ref: 96270757ecc40d555aa27236c970dda9b4ec1975
dir: /modules/data/foo.lua/
sptbl["foo"] = { files = { module = "foo.c", header = "foo.h", example = "ex_foo.c", }, func = { create = "sp_foo_create", destroy = "sp_foo_destroy", init = "sp_foo_init", compute = "sp_foo_compute", other = { sp_foo_set = { description = "foo_set description goes here.", args = { { name = "var1", type = "SPFLOAT", description = "This is the first parameter", default = 1.5 }, { name = "var2", type = "SPFLOAT", description = "This is the second parameter", default = 1.5 } } } } }, params = { mandatory = { { name = "bar", type = "sp_ftbl *", description = "This is a mandatory table value. It does not have a default value, so we set it to 'N/A'. Any that does not or cannot have a default value should set this default value to 'N/A'.", default = "N/A" }, { name = "bar2", type = "SPFLOAT", description = "This is a mandatory parameter. In soundpipe, users will always need to specify this value, but a default value has been giving in case it is needed to write more complicated engines in the future.", default = 123 } }, optional = { { name = "blah_1", type = "SPFLOAT", description = "This is an optional parameter. These values are always set to a value by default, and can be set after the init function has been called.", default = 1.5 }, { name = "blah_2", type = "SPFLOAT", description ="This is yet another optional parameter...", default = 456.7 }, } }, modtype = "module", description = [[A short title describing the module This is a description of the entire module. This is not a real module. This description should be a comprehensive sumary of what this function does. Inside the Lua table, this is expressed as a multiline string, however it does not adhere to the tradtional 80 column rule found in programming. Write as much text as needed here... ]], ninputs = 2, noutputs = 2, inputs = { { name = "clock", description = "this is the clock source for a made up plugin." }, { name = "input", description = "this is the audio input for a made up plugin." }, }, outputs = { { name = "out_left", description = "Stereo left output for foo." }, { name = "out_right", description = "Stereo right output for foo." }, } }