ref: 4188e80007f412afb1eaa79901189675073db0ef
dir: /src/pt2_module_loader.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "pt2_mouse.h" #include "pt2_sampler.h" #include "pt2_replayer.h" #include "pt2_textout.h" #include "pt2_audio.h" #include "pt2_helpers.h" #include "pt2_visuals.h" #include "pt2_sample_loader.h" #include "pt2_config.h" #include "modloaders/pt2_load_mod15.h" #include "modloaders/pt2_load_mod31.h" #include "modloaders/pt2_xpk_unpack.h" #include "modloaders/pt2_pp_unpack.h" #include "pt2_askbox.h" #include "pt2_posed.h" static void fixZeroesInString(char *str, uint32_t maxLength); // converts zeroes to spaces in a string, up until the last zero found module_t *modLoad(UNICHAR *fileName) { uint32_t powerPackerID; uint8_t *modBuffer = NULL; module_t *newMod = NULL; FILE *f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(fileName, "rb"); if (f == NULL) { displayErrorMsg("FILE I/O ERROR !"); goto loadError; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); uint32_t filesize = ftell(f); rewind(f); // check if mod is a powerpacker mod fread(&powerPackerID, 4, 1, f); if (powerPackerID == 0x30325850) // "PX20" { displayErrorMsg("ENCRYPTED MOD !"); goto loadError; } else if (powerPackerID == 0x30325050) // "PP20" { modBuffer = unpackPP(f, &filesize); if (modBuffer == NULL) { displayErrorMsg("PP UNPACK ERROR !"); goto loadError; // error msg is set in unpackPPModule() } } else { if (detectXPK(f)) { if (!unpackXPK(f, &filesize, &modBuffer)) { displayErrorMsg("XPK UNPACK ERROR"); goto loadError; } if (modBuffer == NULL) { statusOutOfMemory(); goto loadError; } fclose(f); } else { modBuffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(filesize); if (modBuffer == NULL) { statusOutOfMemory(); goto loadError; } rewind(f); fread(modBuffer, 1, filesize, f); fclose(f); } } // read module is in now in modBuffer, time to load... bool isMod31 = detectMod31(modBuffer, filesize); if (isMod31) newMod = loadMod31(modBuffer, filesize); else newMod = loadMod15(modBuffer, filesize); free(modBuffer); modBuffer = NULL; if (newMod == NULL) { // error message is shown in the mod loader goto loadError; } // module is loaded, do some sanitation... newMod->[20] = '\0'; // convert illegal song name characters to space for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) { char tmpChar = newMod->[i]; if ((tmpChar < ' ' || tmpChar > '~') && tmpChar != '\0') tmpChar = ' '; newMod->[i] = tmpChar; } fixZeroesInString(newMod->, 20); moduleSample_t *s = newMod->samples; for (int32_t i = 0; i < MOD_SAMPLES; i++, s++) { s->text[22] = '\0'; // convert illegal sample name characters to space for (int32_t j = 0; j < 22; j++) { char tmpChar = s->text[j]; if ((tmpChar < ' ' || tmpChar > '~') && tmpChar != '\0') tmpChar = ' '; s->text[j] = tmpChar; } fixZeroesInString(s->text, 22); if (s->length > config.maxSampleLength) s->length = config.maxSampleLength; if ((uint8_t)s->volume > 64) s->volume = 64; if (s->loopLength < 2) s->loopLength = 2; // we don't support samples bigger than 65534 (or 128kB) bytes, disable uncompatible loops if (s->loopStart > config.maxSampleLength || s->loopStart+s->loopLength > config.maxSampleLength) { s->loopStart = 0; s->loopLength = 2; } // some modules are broken like this, adjust sample length if possible (this is ok if we have room) if (s->length > 0 && s->loopLength > 2 && s->loopStart+s->loopLength > s->length) { int32_t loopOverflowVal = (s->loopStart + s->loopLength) - s->length; if (s->length+loopOverflowVal <= config.maxSampleLength) { s->length += loopOverflowVal; // this is safe, we're allocating 65534 bytes per sample slot } else { s->loopStart = 0; s->loopLength = 2; } } // clear first two bytes of non-looping samples to prevent beep after sample has been played if (s->length >= 2 && s->loopStart+s->loopLength <= 2) { newMod->sampleData[s->offset+0] = 0; newMod->sampleData[s->offset+1] = 0; } } initializeModuleChannels(newMod); return newMod; loadError: if (modBuffer != NULL) free(modBuffer); return NULL; } static void fixZeroesInString(char *str, uint32_t maxLength) { int32_t i; for (i = maxLength-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (str[i] != '\0') break; } // convert zeroes to spaces if (i > 0) { for (int32_t j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (str[j] == '\0') str[j] = ' '; } } } void setupLoadedMod(void) { moduleSample_t *s = song->samples; for (int32_t i = 0; i < MOD_SAMPLES; i++, s++) fillSampleRedoBuffer((uint8_t)i); modSetPos(0, 0); modSetPattern(0); // set pattern to 00 instead of first order's pattern posEdClearNames(); // setup GUI text pointers editor.currEditPatternDisp = &song->currPattern; editor.currPosDisp = &song->currPos; editor.currPatternDisp = &song->header.patternTable[0]; editor.currPosEdPattDisp = &song->header.patternTable[0]; editor.currLengthDisp = &song->header.songLength; // calculate MOD size ui.updateSongSize = true; editor.muted[0] = false; editor.muted[1] = false; editor.muted[2] = false; editor.muted[3] = false; editor.editMoveAdd = 1; editor.currSample = 0; editor.playbackSeconds = 0; editor.playbackSecondsFrac = 0; editor.modLoaded = true; editor.blockMarkFlag = false; editor.sampleZero = false; editor.hiLowInstr = 0; // disable LED filter after module load (real PT doesn't do this) setLEDFilter(false); updateWindowTitle(MOD_NOT_MODIFIED); editor.timingMode = TEMPO_MODE_CIA; updateReplayerTimingMode(); modSetSpeed(6); modSetTempo(song->header.initialTempo, false); // 125 for normal MODs, custom value for certain STK/UST MODs updateCurrSample(); editor.samplePos = 0; updateSamplePos(); } void loadModFromArg(char *arg) { ui.introTextShown = false; statusAllRight(); uint32_t filenameLen = (uint32_t)strlen(arg); UNICHAR *filenameU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(filenameLen + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); if (filenameU == NULL) { statusOutOfMemory(); return; } #ifdef _WIN32 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, arg, -1, filenameU, filenameLen); #else strcpy(filenameU, arg); #endif module_t *newSong = modLoad(filenameU); if (newSong != NULL) { song->loaded = false; modFree(); song = newSong; setupLoadedMod(); song->loaded = true; } else { editor.errorMsgActive = true; editor.errorMsgBlock = true; editor.errorMsgCounter = 0; // status/error message is set in the mod loader setErrPointer(); } free(filenameU); } static bool testExtension(char *ext, uint8_t extLen, char *fullPath) { // checks for EXT.filename and filename.EXT extLen++; // add one to length (dot) char *fileName = strrchr(fullPath, DIR_DELIMITER); if (fileName != NULL) fileName++; else fileName = fullPath; uint32_t fileNameLen = (uint32_t)strlen(fileName); if (fileNameLen >= extLen) { char begStr[8], endStr[8]; sprintf(begStr, "%s.", ext); if (!_strnicmp(begStr, fileName, extLen)) return true; sprintf(endStr, ".%s", ext); if (!_strnicmp(endStr, fileName + (fileNameLen - extLen), extLen)) return true; } return false; } void loadDroppedFile(char *fullPath, uint32_t fullPathLen, bool autoPlay, bool songModifiedCheck) { // don't allow drag n' drop if the tracker is busy if (ui.pointerMode == POINTER_MODE_MSG1 || diskop.isFilling || editor.mod2WavOngoing || editor.pat2SmpOngoing || ui.samplerFiltersBoxShown || ui.samplerVolBoxShown || ui.samplingBoxShown) { return; } char *ansiName = (char *)calloc(fullPathLen + 10, sizeof (char)); if (ansiName == NULL) { statusOutOfMemory(); return; } UNICHAR *fullPathU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(fullPathLen + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); if (fullPathU == NULL) { free(ansiName); statusOutOfMemory(); return; } #ifdef _WIN32 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fullPath, -1, fullPathU, fullPathLen); #else strcpy(fullPathU, fullPath); #endif unicharToAnsi(ansiName, fullPathU, fullPathLen); // make a new pointer point to filename (strip path) char *fileName = strrchr(ansiName, DIR_DELIMITER); if (fileName != NULL) fileName++; else fileName = ansiName; // check if the file extension is a module (FIXME: check module by content instead..?) bool isMod = false; if (testExtension("MOD", 3, fileName)) isMod = true; else if (testExtension("M15", 3, fileName)) isMod = true; else if (testExtension("STK", 3, fileName)) isMod = true; else if (testExtension("NST", 3, fileName)) isMod = true; else if (testExtension("UST", 3, fileName)) isMod = true; else if (testExtension("PP", 2, fileName)) isMod = true; else if (testExtension("NT", 2, fileName)) isMod = true; if (isMod) { if (songModifiedCheck && song->modified) { // de-minimize window and set focus so that the user sees the message box SDL_RestoreWindow(video.window); SDL_RaiseWindow(video.window); if (!askBox(ASKBOX_YES_NO, "SONG IS UNSAVED !")) goto DropExit; } module_t *newSong = modLoad(fullPathU); if (newSong != NULL) { uint8_t oldMode = editor.currMode; uint8_t oldPlayMode = editor.playMode; modStop(); modFree(); song = newSong; setupLoadedMod(); song->loaded = true; statusAllRight(); if (autoPlay) { editor.playMode = PLAY_MODE_NORMAL; editor.currMode = MODE_PLAY; // start normal playback modPlay(DONT_SET_PATTERN, 0, 0); pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_PLAY, DO_CARRY); } else if (oldMode == MODE_PLAY || oldMode == MODE_RECORD) { // use last mode editor.playMode = oldPlayMode; if (oldPlayMode == PLAY_MODE_PATTERN || oldMode == MODE_RECORD) modPlay(0, 0, 0); else modPlay(DONT_SET_PATTERN, 0, 0); editor.currMode = oldMode; if (oldMode == MODE_RECORD) pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_RECORD, DO_CARRY); else pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_PLAY, DO_CARRY); } else { // stop playback editor.playMode = PLAY_MODE_NORMAL; editor.currMode = MODE_IDLE; editor.songPlaying = false; pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_IDLE, DO_CARRY); } displayMainScreen(); } else { editor.errorMsgActive = true; editor.errorMsgBlock = true; editor.errorMsgCounter = 0; setErrPointer(); // status/error message is set in the mod loader } } else { loadSample(fullPathU, fileName); } DropExit: free(ansiName); free(fullPathU); }