fading ratio wrt window. <0.5 */

    /* internal stuff 
    stretch_status_t state; /* automaton status */
    int clipped;            /* number of clipped values. */

    int size;               /* buffer size */
    int index;              /* next available element */
    st_sample_t *ibuf;      /* input buffer */
    int ishift;             /* input shift */

    int oindex;             /* next evailable element */
    STRETCH_FLOAT * obuf;   /* output buffer */
    int oshift;             /* output shift */

    int fsize;              /* fading size */
    STRETCH_FLOAT * fbuf;   /* fading, 1.0 -> 0.0 */

} * stretch_t;

static void debug(stretch_t s, char * where)
	    "%s: (f=%.2f w=%.2f r=%.2f f=%.2f)"
	    " st=%d s=%d ii=%d is=%d oi=%d os=%d fs=%d\n",
	    where, s->factor, s->window, s->shift, s->fading,
	    s->state, s->size, s->index, s->ishift,
	    s->oindex, s->oshift, s->fsize);

/* clip amplitudes and count number of clipped values.
static st_sample_t clip(stretch_t stretch, STRETCH_FLOAT v)
    if (v < -ST_SAMPLE_MAX)
	return -ST_SAMPLE_MAX;
    else if (v > ST_SAMPLE_MAX)
	return ST_SAMPLE_MAX;
	return (st_sample_t) v;

 * Process options
int st_stretch_getopts(eff_t effp, int n, char **argv) 
    stretch_t stretch = (stretch_t) effp->priv; 
    /* default options */
    stretch->factor = ONE; /* default is no change */
    stretch->window = DEFAULT_STRETCH_WINDOW;
    stretch->fade   = st_linear_fading;

    if (n>0 && !sscanf(argv[0], STRETCH_FLOAT_SCAN, &stretch->factor))
	st_fail(STRETCH_USAGE "\n\terror while parsing factor");
	return ST_EOF;

    if (n>1 && !sscanf(argv[1], STRETCH_FLOAT_SCAN, &stretch->window))
	st_fail(STRETCH_USAGE "\n\terror while parsing window size");
	return ST_EOF;

    if (n>2) 
	switch (argv[2][0])
	case 'l':
	case 'L':
	    stretch->fade = st_linear_fading;
	    st_fail(STRETCH_USAGE "\n\terror while parsing fade type");
	    return ST_EOF;

    /* default shift depends whether we go slower or faster */
    stretch->shift = (stretch->factor <= ONE) ?
    if (n>3 && !sscanf(argv[3], STRETCH_FLOAT_SCAN, &stretch->shift))
	st_fail(STRETCH_USAGE "\n\terror while parsing shift ratio");
	return ST_EOF;

    if (stretch->shift > ONE || stretch->shift <= ZERO)
	st_fail(STRETCH_USAGE "\n\terror with shift ratio value");
	return ST_EOF;

    /* default fading stuff... 
       it makes sense for factor >= 0.5
    if (stretch->factor<ONE)
	stretch->fading = ONE - (stretch->factor*stretch->shift);
	stretch->fading = ONE - stretch->shift;
    if (stretch->fading > HALF) stretch->fading = HALF;

    if (n>4 && !sscanf(argv[4], STRETCH_FLOAT_SCAN, &stretch->fading))
	st_fail(STRETCH_USAGE "\n\terror while parsing fading ratio");
	return ST_EOF;

    if (stretch->fading > HALF || stretch->fading < ZERO)
	st_fail(STRETCH_USAGE "\n\terror with fading ratio value");
	return ST_EOF;

    return ST_SUCCESS;

 * Start processing
int st_stretch_start(eff_t effp)
    stretch_t stretch = (stretch_t) effp->priv;
    register int i;

    /* not necessary. taken care by effect processing? */
    if (effp->outinfo.channels != effp->ininfo.channels)
	st_fail("STRETCH cannot handle different channels (in=%d, out=%d)"
	     " use avg or pan", effp->ininfo.channels, effp->outinfo.channels);
	return ST_EOF;

    if (effp->outinfo.rate != effp->ininfo.rate)
	st_fail("STRETCH cannot handle different rates (in=%ld, out=%ld)"
	     " use resample or rate", effp->ininfo.rate, effp->outinfo.rate);
	return ST_EOF;

    stretch->state = input_state;
    stretch->clipped = 0;

    stretch->size = (int)(effp->outinfo.rate * ONETHOUSANDS * stretch->window);
    /* start in the middle of an input to avoid initial fading... */
    stretch->index = stretch->size/2;
    stretch->ibuf  = (st_sample_t *) malloc(stretch->size * 

    /* the shift ratio deal with the longest of ishift/oshift
       hence ishift<=size and oshift<=size. should be asserted.
    if (stretch->factor < ONE)
	stretch->ishift = (int) (stretch->shift * stretch->size);
	stretch->oshift = (int) (stretch->factor * stretch->ishift);
	stretch->oshift = (int) (stretch->shift * stretch->size);
	stretch->ishift = (int) (stretch->oshift / stretch->factor);

    stretch->oindex = stretch->index; /* start as synchronized */
    stretch->obuf = (STRETCH_FLOAT *)
	malloc(stretch->size * sizeof(STRETCH_FLOAT));
    stretch->fsize = (int) (stretch->fading * stretch->size);

    stretch->fbuf = (STRETCH_FLOAT *)
	malloc(stretch->fsize * sizeof(STRETCH_FLOAT));
    if (!stretch->ibuf || !stretch->obuf || !stretch->fbuf) 
	st_fail("some malloc failed");
	return ST_EOF;

    /* initialize buffers
    for (i=0; i<stretch->size; i++)
	stretch->ibuf[i] = 0;

    for (i=0; i<stretch->size; i++)
	stretch->obuf[i] = ZERO;

    if (stretch->fsize>1)
	register STRETCH_FLOAT slope = ONE / (stretch->fsize - 1);
	stretch->fbuf[0] = ONE;
	for (i=1; i<stretch->fsize-1; i++)
	    stretch->fbuf[i] = slope * (stretch->fsize-i-1);
	stretch->fbuf[stretch->fsize-1] = ZERO;
    } else if (stretch->fsize==1)
	stretch->fbuf[0] = ONE;

    /* debug(stretch, "start"); */

    return ST_SUCCESS;

/* accumulates input ibuf to output obuf with fading fbuf
static void combine(stretch_t stretch)
    register int i, size, fsize;

    size = stretch->size;
    fsize = stretch->fsize;

    /* fade in */
    for (i=0; i<fsize; i++)
	stretch->obuf[i] += stretch->fbuf[fsize-i-1]*stretch->ibuf[i];

    /* steady state */
    for (; i<size-fsize; i++)
	stretch->obuf[i] += stretch->ibuf[i];

    /* fade out */
    for (; i<size; i++)
	stretch->obuf[i] += stretch->fbuf[i-size+fsize]*stretch->ibuf[i];

 * Processes flow.
int st_stretch_flow(eff_t effp, st_sample_t *ibuf, st_sample_t *obuf, 
                    st_size_t *isamp, st_size_t *osamp)
    stretch_t stretch = (stretch_t) effp->priv;
    register int iindex, oindex, i;

    iindex = 0;
    oindex = 0;

    while (iindex<*isamp && oindex<*osamp)
	if (stretch->state == input_state)
	    register int tocopy = MIN(*isamp-iindex, 

		   ibuf+iindex, tocopy*sizeof(st_sample_t));

	    iindex += tocopy;
	    stretch->index += tocopy; 

	    if (stretch->index == stretch->size)
		/* compute */

		/* shift input */
		for (i=0; i+stretch->ishift<stretch->size; i++)
		    stretch->ibuf[i] = stretch->ibuf[i+stretch->ishift];

		stretch->index -= stretch->ishift;

		/* switch to output state */
		stretch->state = output_state;

	if (stretch->state == output_state)
	    while (stretch->oindex<stretch->oshift && oindex<*osamp)
		obuf[oindex++] = 
		    clip(stretch, stretch->obuf[stretch->oindex++]);

	    if (stretch->oindex >= stretch->oshift && oindex<*osamp)
		stretch->oindex -= stretch->oshift;

		/* shift internal output buffer */
		for (i=0; i+stretch->oshift<stretch->size; i++)
		    stretch->obuf[i] = stretch->obuf[i+stretch->oshift];

		/* pad with 0 */
		for (; i<stretch->size; i++)
		    stretch->obuf[i] = ZERO;
		stretch->state = input_state;

    *isamp = iindex;
    *osamp = oindex;

    return ST_SUCCESS;

 * Drain buffer at the end
 * maybe not correct ? end might be artificially faded?
int st_stretch_drain(eff_t effp, st_sample_t *obuf, st_size_t *osamp)
    stretch_t stretch = (stretch_t) effp->priv;
    register int i, oindex;

    oindex = 0;

    if (stretch->state == input_state)
	for (i=stretch->index; i<stretch->size; i++)
	    stretch->ibuf[i] = 0;

	stretch->state = output_state;

    if (stretch->state == output_state)
	for (; oindex<*osamp && stretch->oindex<stretch->index;)
	    obuf[oindex++] = clip(stretch, stretch->obuf[stretch->oindex++]);
    *osamp = oindex;

    return ST_SUCCESS;

 * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
 * Don't close input file! 
int st_stretch_stop(eff_t effp)
    stretch_t stretch = (stretch_t) effp->priv;


    if (stretch->clipped)
	st_warn("STRETCH clipped %d values...", stretch->clipped);

    return ST_SUCCESS;