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	ima_rw.c -- codex utilities for WAV_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM
	Copyright (C) 1999 Stanley J. Brooks <[email protected]> 

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "st_i.h"
#include "ima_rw.h"
 * Lookup tables for IMA ADPCM format
#define ISSTMAX 88

static const int imaStepSizeTable[ISSTMAX + 1] = {
	7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 34,
	37, 41, 45, 50, 55, 60, 66, 73, 80, 88, 97, 107, 118, 130, 143,
	157, 173, 190, 209, 230, 253, 279, 307, 337, 371, 408, 449, 494,
	544, 598, 658, 724, 796, 876, 963, 1060, 1166, 1282, 1411, 1552,
	1707, 1878, 2066, 2272, 2499, 2749, 3024, 3327, 3660, 4026,
	4428, 4871, 5358, 5894, 6484, 7132, 7845, 8630, 9493, 10442,
	11487, 12635, 13899, 15289, 16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623,
	27086, 29794, 32767

#define imaStateAdjust(c) (((c)<4)? -1:(2*(c)-6))
/* +0 - +3, decrease step size */
/* +4 - +7, increase step size */
/* -0 - -3, decrease step size */
/* -4 - -7, increase step size */

static unsigned char imaStateAdjustTable[ISSTMAX+1][8];

void initImaTable(void)
	int i,j,k;
	for (i=0; i<=ISSTMAX; i++) {
		for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
			k = i + imaStateAdjust(j);
			if (k<0) k=0;
			else if (k>ISSTMAX) k=ISSTMAX;
			imaStateAdjustTable[i][j] = k;

static void ImaExpandS(
	int ch,             /* channel number to decode, REQUIRE 0 <= ch < chans  */
	int chans,          /* total channels             */
	const unsigned char *ibuff,/* input buffer[blockAlign]   */
	SAMPL *obuff,       /* obuff[n] will be output samples */
	int n,              /* samples to decode PER channel, REQUIRE n % 8 == 1  */
	int o_inc           /* index difference between successive output samples */
	const unsigned char *ip;
	int i_inc;
	SAMPL *op;
	int i, val, state;

	ip = ibuff + 4*ch;     /* input pointer to 4-byte block state-initializer   */
	i_inc = 4*(chans-1);   /* amount by which to incr ip after each 4-byte read */
	val = (short)(ip[0] + (ip[1]<<8)); /* need cast for sign-extend */
	state = ip[2];
	if (state > ISSTMAX) {
		st_warn("IMA_ADPCM block ch%d initial-state (%d) out of range\n", ch, state);
		state = 0;
	/* specs say to ignore ip[3] , but write it as 0 */
	ip += 4+i_inc;

	op = obuff;
	*op = val;      /* 1st output sample for this channel */
	op += o_inc;

	for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
		int step,dp,c,cm;

		if (i&1) {         /* 1st of pair */
			cm = *ip & 0x0f;
		} else {
			cm = (*ip++)>>4;
			if ((i&7) == 0)  /* ends the 8-sample input block for this channel */
				ip += i_inc;   /* skip ip for next group */ 

		step = imaStepSizeTable[state];
		/* Update the state for the next sample */
		c = cm & 0x07;
		state = imaStateAdjustTable[state][c];

#		ifdef STRICT_IMA
		dp = 0;
		if (c & 4) dp += step;
		step = step >> 1;
		if (c & 2) dp += step;
		step = step >> 1;
		if (c & 1) dp += step;
		step = step >> 1;
		dp += step;
#		else
		dp = ((c+c+1) * step) >> 3; /* faster than bit-test & add on my cpu */
#		endif
		if (c != cm) {
			val -= dp;
			if (val<-0x8000) val = -0x8000;
		} else {
			val += dp;
			if (val>0x7fff) val = 0x7fff;
		*op = val;
		op += o_inc;

/* ImaBlockExpandI() outputs interleaved samples into one output buffer */
void ImaBlockExpandI(
	int chans,          /* total channels             */
	const unsigned char *ibuff,/* input buffer[blockAlign]   */
	SAMPL *obuff,       /* output samples, n*chans    */
	int n               /* samples to decode PER channel, REQUIRE n % 8 == 1  */
	int ch;
	for (ch=0; ch<chans; ch++)
		ImaExpandS(ch, chans, ibuff, obuff+ch, n, chans);

/* ImaBlockExpandM() outputs non-interleaved samples into chan separate output buffers */
void ImaBlockExpandM(
	int chans,          /* total channels             */
	const unsigned char *ibuff,/* input buffer[blockAlign]   */
	SAMPL **obuffs,     /* chan output sample buffers, each takes n samples */
	int n               /* samples to decode PER channel, REQUIRE n % 8 == 1  */
	int ch;
	for (ch=0; ch<chans; ch++)
		ImaExpandS(ch, chans, ibuff, obuffs[ch], n, 1);

static int ImaMashS(
	int ch,             /* channel number to encode, REQUIRE 0 <= ch < chans  */
	int chans,          /* total channels */
	SAMPL v0,           /* value to use as starting prediction0 */
	const SAMPL *ibuff, /* ibuff[] is interleaved input samples */
	int n,              /* samples to encode PER channel, REQUIRE n % 8 == 1 */
	int *st,            /* input/output state, REQUIRE 0 <= *st <= ISSTMAX */
	unsigned char *obuff, /* output buffer[blockAlign], or NULL for no output  */
	int sho             /* nonzero for debug printout */
	const SAMPL *ip, *itop;
	unsigned char *op;
	int o_inc = 0;      /* set 0 only to shut up gcc's 'might be uninitialized' */
	int i, val;
	int state;
	double d2;  /* long long is okay also, speed abt the same */

	ip = ibuff + ch;       /* point ip to 1st input sample for this channel */
	itop = ibuff + n*chans;
	val = *ip - v0; ip += chans;/* 1st input sample for this channel */
	d2 = val*val;/* d2 will be sum of squares of errors, given input v0 and *st */
	val = v0;	

	op = obuff;            /* output pointer (or NULL) */
	if (op) {              /* NULL means don't output, just compute the rms error */
		op += 4*ch;          /* where to put this channel's 4-byte block state-initializer */
		o_inc = 4*(chans-1); /* amount by which to incr op after each 4-byte written */
		*op++ = val; *op++ = val>>8;
		*op++ = *st; *op++ = 0; /* they could have put a mid-block state-correction here  */
		op += o_inc;            /* _sigh_   NEVER waste a byte.      It's a rule!         */

	state = *st;

	for (i = 0; ip < itop; ip+=chans) {
		int step,d,dp,c;

		d = *ip - val;  /* difference between last prediction and current sample */

		step = imaStepSizeTable[state];
		c = (abs(d)<<2)/step;
		if (c > 7) c = 7;
		/* Update the state for the next sample */
		state = imaStateAdjustTable[state][c];

		if (op) {   /* if we want output, put it in proper place */
			int cm = c;
			if (d<0) cm |= 8;
			if (i&1) {       /* odd numbered output */
				*op++ |= (cm<<4);
				if (i == 7)    /* ends the 8-sample output block for this channel */
					op += o_inc; /* skip op for next group */ 
			} else {
				*op = cm;
			i = (i+1) & 0x07;

#		ifdef STRICT_IMA
		dp = 0;
		if (c & 4) dp += step;
		step = step >> 1;
		if (c & 2) dp += step;
		step = step >> 1;
		if (c & 1) dp += step;
		step = step >> 1;
		dp += step;
#		else
		dp = ((c+c+1) * step) >> 3; /* faster than bit-test & add on my cpu */
#		endif
		if (d<0) {
			val -= dp;
			if (val<-0x8000) val = -0x8000;
		} else {
			val += dp;
			if (val>0x7fff) val = 0x7fff;

			int x = *ip - val;
			d2 += x*x;

	d2 /= n; /* be sure it's non-negative */
	if (sho) {
	*st = state;
	return (int) sqrt(d2);

/* mash one channel... if you want to use opt>0, 9 is a reasonable value */
#ifdef __GNUC__
static void ImaMashChannel(
	int ch,             /* channel number to encode, REQUIRE 0 <= ch < chans  */
	int chans,          /* total channels */
	const SAMPL *ip,    /* ip[] is interleaved input samples */
	int n,              /* samples to encode PER channel, REQUIRE n % 8 == 1 */
	int *st,            /* input/output state, REQUIRE 0 <= *st <= ISSTMAX */
	unsigned char *obuff, /* output buffer[blockAlign] */
	int opt             /* non-zero allows some cpu-intensive code to improve output */
	int snext,d;
	int s0,d0;
	int s32,d32;
	int sho = 0;

	s32 = s0 = *st;
	if (opt>0) {
		int low,hi,w;
		int low0,hi0;
		snext = s0;
		d32 = d0 = ImaMashS(ch, chans, ip[0], ip,n,&snext, NULL, sho);

		w = 0;
		low0 = low-opt; if (low0<0) low0=0;
		hi0 = hi+opt; if (hi0>ISSTMAX) hi0=ISSTMAX;
		while (low>low0 || hi<hi0) {
			if (!w && low>low0) {
				int d;
				snext = --low;
				d = ImaMashS(ch, chans, ip[0], ip,n,&snext, NULL, sho);
				if (d<d0) {
					d0=d; s0=low;
					low0 = low-opt; if (low0<0) low0=0;
					hi0 = low+opt; if (hi0>ISSTMAX) hi0=ISSTMAX;
			if (w && hi<hi0) {
				int d;
				snext = ++hi;
				d = ImaMashS(ch, chans, ip[0], ip,n,&snext, NULL, sho);
				if (d<d0) {
					d0=d; s0=hi;
					low0 = hi-opt; if (low0<0) low0=0;
					hi0 = hi+opt; if (hi0>ISSTMAX) hi0=ISSTMAX;
		*st = s0;
	d = ImaMashS(ch, chans, ip[0], ip,n,st, obuff, 0);

/* mash one block.  if you want to use opt>0, 9 is a reasonable value */
void ImaBlockMashI(
	int chans,          /* total channels */
	const SAMPL *ip,    /* ip[] is interleaved input samples */
	int n,              /* samples to encode PER channel, REQUIRE n % 8 == 1 */
	int *st,            /* input/output state, REQUIRE 0 <= *st <= ISSTMAX */
	unsigned char *obuff, /* output buffer[blockAlign] */
	int opt             /* non-zero allows some cpu-intensive code to improve output */
	int ch;
	for (ch=0; ch<chans; ch++)
		ImaMashChannel(ch, chans, ip, n, st+ch, obuff, opt);

 * ImaSamplesIn(dataLen, chans, blockAlign, samplesPerBlock)
 *  returns the number of samples/channel which would go
 *  in the dataLen, given the other parameters ...
 *  if input samplesPerBlock is 0, then returns the max
 *  samplesPerBlock which would go into a block of size blockAlign
 *  Yes, it is confusing.
st_size_t ImaSamplesIn(
  st_size_t dataLen,
  unsigned short chans,
  unsigned short blockAlign,
  unsigned short samplesPerBlock
  st_size_t m, n;

  if (samplesPerBlock) {
    n = (dataLen / blockAlign) * samplesPerBlock;
    m = (dataLen % blockAlign);
  } else {
    n = 0;
    m = blockAlign;
  if (m >= 4*chans) {
    m -= 4*chans;    /* number of bytes beyond block-header */
    m /= 4*chans;    /* number of 4-byte blocks/channel beyond header */
    m = 8*m + 1;     /* samples/chan beyond header + 1 in header */
    if (samplesPerBlock && m > samplesPerBlock) m = samplesPerBlock;
    n += m;
  return n;
  /*wSamplesPerBlock = ((wBlockAlign - 4*wChannels)/(4*wChannels))*8 + 1;*/

 * st_size_t ImaBytesPerBlock(chans, samplesPerBlock)
 *   return minimum blocksize which would be required
 *   to encode number of chans with given samplesPerBlock
st_size_t ImaBytesPerBlock(
  unsigned short chans,
  unsigned short samplesPerBlock
  st_size_t n;
  /* per channel, ima has blocks of len 4, the 1st has 1st sample, the others
   * up to 8 samples per block,
   * so number of later blocks is (nsamp-1 + 7)/8, total blocks/chan is
   * (nsamp-1+7)/8 + 1 = (nsamp+14)/8
  n = ((st_size_t)samplesPerBlock + 14)/8 * 4 * chans;
  return n;

#if 0
static void ImaMashChannel(int ch, const SAMPL *ip, int n, int *st)
	int s,snext,d;
	int s0,d0;
	int s32,d32;
	int sho = 0;
	int mx[ISSTMAX+1];

#if 0
	s32=-1; d32=0x10000;
	for (s=3; s<=ISSTMAX; s += 9) {
		snext = s;
		d = ImaMashS(ch, O.chans, ip[0], ip,n,&snext, NULL, sho);
		if (d<d32) {
			d32=d; s32=s;
	s0=-1; d0=0x10000;
	for (s=0; s<=ISSTMAX;s++) {
		snext = s;
		mx[s] = d = ImaMashS(ch, O.chans, ip[0], ip,n,&snext, NULL, sho);
		/* if (s==s32) d32 = d; */
		if (d<d0) {
			d0=d; s0=s;
	s32 = *st;
	d32 = mx[s32];
#if 1
		int low,hi,w;
		int low0,hi0;
		w = 0;
		d32 = mx[s32];
		low0 = low-9; if (low0<0) low0=0;
		hi0 = hi+9; if (hi0>ISSTMAX) hi0=ISSTMAX;
		while (low>low0 || hi<hi0) {
			if (!w && low>low0) {
				if (mx[--low]<d32) {
					d32=mx[low]; s32=low;
					low0 = low-9; if (low0<0) low0=0;
					hi0 = low+9; if (hi0>ISSTMAX) hi0=ISSTMAX;
			if (w && hi<hi0) {
				if (mx[++hi]<d32) {
					d32=mx[hi]; s32=hi;
					low0 = hi-9; if (low0<0) low0=0;
					hi0 = hi+9; if (hi0>ISSTMAX) hi0=ISSTMAX;
	*st = s0;
	d = ImaMashS(ch, O.chans, ip[0], ip,n,st, O.packet, 0);