ref: 3c5ead79ec3902eddfb91e3b53bacd5e7c483066
dir: /src/pt2_diskop.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <math.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <direct.h> #include <io.h> #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN #include <windows.h> #include <shlobj.h> // SHGetFolderPathW() #else #include <unistd.h> #include <dirent.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <time.h> #include <limits.h> #include "pt2_header.h" #include "pt2_textout.h" #include "pt2_diskop.h" #include "pt2_tables.h" #include "pt2_module_loader.h" #include "pt2_audio.h" #include "pt2_sampler.h" #include "pt2_config.h" #include "pt2_helpers.h" #include "pt2_keyboard.h" #include "pt2_visuals.h" #include "pt2_sample_loader.h" #include "pt2_bmp.h" typedef struct fileEntry_t { UNICHAR *nameU; char firstAnsiChar; // for handleEntryJumping(); char dateChanged[6 + 1]; bool isDir; int32_t filesize; } fileEntry_t; // "look for file" flags enum { LFF_DONE = 0, LFF_SKIP = 1, LFF_OK = 2 }; #ifdef _WIN32 #define PARENT_DIR_STR L".." static HANDLE hFind; #else #define PARENT_DIR_STR ".." static DIR *hFind; #endif static char fileNameBuffer[PATH_MAX + 1]; static uint32_t oldFileEntryRow; static UNICHAR pathTmp[PATH_MAX + 2]; static fileEntry_t *diskOpEntry; void addSampleFileExt(char *fileName) { switch (diskop.smpSaveType) { case DISKOP_SMP_WAV: strcat(fileName, ".wav"); break; case DISKOP_SMP_IFF: strcat(fileName, ".iff"); break; default: case DISKOP_SMP_RAW: break; } } static fileEntry_t *bufferCreateEmptyDir(void) // special case: creates a dir entry with a ".." directory { fileEntry_t *dirEntry; dirEntry = (fileEntry_t *)malloc(sizeof (fileEntry_t)); if (dirEntry == NULL) return NULL; dirEntry->nameU = UNICHAR_STRDUP(PARENT_DIR_STR); if (dirEntry->nameU == NULL) { free(dirEntry); return NULL; } dirEntry->isDir = true; dirEntry->filesize = 0; return dirEntry; } // deciding whether to load this entry into the buffer or not static bool listEntry(fileEntry_t *f) { int32_t entryName = (int32_t)UNICHAR_STRLEN(f->nameU); #ifdef _WIN32 if (f->isDir && entryName == 2 && !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(f->nameU, "..", 2)) return true; // always show ".." directory #else if (f->isDir && entryName == 2 && !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(f->nameU, "..", 2) && !(editor.currPath[0] == '/' && editor.currPath[1] == '\0')) return true; // always show ".." directory (unless in root dir) #endif if (!UNICHAR_STRNICMP(f->nameU, ".", 1)) return false; // skip ".name" entries if (f->isDir || diskop.mode == DISKOP_MODE_SMP) return true; // list all entries if (entryName >= 4) { if (!UNICHAR_STRNICMP(f->nameU, "MOD.", 4) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(&f->nameU[entryName - 4], ".MOD", 4) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(f->nameU, "STK.", 4) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(&f->nameU[entryName - 4], ".STK", 4) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(f->nameU, "M15.", 4) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(&f->nameU[entryName - 4], ".M15", 4) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(f->nameU, "NST.", 4) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(&f->nameU[entryName - 4], ".NST", 4) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(f->nameU, "UST.", 4) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(&f->nameU[entryName - 4], ".UST", 4) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(f->nameU, "PP.", 3) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(&f->nameU[entryName - 3], ".PP", 3) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(f->nameU, "NT.", 3) || !UNICHAR_STRNICMP(&f->nameU[entryName - 3], ".NT", 3)) { return true; } } return false; } static int8_t findFirst(fileEntry_t *searchRec) { #ifdef _WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATAW fData; SYSTEMTIME sysTime; #else struct dirent *fData; struct stat st; #endif searchRec->nameU = NULL; // this one must be initialized #ifdef _WIN32 hFind = FindFirstFileW(L"*", &fData); if (hFind == NULL || hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return LFF_DONE; searchRec->nameU = UNICHAR_STRDUP(fData.cFileName); if (searchRec->nameU == NULL) return LFF_SKIP; searchRec->filesize = (fData.nFileSizeHigh > 0) ? -1 : fData.nFileSizeLow; searchRec->isDir = (fData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? true : false; #else hFind = opendir("."); if (hFind == NULL) return LFF_DONE; fData = readdir(hFind); if (fData == NULL) return LFF_DONE; searchRec->nameU = UNICHAR_STRDUP(fData->d_name); if (searchRec->nameU == NULL) return LFF_SKIP; searchRec->filesize = 0; searchRec->isDir = false; if (stat(fData->d_name, &st) == 0) { searchRec->isDir = !!(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR); searchRec->filesize = ((int64_t)st.st_size > INT32_MAX) ? -1 : (int32_t)st.st_size; } #endif if (searchRec->filesize < -1) searchRec->filesize = -1; if (!listEntry(searchRec)) { // skip entry free(searchRec->nameU); searchRec->nameU = NULL; return LFF_SKIP; } #ifdef _WIN32 FileTimeToSystemTime(&fData.ftLastWriteTime, &sysTime); snprintf(searchRec->dateChanged, 7, "%02d%02d%02d", sysTime.wDay, sysTime.wMonth, sysTime.wYear % 100); unicharToAnsi(&searchRec->firstAnsiChar, searchRec->nameU, 1); #else strftime(searchRec->dateChanged, 7, "%d%m%y", localtime(&st.st_mtime)); searchRec->firstAnsiChar = (char)searchRec->nameU[0]; #endif return LFF_OK; } static int8_t findNext(fileEntry_t *searchRec) { #ifdef _WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATAW fData; SYSTEMTIME sysTime; #else struct dirent *fData; struct stat st; #endif searchRec->nameU = NULL; // important #ifdef _WIN32 if (hFind == NULL || FindNextFileW(hFind, &fData) == 0) return LFF_DONE; searchRec->nameU = UNICHAR_STRDUP(fData.cFileName); if (searchRec->nameU == NULL) return LFF_SKIP; searchRec->filesize = (fData.nFileSizeHigh > 0) ? -1 : fData.nFileSizeLow; searchRec->isDir = (fData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? true : false; FileTimeToSystemTime(&fData.ftLastWriteTime, &sysTime); #else if (hFind == NULL || (fData = readdir(hFind)) == NULL) return LFF_DONE; searchRec->nameU = UNICHAR_STRDUP(fData->d_name); if (searchRec->nameU == NULL) return LFF_SKIP; searchRec->filesize = 0; searchRec->isDir = false; if (stat(fData->d_name, &st) == 0) { searchRec->isDir = !!(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR); searchRec->filesize = ((int64_t)st.st_size > INT32_MAX) ? -1 : (int32_t)st.st_size; } #endif if (searchRec->filesize < -1) searchRec->filesize = -1; if (!listEntry(searchRec)) { // skip entry free(searchRec->nameU); searchRec->nameU = NULL; return LFF_SKIP; } #ifdef _WIN32 FileTimeToSystemTime(&fData.ftLastWriteTime, &sysTime); snprintf(searchRec->dateChanged, 7, "%02d%02d%02d", sysTime.wDay, sysTime.wMonth, sysTime.wYear % 100); unicharToAnsi(&searchRec->firstAnsiChar, searchRec->nameU, 1); #else strftime(searchRec->dateChanged, 7, "%d%m%y", localtime(&st.st_mtime)); searchRec->firstAnsiChar = (char)searchRec->nameU[0]; #endif return LFF_OK; } static void findClose(void) { if (hFind != NULL) { #ifdef _WIN32 FindClose(hFind); #else closedir(hFind); #endif hFind = NULL; } } void diskOpShowSelectText(void) { if (!ui.diskOpScreenShown || ui.pointerMode == POINTER_MODE_MSG1 || editor.errorMsgActive) return; if (diskop.mode == DISKOP_MODE_MOD) setStatusMessage("SELECT MODULE", NO_CARRY); else setStatusMessage("SELECT SAMPLE", NO_CARRY); } void handleEntryJumping(SDL_Keycode jumpToChar) // SHIFT+character { if (diskOpEntry != NULL) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < diskop.numEntries; i++) { if (jumpToChar == diskOpEntry[i].firstAnsiChar) { // fix visual overrun if (diskop.numEntries > DISKOP_LINES && i > diskop.numEntries-DISKOP_LINES) i = diskop.numEntries - DISKOP_LINES; diskop.scrollOffset = i; ui.updateDiskOpFileList = true; return; } } } // character not found in file list, show red mouse pointer (error)! editor.errorMsgActive = true; editor.errorMsgBlock = true; editor.errorMsgCounter = 0; setErrPointer(); } bool diskOpEntryIsEmpty(int32_t fileIndex) { if (diskop.scrollOffset+fileIndex >= diskop.numEntries) return true; return false; } bool diskOpEntryIsDir(int32_t fileIndex) { if (diskOpEntry != NULL) { if (!diskOpEntryIsEmpty(fileIndex)) return diskOpEntry[diskop.scrollOffset+fileIndex].isDir; } return false; // couldn't look up entry } char *diskOpGetAnsiEntry(int32_t fileIndex) { UNICHAR *filenameU; if (diskOpEntry != NULL && !diskOpEntryIsEmpty(fileIndex)) { filenameU = diskOpEntry[diskop.scrollOffset+fileIndex].nameU; if (filenameU != NULL) { unicharToAnsi(fileNameBuffer, filenameU, PATH_MAX); return fileNameBuffer; } } return NULL; } UNICHAR *diskOpGetUnicodeEntry(int32_t fileIndex) { if (diskOpEntry != NULL && !diskOpEntryIsEmpty(fileIndex)) return diskOpEntry[diskop.scrollOffset+fileIndex].nameU; return NULL; } static void setVisualPathToCwd(void) { memset(editor.currPath, 0, PATH_MAX + 10); memset(editor.currPathU, 0, (PATH_MAX + 2) * sizeof (UNICHAR)); UNICHAR_GETCWD(editor.currPathU, PATH_MAX); if (diskop.mode == DISKOP_MODE_MOD) UNICHAR_STRCPY(editor.modulesPathU, editor.currPathU); else UNICHAR_STRCPY(editor.samplesPathU, editor.currPathU); unicharToAnsi(editor.currPath, editor.currPathU, PATH_MAX); ui.updateDiskOpPathText = true; } bool changePathToHome(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 UNICHAR pathU[PATH_MAX + 2]; if (SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_PROFILE, NULL, 0, pathU) >= 0) { if (UNICHAR_CHDIR(pathU) == 0) return true; } return false; #else char *homePath; homePath = getenv("HOME"); if (homePath != NULL && chdir(homePath) == 0) return true; return false; #endif } void setPathFromDiskOpMode(void) { UNICHAR_CHDIR((diskop.mode == DISKOP_MODE_MOD) ? editor.modulesPathU : editor.samplesPathU); setVisualPathToCwd(); } bool diskOpSetPath(UNICHAR *path, bool cache) { if (path != NULL && UNICHAR_CHDIR(path) == 0) { setVisualPathToCwd(); if (cache) diskop.cached = false; if (ui.diskOpScreenShown) ui.updateDiskOpFileList = true; diskop.scrollOffset = 0; return true; } else { setVisualPathToCwd(); displayErrorMsg("CAN'T OPEN DIR !"); return false; } } void diskOpSetInitPath(void) { // default module path if (config.defModulesDir[0] != '\0') { #ifdef _WIN32 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, config.defModulesDir, -1, pathTmp, PATH_MAX); #else strcpy(pathTmp, config.defModulesDir); #endif UNICHAR_STRCPY(editor.modulesPathU, pathTmp); } else { // no path set in config, set to current working directory UNICHAR_GETCWD(editor.modulesPathU, PATH_MAX); } // default sample path if (config.defSamplesDir[0] != '\0') { #ifdef _WIN32 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, config.defSamplesDir, -1, pathTmp, PATH_MAX); #else strcpy(pathTmp, config.defSamplesDir); #endif UNICHAR_STRCPY(editor.samplesPathU, pathTmp); } else { // no path set in config, set to current working directory UNICHAR_GETCWD(editor.samplesPathU, PATH_MAX); } setPathFromDiskOpMode(); } bool allocDiskOpVars(void) { editor.fileNameTmpU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); editor.entryNameTmp = (char *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 10, sizeof (char)); editor.currPath = (char *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 10, sizeof (char)); editor.currPathU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); editor.modulesPathU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); editor.samplesPathU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); if (editor.fileNameTmpU == NULL || editor.entryNameTmp == NULL || editor.currPath == NULL || editor.currPathU == NULL || editor.modulesPathU == NULL || editor.samplesPathU == NULL) { // allocated leftovers are free'd lateron return false; } return true; } void freeDiskOpMem(void) { if (editor.fileNameTmpU != NULL) free(editor.fileNameTmpU); if (editor.entryNameTmp != NULL) free(editor.entryNameTmp); if (editor.currPath != NULL) free(editor.currPath); if (editor.currPathU != NULL) free(editor.currPathU); if (editor.modulesPathU != NULL) free(editor.modulesPathU); if (editor.samplesPathU != NULL) free(editor.samplesPathU); } void freeDiskOpEntryMem(void) { if (diskOpEntry != NULL) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < diskop.numEntries; i++) { if (diskOpEntry[i].nameU != NULL) free(diskOpEntry[i].nameU); } free(diskOpEntry); diskOpEntry = NULL; } diskop.numEntries = 0; } // thanks to aTc for creating this simplified routine for qsort() (I edited it a little bit) static int32_t fileEntryCompare(const void *f1, const void *f2) { static char fn_1[PATH_MAX+1], fn_2[PATH_MAX+1]; fileEntry_t *fe1 = (fileEntry_t *)f1; fileEntry_t *fe2 = (fileEntry_t *)f2; unicharToAnsi(fn_1, fe1->nameU, PATH_MAX); unicharToAnsi(fn_2, fe2->nameU, PATH_MAX); // ".." directories are always sorted first if (fe1->isDir && strcmp(fn_1, "..") == 0) return -1; if (fe2->isDir && strcmp(fn_2, "..") == 0) return 1; /* ProTracker handles names in upper case during sorting, ** convert the string case. */ const int32_t fe1_l = (int32_t)strlen(fn_1); const int32_t fe2_l = (int32_t)strlen(fn_2); for (int32_t i = 0; i < fe1_l; i++) fn_1[i] = (char)toupper(fn_1[i]); for (int32_t i = 0; i < fe2_l; i++) fn_2[i] = (char)toupper(fn_2[i]); // if both entries are the same type if (fe1->isDir == fe2->isDir) return strcmp(fn_1, fn_2); // different types, so one of them is a dir if (fe1->isDir) return -1; // first one is a dir return 1; // second one is a dir } static void sortEntries(void) { if (diskop.numEntries >= 2) qsort(diskOpEntry, diskop.numEntries, sizeof (fileEntry_t), fileEntryCompare); } static bool diskOpFillBuffer(void) { uint8_t lastFindFileFlag; fileEntry_t tmpBuffer, *newPtr; diskop.scrollOffset = 0; // do we have a path set? if (editor.currPathU[0] == '\0') setVisualPathToCwd(); freeDiskOpEntryMem(); // fill disk op. buffer (type, size, path, file name, date changed) // read first file lastFindFileFlag = findFirst(&tmpBuffer); if (lastFindFileFlag != LFF_DONE && lastFindFileFlag != LFF_SKIP) { diskOpEntry = (fileEntry_t *)malloc(sizeof (fileEntry_t) * (diskop.numEntries + 1)); if (diskOpEntry == NULL) { findClose(); freeDiskOpEntryMem(); statusOutOfMemory(); return false; } memcpy(&diskOpEntry[diskop.numEntries], &tmpBuffer, sizeof (fileEntry_t)); diskop.numEntries++; } // read remaining files while (lastFindFileFlag != LFF_DONE) { lastFindFileFlag = findNext(&tmpBuffer); if (lastFindFileFlag != LFF_DONE && lastFindFileFlag != LFF_SKIP) { newPtr = (fileEntry_t *)realloc(diskOpEntry, sizeof (fileEntry_t) * (diskop.numEntries + 1)); if (newPtr == NULL) { findClose(); freeDiskOpEntryMem(); statusOutOfMemory(); return false; } diskOpEntry = newPtr; memcpy(&diskOpEntry[diskop.numEntries], &tmpBuffer, sizeof (fileEntry_t)); diskop.numEntries++; } } findClose(); if (diskop.numEntries > 0) { sortEntries(); } else { // access denied or out of memory - create parent directory link diskOpEntry = bufferCreateEmptyDir(); if (diskOpEntry != NULL) diskop.numEntries = 1; else statusOutOfMemory(); } return true; } static int32_t SDLCALL diskOpFillThreadFunc(void *ptr) { (void)ptr; diskop.isFilling = true; diskOpFillBuffer(); diskop.isFilling = false; ui.updateDiskOpFileList = true; return true; } static void printFileSize(fileEntry_t *entry, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { char tmpStr[7]; uint32_t fileSize, j; if (entry->filesize == -1) // -1 means that the original filesize is above 2GB in our directory reader { textOut(x, y, " >2GB", video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); return; } fileSize = (uint32_t)entry->filesize; if (fileSize <= 999999) { // bytes snprintf(tmpStr, 7, "%06d", fileSize); } else if (fileSize <= 9999999) { // kilobytes fileSize /= 1000; snprintf(tmpStr, 7, "%04dKB", fileSize); } else { // megabytes fileSize /= 1000000; snprintf(tmpStr, 7, "%04dMB", fileSize); } // turn zeroes on the left side into spaces for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { if (tmpStr[j] != '0') break; tmpStr[j] = ' '; } textOut(x, y, tmpStr, video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); } static void printEntryName(char *entryName, int32_t entryLength, int32_t maxLength, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if (entryLength > maxLength) { // shorten name and add ".." to end for (int32_t j = 0; j < maxLength-2; j++) charOut(x + (j * FONT_CHAR_W), y, entryName[j], video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); textOut(x + ((maxLength - 2) * FONT_CHAR_W), y, "..", video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); } else { // print whole name textOut(x, y, entryName, video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); } } void diskOpRenderFileList(void) { char *entryName; uint8_t maxFilenameChars, maxDirNameChars; uint16_t x, y, textXStart; int32_t entryLength; fileEntry_t *entry; if (config.hideDiskOpDates) { textXStart = 8; maxFilenameChars = 30; maxDirNameChars = 31; } else { textXStart = 64; maxFilenameChars = 23; maxDirNameChars = 24; } diskOpShowSelectText(); if (diskop.forceStopReading) return; // if needed, update the file list and add entries if (!diskop.cached) { diskop.fillThread = SDL_CreateThread(diskOpFillThreadFunc, NULL, NULL); if (diskop.fillThread != NULL) SDL_DetachThread(diskop.fillThread); diskop.cached = true; return; } // clear list fillRect(8, 35, 295, 59, video.palette[PAL_BACKGRD]); if (diskop.isFilling || diskOpEntry == NULL) return; // list entries for (int32_t i = 0; i < DISKOP_LINES; i++) { if (diskop.scrollOffset+i >= diskop.numEntries) break; entry = &diskOpEntry[diskop.scrollOffset+i]; entryName = diskOpGetAnsiEntry(i); entryLength = (int32_t)strlen(entryName); x = textXStart; y = (uint8_t)(35 + (i * (FONT_CHAR_H + 1))); if (!entry->isDir) { printEntryName(entryName, entryLength, maxFilenameChars, x, y); // print modification date if (!config.hideDiskOpDates) textOut(8, y, entry->dateChanged, video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); // print file size printFileSize(entry, 256, y); } else { printEntryName(entryName, entryLength, maxDirNameChars, x, y); textOut(264, y, "(DIR)", video.palette[PAL_QADSCP]); } } } void diskOpLoadFile(uint32_t fileEntryRow, bool songModifiedCheck) { uint8_t oldMode, oldPlayMode; UNICHAR *filePath; // if we clicked on an empty space, return... if (diskOpEntryIsEmpty(fileEntryRow)) return; if (diskOpEntryIsDir(fileEntryRow)) { diskOpSetPath(diskOpGetUnicodeEntry(fileEntryRow), DISKOP_CACHE); } else { filePath = diskOpGetUnicodeEntry(fileEntryRow); if (filePath != NULL) { if (diskop.mode == DISKOP_MODE_MOD) { if (songModifiedCheck && song->modified) { oldFileEntryRow = fileEntryRow; showSongUnsavedAskBox(ASK_DISCARD_SONG); return; } module_t *newSong = modLoad(filePath); if (newSong != NULL) { oldMode = editor.currMode; oldPlayMode = editor.playMode; modStop(); modFree(); song = newSong; setupLoadedMod(); song->loaded = true; statusAllRight(); if (config.autoCloseDiskOp) ui.diskOpScreenShown = false; if (config.rememberPlayMode) { if (oldMode == MODE_PLAY || oldMode == MODE_RECORD) { editor.playMode = oldPlayMode; if (oldPlayMode == PLAY_MODE_PATTERN || oldMode == MODE_RECORD) modPlay(0, 0, 0); else modPlay(DONT_SET_PATTERN, 0, 0); if (oldMode == MODE_RECORD) pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_RECORD, DO_CARRY); else pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_PLAY, DO_CARRY); editor.currMode = oldMode; } } else { editor.currMode = MODE_IDLE; editor.playMode = PLAY_MODE_NORMAL; editor.songPlaying = false; pointerSetMode(POINTER_MODE_IDLE, DO_CARRY); } displayMainScreen(); } else { editor.errorMsgActive = true; editor.errorMsgBlock = true; editor.errorMsgCounter = 0; // status/error message is set in the mod loader setErrPointer(); } } else if (diskop.mode == DISKOP_MODE_SMP) { loadSample(filePath, diskOpGetAnsiEntry(fileEntryRow)); } } } } void diskOpLoadFile2(void) { diskOpLoadFile(oldFileEntryRow, false); } void renderDiskOpScreen(void) { blit32(0, 0, 320, 99, diskOpScreenBMP); ui.updateDiskOpPathText = true; ui.updatePackText = true; ui.updateSaveFormatText = true; ui.updateLoadMode = true; ui.updateDiskOpFileList = true; } void updateDiskOp(void) { char tmpChar; if (!ui.diskOpScreenShown || ui.posEdScreenShown) return; if (ui.updateDiskOpFileList) { ui.updateDiskOpFileList = false; diskOpRenderFileList(); } if (ui.updateLoadMode) { ui.updateLoadMode = false; // clear boxes fillRect(147, 3, FONT_CHAR_W, FONT_CHAR_H, video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); fillRect(147, 14, FONT_CHAR_W, FONT_CHAR_H, video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); // draw load mode arrow if (diskop.mode == 0) charOut(147, 3, ARROW_RIGHT, video.palette[PAL_GENTXT]); else charOut(147,14, ARROW_RIGHT, video.palette[PAL_GENTXT]); } if (ui.updatePackText) { ui.updatePackText = false; textOutBg(120, 3, diskop.modPackFlg ? "ON " : "OFF", video.palette[PAL_GENTXT], video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); } if (ui.updateSaveFormatText) { ui.updateSaveFormatText = false; if (diskop.smpSaveType == DISKOP_SMP_WAV) textOutBg(120, 14, "WAV", video.palette[PAL_GENTXT], video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); else if (diskop.smpSaveType == DISKOP_SMP_IFF) textOutBg(120, 14, "IFF", video.palette[PAL_GENTXT], video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); else if (diskop.smpSaveType == DISKOP_SMP_RAW) textOutBg(120, 14, "RAW", video.palette[PAL_GENTXT], video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); } if (ui.updateDiskOpPathText) { ui.updateDiskOpPathText = false; // print disk op. path for (int32_t i = 0; i < 26; i++) { tmpChar = editor.currPath[ui.diskOpPathTextOffset+i]; if (tmpChar == '\0') tmpChar = '_'; charOutBg(24 + (i * FONT_CHAR_W), 25, tmpChar, video.palette[PAL_GENTXT], video.palette[PAL_GENBKG]); } } }