ref: d75e8f47d40918903dbf715afcbf1472ed58ae4a
dir: /osc_out.c/
#include "osc_out.h" #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <errno.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> struct Oosc_dev { int fd; // Just keep the whole list around, since juggling the strict-aliasing // problems with sockaddr_storage is not worth it. struct addrinfo *chosen; struct addrinfo *head; }; Oosc_udp_create_error oosc_dev_create_udp(Oosc_dev **out_ptr, char const *dest_addr, char const *dest_port) { struct addrinfo hints = {0}; hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_protocol = 0; hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; struct addrinfo *chosen = NULL; struct addrinfo *head = NULL; int err = getaddrinfo(dest_addr, dest_port, &hints, &head); if (err != 0) { #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get address info, error: %d\n", errno); #endif return Oosc_udp_create_error_getaddrinfo_failed; } // Special behavior: if no hostname was provided, we'll get loopback(s) from // getaddrinfo. Which is good. But on systems with both an ipv4 and ipv6 // address, we might get the ipv6 address listed first. And the OSC server, // for example Plogue Bidule, might not support ipv6. And defaulting to the // ipv6 loopback wouldn't work, in that case. So if there's no hostname, and // we find an ipv4 address in the results, prefer to use that. // // Actually let's just prefer ipv4 completely for now #if 0 if (!dest_addr) { #endif { for (struct addrinfo *a = head; a; a = a->ai_next) { if (a->ai_family != AF_INET) continue; chosen = a; break; } } if (!chosen) chosen = head; #if 0 for (struct addrinfo* a = head; a; a = a->ai_next) { char buff[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; char const* str = NULL; if (a->ai_family == AF_INET) { str = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &((struct sockaddr_in*)a->ai_addr)->sin_addr, buff, sizeof(buff)); } else if (a->ai_family == AF_INET6) { str = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &((struct sockaddr_in6*)a->ai_addr)->sin6_addr, buff, sizeof(buff)); } if (str) { fprintf(stderr, "ntop name: %s\n", str); } else { fprintf(stderr, "inet_ntop error\n"); } } #endif int udpfd = socket(chosen->ai_family, chosen->ai_socktype, chosen->ai_protocol); if (udpfd < 0) { #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open UDP socket, error number: %d\n", errno); #endif freeaddrinfo(head); return Oosc_udp_create_error_couldnt_open_socket; } Oosc_dev *dev = malloc(sizeof(Oosc_dev)); dev->fd = udpfd; dev->chosen = chosen; dev->head = head; *out_ptr = dev; return Oosc_udp_create_error_ok; } void oosc_dev_destroy(Oosc_dev *dev) { close(dev->fd); freeaddrinfo(dev->head); free(dev); } void oosc_send_datagram(Oosc_dev *dev, char const *data, Usz size) { ssize_t res = sendto(dev->fd, data, size, 0, dev->chosen->ai_addr, dev->chosen->ai_addrlen); (void)res; // TODO handle this in UI somehow #if 0 if (res < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "UDP message send failed\n"); exit(1); } #endif } static bool oosc_write_strn(char *restrict buffer, Usz buffer_size, Usz *buffer_pos, char const *restrict in_str, Usz in_str_len) { // no overflow check, should be fine Usz in_plus_null = in_str_len + 1; Usz null_pad = (4 - in_plus_null % 4) % 4; Usz needed = in_plus_null + null_pad; Usz cur_pos = *buffer_pos; if (cur_pos + needed >= buffer_size) return false; for (Usz i = 0; i < in_str_len; ++i) { buffer[cur_pos + i] = in_str[i]; } buffer[cur_pos + in_str_len] = 0; cur_pos += in_plus_null; for (Usz i = 0; i < null_pad; ++i) { buffer[cur_pos + i] = 0; } *buffer_pos = cur_pos + null_pad; return true; } void oosc_send_int32s(Oosc_dev *dev, char const *osc_address, I32 const *vals, Usz count) { char buffer[2048]; Usz buf_pos = 0; if (!oosc_write_strn(buffer, sizeof(buffer), &buf_pos, osc_address, strlen(osc_address))) return; Usz typetag_str_size = 1 + count + 1; // comma, 'i'... , null Usz typetag_str_null_pad = (4 - typetag_str_size % 4) % 4; if (buf_pos + typetag_str_size + typetag_str_null_pad > sizeof(buffer)) return; buffer[buf_pos] = ','; ++buf_pos; for (Usz i = 0; i < count; ++i) { buffer[buf_pos + i] = 'i'; } buffer[buf_pos + count] = 0; buf_pos += count + 1; for (Usz i = 0; i < typetag_str_null_pad; ++i) { buffer[buf_pos + i] = 0; } buf_pos += typetag_str_null_pad; Usz ints_size = count * sizeof(I32); if (buf_pos + ints_size > sizeof(buffer)) return; for (Usz i = 0; i < count; ++i) { union { I32 i; U32 u; } pun; pun.i = vals[i]; U32 u_ne = htonl(pun.u); memcpy(buffer + buf_pos, &u_ne, sizeof(u_ne)); buf_pos += sizeof(u_ne); } oosc_send_datagram(dev, buffer, buf_pos); } void susnote_list_init(Susnote_list *sl) { sl->buffer = NULL; sl->count = 0; sl->capacity = 0; } void susnote_list_deinit(Susnote_list *sl) { free(sl->buffer); } void susnote_list_clear(Susnote_list *sl) { sl->count = 0; } void susnote_list_add_notes(Susnote_list *sl, Susnote const *restrict notes, Usz added_count, Usz *restrict start_removed, Usz *restrict end_removed) { Susnote *buffer = sl->buffer; Usz count = sl->count; Usz cap = sl->capacity; Usz rem = count + added_count; Usz needed_cap = rem + added_count; if (cap < needed_cap) { cap = needed_cap < 16 ? 16 : orca_round_up_power2(needed_cap); buffer = realloc(buffer, cap * sizeof(Susnote)); sl->capacity = cap; sl->buffer = buffer; } *start_removed = rem; Usz i_in = 0; for (; i_in < added_count; ++i_in) { Susnote this_in = notes[i_in]; for (Usz i_old = 0; i_old < count; ++i_old) { Susnote this_old = buffer[i_old]; if (this_old.chan_note == this_in.chan_note) { buffer[i_old] = this_in; buffer[rem] = this_old; ++rem; goto next_in; } } buffer[count] = this_in; ++count; next_in:; } sl->count = count; *end_removed = rem; } void susnote_list_advance_time(Susnote_list *sl, double delta_time, Usz *restrict start_removed, Usz *restrict end_removed, double *soonest_deadline) { Susnote *restrict buffer = sl->buffer; Usz count = sl->count; *end_removed = count; float delta_float = (float)delta_time; float soonest = 1.0f; for (Usz i = 0; i < count;) { Susnote sn = buffer[i]; sn.remaining -= delta_float; if (sn.remaining > 0.001) { if (sn.remaining < soonest) soonest = sn.remaining; buffer[i].remaining = sn.remaining; ++i; } else { --count; buffer[i] = buffer[count]; buffer[count] = sn; } } *start_removed = count; *soonest_deadline = (double)soonest; sl->count = count; } void susnote_list_remove_by_chan_mask(Susnote_list *sl, Usz chan_mask, Usz *restrict start_removed, Usz *restrict end_removed) { Susnote *restrict buffer = sl->buffer; Usz count = sl->count; *end_removed = count; for (Usz i = 0; i < count;) { Susnote sn = buffer[i]; Usz chan = sn.chan_note >> 8; if (chan_mask & 1u << chan) { --count; buffer[i] = buffer[count]; buffer[count] = sn; } else { ++i; } } *start_removed = count; sl->count = count; } double susnote_list_soonest_deadline(Susnote_list const *sl) { float soonest = 1.0f; Susnote const *buffer = sl->buffer; for (Usz i = 0, n = sl->count; i < n; ++i) { float rem = buffer[i].remaining; if (rem < soonest) soonest = rem; } return (double)soonest; }