ref: 228a57099d86acf4ee8f9d8a247bc51e4e2c4f43
dir: /src/stats.c/
/* libSoX effect: stats (c) 2009 [email protected] * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "sox_i.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct { int scale_bits, hex_bits; double time_constant, scale; double last, sigma_x, sigma_x2, avg_sigma_x2, min_sigma_x2, max_sigma_x2; double min, max, mult, min_run, min_runs, max_run, max_runs; off_t num_samples, tc_samples, min_count, max_count; uint32_t mask; } priv_t; static int getopts(sox_effect_t * effp, int argc, char **argv) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *)effp->priv; int c; lsx_getopt_t optstate; lsx_getopt_init(argc, argv, "+x:b:w:s:", NULL, lsx_getopt_flag_none, 1, &optstate); p->time_constant = .05; p->scale = 1; while ((c = lsx_getopt(&optstate)) != -1) switch (c) { GETOPT_NUMERIC(optstate, 'x', hex_bits , 2 , 32) GETOPT_NUMERIC(optstate, 'b', scale_bits , 2 , 32) GETOPT_NUMERIC(optstate, 'w', time_constant , .01 , 10) GETOPT_NUMERIC(optstate, 's', scale , -99, 99) default: lsx_fail("invalid option `-%c'", optstate.opt); return lsx_usage(effp); } if (p->hex_bits) p->scale_bits = p->hex_bits; return optstate.ind != argc? lsx_usage(effp) : SOX_SUCCESS; } static int start(sox_effect_t * effp) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *)effp->priv; p->last = 0; p->mult = exp((-1 / p->time_constant / effp->in_signal.rate)); p->tc_samples = 5 * p->time_constant * effp->in_signal.rate + .5; p->sigma_x = p->sigma_x2 = p->avg_sigma_x2 = p->max_sigma_x2 = 0; p->min = p->min_sigma_x2 = 2; p->max = -p->min; p->num_samples = 0; p->mask = 0; return SOX_SUCCESS; } static int flow(sox_effect_t * effp, const sox_sample_t * ibuf, sox_sample_t * obuf, size_t * ilen, size_t * olen) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *)effp->priv; size_t len = *ilen = *olen = min(*ilen, *olen); memcpy(obuf, ibuf, len * sizeof(*obuf)); for (; len--; ++ibuf, ++p->num_samples) { double d = SOX_SAMPLE_TO_FLOAT_64BIT(*ibuf,); if (d < p->min) p->min = d, p->min_count = 1, p->min_run = 1, p->min_runs = 0; else if (d == p->min) { ++p->min_count; p->min_run = d == p->last? p->min_run + 1 : 1; } else if (p->last == p->min) p->min_runs += sqr(p->min_run); if (d > p->max) p->max = d, p->max_count = 1, p->max_run = 1, p->max_runs = 0; else if (d == p->max) { ++p->max_count; p->max_run = d == p->last? p->max_run + 1 : 1; } else if (p->last == p->max) p->max_runs += sqr(p->max_run); p->sigma_x += d; p->sigma_x2 += sqr(d); p->avg_sigma_x2 = p->avg_sigma_x2 * p->mult + (1 - p->mult) * sqr(d); if (p->num_samples >= p->tc_samples) { if (p->avg_sigma_x2 > p->max_sigma_x2) p->max_sigma_x2 = p->avg_sigma_x2; if (p->avg_sigma_x2 < p->min_sigma_x2) p->min_sigma_x2 = p->avg_sigma_x2; } p->last = d; p->mask |= *ibuf; } return SOX_SUCCESS; } static int drain(sox_effect_t * effp, sox_sample_t * obuf, size_t * olen) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *)effp->priv; if (p->last == p->min) p->min_runs += sqr(p->min_run); if (p->last == p->max) p->max_runs += sqr(p->max_run); (void)obuf, *olen = 0; return SOX_SUCCESS; } static unsigned bit_depth(uint32_t mask, double min, double max, unsigned * x) { SOX_SAMPLE_LOCALS; unsigned result = 32, dummy = 0; for (; result && !(mask & 1); --result, mask >>= 1); if (x) *x = result; mask = SOX_FLOAT_64BIT_TO_SAMPLE(max, dummy); if (min < 0) mask |= ~(SOX_FLOAT_64BIT_TO_SAMPLE(min, dummy) << 1); for (; result && !(mask & SOX_SAMPLE_MIN); --result, mask <<= 1); return result; } static void output(priv_t const * p, double x) { if (p->scale_bits) { unsigned mult = 1 << (p->scale_bits - 1); int i; x = floor(x * mult + .5); i = min(x, mult - 1.); if (p->hex_bits) if (x < 0) { char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, "%x", -i); fprintf(stderr, " %*c%s", 9 - (int)strlen(buf), '-', buf); } else fprintf(stderr, " %9x", i); else fprintf(stderr, " %9i", i); } else fprintf(stderr, " %9.*f", fabs(p->scale) < 10 ? 6 : 5, p->scale * x); } static int stop(sox_effect_t * effp) { priv_t * p = (priv_t *)effp->priv; if (!effp->flow) { double min_runs = 0, max_count = 0, min = 2, max = -2, max_sigma_x = 0, sigma_x = 0, sigma_x2 = 0, min_sigma_x2 = 2, max_sigma_x2 = 0, avg_peak = 0; off_t num_samples = 0, min_count = 0, max_runs = 0; uint32_t mask = 0; unsigned b1, b2, i, n = effp->flows > 1 ? effp->flows : 0; for (i = 0; i < effp->flows; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; min = min(min, q->min); max = max(max, q->max); if (q->num_samples < q->tc_samples) q->min_sigma_x2 = q->max_sigma_x2 = q->sigma_x2 / q->num_samples; min_sigma_x2 = min(min_sigma_x2, q->min_sigma_x2); max_sigma_x2 = max(max_sigma_x2, q->max_sigma_x2); sigma_x += q->sigma_x; sigma_x2 += q->sigma_x2; num_samples += q->num_samples; mask |= q->mask; if (fabs(q->sigma_x) > fabs(max_sigma_x)) max_sigma_x = q->sigma_x; min_count += q->min_count; min_runs += q->min_runs; max_count += q->max_count; max_runs += q->max_runs; avg_peak += max(-q->min, q->max); } avg_peak /= effp->flows; if (!num_samples) { lsx_warn("no audio"); return SOX_SUCCESS; } if (n == 2) fprintf(stderr, " Overall Left Right\n"); else if (n) { fprintf(stderr, " Overall"); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) fprintf(stderr, " Ch%-3i", i + 1); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "DC offset "); output(p, max_sigma_x / p->num_samples); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; output(p, q->sigma_x / q->num_samples); } fprintf(stderr, "\nMin level "); output(p, min); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; output(p, q->min); } fprintf(stderr, "\nMax level "); output(p, max); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; output(p, q->max); } fprintf(stderr, "\nPk lev dB %10.2f", linear_to_dB(max(-min, max))); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; fprintf(stderr, "%10.2f", linear_to_dB(max(-q->min, q->max))); } fprintf(stderr, "\nRMS lev dB%10.2f", linear_to_dB(sqrt(sigma_x2 / num_samples))); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; fprintf(stderr, "%10.2f", linear_to_dB(sqrt(q->sigma_x2 / q->num_samples))); } fprintf(stderr, "\nRMS Pk dB %10.2f", linear_to_dB(sqrt(max_sigma_x2))); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; fprintf(stderr, "%10.2f", linear_to_dB(sqrt(q->max_sigma_x2))); } fprintf(stderr, "\nRMS Tr dB "); if (min_sigma_x2 != 1) fprintf(stderr, "%10.2f", linear_to_dB(sqrt(min_sigma_x2))); else fprintf(stderr, " -"); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; if (q->min_sigma_x2 != 1) fprintf(stderr, "%10.2f", linear_to_dB(sqrt(q->min_sigma_x2))); else fprintf(stderr, " -"); } if (effp->flows > 1) fprintf(stderr, "\nCrest factor -"); else fprintf(stderr, "\nCrest factor %7.2f", sigma_x2 ? avg_peak / sqrt(sigma_x2 / num_samples) : 1); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; fprintf(stderr, "%10.2f", q->sigma_x2? max(-q->min, q->max) / sqrt(q->sigma_x2 / q->num_samples) : 1); } fprintf(stderr, "\nFlat factor%9.2f", linear_to_dB((min_runs + max_runs) / (min_count + max_count))); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; fprintf(stderr, " %9.2f", linear_to_dB((q->min_runs + q->max_runs) / (q->min_count + q->max_count))); } fprintf(stderr, "\nPk count %9s", lsx_sigfigs3((min_count + max_count) / effp->flows)); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; fprintf(stderr, " %9s", lsx_sigfigs3((double)(q->min_count + q->max_count))); } b1 = bit_depth(mask, min, max, &b2); fprintf(stderr, "\nBit-depth %2u/%-2u", b1, b2); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { priv_t * q = (priv_t *)(effp - effp->flow + i)->priv; b1 = bit_depth(q->mask, q->min, q->max, &b2); fprintf(stderr, " %2u/%-2u", b1, b2); } fprintf(stderr, "\nNum samples%9s", lsx_sigfigs3((double)p->num_samples)); fprintf(stderr, "\nLength s %9.3f", p->num_samples / effp->in_signal.rate); fprintf(stderr, "\nScale max "); output(p, 1.); fprintf(stderr, "\nWindow s %9.3f", p->time_constant); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } return SOX_SUCCESS; } sox_effect_handler_t const * lsx_stats_effect_fn(void) { static sox_effect_handler_t handler = { "stats", "[-b bits|-x bits|-s scale] [-w window-time]", SOX_EFF_MODIFY, getopts, start, flow, drain, stop, NULL, sizeof(priv_t)}; return &handler; }