ref: 361710b16b1b6e564351178000d871f66a334849
dir: /
dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. dnl dnl dnl AC_REVISION([ 0.4]) AC_INIT(sox.c) dnl AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) dnl Parameters to configure AC_ARG_ENABLE(old_rate, [ --enable-old-rate Use old rate code]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(fast_ulaw, [ --enable-fast-ulaw Use fast ulaw compression (+32K memory)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(fast_alaw, [ --enable-fast-alaw Use fast alaw compression (+32K memory)]) AC_ARG_WITH(gsmlib, [ --with-gsmlib Location of GSM 6.10 library (=dir)], [gsmlib="$withval"], [gsmlib=auto]) AC_ARG_WITH(gsminc, [ --with-gsminc Location of GSM 6.10 headers (=dir)], [gsminc="$withval"], [gsminc=auto]) AC_ARG_WITH(alsa_dsp, [ --with-alsa-dsp Force support for /dev/snd/pcmABXY (ALSA)], [alsa_dsp="$withval"], [alsa_dsp=auto]) AC_ARG_WITH(oss_dsp, [ --with-oss-dsp Force support for /dev/dsp (OSS)], [oss_dsp="$withval"], [oss_dsp=auto]) AC_ARG_WITH(sun_audio, [ --with-sun-audio Force support for /dev/audio (SUN, etc)], [sun_audio="$withval"], [sun_audio=auto]) dnl Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_RANLIB AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_CPP dnl Set host type AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM case "$target" in *aix* ) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_ALL_SOURCE" ;; *hpux* ) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_HPUX_SOURCE" ;; *next*|*rhapsody* ) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DNeXT" ;; *cygwin* ) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mno-cygwin" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -mno-cygwin" esac dnl Initial values for exported symbols. NEED_OSS=0 NEED_SUNAU=0 NEED_ALSA=0 PLAY_SUPPORT=0 CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall" dnl Checks for libraries. dnl Check if math library is needed. AC_CHECKING(if math library is required during link) AC_CHECK_FUNC(pow) if test "$ac_cv_func_pow" = no then AC_CHECK_LIB(m, pow) fi dnl Test for GSM library. if test "$gsmlib" != auto && test "$gsmlib" != no then LIBS="$LIBS -L$gsmlib" fi dnl Need to tell preprocess where to look for GSM include files dnl when they are not in system directories. Because of this make dnl a backup copy of the CPPFLAGS. ac_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" if test "$gsminc" != auto && test "$gsminc" != no then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$gsminc" ac_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" if test \! -z "$gsminc" ; then CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$gsminc" fi fi AC_CHECK_HEADER(gsm.h, gsminc=yes, gsminc=no) if test "$gsminc" = yes then AC_CHECK_LIB(gsm, gsm_create) fi CPPFLAGS="$ac_save_CPPFLAGS" dnl Checks for header files. AC_CHECK_HEADERS(getopt.h unistd.h malloc.h byteswap.h) dnl Checks for library functions. AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getopt strerror memmove rand) dnl Checks for system services. if test "$alsa_dsp" = auto then AC_CACHE_CHECK( [whether /proc/asound is functional (ALSA)], ac_cv_dev_alsa_dsp, AC_TRY_RUN( [ void *opendir(const char *); void *closedir(const char *); int main() { void *vp = opendir("/proc/asound"); if (vp != 0) { closedir(vp); return 0; } return 1; } ], ac_cv_dev_alsa_dsp=yes, ac_cv_dev_alsa_dsp=no, ac_cv_dev_alsa_dsp=no) ) if test "$ac_cv_dev_alsa_dsp" = yes then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(linux/asound.h, alsa_dsp=yes) if test "$alsa_dsp" = auto then AC_WARN([No asound.h to compile with ALSA /dev/snd/pcmABXY]) fi fi fi if test "$alsa_dsp" = yes then if test "$ac_cv_dev_alsa_dsp" = "" then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(linux/asound.h) fi CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DALSA_PLAYER" NEED_ALSA=1 PLAY_SUPPORT=1 fi if test "$oss_dsp" = auto then AC_CACHE_CHECK( [whether /dev/dsp is functional (OSS)], ac_cv_dev_oss_dsp, AC_TRY_RUN( [ int open(const char *, int); int close(int); int main() { int fd = open("/dev/dsp", 0); if (fd != -1) { close(fd); return 0; } return 1; } ], ac_cv_dev_oss_dsp=yes, ac_cv_dev_oss_dsp=no, ac_cv_dev_oss_dsp=no) ) if test "$ac_cv_dev_oss_dsp" = yes then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/soundcard.h machine/soundcard.h, oss_dsp=yes) if test "$oss_dsp" = auto then AC_WARN([No soundcard.h to compile with OSS /dev/dsp]) fi fi fi if test "$oss_dsp" = yes then if test "$ac_cv_dev_oss_dsp" = "" then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/soundcard.h machine/soundcard.h) fi CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DOSS_PLAYER" NEED_OSS=1 PLAY_SUPPORT=1 fi if test "$sun_audio" = auto then AC_CACHE_CHECK( [whether /dev/audio is functional (SUN style)], ac_cv_dev_sun_audio, AC_TRY_RUN( [ int open(const char *, int); int close(int); int main() { int fd = open("/dev/audio", 0); if (fd != -1) { close(fd); return 0; } return 1; } ], ac_cv_dev_sun_audio=yes, ac_cv_dev_sun_audio=no, ac_cv_dev_sun_audio=no) ) if test "$ac_cv_dev_sun_audio" = yes then AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/audioio.h, sun/audioio.h, sun_audio=yes) if test "$sun_audio" = auto then AC_WARN([No audioio.h to compile with SUN /dev/audio]) fi fi fi if test "$sun_audio" = yes then if test "$ac_cv_dev_sun_audio" = "" then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/audioio.h sun/audioio.h) fi CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DSUNAUDIO_PLAYER" NEED_SUNAU=1 PLAY_SUPPORT=1 fi dnl The end if test "$old_rate" = yes then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DUSE_OLD_RATE" fi if test "$enable_fast_ulaw" = yes then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DFAST_ULAW_COMPRESSION" fi if test "$enable_fast_alaw" = yes then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DFAST_ALAW_COMPRESSION" fi LIBS="-L. -lst $LIBS" AC_SUBST(NEED_OSS) AC_SUBST(NEED_SUNAU) AC_SUBST(NEED_ALSA) AC_SUBST(PLAY_SUPPORT) dnl Generate output files... AC_OUTPUT([Makefile]) if test ! -f; then cp ${srcdir}/; fi if test ! -f; then cp ${srcdir}/; fi if test ! -f monkey.voc; then cp ${srcdir}/monkey.voc monkey.voc; fi echo echo "Configure finished. Do 'make; make install' to compile and install SoX." echo dnl Local Variables: dnl comment-start: "dnl " dnl comment-end: "" dnl comment-start-skip: "\\bdnl\\b\\s *" dnl compile-command: "autoconf" dnl End: