ref: 6666cce6159b438418bb744daabe8f450f756938
dir: /util/
How to Create a Soundpipe Module ================================ Creating new modules in Soundpipe is a relatively straightforward process. For this tutorial, we are going to create a gain module called "gain". ## Bootstrapping Soundpipe has a script that automatically creates the necessary template files needed to create a module. This can be invoked with "make" with the following command: make bootstrap MODULE_NAME="gain" Make sure the module name you choose is unique. If successful, this script will create 4 boiler plate files: - modules/gain.c: the main c code. - h/gain.h: the header file - examples/ex_gain.c: an example file utilizing gain - modules/data/gain.lua: metadata for gain, used to create a doc page A fully implemented module file will have these components: ## The Header File Typically, the only thing here you would need to implement is the data struct (empty by default). However, it is okay to tack on variables to the end of the init function if you need to do things like create delay lines. ``` typedef struct { SPFLOAT gain; } sp_gain; ``` ## The Module File ``` int sp_gain_init(sp_data *sp, sp_gain *p) { p->gain = 0; return SP_OK; } int sp_gain_compute(sp_data *sp, sp_gain *p, SPFLOAT *in, SPFLOAT *out) { *out = *in * p->gain; return SP_OK; } ``` ## The example ``` #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include "soundpipe.h" typedef struct { sp_gain *gain; sp_osc *osc; sp_ftbl *ft; } UserData; void process(sp_data *sp, void *udata) { UserData *ud = udata; SPFLOAT osc = 0, gain = 0; sp_osc_compute(sp, ud->osc, NULL, &osc); sp_gain_compute(sp, ud->gain, &osc, &gain); sp->out[0] = gain; } int main() { srand(1234567); UserData ud; sp_data *sp; sp_create(&sp); sp_gain_create(&ud.gain); sp_osc_create(&ud.osc); sp_ftbl_create(sp, &ud.ft, 2048); ud.gain->gain = 0.3; sp_gain_init(sp, ud.gain); sp_gen_sine(sp, ud.ft); sp_osc_init(sp, ud.osc, ud.ft); sp->len = 44100 * 5; sp_process(sp, &ud, process); sp_gain_destroy(&ud.gain); sp_ftbl_destroy(&ud.ft); sp_osc_destroy(&ud.osc); sp_destroy(&sp); return 0; } ``` ## Metadata / Documentation ``` sptbl["gain"] = { files = { module = "gain.c", header = "gain.h", example = "ex_gain.c", }, func = { create = "sp_gain_create", destroy = "sp_gain_destroy", init = "sp_gain_init", compute = "sp_gain_compute" }, params = { optional = { { name = "gain", type = "SPFLOAT", description = "Sets the gain", default = 0 }, } }, modtype = "module", description = [[Scale an incoming signal.]], ninputs = 1, noutputs = 1, inputs = { { name = "input", description = "this is the audio input for a made up plugin." }, }, outputs = { { name = "out", description = "Signal output", }, } } ``` ## Adding to Soundpipe To add your module to Soundpipe, run the following command: add to compile ## Buffers in Soundpipe Coming soon! ## Using ftables in Soundpipe Coming soon! ## Creating GEN routines in Soundpipe Coming soon!