ref: 5bbaed9d9de1fdbbff75a4e6e860b42feca782fe
dir: /src/pt2_main.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN #include <windows.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_syswm.h> #else #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> // chdir() #endif #include <sys/stat.h> #include "pt2_helpers.h" #include "pt2_keyboard.h" #include "pt2_textout.h" #include "pt2_mouse.h" #include "pt2_diskop.h" #include "pt2_sampler.h" #include "pt2_config.h" #include "pt2_visuals.h" #include "pt2_edit.h" #include "pt2_module_loader.h" #include "pt2_module_saver.h" #include "pt2_scopes.h" #include "pt2_audio.h" #include "pt2_bmp.h" #include "pt2_visuals_sync.h" #include "pt2_sampling.h" #include "pt2_askbox.h" #include "pt2_replayer.h" #define CRASH_TEXT "Oh no!\nThe ProTracker 2 clone has crashed...\n\nA backup .mod was hopefully " \ "saved to the current module directory.\n\nPlease report this bug if you can.\n" \ "Try to mention what you did before the crash happened." module_t *song = NULL; // globalized static bool backupMadeAfterCrash, didDropFile; #ifdef _WIN32 #define SYSMSG_FILE_ARG (WM_USER + 1) #define ARGV_SHARED_MEM_MAX_LEN ((MAX_PATH * 2) + 2) #ifndef _DEBUG bool windowsKeyIsDown; HHOOK g_hKeyboardHook; #endif static HWND hWnd_to; static HANDLE oneInstHandle, hMapFile; static LPCTSTR sharedMemBuf; static TCHAR sharedHwndName[] = TEXT("Local\\PT2CloneHwnd"); static TCHAR sharedFileName[] = TEXT("Local\\PT2CloneFilename"); static bool handleSingleInstancing(int32_t argc, char **argv); static void closeSingleInstancing(void); static void handleSysMsg(SDL_Event inputEvent); #endif #ifndef _DEBUG #ifdef _WIN32 static LONG WINAPI exceptionHandler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ptr); #else static void exceptionHandler(int32_t signal); #endif #endif #ifdef _WIN32 static void makeSureDirIsProgramDir(void); static void disableWasapi(void); #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ static void osxSetDirToProgramDirFromArgs(char **argv); static bool checkIfAppWasTranslocated(int argc, char **argv); #endif static void handleInput(void); static bool initializeVars(void); static void handleSigTerm(void); static void cleanUp(void); static void clearStructs(void) { memset(&keyb, 0, sizeof (keyb)); memset(&mouse, 0, sizeof (mouse)); memset(&video, 0, sizeof (video)); memset(&editor, 0, sizeof (editor)); memset(&diskop, 0, sizeof (diskop)); memset(&cursor, 0, sizeof (cursor)); memset(&ui, 0, sizeof (ui)); memset(&config, 0, sizeof (config)); memset(&audio, 0, sizeof (audio)); audio.rescanAudioDevicesSupported = true; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifndef _WIN32 struct sigaction act, oldAct; #endif #if defined _WIN32 || defined __APPLE__ SDL_version sdlVer; #endif // for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); #endif #if SDL_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 && SDL_MINOR_VERSION == 0 && SDL_PATCHLEVEL < 5 #pragma message("WARNING: The SDL2 dev lib is older than ver 2.0.5. You'll get fullscreen mode issues and no audio input sampling.") #pragma message("At least version 2.0.7 is recommended.") #endif SDL_SetThreadPriority(SDL_THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGH); SDL_EnableScreenSaver(); // allow screensaver to activate clearStructs(); // set up crash handler #ifndef _DEBUG #ifdef _WIN32 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(exceptionHandler); #else memset(&act, 0, sizeof (act)); act.sa_handler = exceptionHandler; act.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND; sigaction(SIGILL | SIGABRT | SIGFPE | SIGSEGV, &act, &oldAct); sigaction(SIGILL, &act, &oldAct); sigaction(SIGABRT, &act, &oldAct); sigaction(SIGFPE, &act, &oldAct); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, &oldAct); #endif #endif // on Windows and macOS, test what version SDL2.DLL is (against library version used in compilation) #if defined _WIN32 || defined __APPLE__ SDL_GetVersion(&sdlVer); if (sdlVer.major != SDL_MAJOR_VERSION || sdlVer.minor != SDL_MINOR_VERSION || sdlVer.patch != SDL_PATCHLEVEL) { #ifdef _WIN32 showErrorMsgBox("SDL2.dll is not the expected version, the program will terminate.\n\n" \ "Loaded dll version: %d.%d.%d\n" \ "Required (compiled with) version: %d.%d.%d", sdlVer.major, sdlVer.minor, sdlVer.patch, SDL_MAJOR_VERSION, SDL_MINOR_VERSION, SDL_PATCHLEVEL); #else showErrorMsgBox("The loaded SDL2 library is not the expected version, the program will terminate.\n\n" \ "Loaded library version: %d.%d.%d\n" \ "Required (compiled with) version: %d.%d.%d", sdlVer.major, sdlVer.minor, sdlVer.patch, SDL_MAJOR_VERSION, SDL_MINOR_VERSION, SDL_PATCHLEVEL); #endif return 0; } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 // ALT+F4 is used in ProTracker, but is "close program" in Windows... #if SDL_MINOR_VERSION >= 24 || (SDL_MINOR_VERSION == 0 && SDL_PATCHLEVEL >= 4) SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_NO_CLOSE_ON_ALT_F4, "1"); #endif #ifndef _MSC_VER SetProcessDPIAware(); #endif if (!SDL_HasSSE()) { showErrorMsgBox("Your computer's processor doesn't have the SSE instruction set\n" \ "which is needed for this program to run. Sorry!"); return 0; } if (!SDL_HasSSE2()) { showErrorMsgBox("Your computer's processor doesn't have the SSE2 instruction set\n" \ "which is needed for this program to run. Sorry!"); return 0; } disableWasapi(); // disable problematic WASAPI SDL2 audio driver on Windows (causes clicks/pops sometimes...) // 13.03.2020: This is still needed with SDL 2.0.12... #endif /* SDL 2.0.9 for Windows has a serious bug where you need to initialize the joystick subsystem ** (even if you don't use it) or else weird things happen like random stutters, keyboard (rarely) being ** reinitialized in Windows and what not. ** Ref.: */ #if defined _WIN32 && SDL_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 && SDL_MINOR_VERSION == 0 && SDL_PATCHLEVEL == 9 if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) != 0) #else if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) #endif { showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't initialize SDL: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 0; } /* Text input is started by default in SDL2, turn it off to remove ~2ms spikes per key press. ** We manuallay start it again when someone clicks on a text edit box, and stop it when done. ** Ref.: */ SDL_StopTextInput(); #ifdef __APPLE__ if (checkIfAppWasTranslocated(argc, argv)) { SDL_Quit(); return 0; } #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ osxSetDirToProgramDirFromArgs(argv); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 // Windows: the Win key has to be taken over to work like the Amiga key #ifndef _DEBUG windowsKeyIsDown = false; g_hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, lowLevelKeyboardProc, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0); #endif makeSureDirIsProgramDir(); #endif if (!initializeVars()) { cleanUp(); SDL_Quit(); return 1; } loadConfig(); if (!setupVideo()) { cleanUp(); SDL_Quit(); return 1; } #ifdef _WIN32 // allow only one instance, and send arguments to it (song to play) if (handleSingleInstancing(argc, argv)) { cleanUp(); SDL_Quit(); return 0; // close current instance, the main instance got a message now } SDL_EventState(SDL_SYSWMEVENT, SDL_ENABLE); #endif hpc_Init(); hpc_SetDurationInHz(&video.vblankHpc, VBLANK_HZ); if (!initKaiserTable() || !setupAudio() || !unpackBMPs()) { cleanUp(); SDL_Quit(); return 1; } setupSprites(); song = createEmptyMod(); if (song == NULL) { cleanUp(); SDL_Quit(); return 1; } // setup GUI text pointers (for recently allocated song structure) editor.currEditPatternDisp = &song->currPattern; editor.currPosDisp = &song->currOrder; editor.currPatternDisp = &song->header.order[0]; editor.currPosEdPattDisp = &song->header.order[0]; editor.currLengthDisp = &song->header.numOrders; if (!initScopes()) { cleanUp(); SDL_Quit(); return 1; } modSetTempo(editor.initialTempo, false); modSetSpeed(editor.initialSpeed); updateWindowTitle(MOD_NOT_MODIFIED); pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_IDLE, DO_CARRY); statusAllRight(); setStatusMessage("PROTRACKER V2.3D", NO_CARRY); // load a .MOD from the command arguments if passed (also ignore OS X < 10.9 -psn argument on double-click launch) if ((argc >= 2 && argv[1][0] != '\0') && (argc != 2 || strncmp(argv[1], "-psn_", 5))) { loadModFromArg(argv[1]); // play song if (song->loaded) { editor.playMode = PLAY_MODE_NORMAL; modPlay(DONT_SET_PATTERN, 0, DONT_SET_ROW); editor.currMode = MODE_PLAY; pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_PLAY, DO_CARRY); statusAllRight(); } } else if (!editor.configFound) { displayErrorMsg("CONFIG NOT FOUND!"); } displayMainScreen(); fillToVuMetersBgBuffer(); updateCursorPos(); SDL_ShowWindow(video.window); if (config.startInFullscreen) toggleFullscreen(); changePathToDesktop(); // change path to desktop now diskOpSetInitPath(); // set path to custom path in config (if present) SDL_EventState(SDL_DROPFILE, SDL_ENABLE); editor.mainLoopOngoing = true; hpc_ResetCounters(&video.vblankHpc); // this must be the last thing we do before entering the main loop // XXX: if you change anything in the main loop, make sure it goes in the askBox()(pt2_askbox.c) loop too, if needed while (editor.programRunning) { handleThreadedAskBox(); sinkVisualizerBars(); updateChannelSyncBuffer(); readMouseXY(); readKeyModifiers(); // set/clear CTRL/ALT/SHIFT/AMIGA key states handleInput(); updateMouseCounters(); handleKeyRepeat(keyb.lastRepKey); if (!mouse.buttonWaiting && ui.sampleMarkingPos == -1 && !ui.forceSampleDrag && !ui.forceVolDrag && !ui.forceSampleEdit) handleGUIButtonRepeat(); renderFrame(); flipFrame(); } cleanUp(); SDL_Quit(); return 0; } static void handleInput(void) { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT) { if (event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIDDEN) video.windowHidden = true; else if (event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN) video.windowHidden = false; // reset vblank end time if we minimize window if (event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED || event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST) hpc_ResetCounters(&video.vblankHpc); } #ifdef _WIN32 handleSysMsg(event); #endif if (ui.editTextFlag && event.type == SDL_TEXTINPUT) { // text input when editing texts/numbers char inputChar = event.text.text[0]; if (inputChar == '\0') continue; handleTextEditInputChar(inputChar); continue; // continue SDL event loop } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL) { if (event.wheel.y < 0) mouseWheelDownHandler(); else if (event.wheel.y > 0) mouseWheelUpHandler(); } else if (event.type == SDL_DROPFILE) { // kludge: allow focus-clickthrough after drag-n-drop SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH, "1"); didDropFile = true; loadDroppedFile(event.drop.file, (uint32_t)strlen(event.drop.file), false, true); SDL_free(event.drop.file); } if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { handleSigTerm(); } else if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP) { keyUpHandler(event.key.keysym.scancode); } else if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (editor.repeatKeyFlag || keyb.lastRepKey != event.key.keysym.scancode) keyDownHandler(event.key.keysym.scancode, event.key.keysym.sym); } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { mouseButtonUpHandler(event.button.button); if (ui.introTextShown) { if (!ui.diskOpScreenShown && !editor.errorMsgActive && !ui.askBoxShown) statusAllRight(); ui.introTextShown = false; } // kludge: we drag-n-dropped a file before this mouse click release, restore focus-clickthrough mode if (didDropFile) { didDropFile = false; SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH, "0"); } } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { if (ui.sampleMarkingPos == -1 && !ui.forceSampleDrag && !ui.forceVolDrag && !ui.forceSampleEdit) mouseButtonDownHandler(event.button.button); } if (ui.throwExit) { editor.programRunning = false; if (diskop.isFilling) { diskop.isFilling = false; diskop.forceStopReading = true; SDL_WaitThread(diskop.fillThread, NULL); } if (editor.mod2WavOngoing) { editor.mod2WavOngoing = false; editor.abortMod2Wav = true; SDL_WaitThread(editor.mod2WavThread, NULL); } } } } static bool initializeVars(void) { setDefaultPalette(); editor.repeatKeyFlag = (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CAPS) ? true : false; // set key repeat rate to 49.9204Hz (Amiga PAL vblank rate) const double dVblankHzRatio = AMIGA_PAL_VBLANK_HZ / (double)VBLANK_HZ; keyb.repeatDelta = (uint64_t)floor((UINT32_MAX+1.0) * dVblankHzRatio); strcpy(editor.mixText, "MIX 01+02 TO 03"); // allocate some memory if (!allocSamplerVars() || !allocDiskOpVars()) goto oom; config.defModulesDir = (char *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 1, sizeof (char)); config.defSamplesDir = (char *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 1, sizeof (char)); editor.tempSample = (int8_t *)calloc(131070, 1); if (config.defModulesDir == NULL || config.defSamplesDir == NULL || editor.tempSample == NULL) goto oom; turnOffVoices(); // set various non-zero values editor.vol1 = 100; editor.vol2 = 100; editor.note1 = 36; editor.note2 = 36; editor.note3 = 36; editor.note4 = 36; editor.f7Pos = 16; editor.f8Pos = 32; editor.f9Pos = 48; editor.f10Pos = 63; editor.oldNote1 = 36; editor.oldNote2 = 36; editor.oldNote3 = 36; editor.oldNote4 = 36; editor.tuningVol = 32; editor.sampleVol = 100; editor.tuningNote = 24; // C-3 editor.metroSpeed = 4; editor.editMoveAdd = 1; editor.initialTempo = 125; editor.initialSpeed = 6; editor.resampleNote = 24; editor.currPlayNote = 24; editor.effectMacros[0] = 0x102; editor.effectMacros[1] = 0x202; editor.effectMacros[2] = 0x037; editor.effectMacros[3] = 0x047; editor.effectMacros[4] = 0x304; editor.effectMacros[5] = 0xF06; editor.effectMacros[6] = 0xC10; editor.effectMacros[7] = 0xC20; editor.effectMacros[8] = 0xE93; editor.effectMacros[9] = 0xA0F; editor.multiModeNext[0] = 2; editor.multiModeNext[1] = 3; editor.multiModeNext[2] = 4; editor.multiModeNext[3] = 1; ui.introTextShown = true; editor.normalizeFiltersFlag = true; editor.markStartOfs = -1; ui.sampleMarkingPos = -1; ui.previousPointerMode = ui.pointerMode; // setup GUI text pointers editor.vol1Disp = &editor.vol1; editor.vol2Disp = &editor.vol2; editor.sampleToDisp = &editor.sampleTo; editor.lpCutOffDisp = &editor.lpCutOff; editor.hpCutOffDisp = &editor.hpCutOff; editor.samplePosDisp = &editor.samplePos; editor.sampleVolDisp = &editor.sampleVol; editor.currSampleDisp = &editor.currSample; editor.metroSpeedDisp = &editor.metroSpeed; editor.sampleFromDisp = &editor.sampleFrom; editor.chordLengthDisp = &editor.chordLength; editor.metroChannelDisp = &editor.metroChannel; editor.quantizeValueDisp = &config.quantizeValue; editor.mod2WavFadeOutSeconds = 6; editor.programRunning = true; return true; oom: showErrorMsgBox("Out of memory!"); return false; } static void handleSigTerm(void) { if (editor.mod2WavOngoing) { editor.mod2WavOngoing = false; editor.abortMod2Wav = true; SDL_WaitThread(editor.mod2WavThread, NULL); removeAskBox(); } if (song->modified) { resetAllScreens(); if (!video.fullscreen) { // de-minimize window and set focus so that the user sees the message box SDL_RestoreWindow(video.window); SDL_RaiseWindow(video.window); } if (askBox(ASKBOX_YES_NO, "REALLY QUIT ?")) ui.throwExit = true; } else { ui.throwExit = true; } } // macOS/OS X specific routines #ifdef __APPLE__ static void osxSetDirToProgramDirFromArgs(char **argv) { /* OS X/macOS: hackish way of setting the current working directory to the place where we double clicked ** on the icon (for protracker.ini loading) */ // if we launched from the terminal, argv[0][0] would be '.' if (argv[0] != NULL && argv[0][0] == DIR_DELIMITER) // don't do the hack if we launched from the terminal { char *tmpPath = strdup(argv[0]); if (tmpPath != NULL) { // cut off program filename int32_t tmpPathLen = strlen(tmpPath); for (int32_t i = tmpPathLen-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tmpPath[i] == DIR_DELIMITER) { tmpPath[i] = '\0'; break; } } chdir(tmpPath); // path to binary chdir("../../../"); // we should now be in the directory where the config can be. free(tmpPath); } } } static bool checkIfAppWasTranslocated(int argc, char **argv) { const char startOfStrToCmp[] = "/private/var/folders/"; // this is not 100% guaranteed to work, but it's Good Enough if (argc > 0 && !_strnicmp(argv[0], startOfStrToCmp, sizeof (startOfStrToCmp)-1)) { showErrorMsgBox( "The program was translocated to a random sandbox environment for security reasons, and thus it can't find and load protracker.ini.\n\n" \ "Don't worry, this is normal. To fix the issue you need to move the program/.app somewhere to clear its QTN_FLAG_TRANSLOCATE flag.\n\n" \ "Instructions:\n" \ "1) Close the window.\n" \ "2) Move/drag (do NOT copy) the program (pt2-clone-macos) to another folder, then move it back to where it was. Don't move the folder, move the executable itself.\n" \ "3) Run the program again, and if you did it right it should be permanently fixed.\n\n" \ "This is not my fault, it's a security concept introduced in macOS 10.12 for unsigned programs downloaded and unzipped from the internet." ); return true; } return false; } #endif // Windows specific routines #ifdef _WIN32 static void disableWasapi(void) { // disable problematic WASAPI SDL2 audio driver on Windows (causes clicks/pops sometimes...) const int32_t numAudioDrivers = SDL_GetNumAudioDrivers(); if (numAudioDrivers <= 1) return; // look for directsound and enable it if found for (int32_t i = 0; i < numAudioDrivers; i++) { const char *audioDriver = SDL_GetAudioDriver(i); if (audioDriver != NULL && strcmp("directsound", audioDriver) == 0) { SDL_setenv("SDL_AUDIODRIVER", "directsound", true); audio.rescanAudioDevicesSupported = false; return; } } // directsound is not available, try winmm for (int32_t i = 0; i < numAudioDrivers; i++) { const char *audioDriver = SDL_GetAudioDriver(i); if (audioDriver != NULL && strcmp("winmm", audioDriver) == 0) { SDL_setenv("SDL_AUDIODRIVER", "winmm", true); audio.rescanAudioDevicesSupported = false; return; } } // we didn't find directsound or winmm, let's use wasapi after all... } static void makeSureDirIsProgramDir(void) { #ifndef _DEBUG int32_t i; // this can return two paths in Windows, but first one is .exe path UNICHAR *path = GetCommandLineW(); if (path == NULL) return; UNICHAR *allocPtr = UNICHAR_STRDUP(path); if (allocPtr == NULL) return; // out of memory (but it doesn't matter) path = allocPtr; int32_t pathLen = (int32_t)UNICHAR_STRLEN(path); // remove first " if (path[0] == L'\"') path++; // end string if we find another " (there can be multiple paths) for (i = 0; i < pathLen; i++) { if (path[i] == L'\"') { path[i] = L'\0'; pathLen = (int32_t)UNICHAR_STRLEN(path); break; } } // get path without filename now for (i = pathLen-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i < pathLen-1 && path[i] == L'\\') { path[i] = L'\0'; break; } } if (i <= 0) { // argv[0] doesn't contain the path, we're most likely in the clone's directory now free(allocPtr); return; } // "C:" -> "C:\" if (path[i] == L':') path[i + 1] = L'\\'; SetCurrentDirectoryW(path); // this *can* fail, but it doesn't matter free(allocPtr); #else return; #endif } static bool instanceAlreadyOpen(void) { hMapFile = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, sharedHwndName); if (hMapFile != NULL) return true; // another instance is already open // no instance is open, let's created a shared memory file with hWnd in it oneInstHandle = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof (HWND), sharedHwndName); if (oneInstHandle != NULL) { sharedMemBuf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(oneInstHandle, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof (HWND)); if (sharedMemBuf != NULL) { CopyMemory((PVOID)sharedMemBuf, &video.hWnd, sizeof (HWND)); UnmapViewOfFile(sharedMemBuf); sharedMemBuf = NULL; } } return false; } static bool handleSingleInstancing(int32_t argc, char **argv) { SDL_SysWMinfo wmInfo; SDL_VERSION(&wmInfo.version); if (!SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(video.window, &wmInfo)) return false; video.hWnd =; if (instanceAlreadyOpen() && argc >= 2 && argv[1][0] != '\0') { sharedMemBuf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof (HWND)); if (sharedMemBuf != NULL) { memcpy(&hWnd_to, sharedMemBuf, sizeof (HWND)); UnmapViewOfFile(sharedMemBuf); sharedMemBuf = NULL; CloseHandle(hMapFile); hMapFile = NULL; hMapFile = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, ARGV_SHARED_MEM_MAX_LEN, sharedFileName); if (hMapFile != NULL) { sharedMemBuf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, ARGV_SHARED_MEM_MAX_LEN); if (sharedMemBuf != NULL) { strcpy((char *)sharedMemBuf, argv[1]); UnmapViewOfFile(sharedMemBuf); sharedMemBuf = NULL; SendMessage(hWnd_to, SYSMSG_FILE_ARG, 0, 0); Sleep(80); // wait a bit to make sure first instance received msg CloseHandle(hMapFile); hMapFile = NULL; return true; // quit instance now } } return true; } CloseHandle(hMapFile); hMapFile = NULL; } return false; } static void handleSysMsg(SDL_Event inputEvent) { if (inputEvent.type != SDL_SYSWMEVENT) return; SDL_SysWMmsg *wmMsg = inputEvent.syswm.msg; if (wmMsg->subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_WINDOWS && wmMsg-> == SYSMSG_FILE_ARG) { hMapFile = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, sharedFileName); if (hMapFile != NULL) { sharedMemBuf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, ARGV_SHARED_MEM_MAX_LEN); if (sharedMemBuf != NULL) { loadDroppedFile((char *)sharedMemBuf, (uint32_t)strlen(sharedMemBuf), true, true); UnmapViewOfFile(sharedMemBuf); sharedMemBuf = NULL; } CloseHandle(hMapFile); hMapFile = NULL; } } } void closeSingleInstancing(void) { if (oneInstHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle(oneInstHandle); oneInstHandle = NULL; } } static LONG WINAPI exceptionHandler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ptr) #else static void exceptionHandler(int32_t signal) #endif { #define BACKUP_FILES_TO_TRY 1000 char fileName[32]; uint16_t i; struct stat statBuffer; #ifdef _WIN32 (void)ptr; if (oneInstHandle != NULL) CloseHandle(oneInstHandle); #else if (signal == 15) return; #endif if (!backupMadeAfterCrash) { if (editor.modulesPathU != NULL && UNICHAR_CHDIR(editor.modulesPathU) == 0) { // find a free filename for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { sprintf(fileName, "backup%03d.mod", i); if (stat(fileName, &statBuffer) != 0) break; // file doesn't exist, we're good } if (i != 1000) modSave(fileName); } backupMadeAfterCrash = true; // set this flag to prevent multiple backups from being saved at once showErrorMsgBox(CRASH_TEXT); } #ifdef _WIN32 return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; #endif } static void cleanUp(void) // never call this inside the main loop! { modStop(); modFree(); audioClose(); deAllocSamplerVars(); freeDiskOpMem(); freeDiskOpEntryMem(); freeBMPs(); videoClose(); freeSprites(); freeAudioDeviceList(); // pt2_sampling.c freeKaiserTable(); // pt2_sampling.c if (config.defModulesDir != NULL) free(config.defModulesDir); if (config.defSamplesDir != NULL) free(config.defSamplesDir); if (editor.tempSample != NULL) free(editor.tempSample); #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef _DEBUG UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_hKeyboardHook); #endif if (oneInstHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle(oneInstHandle); oneInstHandle = NULL; } #endif }