ref: 6e81fe0425519f0e1f977c5cc4f7cda7e4c2bfde
dir: /src/spectrogram.c/
/* libSoX effect: Spectrogram (c) 2008 [email protected] * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* TODO * o Two-channel support. * o Option for a larger font (for use with image down-scaling). */ #ifdef NDEBUG /* Enable assert always. */ #undef NDEBUG /* Must undef above assert.h or other that might include it. */ #endif #include "sox_i.h" #include "fft4g.h" #include "getopt.h" #include <assert.h> #include <math.h> #include <png.h> #define malloc lsx_malloc #define calloc lsx_calloc #define realloc lsx_realloc #define FROM_SOX SOX_SAMPLE_TO_FLOAT_64BIT #define DFT_BASE_SIZE 512 #define MAX_DFT_SIZE_SHIFT 3 #define MAX_DFT_SIZE (DFT_BASE_SIZE << MAX_DFT_SIZE_SHIFT) #define MAX_COLS 999 /* Also max seconds */ static void apply_hann(double h[], const int num_points) { int i, m = num_points - 1; for (i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) { double x = 2 * M_PI * i / m; h[i] *= .5 - .5 * cos(x); } } static void apply_hamming(double h[], const int num_points) { int i, m = num_points - 1; for (i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) { double x = 2 * M_PI * i / m; h[i] *= .53836 - .46164 * cos(x); } } static void apply_bartlett(double h[], const int num_points) { int i, m = num_points - 1; for (i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) { h[i] *= 2. / m * (m / 2. - fabs(i - m / 2.)); } } static double kaiser_beta(double att) { if (att > 100 ) return .1117 * att - 1.11; if (att > 50 ) return .1102 * (att - 8.7); if (att > 20.96) return .58417 * pow(att -20.96, .4) + .07886 * (att - 20.96); return 0; } static void apply_kaiser(double h[], const int num_points, double beta) { int i, m = num_points - 1; for (i = 0; i <= m; ++i) { double x = 2. * i / m - 1; h[i] *= bessel_I_0(beta * sqrt(1 - x * x)) / bessel_I_0(beta); } } typedef enum {Window_Hann, Window_Hamming, Window_Bartlett, Window_Rectangular, Window_Kaiser} win_type_t; static enum_item const window_options[] = { ENUM_ITEM(Window_,Hann) ENUM_ITEM(Window_,Hamming) ENUM_ITEM(Window_,Bartlett) ENUM_ITEM(Window_,Rectangular) ENUM_ITEM(Window_,Kaiser) {0, 0}}; typedef struct { /* Parameters */ double pixels_per_sec; int y_size, dB_range, gain, spectrum_points, perm; sox_bool monochrome, light_background, high_colour, slack_overlap, no_axes; win_type_t win_type; char const * out_name, * title, * comment; /* Work area */ int WORK; /* Start of work area is marked by this dummy variable. */ int dft_size, step_size, block_steps, block_num, rows, cols, read; int end, end_min, last_end; sox_bool truncated; double buf[MAX_DFT_SIZE], dft_buf[MAX_DFT_SIZE], window[MAX_DFT_SIZE]; double block_norm, max, magnitudes[(MAX_DFT_SIZE>>1) + 1]; int bit_rev_table[100]; /* For Ooura fft */ double sin_cos_table[dft_sc_len(MAX_DFT_SIZE)]; /* ditto */ float * dBfs; } priv_t; #define secs(cols) \ ((double)(cols) * p->step_size * p->block_steps / effp->in_signal.rate) #define GETOPT_NUMERIC(ch, name, min, max) case ch:{ \ char * end_ptr; \ double d = strtod(optarg, &end_ptr); \ if (end_ptr == optarg || d < min || d > max || *end_ptr != '\0') {\ sox_fail("parameter `%s' must be between %g and %g", #name, (double)min, (double)max); \ return lsx_usage(effp); \ } \ p->name = d; \ break; \ } static int enum_option(int c, enum_item const * items) { enum_item const * p = find_enum_text(optarg, items); if (p == NULL) { unsigned len = 1; char * set = lsx_malloc(len); *set = 0; for (p = items; p->text; ++p) { set = lsx_realloc(set, len += 2 + strlen(p->text)); strcat(set, ", "); strcat(set, p->text); } sox_fail("-%c: '%s' is not one of: %s.", c, optarg, set + 2); free(set); return INT_MAX; } return p->value; } static int getopts(sox_effect_t * effp, int argc, char **argv) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *)effp->priv; int c, callers_optind = optind, callers_opterr = opterr; assert(array_length(p->bit_rev_table) >= (size_t)dft_br_len(MAX_DFT_SIZE)); --argv, ++argc, optind = 1, opterr = 0; /* re-jig for getopt */ p->pixels_per_sec = 100, p->y_size = 2, p->dB_range = 120;/* non-0 defaults */ p->spectrum_points = 249, p->perm = 1; p->out_name = "spectrogram.png", p->comment = "Created by SoX"; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "+x:y:z:Z:q:p:w:st:c:amlho:")) != -1) switch (c) { GETOPT_NUMERIC('x', pixels_per_sec, 1 , 5000) GETOPT_NUMERIC('y', y_size , 1 , 1 + MAX_DFT_SIZE_SHIFT) GETOPT_NUMERIC('z', dB_range , 20 , 180) GETOPT_NUMERIC('Z', gain ,-100, 100) GETOPT_NUMERIC('q', spectrum_points, 0 , p->spectrum_points) GETOPT_NUMERIC('p', perm , 1 , 6) case 'w': p->win_type = enum_option(c, window_options); break; case 's': p->slack_overlap = sox_true; break; case 't': p->title = optarg; break; case 'c': p->comment = optarg; break; case 'a': p->no_axes = sox_true; break; case 'm': p->monochrome = sox_true; break; case 'l': p->light_background = sox_true; break; case 'h': p->high_colour = sox_true; break; case 'o': p->out_name = optarg; break; default: sox_fail("unknown option `-%c'", optopt); return lsx_usage(effp); } p->gain = -p->gain; --p->y_size, --p->perm; p->spectrum_points += 2; argc -= optind, optind = callers_optind, opterr = callers_opterr; return argc || p->win_type == INT_MAX? lsx_usage(effp) : SOX_SUCCESS; } static double make_window(priv_t * p, int end) { double sum = 0, * w = end < 0? p->window : p->window + end; int i, n = p->dft_size - abs(end); if (end) memset(p->window, 0, sizeof(p->window)); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) w[i] = 1; switch (p->win_type) { case Window_Hann: apply_hann(w, n); break; case Window_Hamming: apply_hamming(w, n); break; case Window_Bartlett: apply_bartlett(w, n); break; case Window_Rectangular: break; default: apply_kaiser(w, n, kaiser_beta(p->dB_range + 20.)); } for (i = 0; i < p->dft_size; ++i) sum += p->window[i]; for (i = 0; i < p->dft_size; ++i) p->window[i] *= 2 / sum * sqr((double)n / p->dft_size); /* empirical small window adjustment */ return sum; } static int start(sox_effect_t * effp) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *)effp->priv; double actual; if (effp->in_signal.channels != 1) { sox_fail("only 1 channel is supported"); return SOX_EOF; } memset(&p->WORK, 0, sizeof(*p) - field_offset(priv_t, WORK)); p->end = p->dft_size = DFT_BASE_SIZE << p->y_size; p->rows = (p->dft_size >> 1) + 1; actual = make_window(p, p->last_end = 0); sox_debug("window_density=%g", actual / p->dft_size); p->step_size = (p->slack_overlap? sqrt(actual * p->dft_size) : actual) + .5; p->block_steps = effp->in_signal.rate / p->pixels_per_sec; p->step_size = p->block_steps / ceil((double)p->block_steps / p->step_size) +.5; p->block_steps = floor((double)p->block_steps / p->step_size +.5); p->block_norm = 1. / p->block_steps; actual = effp->in_signal.rate / p->step_size / p->block_steps; if (actual != p->pixels_per_sec) sox_report("actual pixels/s = %g", actual); sox_debug("step_size=%i block_steps=%i", p->step_size, p->block_steps); p->max = -p->dB_range; p->read = (p->step_size - p->dft_size) / 2; return SOX_SUCCESS; } static int do_column(sox_effect_t * effp) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *)effp->priv; int i; if (p->cols == MAX_COLS) { sox_warn("PNG truncated at %g seconds", secs(p->cols)); p->truncated = sox_true; return SOX_EOF; } ++p->cols; p->dBfs = realloc(p->dBfs, p->cols * p->rows * sizeof(*p->dBfs)); for (i = 0; i < p->rows; ++i) { double dBfs = 10 * log10(p->magnitudes[i] * p->block_norm); p->dBfs[(p->cols - 1) * p->rows + i] = dBfs + p->gain; p->max = max(dBfs, p->max); } memset(p->magnitudes, 0, p->rows * sizeof(*p->magnitudes)); p->block_num = 0; return SOX_SUCCESS; } static int flow(sox_effect_t * effp, const sox_sample_t * ibuf, sox_sample_t * obuf, sox_size_t * isamp, sox_size_t * osamp) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *)effp->priv; sox_size_t len = min(*isamp, *osamp), dummy = 0; /* No need to clip count */ int i; memcpy(obuf, ibuf, len * sizeof(*obuf)); /* Pass on audio unaffected */ *isamp = *osamp = len; while (sox_true) { if (p->read == p->step_size) { memmove(p->buf, p->buf + p->step_size, (p->dft_size - p->step_size) * sizeof(*p->buf)); p->read = 0; } for (; len && p->read < p->step_size; --len, ++p->read, --p->end) p->buf[p->dft_size - p->step_size + p->read] = FROM_SOX(*ibuf++, dummy); if (p->read != p->step_size) break; if ((p->end = max(p->end, p->end_min)) != p->last_end) make_window(p, p->last_end = p->end); for (i = 0; i < p->dft_size; ++i) p->dft_buf[i] = p->buf[i] * p->window[i]; rdft(p->dft_size, 1, p->dft_buf, p->bit_rev_table, p->sin_cos_table); p->magnitudes[0] += sqr(p->dft_buf[0]); for (i = 1; i < p->dft_size >> 1; ++i) p->magnitudes[i] += sqr(p->dft_buf[2*i]) + sqr(p->dft_buf[2*i+1]); p->magnitudes[p->dft_size >> 1] += sqr(p->dft_buf[1]); if (++p->block_num == p->block_steps && do_column(effp) == SOX_EOF) return SOX_EOF; } return SOX_SUCCESS; } static int drain(sox_effect_t * effp, sox_sample_t * obuf_, sox_size_t * osamp) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *)effp->priv; if (!p->truncated) { sox_sample_t * ibuf = calloc(p->dft_size, sizeof(*ibuf)); sox_sample_t * obuf = calloc(p->dft_size, sizeof(*obuf)); sox_size_t isamp = (p->dft_size - p->step_size) / 2; int left_over = (isamp + p->read) % p->step_size; if (left_over >= p->step_size >> 1) isamp += p->step_size - left_over; sox_debug("cols=%i left=%i end=%i", p->cols, p->read, p->end); p->end = 0, p->end_min = -p->dft_size; if (flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, &isamp, &isamp) == SOX_SUCCESS && p->block_num) { p->block_norm *= (double)p->block_steps / p->block_num; do_column(effp); } sox_debug("flushed cols=%i left=%i end=%i", p->cols, p->read, p->end); free(obuf); free(ibuf); } (void)obuf_, *osamp = 0; return SOX_SUCCESS; } enum {Background, Text, Labels, Grid, fixed_palette}; static unsigned colour(priv_t const * p, double x) { unsigned c = x < -p->dB_range? 0 : x >= 0? p->spectrum_points - 1 : 1 + (1 + x / p->dB_range) * (p->spectrum_points - 2); return fixed_palette + c; } static void make_palette(priv_t const * p, png_color * palette) { int i; if (p->light_background) { memcpy(palette++, (p->monochrome)? "\337\337\337":"\335\330\320", 3); memcpy(palette++, "\0\0\0" , 3); memcpy(palette++, "\077\077\077", 3); memcpy(palette++, "\077\077\077", 3); } else { memcpy(palette++, "\0\0\0" , 3); memcpy(palette++, "\377\377\377", 3); memcpy(palette++, "\277\277\277", 3); memcpy(palette++, "\177\177\177", 3); } for (i = 0; i < p->spectrum_points; ++i) { double c[3], x = (double)i / (p->spectrum_points - 1); int at = (p->light_background)? p->spectrum_points - 1 - i : i; if (p->monochrome) { c[2] = c[1] = c[0] = x; if (p->high_colour) { c[(1 + p->perm) % 3] = x < .4? 0 : 5 / 3. * (x - .4); if (p->perm < 3) c[(2 + p->perm) % 3] = x < .4? 0 : 5 / 3. * (x - .4); } palette[at].red = .5 + 255 * c[0]; palette[at].green= .5 + 255 * c[1]; palette[at].blue = .5 + 255 * c[2]; continue; } if (p->high_colour) { static const int states[3][7] = { {4,5,0,0,2,1,1}, {0,0,2,1,1,3,2}, {4,1,1,3,0,0,2}}; int j, phase_num = min(7 * x, 6); for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) switch (states[j][phase_num]) { case 0: c[j] = 0; break; case 1: c[j] = 1; break; case 2: c[j] = sin((7 * x - phase_num) * M_PI / 2); break; case 3: c[j] = cos((7 * x - phase_num) * M_PI / 2); break; case 4: c[j] = 7 * x - phase_num; break; case 5: c[j] = 1 - (7 * x - phase_num); break; } } else { if (x < .13) c[0] = 0; else if (x < .73) c[0] = 1 * sin((x - .13) / .60 * M_PI / 2); else c[0] = 1; if (x < .60) c[1] = 0; else if (x < .91) c[1] = 1 * sin((x - .60) / .31 * M_PI / 2); else c[1] = 1; if (x < .60) c[2] = .5 * sin((x - .00) / .60 * M_PI); else if (x < .78) c[2] = 0; else c[2] = (x - .78) / .22; } palette[at].red = .5 + 255 * c[p->perm % 3]; palette[at].green= .5 + 255 * c[(1 + p->perm + (p->perm % 2)) % 3]; palette[at].blue = .5 + 255 * c[(2 + p->perm - (p->perm % 2)) % 3]; } } static const Bytef fixed[] = "x\332eT\241\266\2450\fDVV>Y\371$re%2\237\200|2\22YY\211D\"+\337'<y\345\312" "\375\fd\345f\222\224\313\236\235{\270\344L\247a\232\4\246\351\201d\230\222" "\304D\364^ \352\362S\"m\347\311\237\237\27\64K\243\2302\265\35\v\371<\363y" "\354_\226g\354\214)e \2458\341\17\20J4\215[z<\271\277\367\0\63\64@\177\330c" "\227\204 Ir.\5$U\200\260\224\326S\17\200=\\k\20QA\334%\342\20*\303P\234\211" "\366\36#\370R\276_\316s-\345\222Dlz\363my*;\217\373\346z\267\343\236\364\246" "\236\365\2419\305p\333\267\23(\207\265\333\233\325Y\342\243\265\357\262\215" "\263t\271$\276\226ea\271.\367&\320\347\202_\234\27\377\345\222\253?\3422\364" "\207y\256\236\229\331\33\f\376\227\266\"\356\253j\366\363\347\334US\34]\371?" "\255\371\336\372z\265v\34\226\247\32\324\217\334\337\317U4\16\316{N\370\31" "\365\357iL\231y\33y\264\211D7\337\4\244\261\220D\346\1\261\357\355>\3\342" "\223\363\0\303\277\f[\214A,p\34`\255\355\364\37\372\224\342\277\f\207\255\36" "_V\7\34\241^\316W\257\177\b\242\300\34\f\276\33?/9_\331f\346\36\25Y)\2301" "\257\2414|\35\365\237\3424k\3\244\3\242\261\6\b\275>z$\370\215:\270\363w\36/" "\265kF\v\20o6\242\301\364\336\27\325\257\321\364fs\231\215G\32=\257\305Di" "\304^\177\304R\364Q=\225\373\33\320\375\375\372\200\337\37\374}\334\337\20" "\364\310(]\304\267b\177\326Yrj\312\277\373\233\37\340"; static unsigned char * font; #define font_x 5 #define font_y 12 #define font_X (font_x + 1) #define pixel(x,y) pixels[(y) * cols + (x)] #define print_at(x,y,c,t) print_at_(pixels,cols,x,y,c,t,0) #define print_up(x,y,c,t) print_at_(pixels,cols,x,y,c,t,1) static void print_at_(png_byte * pixels, int cols, int x, int y, int c, char const * text, int orientation) { for (;*text; ++text) { int pos = ((*text < ' ' || *text > '~'? '~' + 1 : *text) - ' ') * font_y; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < font_y; ++i) { unsigned line = font[pos++]; for (j = 0; j < font_x; ++j, line <<= 1) if (line & 0x80) switch (orientation) { case 0: pixel(x + j, y - i) = c; break; case 1: pixel(x + i, y + j) = c; break; } } switch (orientation) { case 0: x += font_X; break; case 1: y += font_X; break; } } } static int axis(double to, int max_steps, double * limit, char * * prefix) { double scale = 1, step = 1; int i, prefix_num = 0; if (max_steps) { double try, log_10 = HUGE_VAL, min_step = (to *= 10) / max_steps; for (i = 5; i; i >>= 1) if ((try = ceil(log10(min_step * i))) <= log_10) step = pow(10., log_10 = try) / i, log_10 -= i > 1; prefix_num = floor(log_10 / 3); scale = pow(10., -3. * prefix_num); } *prefix = "pnum-kMGTPE" + prefix_num + (prefix_num? 4 : 11); *limit = to * scale; return step * scale + .5; } #define below 48 #define left 58 #define between 37 #define spectrum_width 14 #define right 35 static int stop(sox_effect_t * effp) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *) effp->priv; FILE * file = fopen(p->out_name, "w"); uLong font_len = 96 * font_y; int rows = below + p->rows + 30 + 20 * !!p->title; int cols = left + p->cols + between + spectrum_width + right; png_byte * pixels = malloc(cols * rows * sizeof(*pixels)); png_bytepp png_rows = malloc(rows * sizeof(*png_rows)); png_structp png = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0,0); png_infop png_info = png_create_info_struct(png); png_color palette[256]; int i, j, step, tick_len = 3 - p->no_axes; char text[200], * prefix; double limit; if (!file) { sox_fail("failed to create `%s' :(", p->out_name); png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &png_info); free(png_rows); free(pixels); free(p->dBfs); return SOX_EOF; } sox_debug("signal-max=%g", p->max); font = malloc(font_len); assert(uncompress(font, &font_len, fixed, sizeof(fixed)-1) == Z_OK); make_palette(p, palette); memset(pixels, Background, cols * rows * sizeof(*pixels)); png_init_io(png, file); png_set_PLTE(png, png_info, palette, fixed_palette + p->spectrum_points); png_set_IHDR(png, png_info, (size_t)cols, (size_t)rows, 8, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT); for (j = 0; j < rows; ++j) /* Put (0,0) at bottom-left of PNG */ png_rows[rows - 1 - j] = (png_bytep)(pixels + j * cols); if (p->title && (i = (int)strlen(p->title) * font_X) < cols + 1) /* Title */ print_at((cols - i) / 2, rows - font_y, Text, p->title); if ((int)strlen(p->comment) * font_X < cols + 1) /* Footer comment */ print_at(1, font_y, Text, p->comment); /* Spectrogram */ for (j = 0; j < p->rows; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < p->cols; ++i) pixel(left + i, below + j) = colour(p, p->dBfs[i*p->rows + j]); if (!p->no_axes) /* Y-axis lines */ pixel(left - 1, below + j) = pixel(left + p->cols,below + j) = Grid; } if (!p->no_axes) for (i = -1; i <= p->cols; ++i) /* X-axis lines */ pixel(left + i, below - 1) = pixel(left + i, below + p->rows) = Grid; /* X-axis */ step = axis(secs(p->cols), p->cols / (font_X * 9 / 2), &limit, &prefix); sprintf(text, "Time (%.1ss)", prefix); /* Axis label */ print_at(left + (p->cols - font_X * (int)strlen(text)) / 2, 24, Text, text); for (i = 0; i <= limit; i += step) { int y, x = limit? (double)i / limit * p->cols + .5 : 0; for (y = 0; y < tick_len; ++y) /* Ticks */ pixel(left-1+x, below-1-y) = pixel(left-1+x, below+p->rows+y) = Grid; if (step == 5 && (i%10)) continue; sprintf(text, "%g", .1 * i); /* Tick labels */ x = left + x - 3 * strlen(text); print_at(x, below - 6, Labels, text); print_at(x, below + p->rows + 14, Labels, text); } /* Y-axis */ step = axis(effp->in_signal.rate / 2, (p->rows - 1) / ((font_y * 3 + 1) >> 1), &limit, &prefix); sprintf(text, "Frequency (%.1sHz)", prefix); /* Axis label */ print_up(10, below + (p->rows - font_X * (int)strlen(text)) / 2, Text, text); for (i = 0; i <= limit; i += step) { int x, y = limit? (double)i / limit * (p->rows - 1) + .5 : 0; for (x = 0; x < tick_len; ++x) /* Ticks */ pixel(left-1-x, below+y) = pixel(left+p->cols+x, below+y) = Grid; if (step == 5 && (i%10)) continue; sprintf(text, i?"%5g":" DC", .1 * i); /* Tick labels */ print_at(left - 4 - font_X * 5, below + y + 5, Labels, text); sprintf(text, i?"%g":"DC", .1 * i); print_at(left + p->cols + 6, below + y + 5, Labels, text); } /* Z-axis */ print_at(cols - right - 2 - font_X, below - 13, Text, "dBFS");/* Axis label */ for (j = 0; j < p->rows; ++j) { /* Spectrum */ png_byte b = colour(p, p->dB_range * (j / (p->rows - 1.) - 1)); for (i = 0; i < spectrum_width; ++i) pixel(cols - right - 1 - i, below + j) = b; } for (i = 0; i <= p->dB_range; i += 10) { /* (Tick) labels */ int y = (double)i / p->dB_range * (p->rows - 1) + .5; sprintf(text, "%+i", i - p->gain - p->dB_range); print_at(cols - right + 1, below + y + 5, Labels, text); } free(font); png_set_rows(png, png_info, png_rows); png_write_png(png, png_info, PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY, NULL); png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &png_info); free(png_rows); free(pixels); fclose(file); free(p->dBfs); return SOX_SUCCESS; } sox_effect_handler_t const * sox_spectrogram_effect_fn(void) { static sox_effect_handler_t handler = { "spectrogram", "[options]\n" "\t-x num\tX-axis pixels/second, default 100\n" "\t-y num\tY-axis resolution (1 - 4), default 2\n" "\t-z num\tZ-axis range in dB, default 120\n" "\t-Z num\tZ-axis maximum in dBFS, default 0\n" "\t-q num\tZ-axis quantisation, default 249\n" "\t-w name\tWindow: Hann (default), Hamming, Bartlett, Rectangular, Kaiser\n" "\t-s\tSlack overlap\n" "\t-a\tSuppress axis lines\n" "\t-l\tLight background\n" "\t-m\tMonochrome\n" "\t-h\tHigh colour\n" "\t-p num\tPermute colours\n" "\t-t text\tTitle text\n" "\t-c text\tComment text\n" "\t-o text\tOutput file name, default `spectrogram.png'\n", 0, getopts, start, flow, drain, stop, NULL, sizeof(priv_t)}; return &handler; }