ref: 4188e80007f412afb1eaa79901189675073db0ef
dir: /src/pt2_posed.c/
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "pt2_textout.h" #include "pt2_visuals.h" #include "pt2_helpers.h" #include "pt2_replayer.h" #include "pt2_bmp.h" #include "pt2_mouse.h" #include "pt2_edit.h" #include "pt2_textedit.h" #include "pt2_posed.h" static char posEdNames[MAX_PATTERNS][16]; void posEdClearNames(void) { memset(posEdNames, 0, sizeof (posEdNames)); if (ui.posEdScreenShown) ui.updatePosEd = true; } void posEdEditName(void) { if (editor.currMode == MODE_IDLE || editor.currMode == MODE_EDIT) { const uint8_t pattern = (uint8_t)song->header.patternTable[song->currPos & 0x7F]; textEdit.textStartPtr = posEdNames[pattern]; textEdit.textEndPtr = posEdNames[pattern] + 15; textEdit.numBlocks = 15; textEdit.cursorStartX = 184; textEdit.cursorStartY = 58; textEdit.scrollable = true; enterTextEditMode(PTB_PE_PATTNAME); } } void posEdInsert(void) { if ((editor.currMode == MODE_IDLE || editor.currMode == MODE_EDIT) && song->header.songLength < 128) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < 127-song->currPos; i++) song->header.patternTable[127-i] = song->header.patternTable[(127-i)-1]; song->header.patternTable[song->currPos] = 0; song->header.songLength++; if (song->currPos > song->header.songLength-1) editor.currPosEdPattDisp = &song->header.patternTable[song->header.songLength-1]; updateWindowTitle(MOD_IS_MODIFIED); ui.updateSongSize = true; ui.updateSongLength = true; ui.updateSongPattern = true; if (ui.posEdScreenShown) ui.updatePosEd = true; } } void posEdDelete(void) { if ((editor.currMode == MODE_IDLE || editor.currMode == MODE_EDIT) && song->header.songLength > 1) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < 128-song->currPos; i++) song->header.patternTable[song->currPos+i] = song->header.patternTable[song->currPos+i+1]; song->header.patternTable[127] = 0; song->header.songLength--; if (song->currPos > song->header.songLength-1) editor.currPosEdPattDisp = &song->header.patternTable[song->header.songLength-1]; updateWindowTitle(MOD_IS_MODIFIED); ui.updateSongSize = true; ui.updateSongLength = true; ui.updateSongPattern = true; if (ui.posEdScreenShown) ui.updatePosEd = true; } } void posEdToggle(void) { ui.posEdScreenShown ^= 1; if (ui.posEdScreenShown) { renderPosEdScreen(); ui.updatePosEd = true; } else { displayMainScreen(); } } void renderPosEdScreen(void) { blit32(120, 0, 200, 99, posEdBMP); ui.updatePosEd = true; } static void drawPosEdName(int32_t entry, int32_t y, bool selected) { const uint8_t pattern = (uint8_t)song->header.patternTable[entry & 0x7F]; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 15; i++) { const int32_t x = 184 + (i * FONT_CHAR_W); char ch; if (ui.editTextFlag) ch = posEdNames[pattern][textEdit.scrollOffset + i]; else ch = posEdNames[pattern][i]; if (ch == '\0') break; if (selected) charOut(x, y, ch, video.palette[PAL_GENTXT]); else charOut(x, y, ch, video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); } } void updatePosEd(void) { if (!ui.updatePosEd || !ui.posEdScreenShown || ui.askBoxShown) return; ui.updatePosEd = false; // clear entries first fillRect(128, 23, (22*FONT_CHAR_W)-1, ((FONT_CHAR_H+1)*5)-1, video.palette[PAL_BACKGRD]); fillRect(128, 53, (22*FONT_CHAR_W)-1, FONT_CHAR_H, video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); fillRect(128, 59, (22*FONT_CHAR_W)-1, ((FONT_CHAR_H+1)*6)-1, video.palette[PAL_BACKGRD]); for (int32_t i = 0; i < POSED_LIST_SIZE; i++) { const int32_t entry = song->currPos - (5 - i); if (entry < 0 || entry >= song->header.songLength) continue; const int32_t pattern = song->header.patternTable[entry]; const int32_t yPos = 23 + (i * (FONT_CHAR_H+1)); const bool selected = (i == 5); const uint32_t textColor = selected ? video.palette[PAL_GENTXT] : video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]; printThreeDecimals(128, yPos, entry, textColor); printTwoDecimals(160, yPos, selected ? *editor.currPosEdPattDisp : pattern, textColor); drawPosEdName(entry, yPos, selected); } // kludge to fix bottom part of text edit marker if (ui.editTextFlag && (textEdit.object == PTB_PE_PATT || textEdit.object == PTB_PE_PATTNAME)) renderTextEditCursor(); }