shithub: sox

ref: 1c4b3fa8155b442d2b108e7adb0df3358c88d3f8
dir: /src/st.h/

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#ifndef ST_H
#define ST_H
 * Sound Tools Library - October 11, 1999
 * Copyright 1999 Chris Bagwell
 * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
 * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained.
 * Chris Bagwell And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for
 * the consequences of using this software.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <byteswap.h>

/* Release 12.17.2 of libst */
#define ST_LIB_VERSION_CODE 0x0c1102
#define ST_LIB_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a) << 16) + ((b) << 8) + (c))

/* SJB: these may be changed to assist fail-recovery in libST */
#define st_malloc malloc
#define st_free free

/* FIXME: Move to separate header */
#ifdef __alpha__
#include <sys/types.h>   /* To get defines for 32-bit integers */
#define LONG    int32_t
#define ULONG   u_int32_t
#define LONG    long
#define ULONG   unsigned long

#define MAXLONG 0x7fffffffL
#define MAXULONG 0xffffffffL

/* various gcc optimizations */
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define NORET __attribute__((noreturn))
#define INLINE inline
#define NORET
#define INLINE

#define REGPARM(n) __attribute__((regparm(n)))
#define REGPARM(n)

/* Signal parameters */

/* FIXME: Change to typedef */
typedef struct  st_signalinfo {
        LONG            rate;           /* sampling rate */
        int             size;           /* word length of data */
        int             encoding;       /* format of sample numbers */
        int             channels;       /* number of sound channels */
} st_signalinfo_t;

/* Loop parameters */

/* FIXME: Change to typedef */
typedef struct  st_loopinfo {
        int             start;          /* first sample */
        int             length;         /* length */
        int             count;          /* number of repeats, 0=forever */
        int             type;           /* 0=no, 1=forward, 2=forward/back */

/* Instrument parameters */

/* vague attempt at generic information for sampler-specific info */

/* FIXME: Change to typedef */
typedef struct  st_instrinfo {
        char            MIDInote;       /* for unity pitch playback */
        char            MIDIlow, MIDIhi;/* MIDI pitch-bend range */
        char            loopmode;       /* semantics of loop data */
        char            nloops;         /* number of active loops */
        unsigned char   smpte[4];       /* SMPTE offset (hour:min:sec:frame) */
                                        /* this is a film audio thing */
} st_instrinfo_t;

#define ST_MIDI_UNITY 60        /* MIDI note number to play sample at unity */

/* Loop modes, upper 4 bits mask the loop blass, lower 4 bits describe */
/* the loop behaviour, ie. single shot, bidirectional etc. */
#define ST_LOOP_NONE          0
#define ST_LOOP_8             32 /* 8 loops: don't know ?? */
#define ST_LOOP_SUSTAIN_DECAY 64 /* AIFF style: one sustain & one decay loop */

 * File buffer info.  Holds info so that data can be read in blocks.

/* FIXME: Change to typedef */
typedef struct st_fileinfo {
        char    *buf;                   /* Pointer to data buffer */
        int     size;                   /* Size of buffer */
        int     count;                  /* Count read in to buffer */
        int     pos;                    /* Position in buffer */
        int     eof;                    /* Marker that EOF has been reached */

 *  Format information for input and output files.

#define ST_MAX_PRIVSIZE 330

#define ST_MAX_NLOOPS           8

 * Handler structure for each format.

typedef struct st_soundstream *ft_t;

typedef struct st_format {
        char    **names;        /* file type names */
        int     flags;          /* details about file type */
        int     (*startread)(ft_t ft);
        LONG    (*read)(ft_t ft, LONG *buf, LONG len);
        int     (*stopread)(ft_t ft);
        int     (*startwrite)(ft_t ft);
        LONG    (*write)(ft_t ft, LONG *buf, LONG len);
        int     (*stopwrite)(ft_t ft);
        int     (*seek)(ft_t ft, LONG offset);
} st_format_t;

struct st_soundstream {
        st_signalinfo_t info;   /* signal specifications */
        st_instrinfo_t instr;   /* instrument specification */
        st_loopinfo_t loops[ST_MAX_NLOOPS]; /* Looping specification */
        char    swap;                   /* do byte- or word-swap */
        char    seekable;               /* can seek on this file */
        LONG    length;                 /* estimate of total samples in file - for seeking*/
        char    *filename;              /* file name */
        char    *filetype;              /* type of file */
        char    *comment;               /* comment string */
        FILE    *fp;                    /* File stream pointer */
        st_fileinfo_t file;     /* File data block */
        int     st_errno;               /* Failure error codes */
        char    st_errstr[256];         /* Extend Failure text */
        st_format_t *h;                 /* format struct for this file */
        /* FIXME: I perfer void * or char * */
        char    priv[ST_MAX_PRIVSIZE]; /* format's private data area */

extern st_format_t st_formats[];

/* file flags field */
#define ST_FILE_STEREO  1       /* does file format support stereo? */
#define ST_FILE_LOOPS   2       /* does file format support loops? */
#define ST_FILE_INSTR   4       /* does file format support instrument specificications? */
#define ST_FILE_SEEK    8       /* does file format support seeking? */

/* Size field */
/* SJB: note that the 1st 3 are sometimes used as sizeof(type) */
#define ST_SIZE_BYTE    1
#define ST_SIZE_8BIT    1
#define ST_SIZE_WORD    2
#define ST_SIZE_16BIT   2
#define ST_SIZE_DWORD   4
#define ST_SIZE_32BIT   4
#define ST_SIZE_FLOAT   5
#define ST_SIZE_DOUBLE  6
#define ST_SIZE_IEEE    7       /* IEEE 80-bit floats. */

#define ST_SIZE_MAX     7

/* Style field */
#define ST_ENCODING_UNSIGNED    1 /* unsigned linear: Sound Blaster */
#define ST_ENCODING_SIGN2       2 /* signed linear 2's comp: Mac */
#define ST_ENCODING_ULAW        3 /* U-law signed logs: US telephony, SPARC */
#define ST_ENCODING_ALAW        4 /* A-law signed logs: non-US telephony */
#define ST_ENCODING_ADPCM       5 /* Compressed PCM */
#define ST_ENCODING_IMA_ADPCM   6 /* Compressed PCM */
#define ST_ENCODING_GSM         7 /* GSM 6.10 33-byte frame lossy compression */

#define ST_ENCODING_MAX         7

/* declared in misc.c */
extern const char *st_sizes_str[];
extern const char *st_encodings_str[];

#define ST_EFF_CHAN     1               /* Effect can mix channels up/down */
#define ST_EFF_RATE     2               /* Effect can alter data rate */
#define ST_EFF_MCHAN    4               /* Effect can handle multi-channel */
#define ST_EFF_REPORT   8               /* Effect does nothing */

 * Handler structure for each effect.

typedef struct st_effect *eff_t;

typedef struct {
        char    *name;                  /* effect name */
        int     flags;                  /* this and that */
                                        /* process arguments */
        int     (*getopts)(eff_t effp, int argc, char **argv);
                                        /* start off effect */
        int     (*start)(eff_t effp);
                                        /* do a buffer */
        int     (*flow)(eff_t effp, LONG *ibuf, LONG *obuf,
                        LONG *isamp, LONG *osamp);
                                        /* drain out at end */
        int     (*drain)(eff_t effp, LONG *obuf, LONG *osamp);
        int     (*stop)(eff_t effp);    /* finish up effect */
} st_effect_t;

struct st_effect {
        char            *name;          /* effect name */
        struct st_signalinfo ininfo;    /* input signal specifications */
        struct st_loopinfo   loops[8];  /* input loops  specifications */
        struct st_instrinfo  instr;     /* input instrument  specifications */
        struct st_signalinfo outinfo;   /* output signal specifications */
        st_effect_t     *h;             /* effects driver */
        LONG            *obuf;          /* output buffer */
        LONG            odone, olen;    /* consumed, total length */
        /* FIXME: I perfer void * or char *
        * Why was this private area 8 times bigger then the soundstream one?
        * Someone forget to divide ST_MAX_PRIVSIZE by 8 ? */
        char            priv[ST_MAX_PRIVSIZE*8]; /* private area for effect */

extern st_effect_t st_effects[]; /* declared in handlers.c */

/* declared in misc.c */
extern LONG st_clip24(LONG) REGPARM(1);
extern void st_sine(int *, LONG, int, int);
extern void st_triangle(int *, LONG, int, int);

extern LONG st_gcd(LONG,LONG) REGPARM(2);
extern LONG st_lcm(LONG,LONG) REGPARM(2);

/* Prototypes for internal cross-platform functions */
/* SJB: shouldn't these be elsewhere, exported from misc.c */
/* CB: Yep, we need to create something like a "platform.h" file for
 * these type functions.
#ifndef HAVE_RAND
extern int rand(void);
extern void srand(unsigned int seed);
extern void st_initrand(void);

char *strerror(int errorcode);

/* Read and write basic data types from "ft" stream.  Uses ft->swap for
 * possible byte swapping.
/* declared in misc.c */
LONG    st_read(ft_t ft, void *buf, int size, LONG len);
LONG    st_write(ft_t ft, void *buf, int size, LONG len);
int     st_reads(ft_t ft, char *c, int len);
int     st_writes(ft_t ft, char *c);
int     st_readb(ft_t ft, unsigned char *uc);
int     st_writeb(ft_t ft, unsigned char uc);
int     st_readw(ft_t ft, unsigned short *us);
int     st_writew(ft_t ft, unsigned short us);
int     st_readdw(ft_t ft, ULONG *ul);
int     st_writedw(ft_t ft, ULONG ul);
int     st_readf(ft_t ft, float *f);
int     st_writef(ft_t ft, double f);
int     st_readdf(ft_t ft, double *d);
int     st_writedf(ft_t ft, double d);
int st_seek(ft_t ft, LONG offset, int whence);
LONG st_filelength(ft_t ft);

/* FIXME: raw routines are used by so many formats their prototypes are defined
 * here for convience.  This wont last for long so application software
 * shouldn't make use of it.
/* declared in raw.c */
int st_rawstartread(ft_t ft);
int st_rawstartwrite(ft_t ft);
int st_rawstopread(ft_t ft);
int st_rawstopwrite(ft_t ft);
int st_rawseek(ft_t ft, LONG offset);
LONG st_rawread(ft_t ft, LONG *buf, LONG nsamp);
LONG st_rawwrite(ft_t ft, LONG *buf, LONG nsamp);

/* Utilities to byte-swap values, use libc optimized macro's if possible  */
#define st_swapw(x) bswap_16(x)
#define st_swapl(x) bswap_32(x)
#define st_swapf(x) (float)bswap_32((ULONG)(x))
unsigned short st_swapw(unsigned short us);             /* Swap short */
ULONG          st_swapl(ULONG ul);                      /* Swap long */
float          st_swapf(float f);                       /* Swap float */
double         st_swapd(double d);                      /* Swap double */

/* util.c */
void st_report(const char *, ...);
void st_warn(const char *, ...);
void st_fail(const char *, ...) NORET;
void st_fail_errno(ft_t, int, const char *, ...);

int st_is_bigendian(void);
int st_is_littleendian(void);

#define ST_IS_BIGENDIAN st_is_bigendian()
#define ST_IS_LITTLEENDIAN st_is_littleendian()

int st_geteffect_opt(eff_t, int, char **);
int st_geteffect(eff_t, char *);
int st_checkeffect(char *);
int st_updateeffect(eff_t, ft_t, ft_t, int);
int st_gettype(ft_t);
void st_initformat(ft_t ft);
void st_copyformat(ft_t, ft_t);
int st_checkformat(ft_t);
int st_parsesamples(ULONG rate, char *str, ULONG *samples, char def);

/* FIXME: Recording hacks shouldn't display a "sigint" style interface.
 * Instead we should provide a function to call when done playing/recording.
 * sox.c should be responsible for registering to sigint.
void sigintreg(ft_t);

/* export flags */
/* FIXME: these declared in util.c, inappropriate for lib */
extern int verbose;     /* be noisy on stderr */
extern char *myname;

extern int errno;
/* Warning, this is a MAX value used in the library.  Each format and
 * effect may have its own limitations of rate.
#define ST_MAXRATE      50L * 1024 /* maximum sample rate in library */

/* FIXME: Move to internal st header */
#define RIGHT(datum, bits)      ((datum) >> bits)
#define LEFT(datum, bits)       ((datum) << bits)

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI    3.14159265358979323846
#ifndef M_PI_2
#define M_PI_2  1.57079632679489661923  /* pi/2 */

/* FIXME: Move to platform header file */
#define READBINARY      "rb"
#define WRITEBINARY     "wb"
#define REMOVE unlink

#define ST_EOF (-1)
#define ST_SUCCESS (0)

const char *st_version(void);                   /* return version number */

/* ST specific error codes.  The rest directly map from errno. */
#define ST_EHDR 2000            /* Invalid Audio Header */
#define ST_EFMT 2001            /* Unsupported data format */
#define ST_ERATE 2002           /* Unsupported rate for format */
#define ST_ENOMEM 2003          /* Can't alloc memory */
#define ST_EPERM 2004           /* Operation not permitted */
#define ST_ENOTSUP 2005         /* Operation not supported */
#define ST_EINVAL 2006          /* Invalid argument */

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* end of extern "C" */
