shithub: pt2-clone

ref: 96b4a252f20aec887a58d07a5bcd34bb4365c1e0
dir: /release/keybindings.txt/

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 WARNING: Keybindings are hardcoded to the US keyboard layout.
          But pattern notes are the same regardless of layout.

 Remember to always use the left shift and alt, as the right ones
 are used for other things.

 == Where's the Amiga key? ==
   PC keyboard:
      Left Amiga key = left Windows key
     Right Amiga key = right Alt Gr key
   Mac keyboard:
      Left Amiga key = left Command key
     Right Amiga key = right Command key
 == New keybindings not present in original PT: ==
   alt+F11     - Toggle between real/fake VU-Meters
   F11         - Toggle fullscreen
   F12         - Toggle Amiga model (for low-pass filter)
   shift+F12   - Toggle Amiga panning (100% stereo separation)
   ctrl+F12    - Toggle CIA/VBLANK timing for tempo/speed effect (Fxx)
   alt+1/2/3/4 - Increase Multi ordering (when in idle, not play/edit/rec.)
 High note keys:  2 3   5 6 7   9 0   =
                 Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ]
 Low note keys:    S D   G H J   L ;
                  Z X C V B N M , . /

 F1 - Choose low octave (from C-1 to G-3)
 F2 - Choose high octave (from C-2 to B-3)

 shift+F3 - Cut channel to buffer
 shift+F4 - Copy channel to buffer
 shift+F5 - Paste channel buffer to channel

  alt+F3 - Cut whole pattern to buffer
  alt+F4 - Copy whole pattern to buffer
  alt+F5 - Paste pattern buffer to pattern
 ctrl+F3 - Cut commands to buffer
 ctrl+F4 - Copy commands to buffer
 ctrl+F5 - Paste command buffer to channel

 F6 - Go to row 0
 F7 - Go to row 16
 F8 - Go to row 32
 F9 - Go to row 48
 F10- Go to row 63

 shift+F6-F10 - Store current row on selected F-key
   alt+F6-F10 - Play pattern from the stored row
  ctrl+F6-F10 - Record from the stored row

 esc - Exit DiskOp/EditOp/Sampler etc...

 shift+return    - Insert blank note at current row and move
                   the others down. Notes beyond row 63 will be lost!
 shift+backspace - Delete note above current row and move
                   the others up. You can NOT do this if you're
                   at row 0!

 alt+return    - As above, but with all 4 channels
 alt+backspace - As above, but with all 4 channels

 ctrl+return    - Push commands one down
 ctrl+backspace - Drag commands one up

 ctrl+0-9 - Select how many rows ProTracker will jump down each time
            you insert a note (this is only for edit mode)

   alt+cursor right - Pattern number up
   alt+cursor left  - Pattern number down
 shift+cursor right - song position up
 shift+cursor left  - song position down

 space - Toggle between Stop/Edit-mode

      alt gr (right alt) - Play Song
 right ctrl (cmd on Mac) - Play Pattern
             right shift - Record
 caps lock - Toggle Keyrepeat on/off (will use the OS settings for repeat/delay)

      del - Delete note under cursor
  alt+del - Delete command only 
 shft+del - Delete note and command

 On Numeric pad:
    "."/del - Kill Sample
          0 - Select Sample $0
    1st row - Select Sample $1-$4
    2nd row - Select Sample $5-$8
    3rd row - Select Sample $9-$c
    4th row - Select Sample $d-$f
 Just enter - Toggle sample offset +$10

 Holding enter + the other keys, will select sample $11-$1F

 Left Amiga key plus keys below - Transposing like in Edit Op.

   Sample/Channel      Sample/Pattern
   1 - Note Up         2 - Note Up
   Q - Note Down       W - Note Down
   A - Octave Up       S - Octave Up
   Z - Octave Down     X - Octave Down

   All/Channel        All/Pattern
   3 - Note Up         4 - Note Up
   E - Note Down       R - Note Down
   D - Octave Up       F - Octave Up
   C - Octave Down     V - Octave Down

       tab - Move cursor to next channel
 shift+tab - Move cursor to prev channel

 ctrl+a - Toggle channel on/off
 ctrl+b - Mark block
 ctrl+c - Copy block to buffer (if sampler is open; copy data)
 ctrl+d - Delete block, drag notes up
 ctrl+e - Expand notes in channel
 ctrl+f - Toggle LED filter on/off
 ctrl+g - Boost treble on all samples
 ctrl+h - Transpose block up
 ctrl+i - Insert block, push notes down
 ctrl+j - Join-paste block
 ctrl+k - Kill notes to end of channel
 ctrl+l - Transpose block down
 ctrl+m - Toggle multikeys
 ctrl+n - Re-mark last block
 ctrl+o - Shrink notes in channel
 ctrl+p - Paste block
 ctrl+q - Unmute all channels
 ctrl+r - Restore F6-F10 positions
 ctrl+s - Save module (this is 'toggle split mode' in original PT)
 ctrl+t - Swap channels
 ctrl+u - Undo last pattern edit change
 ctrl+v - Decrease treble on all samples (if sampler is open; paste data)
 ctrl+w - Polyphonize block
 ctrl+x - Cut block to buffer (if sampler is open; cut data)
 ctrl+y - Backwards block
 ctrl+z - Restore Effects (if sampler is open; restore sample data+attributes)

 shift+0-9 - Store current command on selected key
   alt+0-9 - Insert command in current channel

   alt+"\" - Copy command above cursor to current row.
   alt+"=" - Copy command above cursor to current row
             and add one to the value.
   alt+"-" - Copy command above cursor to current row
             and subract one from the value.

  alt+b - Treble increase current sample
  alt+c - Toggle channel 3
  alt+d - Toggle Disk Op. screen
  alt+e - Toggle Edit Op. + screens
  alt+f - Treble decrease current sample
  alt+g - Toggle record mode (PT clone or PT2.3E only)
  alt+i - Auto insert effect on/off
  alt+k - Delete current sample/channel
  alt+m - Toggle metronome on/off (hold SHIFT to set metronome channel)
  alt+p - Toggle Pos Ed. screen
  alt+q - Quit ProTracker
  alt+r - Resample current sample
  alt+s - Toggle sampler screen
  alt+t - Toggle tuning tone
  alt+v - Toggle channel 4
  alt+x - Toggle channel 2
  alt+y - Save all samples
  alt+z - Toggle channel 1

  F3 - Cut   (and/or ctrl+x in sampler screen)
  F4 - Copy  (and/or ctrl+c in sampler screen)
  F5 - Paste (and/or ctrl+v in sampler screen)

    return - Step one note forward
 backspace - Step one note backward
 "'" - Decrease auto insert slot (if auto insert effect is enabled)
 "\" - Increase auto insert slot (if auto insert effect is enabled)
         (hold SHIFT to increase/decrease auto insert even more) 

             "\" - Toggle keypad mode (if auto insert is disabled)
      alt+keypad - Tune drumpad
 ctrl+left/right - Sample up/down
 shift+key - Jump to file entry (only when DISK OP. is shown)