ref: 4717f3fcc1523ee0e7e7b85273d6c5dd5bf192a3
dir: /modules/data/expon.lua/
sptbl["expon"] = { files = { module = "expon.c", header = "expon.h", example = "ex_expon.c", }, func = { create = "sp_expon_create", destroy = "sp_expon_destroy", init = "sp_expon_init", compute = "sp_expon_compute", }, params = { optional = { { name = "a", type = "SPFLOAT", description = "Inital point.", default = 1.0 }, { name = "dur", type = "SPFLOAT", description = "Duration (in seconds)", default = 1.0 }, { name = "b", type = "SPFLOAT", description = "End point", default = 1.0 } }, }, modtype = "module", description = [[Produce a line segment with exponential slope This will generate a line from value A to value B in given amount of time. When it reaches it's target, it will stay at that value. ]], ninputs = 1, noutputs = 1, inputs = { { name = "trig", description = "When nonzero, will retrigger line segment" }, }, outputs = { { name = "out", description = "Signal output." }, } }