ref: 222e15c0fd199046c3c9ed539b7c5f57729d4566
dir: /src/pt2_structs.h/
#pragma once #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN #include <windows.h> #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "pt2_header.h" #include "pt2_hpc.h" // for .WAV sample loading/saving typedef struct wavHeader_t { uint32_t chunkID, chunkSize, format, subchunk1ID, subchunk1Size; uint16_t audioFormat, numChannels; uint32_t sampleRate, byteRate; uint16_t blockAlign, bitsPerSample; uint32_t subchunk2ID, subchunk2Size; } wavHeader_t; typedef struct sampleLoop_t { uint32_t dwIdentifier, dwType, dwStart; uint32_t dwEnd, dwFraction, dwPlayCount; } sampleLoop_t; typedef struct samplerChunk_t { uint32_t chunkID, chunkSize, dwManufacturer, dwProduct; uint32_t dwSamplePeriod, dwMIDIUnityNote, wMIDIPitchFraction; uint32_t dwSMPTEFormat, dwSMPTEOffset, cSampleLoops, cbSamplerData; sampleLoop_t loop; } samplerChunk_t; typedef struct mptExtraChunk_t { uint32_t chunkID, chunkSize, flags; uint16_t defaultPan, defaultVolume, globalVolume, reserved; uint8_t vibratoType, vibratoSweep, vibratoDepth, vibratoRate; } mptExtraChunk_t; // ----------------------------------------- typedef struct note_t { uint8_t param, sample, command; uint16_t period; } note_t; typedef struct moduleHeader_t { char name[20 + 1]; uint16_t order[MOD_ORDERS], numOrders; uint16_t initialTempo; // used for STK/UST modules after module is loaded } moduleHeader_t; typedef struct moduleSample_t { volatile int8_t *volumeDisp; volatile int32_t *lengthDisp, *loopStartDisp, *loopLengthDisp; char text[22 + 1]; int8_t volume; uint8_t fineTune; int32_t offset, length, loopStart, loopLength; } moduleSample_t; typedef struct moduleChannel_t { int8_t *n_start, *n_wavestart, *n_loopstart, n_chanindex, n_volume; int8_t n_toneportdirec, n_pattpos, n_loopcount; uint8_t n_wavecontrol, n_glissfunk, n_sampleoffset, n_toneportspeed; uint8_t n_vibratocmd, n_tremolocmd, n_finetune, n_funkoffset, n_samplenum; uint8_t n_vibratopos, n_tremolopos; int16_t n_period, n_note, n_wantedperiod; uint16_t n_cmd, n_length, n_replen; uint32_t n_scopedelta; // for pt2_sync.c uint8_t syncFlags; int8_t syncAnalyzerVolume, syncVuVolume; uint16_t syncAnalyzerPeriod; } moduleChannel_t; typedef struct module_t { bool loaded, modified; int8_t *sampleData; volatile int32_t tick, speed; int8_t row; // used for different things, so must not be internal to replayer moduleHeader_t header; moduleSample_t samples[MOD_SAMPLES]; moduleChannel_t channels[AMIGA_VOICES]; note_t *patterns[MAX_PATTERNS]; // for pattern viewer int8_t currRow; int32_t currSpeed, currBPM; uint16_t currOrder, currPattern; // for MOD2WAV progress bar uint32_t rowsCounter, rowsInTotal; } module_t; typedef struct keyb_t { bool repeatKey, delayKey; bool shiftPressed, leftCtrlPressed, leftAltPressed; bool leftCommandPressed, leftAmigaPressed, keypadEnterPressed; uint8_t repeatCounter, delayCounter; uint64_t repeatDelta, repeatFrac; SDL_Scancode lastRepKey, lastKey; } keyb_t; typedef struct mouse_t { volatile bool setPosFlag, resetCursorColorFlag; bool buttonWaiting, leftButtonPressed, rightButtonPressed; uint8_t repeatCounter, buttonWaitCounter; int32_t x, y, lastMouseX, setPosX, setPosY, lastGUIButton, prevX, prevY; int32_t lastSmpFilterButton, lastSamplingButton; uint32_t buttonState; } mouse_t; typedef struct video_t { bool fullscreen, vsync60HzPresent, windowHidden, useDesktopMouseCoords; int32_t renderX, renderY, renderW, renderH, displayW, displayH; int32_t xScale, yScale; float fMouseXMul, fMouseYMul; hpc_t vblankHpc; SDL_PixelFormat *pixelFormat; uint32_t *frameBuffer, *frameBufferUnaligned; SDL_Window *window; SDL_Renderer *renderer; SDL_Texture *texture; uint32_t palette[PALETTE_NUM]; #ifdef _WIN32 HWND hWnd; #endif } video_t; typedef struct editor_t { volatile int8_t vuMeterVolumes[AMIGA_VOICES], spectrumVolumes[SPECTRUM_BAR_NUM]; volatile int8_t *sampleFromDisp, *sampleToDisp, *currSampleDisp, realVuMeterVolumes[AMIGA_VOICES]; volatile bool songPlaying, programRunning, isWAVRendering, isSMPRendering, smpRenderingDone; volatile uint16_t *quantizeValueDisp, *metroSpeedDisp, *metroChannelDisp, *sampleVolDisp; volatile uint16_t *vol1Disp, *vol2Disp, *currEditPatternDisp, *currPosDisp, *currPatternDisp; volatile uint16_t *currPosEdPattDisp, *currLengthDisp, *lpCutOffDisp, *hpCutOffDisp; volatile int32_t *samplePosDisp, *chordLengthDisp; char mixText[16]; char *entryNameTmp, *currPath, *dropTempFileName; UNICHAR *fileNameTmpU, *currPathU, *modulesPathU, *samplesPathU; bool errorMsgActive, errorMsgBlock, multiFlag, metroFlag, keypadToggle8CFlag, normalizeFiltersFlag; bool sampleAllFlag, halfClipFlag, newOldFlag, pat2SmpHQ, mixFlag, useLEDFilter; bool modLoaded, autoInsFlag, repeatKeyFlag, sampleZero, tuningFlag; bool stepPlayEnabled, stepPlayBackwards, blockBufferFlag, blockMarkFlag, didQuantize; bool swapChannelFlag, configFound, abortMod2Wav, chordLengthMin, rowVisitTable[MOD_ORDERS * MOD_ROWS]; bool muted[AMIGA_VOICES]; int8_t smpRedoFinetunes[MOD_SAMPLES], smpRedoVolumes[MOD_SAMPLES], multiModeNext[4], trackPattFlag; int8_t *smpRedoBuffer[MOD_SAMPLES], *tempSample, currSample, recordMode, sampleFrom, sampleTo, autoInsSlot; int8_t hiLowInstr, note1, note2, note3, note4, oldNote1, oldNote2, oldNote3, oldNote4; uint8_t playMode, currMode, tuningChan, tuningVol, errorMsgCounter, buffFromPos, buffToPos; uint8_t blockFromPos, blockToPos, timingMode, f6Pos, f7Pos, f8Pos, f9Pos, f10Pos, keyOctave, pNoteFlag; uint8_t tuningNote, resampleNote, initialTempo, initialSpeed, editMoveAdd; int16_t modulateSpeed; uint16_t metroSpeed, metroChannel, sampleVol; uint16_t effectMacros[10], currPlayNote, vol1, vol2, lpCutOff, hpCutOff; int32_t smpRedoLoopStarts[MOD_SAMPLES], smpRedoLoopLengths[MOD_SAMPLES], smpRedoLengths[MOD_SAMPLES]; int32_t oldTempo, modulatePos, modulateOffset, markStartOfs, markEndOfs, pat2SmpPos, samplePos, chordLength; uint64_t musicTime64; double *dPat2SmpBuf; note_t trackBuffer[MOD_ROWS], cmdsBuffer[MOD_ROWS], blockBuffer[MOD_ROWS]; note_t patternBuffer[MOD_ROWS * AMIGA_VOICES], undoBuffer[MOD_ROWS * AMIGA_VOICES]; SDL_Thread *mod2WavThread, *pat2SmpThread; } editor_t; typedef struct diskop_t { volatile bool cached, isFilling, forceStopReading; bool modPackFlg; int8_t mode, smpSaveType; int32_t numEntries, scrollOffset; SDL_Thread *fillThread; } diskop_t; typedef struct cursor_t { uint8_t lastPos, pos, mode, channel; uint32_t bgBuffer[11 * 14]; } cursor_t; typedef struct ui_t { char statusMessage[18], prevStatusMessage[18]; char *dstPtr, *editPos, *textEndPtr, *showTextPtr; bool answerNo, answerYes, throwExit, editTextFlag, askScreenShown, samplerScreenShown; bool leftLoopPinMoving, rightLoopPinMoving, changingSmpResample, changingDrumPadNote; bool forceSampleDrag, forceSampleEdit, introScreenShown; bool aboutScreenShown, clearScreenShown, posEdScreenShown, diskOpScreenShown; bool samplerVolBoxShown, samplerFiltersBoxShown, samplingBoxShown, editOpScreenShown; bool changingSamplingNote; bool force32BitNumPtr; int8_t *numPtr8, tmpDisp8, pointerMode, editOpScreen, editTextType, askScreenType; int8_t visualizerMode, previousPointerMode, forceVolDrag, changingChordNote; uint8_t numLen, numBits; // render/update flags bool updateStatusText, updatePatternData; bool updateSongName, updateMod2WavDialog, mod2WavFinished; // edit op. #2 bool updateRecordText, updateQuantizeText, updateMetro1Text, updateMetro2Text; bool updateFromText, updateKeysText, updateToText; // edit op. #3 bool updateMixText, updatePosText, updateModText, updateVolText; // edit op. #4 (sample chord editor) bool updateChordLengthText, updateChordNote1Text, updateChordNote2Text; bool updateChordNote3Text, updateChordNote4Text; // sampler bool updateResampleNote, updateVolFromText, updateVolToText, updateLPText; bool updateHPText, updateNormFlag, update9xxPos; // general bool updateSongPos, updateSongPattern, updateSongLength, updateCurrSampleFineTune; bool updateCurrSampleNum, updateCurrSampleVolume, updateCurrSampleLength; bool updateCurrSampleRepeat, updateCurrSampleReplen, updateCurrSampleName; bool updateSongSize, updateSongTiming, updateSongBPM; bool updateCurrPattText, updateTrackerFlags, pat2SmpDialogShown; // disk op. bool updateLoadMode, updatePackText, updateSaveFormatText, updateDiskOpPathText; // pos ed. bool updatePosEd, updateDiskOpFileList; // these are used when things are drawn on top, for example clear/ask dialogs bool disablePosEd, disableVisualizer; int16_t lineCurX, lineCurY, editObject, sampleMarkingPos; uint16_t *numPtr16, tmpDisp16, *dstOffset, dstPos, textLength, editTextPos; uint16_t dstOffsetEnd, lastSampleOffset, diskOpPathTextOffset; int32_t askTempData, *numPtr32, tmpDisp32; } ui_t; extern keyb_t keyb; extern mouse_t mouse; extern video_t video; extern editor_t editor; extern diskop_t diskop; extern cursor_t cursor; extern ui_t ui; extern module_t *song; // pt2_main.c