ref: 77f30014a888e20a0940db2c328d935e9e18ec7f
dir: /src/pt2_sample_saver.c/
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <ctype.h> // tolower() #include <sys/stat.h> #include "pt2_structs.h" #include "pt2_textout.h" #include "pt2_mouse.h" #include "pt2_visuals.h" #include "pt2_helpers.h" #include "pt2_diskop.h" #include "pt2_askbox.h" #define PLAYBACK_FREQ 16574 /* C-3, period 214 */ static void removeSampleFileExt(char *text) // for sample saver { if (text == NULL || text[0] == '\0') return; uint32_t filenameLength = (uint32_t)strlen(text); if (filenameLength < 5) return; // remove .wav/.iff/from end of sample name (if present) uint32_t fileExtPos = filenameLength - 4; if (fileExtPos > 0 && (!strncmp(&text[fileExtPos], ".wav", 4) || !strncmp(&text[fileExtPos], ".iff", 4))) text[fileExtPos] = '\0'; } static void iffWriteChunkHeader(FILE *f, char *chunkName, uint32_t chunkLen) { fwrite(chunkName, sizeof (int32_t), 1, f); chunkLen = SWAP32(chunkLen); fwrite(&chunkLen, sizeof (int32_t), 1, f); } static void iffWriteUint32(FILE *f, uint32_t value) { value = SWAP32(value); fwrite(&value, sizeof (int32_t), 1, f); } static void iffWriteUint16(FILE *f, uint16_t value) { value = SWAP16(value); fwrite(&value, sizeof (int16_t), 1, f); } static void iffWriteUint8(FILE *f, const uint8_t value) { fwrite(&value, sizeof (int8_t), 1, f); } static void iffWriteChunkData(FILE *f, const void *data, size_t length) { fwrite(data, sizeof (int8_t), length, f); if (length & 1) fputc(0, f); // write pad byte if chunk size is uneven } bool saveSample(bool checkIfFileExist, bool giveNewFreeFilename) { char fileName[128], tmpBuffer[64]; struct stat statBuffer; wavHeader_t wavHeader; samplerChunk_t samplerChunk; mptExtraChunk_t mptExtraChunk; memset(tmpBuffer, 0, sizeof (tmpBuffer)); memset(fileName, 0, sizeof (fileName)); const moduleSample_t *s = &song->samples[editor.currSample]; if (s->length == 0) { statusSampleIsEmpty(); return false; } // get sample filename if (s->text[0] == '\0') { strcpy(fileName, "untitled"); } else { for (int32_t i = 0; i < 22; i++) { tmpBuffer[i] = (char)tolower(song->samples[editor.currSample].text[i]); if (tmpBuffer[i] == '\0') break; sanitizeFilenameChar(&tmpBuffer[i]); } strcpy(fileName, tmpBuffer); } removeSampleFileExt(fileName); addSampleFileExt(fileName); // if the user picked "no" to overwriting the file, generate a new filename if (giveNewFreeFilename && stat(fileName, &statBuffer) == 0) { for (int32_t j = 1; j <= 999; j++) { if (s->text[0] == '\0') { sprintf(fileName, "untitled-%d", j); } else { for (int32_t i = 0; i < 22; i++) { tmpBuffer[i] = (char)tolower(song->samples[editor.currSample].text[i]); if (tmpBuffer[i] == '\0') break; sanitizeFilenameChar(&tmpBuffer[i]); } removeSampleFileExt(tmpBuffer); sprintf(fileName, "%s-%d", tmpBuffer, j); } addSampleFileExt(fileName); if (stat(fileName, &statBuffer) != 0) break; // this filename can be used } } if (checkIfFileExist && stat(fileName, &statBuffer) == 0) { if (!askBox(ASKBOX_YES_NO, "OVERWRITE FILE ?")) return false; } FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "wb"); if (f == NULL) { displayErrorMsg("FILE I/O ERROR !"); return false; } const int8_t *sampleData = &song->sampleData[s->offset]; const uint32_t sampleLength = s->length; const uint32_t loopStart = s->loopStart & ~1; const uint32_t loopLength = s->loopLength & ~1; switch (diskop.smpSaveType) { default: case DISKOP_SMP_WAV: { wavHeader.format = 0x45564157; // "WAVE" wavHeader.chunkID = 0x46464952; // "RIFF" wavHeader.subchunk1ID = 0x20746D66; // "fmt " wavHeader.subchunk2ID = 0x61746164; // "data" wavHeader.subchunk1Size = 16; wavHeader.subchunk2Size = sampleLength; wavHeader.chunkSize = 36 + wavHeader.subchunk2Size; wavHeader.audioFormat = 1; wavHeader.numChannels = 1; wavHeader.bitsPerSample = 8; wavHeader.sampleRate = PLAYBACK_FREQ; wavHeader.byteRate = wavHeader.sampleRate * wavHeader.numChannels * wavHeader.bitsPerSample / 8; wavHeader.blockAlign = wavHeader.numChannels * wavHeader.bitsPerSample / 8; // set "sampler" chunk if loop is enabled if (loopStart+loopLength > 2) // loop enabled? { wavHeader.chunkSize += sizeof (samplerChunk_t); memset(&samplerChunk, 0, sizeof (samplerChunk_t)); samplerChunk.chunkID = 0x6C706D73; // "smpl" samplerChunk.chunkSize = 60; samplerChunk.dwSamplePeriod = 1000000000 / PLAYBACK_FREQ; samplerChunk.dwMIDIUnityNote = 60; // 60 = MIDI middle-C samplerChunk.cSampleLoops = 1; samplerChunk.loop.dwStart = loopStart; samplerChunk.loop.dwEnd = (loopStart + loopLength) - 1; } // set ModPlug Tracker chunk (used for sample volume only in this case) wavHeader.chunkSize += sizeof (mptExtraChunk); memset(&mptExtraChunk, 0, sizeof (mptExtraChunk)); mptExtraChunk.chunkID = 0x61727478; // "xtra" mptExtraChunk.chunkSize = sizeof (mptExtraChunk) - 4 - 4; mptExtraChunk.defaultPan = 128; // 0..255 mptExtraChunk.defaultVolume = s->volume * 4; // 0..256 mptExtraChunk.globalVolume = 64; // 0..64 fwrite(&wavHeader, sizeof (wavHeader_t), 1, f); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sampleLength; i++) fputc((uint8_t)(sampleData[i] + 128), f); if (sampleLength & 1) fputc(0, f); // pad align byte if (loopStart+loopLength > 2) // loop enabled? fwrite(&samplerChunk, sizeof (samplerChunk), 1, f); fwrite(&mptExtraChunk, sizeof (mptExtraChunk), 1, f); } break; case DISKOP_SMP_IFF: { // "FORM" chunk iffWriteChunkHeader(f, "FORM", 0); // "FORM" chunk size is overwritten later iffWriteUint32(f, 0x38535658); // "8SVX" // "VHDR" chunk iffWriteChunkHeader(f, "VHDR", 20); if (loopStart+loopLength > 2) // loop enabled? { iffWriteUint32(f, loopStart); // oneShotHiSamples (loop start when loop is enabled) iffWriteUint32(f, loopLength); // repeatHiSamples } else { iffWriteUint32(f, sampleLength); // oneShotHiSamples (length of sample when no loop) iffWriteUint32(f, 0); // repeatHiSamples } iffWriteUint32(f, 0); // samplesPerHiCycle iffWriteUint16(f, PLAYBACK_FREQ); // samplesPerSec iffWriteUint8(f, 1); // ctOctave (number of samples) iffWriteUint8(f, 0); // sCompression iffWriteUint32(f, s->volume * 1024); // volume (max: 65536/0x10000) // "NAME" chunk uint32_t chunkLen = (uint32_t)strlen(s->text); if (chunkLen > 0) { iffWriteChunkHeader(f, "NAME", chunkLen); iffWriteChunkData(f, s->text, chunkLen); } // "ANNO" chunk (we put the program name here) const char annoStr[] = "ProTracker 2 clone"; chunkLen = sizeof (annoStr) - 1; iffWriteChunkHeader(f, "ANNO", chunkLen); iffWriteChunkData(f, annoStr, chunkLen); // "BODY" chunk chunkLen = sampleLength; iffWriteChunkHeader(f, "BODY", chunkLen); iffWriteChunkData(f, sampleData, chunkLen); // go back and fill in "FORM" chunk size chunkLen = ftell(f) - 8; fseek(f, 4, SEEK_SET); iffWriteUint32(f, chunkLen); } break; case DISKOP_SMP_RAW: fwrite(sampleData, 1, sampleLength, f); break; } fclose(f); displayMsg("SAMPLE SAVED !"); setMsgPointer(); diskop.cached = false; if (ui.diskOpScreenShown) ui.updateDiskOpFileList = true; return true; }