ref: 70285956de156f146984f42c8ffa42401d42edd7
dir: /modules/data/smoother.lua/
sptbl["smoother"] = { files = { module = "smoother.c", header = "smoother.h", example = "ex_smoother.c", }, func = { create = "sp_smoother_create", destroy = "sp_smoother_destroy", init = "sp_smoother_init", compute = "sp_smoother_compute", other = { sp_smoother_reset = { description = "Resets internal buffers, snapping to input value instead of ramping to it.", args = { { name = "input", type = "SPFLOAT *", description = "input value to snap to.", default = 0.0 }, } } } }, params = { mandatory = { }, optional = { { name = "smooth", type = "SPFLOAT", description = "Smooth time amount.", default = 0.01 }, }, }, modtype = "module", description = [[ Smootheramento-style control signal smoothing Useful for smoothing out low-resolution signals and applying glissando to filters.]], ninputs = 1, noutputs = 1, inputs = { { name = "in", description = "Signal input." }, }, outputs = { { name = "out", description = "Signal output." }, } }