ref: 96270757ecc40d555aa27236c970dda9b4ec1975
dir: /modules/data/dmetro.lua/
sptbl["dmetro"] = { files = { module = "dmetro.c", header = "dmetro.h", example = "ex_dmetro.c", }, func = { create = "sp_dmetro_create", destroy = "sp_dmetro_destroy", init = "sp_dmetro_init", compute = "sp_dmetro_compute", }, params = { optional = { { name = "time", type = "SPFLOAT", description ="Time between triggers (in seconds). This will update at the start of each trigger.", default = 1.0 }, } }, modtype = "module", description = [[Delta Metro Produce a set of triggers spaced apart by time. An implementation note: while dmetro does indeed use sample precision, it will intentionally add 1 sample to the duration time as a way to avoid divide-by-zero errors. A dmetro of one second will really be one second and 1 sample. For most musical purposes, this is negligible. For more scientific purposes, this could cause problems, and it is recommended to find or build another module.]], ninputs = 0, noutputs = 1, inputs = { }, outputs = { { name = "out", description = "Trigger output." }, } }